# Beautiful Code, Chapter 1. # Implements a regular expression matcher that supports character matches, # '.', '^', '$', and '*'. # Search for the regexp anywhere in the text. match = (regexp, text) -> return match_here(regexp.slice(1), text) if regexp[0] is '^' while text return true if match_here(regexp, text) text = text.slice(1) false # Search for the regexp at the beginning of the text. match_here = (regexp, text) -> [cur, next] = [regexp[0], regexp[1]] if regexp.length is 0 then return true if next is '*' then return match_star(cur, regexp.slice(2), text) if cur is '$' and not next then return text.length is 0 if text and (cur is '.' or cur is text[0]) then return match_here(regexp.slice(1), text.slice(1)) false # Search for a kleene star match at the beginning of the text. match_star = (c, regexp, text) -> loop return true if match_here(regexp, text) return false unless text and (text[0] is c or c is '.') text = text.slice(1) puts match("ex", "some text") puts match("s..t", "spit") puts match("^..t", "buttercup") puts match("i..$", "cherries") puts match("o*m", "vrooooommm!") puts match("^hel*o$", "hellllllo")