(function() { var AccessorNode, ArrayNode, AssignNode, BaseNode, CallNode, ClassNode, ClosureNode, CodeNode, CommentNode, ExistenceNode, Expressions, ExtendsNode, ForNode, IDENTIFIER, IS_STRING, IfNode, InNode, IndexNode, LiteralNode, NUMBER, ObjectNode, OpNode, ParamNode, ParentheticalNode, PushNode, RangeNode, ReturnNode, SIMPLENUM, Scope, SliceNode, SplatNode, TAB, TRAILING_WHITESPACE, ThrowNode, TryNode, UTILITIES, ValueNode, WhileNode, _a, compact, del, ends, flatten, helpers, include, indexOf, literal, merge, starts, utility; var __extends = function(child, parent) { var ctor = function(){}; ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.prototype.constructor = child; if (typeof parent.extended === "function") parent.extended(child); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; }; if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null) { Scope = require('./scope').Scope; helpers = require('./helpers').helpers; } else { this.exports = this; helpers = this.helpers; Scope = this.Scope; } _a = helpers; compact = _a.compact; flatten = _a.flatten; merge = _a.merge; del = _a.del; include = _a.include; indexOf = _a.indexOf; starts = _a.starts; ends = _a.ends; exports.BaseNode = (function() { BaseNode = function() { this.tags = {}; return this; }; BaseNode.prototype.compile = function(o) { var closure, top; this.options = merge(o || {}); this.tab = o.indent; if (!(this instanceof AccessorNode || this instanceof IndexNode)) { del(this.options, 'chainRoot'); } top = this.topSensitive() ? this.options.top : del(this.options, 'top'); closure = this.isStatement(o) && !this.isPureStatement() && !top && !this.options.asStatement && !(this instanceof CommentNode) && !this.containsPureStatement(); return closure ? this.compileClosure(this.options) : this.compileNode(this.options); }; BaseNode.prototype.compileClosure = function(o) { this.tab = o.indent; o.sharedScope = o.scope; return ClosureNode.wrap(this).compile(o); }; BaseNode.prototype.compileReference = function(o, options) { var compiled, pair, reference; options || (options = {}); pair = (function() { if (!((this instanceof CallNode || this.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof CallNode; })) || (this instanceof ValueNode && (!(this.base instanceof LiteralNode) || this.hasProperties())))) { return [this, this]; } else if (this instanceof ValueNode && options.assignment) { return this.cacheIndexes(o); } else { reference = literal(o.scope.freeVariable()); compiled = new AssignNode(reference, this); return [compiled, reference]; } }).call(this); if (options.precompile) { return [pair[0].compile(o), pair[1].compile(o)]; } return pair; }; BaseNode.prototype.idt = function(tabs) { var idt, num; idt = this.tab || ''; num = (tabs || 0) + 1; while (num -= 1) { idt += TAB; } return idt; }; BaseNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return new ReturnNode(this); }; BaseNode.prototype.contains = function(block) { var contains; contains = false; this.traverseChildren(false, function(node) { if (block(node)) { contains = true; return false; } }); return contains; }; BaseNode.prototype.containsType = function(type) { return this instanceof type || this.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof type; }); }; BaseNode.prototype.containsPureStatement = function() { return this.isPureStatement() || this.contains(function(n) { return n.isPureStatement && n.isPureStatement(); }); }; BaseNode.prototype.traverse = function(block) { return this.traverseChildren(true, block); }; BaseNode.prototype.toString = function(idt, override) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, child, children; idt || (idt = ''); children = (function() { _b = []; _d = this.collectChildren(); for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { child = _d[_c]; _b.push(child.toString(idt + TAB)); } return _b; }).call(this).join(''); return '\n' + idt + (override || this["class"]) + children; }; BaseNode.prototype.eachChild = function(func) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, attr, child; if (!(this.children)) { return null; } _b = []; _d = this.children; for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { attr = _d[_c]; if (this[attr]) { _g = flatten([this[attr]]); for (_f = 0, _h = _g.length; _f < _h; _f++) { child = _g[_f]; if (func(child) === false) { return null; } } } } return _b; }; BaseNode.prototype.collectChildren = function() { var nodes; nodes = []; this.eachChild(function(node) { return nodes.push(node); }); return nodes; }; BaseNode.prototype.traverseChildren = function(crossScope, func) { return this.eachChild(function(child) { func.apply(this, arguments); if (child instanceof BaseNode) { return child.traverseChildren(crossScope, func); } }); }; BaseNode.prototype["class"] = 'BaseNode'; BaseNode.prototype.children = []; BaseNode.prototype.unwrap = function() { return this; }; BaseNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return false; }; BaseNode.prototype.isPureStatement = function() { return false; }; BaseNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return false; }; return BaseNode; })(); exports.Expressions = (function() { Expressions = function(nodes) { Expressions.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.expressions = compact(flatten(nodes || [])); return this; }; __extends(Expressions, BaseNode); Expressions.prototype["class"] = 'Expressions'; Expressions.prototype.children = ['expressions']; Expressions.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; Expressions.prototype.push = function(node) { this.expressions.push(node); return this; }; Expressions.prototype.unshift = function(node) { this.expressions.unshift(node); return this; }; Expressions.prototype.unwrap = function() { return this.expressions.length === 1 ? this.expressions[0] : this; }; Expressions.prototype.empty = function() { return this.expressions.length === 0; }; Expressions.prototype.makeReturn = function() { var idx, last; idx = this.expressions.length - 1; last = this.expressions[idx]; if (last instanceof CommentNode) { last = this.expressions[idx -= 1]; } if (!last || last instanceof ReturnNode) { return this; } this.expressions[idx] = last.makeReturn(); return this; }; Expressions.prototype.compile = function(o) { o || (o = {}); return o.scope ? Expressions.__super__.compile.call(this, o) : this.compileRoot(o); }; Expressions.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, node; return (function() { _b = []; _d = this.expressions; for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { node = _d[_c]; _b.push(this.compileExpression(node, merge(o))); } return _b; }).call(this).join("\n"); }; Expressions.prototype.compileRoot = function(o) { var code; o.indent = (this.tab = o.noWrap ? '' : TAB); o.scope = new Scope(null, this, null); code = this.compileWithDeclarations(o); code = code.replace(TRAILING_WHITESPACE, ''); return o.noWrap ? code : ("(function() {\n" + (code) + "\n})();\n"); }; Expressions.prototype.compileWithDeclarations = function(o) { var code; code = this.compileNode(o); if (o.scope.hasAssignments(this)) { code = ("" + (this.tab) + "var " + (o.scope.compiledAssignments()) + ";\n" + (code)); } if (!o.globals && o.scope.hasDeclarations(this)) { code = ("" + (this.tab) + "var " + (o.scope.compiledDeclarations()) + ";\n" + (code)); } return code; }; Expressions.prototype.compileExpression = function(node, o) { var compiledNode; this.tab = o.indent; compiledNode = node.compile(merge(o, { top: true })); return node.isStatement(o) ? compiledNode : ("" + (this.idt()) + (compiledNode) + ";"); }; return Expressions; })(); Expressions.wrap = function(nodes) { if (nodes.length === 1 && nodes[0] instanceof Expressions) { return nodes[0]; } return new Expressions(nodes); }; exports.LiteralNode = (function() { LiteralNode = function(_b) { this.value = _b; LiteralNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(LiteralNode, BaseNode); LiteralNode.prototype["class"] = 'LiteralNode'; LiteralNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this.isStatement() ? this : LiteralNode.__super__.makeReturn.call(this); }; LiteralNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return this.value === 'break' || this.value === 'continue' || this.value === 'debugger'; }; LiteralNode.prototype.isPureStatement = LiteralNode.prototype.isStatement; LiteralNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var end, idt; idt = this.isStatement(o) ? this.idt() : ''; end = this.isStatement(o) ? ';' : ''; return idt + this.value + end; }; LiteralNode.prototype.toString = function(idt) { return '"' + this.value + '"'; }; return LiteralNode; })(); exports.ReturnNode = (function() { ReturnNode = function(_b) { this.expression = _b; ReturnNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(ReturnNode, BaseNode); ReturnNode.prototype["class"] = 'ReturnNode'; ReturnNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; ReturnNode.prototype.isPureStatement = function() { return true; }; ReturnNode.prototype.children = ['expression']; ReturnNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this; }; ReturnNode.prototype.compile = function(o) { var expr; expr = this.expression.makeReturn(); if (!(expr instanceof ReturnNode)) { return expr.compile(o); } return ReturnNode.__super__.compile.call(this, o); }; ReturnNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { if (this.expression.isStatement(o)) { o.asStatement = true; } return "" + (this.tab) + "return " + (this.expression.compile(o)) + ";"; }; return ReturnNode; })(); exports.ValueNode = (function() { ValueNode = function(_b, _c) { this.properties = _c; this.base = _b; ValueNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.properties || (this.properties = []); return this; }; __extends(ValueNode, BaseNode); ValueNode.prototype["class"] = 'ValueNode'; ValueNode.prototype.children = ['base', 'properties']; ValueNode.prototype.push = function(prop) { this.properties.push(prop); return this; }; ValueNode.prototype.hasProperties = function() { return !!this.properties.length; }; ValueNode.prototype.isArray = function() { return this.base instanceof ArrayNode && !this.hasProperties(); }; ValueNode.prototype.isObject = function() { return this.base instanceof ObjectNode && !this.hasProperties(); }; ValueNode.prototype.isSplice = function() { return this.hasProperties() && this.properties[this.properties.length - 1] instanceof SliceNode; }; ValueNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this.hasProperties() ? ValueNode.__super__.makeReturn.call(this) : this.base.makeReturn(); }; ValueNode.prototype.unwrap = function() { return this.properties.length ? this : this.base; }; ValueNode.prototype.isStatement = function(o) { return this.base.isStatement && this.base.isStatement(o) && !this.hasProperties(); }; ValueNode.prototype.isNumber = function() { return this.base instanceof LiteralNode && this.base.value.match(NUMBER); }; ValueNode.prototype.cacheIndexes = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, copy, i; copy = new ValueNode(this.base, this.properties.slice(0)); _c = copy.properties; for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) { (function() { var _e, index, indexVar; var i = _b; var prop = _c[_b]; if (prop instanceof IndexNode && prop.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof CallNode; })) { _e = prop.index.compileReference(o); index = _e[0]; indexVar = _e[1]; this.properties[i] = new IndexNode(index); return (copy.properties[i] = new IndexNode(indexVar)); } }).call(this); } return [this, copy]; }; ValueNode.prototype.compile = function(o) { return !o.top || this.properties.length ? ValueNode.__super__.compile.call(this, o) : this.base.compile(o); }; ValueNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, baseline, complete, i, only, op, props; only = del(o, 'onlyFirst'); op = this.tags.operation; props = only ? this.properties.slice(0, this.properties.length - 1) : this.properties; o.chainRoot || (o.chainRoot = this); if (this.parenthetical && !props.length) { this.base.parenthetical = true; } baseline = this.base.compile(o); if (this.hasProperties() && (this.base instanceof ObjectNode || this.isNumber())) { baseline = ("(" + (baseline) + ")"); } complete = (this.last = baseline); _c = props; for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) { (function() { var part, temp; var i = _b; var prop = _c[_b]; this.source = baseline; if (prop.soakNode) { if (this.base instanceof CallNode || this.base.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof CallNode; }) && i === 0) { temp = o.scope.freeVariable(); complete = ("(" + (baseline = temp) + " = (" + (complete) + "))"); } complete = i === 0 ? ("(typeof " + (complete) + " === \"undefined\" || " + (baseline) + " === null) ? undefined : ") : ("" + (complete) + " == null ? undefined : "); return complete += (baseline += prop.compile(o)); } else { part = prop.compile(o); baseline += part; complete += part; return (this.last = part); } }).call(this); } return op && this.wrapped ? ("(" + (complete) + ")") : complete; }; return ValueNode; })(); exports.CommentNode = (function() { CommentNode = function(_b) { this.comment = _b; CommentNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(CommentNode, BaseNode); CommentNode.prototype["class"] = 'CommentNode'; CommentNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; CommentNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this; }; CommentNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { return this.tab + '/*' + this.comment.replace(/\r?\n/g, '\n' + this.tab) + '*/'; }; return CommentNode; })(); exports.CallNode = (function() { CallNode = function(variable, _b, _c) { this.exist = _c; this.args = _b; CallNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.isNew = false; this.isSuper = variable === 'super'; this.variable = this.isSuper ? null : variable; this.args || (this.args = []); this.first = (this.last = ''); this.compileSplatArguments = function(o) { return SplatNode.compileSplattedArray.call(this, this.args, o); }; return this; }; __extends(CallNode, BaseNode); CallNode.prototype["class"] = 'CallNode'; CallNode.prototype.children = ['variable', 'args']; CallNode.prototype.newInstance = function() { this.isNew = true; return this; }; CallNode.prototype.prefix = function() { return this.isNew ? 'new ' : ''; }; CallNode.prototype.superReference = function(o) { var meth, methname; methname = o.scope.method.name; return (meth = (function() { if (o.scope.method.proto) { return "" + (o.scope.method.proto) + ".__super__." + (methname); } else if (methname) { return "" + (methname) + ".__super__.constructor"; } else { throw new Error("cannot call super on an anonymous function."); } })()); }; CallNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, arg, args, compilation; if (!(o.chainRoot)) { o.chainRoot = this; } if (this.exist) { _b = this.variable.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); this.first = _b[0]; this.meth = _b[1]; this.first = ("(typeof " + (this.first) + " === \"function\" ? "); this.last = " : undefined)"; } else if (this.variable) { this.meth = this.variable.compile(o); } _d = this.args; for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { arg = _d[_c]; if (arg instanceof SplatNode) { compilation = this.compileSplat(o); } } if (!compilation) { args = (function() { _f = []; _h = this.args; for (_g = 0, _i = _h.length; _g < _i; _g++) { arg = _h[_g]; _f.push((function() { arg.parenthetical = true; return arg.compile(o); })()); } return _f; }).call(this); compilation = this.isSuper ? this.compileSuper(args.join(', '), o) : ("" + (this.first) + (this.prefix()) + (this.meth) + "(" + (args.join(', ')) + ")" + (this.last)); } return compilation; }; CallNode.prototype.compileSuper = function(args, o) { return "" + (this.superReference(o)) + ".call(this" + (args.length ? ', ' : '') + (args) + ")"; }; CallNode.prototype.compileSplat = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, mentionsArgs, meth, obj, temp; meth = this.meth || this.superReference(o); obj = this.variable && this.variable.source || 'this'; if (obj.match(/\(/)) { temp = o.scope.freeVariable(); obj = temp; meth = ("(" + (temp) + " = " + (this.variable.source) + ")" + (this.variable.last)); } if (this.isNew) { mentionsArgs = false; _c = this.args; for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) { (function() { var arg = _c[_b]; return arg.contains(function(n) { return mentionsArgs || (mentionsArgs = (n instanceof LiteralNode && (n.value === 'arguments'))); }); })(); } utility('extends'); return "" + (this.first) + "(function() {\n" + (this.idt(1)) + "var ctor = function(){};\n" + (this.idt(1)) + "__extends(ctor, " + (meth) + ");\n" + (this.idt(1)) + "return " + (meth) + ".apply(new ctor, " + (this.compileSplatArguments(o)) + ");\n" + (this.tab) + "})." + (mentionsArgs ? 'apply(this, arguments)' : 'call(this)') + (this.last); } else { return "" + (this.first) + (this.prefix()) + (meth) + ".apply(" + (obj) + ", " + (this.compileSplatArguments(o)) + ")" + (this.last); } }; return CallNode; })(); exports.ExtendsNode = (function() { ExtendsNode = function(_b, _c) { this.parent = _c; this.child = _b; ExtendsNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(ExtendsNode, BaseNode); ExtendsNode.prototype["class"] = 'ExtendsNode'; ExtendsNode.prototype.children = ['child', 'parent']; ExtendsNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var ref; ref = new ValueNode(literal(utility('extends'))); return (new CallNode(ref, [this.child, this.parent])).compile(o); }; return ExtendsNode; })(); exports.AccessorNode = (function() { AccessorNode = function(_b, tag) { this.name = _b; AccessorNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.prototype = tag === 'prototype' ? '.prototype' : ''; this.soakNode = tag === 'soak'; return this; }; __extends(AccessorNode, BaseNode); AccessorNode.prototype["class"] = 'AccessorNode'; AccessorNode.prototype.children = ['name']; AccessorNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var name, namePart; name = this.name.compile(o); o.chainRoot.wrapped || (o.chainRoot.wrapped = this.soakNode); namePart = name.match(IS_STRING) ? ("[" + (name) + "]") : ("." + (name)); return this.prototype + namePart; }; return AccessorNode; })(); exports.IndexNode = (function() { IndexNode = function(_b) { this.index = _b; IndexNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(IndexNode, BaseNode); IndexNode.prototype["class"] = 'IndexNode'; IndexNode.prototype.children = ['index']; IndexNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var idx, prefix; o.chainRoot.wrapped || (o.chainRoot.wrapped = this.soakNode); idx = this.index.compile(o); prefix = this.proto ? '.prototype' : ''; return "" + (prefix) + "[" + (idx) + "]"; }; return IndexNode; })(); exports.RangeNode = (function() { RangeNode = function(_b, _c, tag) { this.to = _c; this.from = _b; RangeNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.exclusive = tag === 'exclusive'; this.equals = this.exclusive ? '' : '='; return this; }; __extends(RangeNode, BaseNode); RangeNode.prototype["class"] = 'RangeNode'; RangeNode.prototype.children = ['from', 'to']; RangeNode.prototype.compileVariables = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, parts; o = merge(o, { top: true }); _b = this.from.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); this.from = _b[0]; this.fromVar = _b[1]; _c = this.to.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); this.to = _c[0]; this.toVar = _c[1]; _d = [this.fromVar.match(SIMPLENUM), this.toVar.match(SIMPLENUM)]; this.fromNum = _d[0]; this.toNum = _d[1]; parts = []; if (this.from !== this.fromVar) { parts.push(this.from); } if (this.to !== this.toVar) { parts.push(this.to); } return parts.length ? ("" + (parts.join('; ')) + "; ") : ''; }; RangeNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var compare, idx, incr, intro, step, stepPart, vars; if (!(o.index)) { return this.compileArray(o); } if (this.fromNum && this.toNum) { return this.compileSimple(o); } idx = del(o, 'index'); step = del(o, 'step'); vars = ("" + (idx) + " = " + (this.fromVar)); intro = ("(" + (this.fromVar) + " <= " + (this.toVar) + " ? " + (idx)); compare = ("" + (intro) + " <" + (this.equals) + " " + (this.toVar) + " : " + (idx) + " >" + (this.equals) + " " + (this.toVar) + ")"); stepPart = step ? step.compile(o) : '1'; incr = step ? ("" + (idx) + " += " + (stepPart)) : ("" + (intro) + " += " + (stepPart) + " : " + (idx) + " -= " + (stepPart) + ")"); return "" + (vars) + "; " + (compare) + "; " + (incr); }; RangeNode.prototype.compileSimple = function(o) { var _b, from, idx, step, to; _b = [parseInt(this.fromNum, 10), parseInt(this.toNum, 10)]; from = _b[0]; to = _b[1]; idx = del(o, 'index'); step = del(o, 'step'); step && (step = ("" + (idx) + " += " + (step.compile(o)))); return from <= to ? ("" + (idx) + " = " + (from) + "; " + (idx) + " <" + (this.equals) + " " + (to) + "; " + (step || ("" + (idx) + "++"))) : ("" + (idx) + " = " + (from) + "; " + (idx) + " >" + (this.equals) + " " + (to) + "; " + (step || ("" + (idx) + "--"))); }; RangeNode.prototype.compileArray = function(o) { var _b, _c, body, clause, i, idt, post, pre, range, result, vars; idt = this.idt(1); vars = this.compileVariables(merge(o, { indent: idt })); if (this.fromNum && this.toNum && (Math.abs(+this.fromNum - +this.toNum) <= 20)) { range = (function() { _c = []; for (var _b = +this.fromNum; +this.fromNum <= +this.toNum ? _b <= +this.toNum : _b >= +this.toNum; +this.fromNum <= +this.toNum ? _b += 1 : _b -= 1){ _c.push(_b); } return _c; }).call(this); if (this.exclusive) { range.pop(); } return ("[" + (range.join(', ')) + "]"); } i = o.scope.freeVariable(); result = o.scope.freeVariable(); pre = ("\n" + (idt) + (result) + " = []; " + (vars)); if (this.fromNum && this.toNum) { o.index = i; body = this.compileSimple(o); } else { clause = ("" + (this.fromVar) + " <= " + (this.toVar) + " ?"); body = ("var " + (i) + " = " + (this.fromVar) + "; " + (clause) + " " + (i) + " <" + (this.equals) + " " + (this.toVar) + " : " + (i) + " >" + (this.equals) + " " + (this.toVar) + "; " + (clause) + " " + (i) + " += 1 : " + (i) + " -= 1"); } post = ("{ " + (result) + ".push(" + (i) + "); }\n" + (idt) + "return " + (result) + ";\n" + (o.indent)); return "(function() {" + (pre) + "\n" + (idt) + "for (" + (body) + ")" + (post) + "}).call(this)"; }; return RangeNode; })(); exports.SliceNode = (function() { SliceNode = function(_b) { this.range = _b; SliceNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(SliceNode, BaseNode); SliceNode.prototype["class"] = 'SliceNode'; SliceNode.prototype.children = ['range']; SliceNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var from, to; from = this.range.from ? this.range.from.compile(o) : '0'; to = this.range.to ? this.range.to.compile(o) : ''; to += (!to || this.range.exclusive ? '' : ' + 1'); if (to) { to = ', ' + to; } return ".slice(" + (from) + (to) + ")"; }; return SliceNode; })(); exports.ObjectNode = (function() { ObjectNode = function(props) { ObjectNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.objects = (this.properties = props || []); return this; }; __extends(ObjectNode, BaseNode); ObjectNode.prototype["class"] = 'ObjectNode'; ObjectNode.prototype.children = ['properties']; ObjectNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; ObjectNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, i, indent, join, lastNoncom, nonComments, obj, prop, props, top; top = del(o, 'top'); o.indent = this.idt(1); nonComments = (function() { _b = []; _d = this.properties; for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { prop = _d[_c]; if (!(prop instanceof CommentNode)) { _b.push(prop); } } return _b; }).call(this); lastNoncom = nonComments[nonComments.length - 1]; props = (function() { _f = []; _g = this.properties; for (i = 0, _h = _g.length; i < _h; i++) { prop = _g[i]; _f.push((function() { join = ",\n"; if ((prop === lastNoncom) || (prop instanceof CommentNode)) { join = "\n"; } if (i === this.properties.length - 1) { join = ''; } indent = prop instanceof CommentNode ? '' : this.idt(1); if (!(prop instanceof AssignNode || prop instanceof CommentNode)) { prop = new AssignNode(prop, prop, 'object'); } return indent + prop.compile(o) + join; }).call(this)); } return _f; }).call(this); props = props.join(''); obj = '{' + (props ? '\n' + props + '\n' + this.idt() : '') + '}'; return top ? ("(" + (obj) + ")") : obj; }; return ObjectNode; })(); exports.ArrayNode = (function() { ArrayNode = function(_b) { this.objects = _b; ArrayNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.objects || (this.objects = []); this.compileSplatLiteral = function(o) { return SplatNode.compileSplattedArray.call(this, this.objects, o); }; return this; }; __extends(ArrayNode, BaseNode); ArrayNode.prototype["class"] = 'ArrayNode'; ArrayNode.prototype.children = ['objects']; ArrayNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, code, i, obj, objects; o.indent = this.idt(1); objects = []; _b = this.objects; for (i = 0, _c = _b.length; i < _c; i++) { obj = _b[i]; code = obj.compile(o); if (obj instanceof SplatNode) { return this.compileSplatLiteral(o); } else if (obj instanceof CommentNode) { objects.push("\n" + (code) + "\n" + (o.indent)); } else if (i === this.objects.length - 1) { objects.push(code); } else { objects.push("" + (code) + ", "); } } objects = objects.join(''); return indexOf(objects, '\n') >= 0 ? ("[\n" + (this.idt(1)) + (objects) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "]") : ("[" + (objects) + "]"); }; return ArrayNode; })(); exports.ClassNode = (function() { ClassNode = function(_b, _c, _d) { this.properties = _d; this.parent = _c; this.variable = _b; ClassNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.properties || (this.properties = []); this.returns = false; return this; }; __extends(ClassNode, BaseNode); ClassNode.prototype["class"] = 'ClassNode'; ClassNode.prototype.children = ['variable', 'parent', 'properties']; ClassNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; ClassNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { this.returns = true; return this; }; ClassNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, access, applied, className, constScope, construct, constructor, extension, func, me, pname, prop, props, pvar, returns, val; if (this.variable === '__temp__') { this.variable = literal(o.scope.freeVariable()); } extension = this.parent && new ExtendsNode(this.variable, this.parent); props = new Expressions(); o.top = true; me = null; className = this.variable.compile(o); constScope = null; if (this.parent) { applied = new ValueNode(this.parent, [new AccessorNode(literal('apply'))]); constructor = new CodeNode([], new Expressions([new CallNode(applied, [literal('this'), literal('arguments')])])); } else { constructor = new CodeNode(); } _c = this.properties; for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) { prop = _c[_b]; _e = [prop.variable, prop.value]; pvar = _e[0]; func = _e[1]; if (pvar && pvar.base.value === 'constructor' && func instanceof CodeNode) { if (func.bound) { throw new Error("cannot define a constructor as a bound function."); } func.name = className; func.body.push(new ReturnNode(literal('this'))); this.variable = new ValueNode(this.variable); this.variable.namespaced = include(func.name, '.'); constructor = func; continue; } if (func instanceof CodeNode && func.bound) { if (prop.context === 'this') { func.context = className; } else { func.bound = false; constScope || (constScope = new Scope(o.scope, constructor.body, constructor)); me || (me = constScope.freeVariable()); pname = pvar.compile(o); if (constructor.body.empty()) { constructor.body.push(new ReturnNode(literal('this'))); } constructor.body.unshift(literal("this." + (pname) + " = function(){ return " + (className) + ".prototype." + (pname) + ".apply(" + (me) + ", arguments); }")); } } if (pvar) { access = prop.context === 'this' ? pvar.base.properties[0] : new AccessorNode(pvar, 'prototype'); val = new ValueNode(this.variable, [access]); prop = new AssignNode(val, func); } props.push(prop); } if (me) { constructor.body.unshift(literal("" + (me) + " = this")); } construct = this.idt() + (new AssignNode(this.variable, constructor)).compile(merge(o, { sharedScope: constScope })) + ';'; props = !props.empty() ? '\n' + props.compile(o) : ''; extension = extension ? '\n' + this.idt() + extension.compile(o) + ';' : ''; returns = this.returns ? '\n' + new ReturnNode(this.variable).compile(o) : ''; return construct + extension + props + returns; }; return ClassNode; })(); exports.AssignNode = (function() { AssignNode = function(_b, _c, _d) { this.context = _d; this.value = _c; this.variable = _b; AssignNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(AssignNode, BaseNode); AssignNode.prototype.PROTO_ASSIGN = /^(\S+)\.prototype/; AssignNode.prototype.LEADING_DOT = /^\.(prototype\.)?/; AssignNode.prototype["class"] = 'AssignNode'; AssignNode.prototype.children = ['variable', 'value']; AssignNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; AssignNode.prototype.isValue = function() { return this.variable instanceof ValueNode; }; AssignNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { if (this.isStatement()) { return new Expressions([this, new ReturnNode(this.variable)]); } else { return AssignNode.__super__.makeReturn.call(this); } }; AssignNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return this.isValue() && (this.variable.isArray() || this.variable.isObject()); }; AssignNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var last, match, name, proto, stmt, top, val; top = del(o, 'top'); if (this.isStatement(o)) { return this.compilePatternMatch(o); } if (this.isValue() && this.variable.isSplice()) { return this.compileSplice(o); } stmt = del(o, 'asStatement'); name = this.variable.compile(o); last = this.isValue() ? this.variable.last.replace(this.LEADING_DOT, '') : name; match = name.match(this.PROTO_ASSIGN); proto = match && match[1]; if (this.value instanceof CodeNode) { if (last.match(IDENTIFIER)) { this.value.name = last; } if (proto) { this.value.proto = proto; } } val = this.value.compile(o); if (this.context === 'object') { return ("" + (name) + ": " + (val)); } if (!(this.isValue() && (this.variable.hasProperties() || this.variable.namespaced))) { o.scope.find(name); } val = ("" + (name) + " = " + (val)); if (stmt) { return ("" + (this.tab) + (val) + ";"); } return top || this.parenthetical ? val : ("(" + (val) + ")"); }; AssignNode.prototype.compilePatternMatch = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, accessClass, assigns, code, i, idx, isString, obj, oindex, olength, splat, val, valVar, value; valVar = o.scope.freeVariable(); value = this.value.isStatement(o) ? ClosureNode.wrap(this.value) : this.value; assigns = [("" + (this.tab) + (valVar) + " = " + (value.compile(o)) + ";")]; o.top = true; o.asStatement = true; splat = false; _b = this.variable.base.objects; for (i = 0, _c = _b.length; i < _c; i++) { obj = _b[i]; idx = i; if (this.variable.isObject()) { if (obj instanceof AssignNode) { _d = [obj.value, obj.variable.base]; obj = _d[0]; idx = _d[1]; } else { idx = obj; } } if (!(obj instanceof ValueNode || obj instanceof SplatNode)) { throw new Error('pattern matching must use only identifiers on the left-hand side.'); } isString = idx.value && idx.value.match(IS_STRING); accessClass = isString || this.variable.isArray() ? IndexNode : AccessorNode; if (obj instanceof SplatNode && !splat) { val = literal(obj.compileValue(o, valVar, oindex = indexOf(this.variable.base.objects, obj), (olength = this.variable.base.objects.length) - oindex - 1)); splat = true; } else { if (typeof idx !== 'object') { idx = literal(splat ? ("" + (valVar) + ".length - " + (olength - idx)) : idx); } val = new ValueNode(literal(valVar), [new accessClass(idx)]); } assigns.push(new AssignNode(obj, val).compile(o)); } code = assigns.join("\n"); return code; }; AssignNode.prototype.compileSplice = function(o) { var from, l, name, plus, range, to, val; name = this.variable.compile(merge(o, { onlyFirst: true })); l = this.variable.properties.length; range = this.variable.properties[l - 1].range; plus = range.exclusive ? '' : ' + 1'; from = range.from ? range.from.compile(o) : '0'; to = range.to ? range.to.compile(o) + ' - ' + from + plus : ("" + (name) + ".length"); val = this.value.compile(o); return "" + (name) + ".splice.apply(" + (name) + ", [" + (from) + ", " + (to) + "].concat(" + (val) + "))"; }; return AssignNode; })(); exports.CodeNode = (function() { CodeNode = function(_b, _c, tag) { this.body = _c; this.params = _b; CodeNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.params || (this.params = []); this.body || (this.body = new Expressions()); this.bound = tag === 'boundfunc'; if (this.bound) { this.context = 'this'; } return this; }; __extends(CodeNode, BaseNode); CodeNode.prototype["class"] = 'CodeNode'; CodeNode.prototype.children = ['params', 'body']; CodeNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, code, empty, func, i, param, params, sharedScope, splat, top, value; sharedScope = del(o, 'sharedScope'); top = del(o, 'top'); o.scope = sharedScope || new Scope(o.scope, this.body, this); o.top = true; o.indent = this.idt(1); empty = this.body.expressions.length === 0; del(o, 'noWrap'); del(o, 'globals'); splat = undefined; params = []; _b = this.params; for (i = 0, _c = _b.length; i < _c; i++) { param = _b[i]; if (splat) { if (param.attach) { param.assign = new AssignNode(new ValueNode(literal('this'), [new AccessorNode(param.value)])); this.body.expressions.splice(splat.index + 1, 0, param.assign); } splat.trailings.push(param); } else { if (param.attach) { _d = param; value = _d.value; _e = [literal(o.scope.freeVariable()), param.splat]; param = _e[0]; param.splat = _e[1]; this.body.unshift(new AssignNode(new ValueNode(literal('this'), [new AccessorNode(value)]), param)); } if (param.splat) { splat = new SplatNode(param.value); splat.index = i; splat.trailings = []; splat.arglength = this.params.length; this.body.unshift(splat); } else { params.push(param); } } } params = (function() { _f = []; _h = params; for (_g = 0, _i = _h.length; _g < _i; _g++) { param = _h[_g]; _f.push(param.compile(o)); } return _f; })(); if (!(empty)) { this.body.makeReturn(); } _k = params; for (_j = 0, _l = _k.length; _j < _l; _j++) { param = _k[_j]; (o.scope.parameter(param)); } code = this.body.expressions.length ? ("\n" + (this.body.compileWithDeclarations(o)) + "\n") : ''; func = ("function(" + (params.join(', ')) + ") {" + (code) + (code && this.tab) + "}"); if (this.bound) { return ("" + (utility('bind')) + "(" + (func) + ", " + (this.context) + ")"); } return top ? ("(" + (func) + ")") : func; }; CodeNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; CodeNode.prototype.traverseChildren = function(crossScope, func) { if (crossScope) { return CodeNode.__super__.traverseChildren.call(this, crossScope, func); } }; CodeNode.prototype.toString = function(idt) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, child, children; idt || (idt = ''); children = (function() { _b = []; _d = this.collectChildren(); for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { child = _d[_c]; _b.push(child.toString(idt + TAB)); } return _b; }).call(this).join(''); return '\n' + idt + children; }; return CodeNode; })(); exports.ParamNode = (function() { ParamNode = function(_b, _c, _d) { this.splat = _d; this.attach = _c; this.name = _b; ParamNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.value = literal(this.name); return this; }; __extends(ParamNode, BaseNode); ParamNode.prototype["class"] = 'ParamNode'; ParamNode.prototype.children = ['name']; ParamNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { return this.value.compile(o); }; ParamNode.prototype.toString = function(idt) { return this.attach ? (literal('@' + this.name)).toString(idt) : this.value.toString(idt); }; return ParamNode; })(); exports.SplatNode = (function() { SplatNode = function(name) { SplatNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); if (!(name.compile)) { name = literal(name); } this.name = name; return this; }; __extends(SplatNode, BaseNode); SplatNode.prototype["class"] = 'SplatNode'; SplatNode.prototype.children = ['name']; SplatNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b; return (typeof (_b = this.index) !== "undefined" && _b !== null) ? this.compileParam(o) : this.name.compile(o); }; SplatNode.prototype.compileParam = function(o) { var _b, _c, assign, end, idx, len, name, pos, trailing, variadic; name = this.name.compile(o); o.scope.find(name); end = ''; if (this.trailings.length) { len = o.scope.freeVariable(); o.scope.assign(len, "arguments.length"); variadic = o.scope.freeVariable(); o.scope.assign(variadic, len + ' >= ' + this.arglength); end = this.trailings.length ? (", " + (len) + " - " + (this.trailings.length)) : null; _b = this.trailings; for (idx = 0, _c = _b.length; idx < _c; idx++) { trailing = _b[idx]; if (trailing.attach) { assign = trailing.assign; trailing = literal(o.scope.freeVariable()); assign.value = trailing; } pos = this.trailings.length - idx; o.scope.assign(trailing.compile(o), "arguments[" + (variadic) + " ? " + (len) + " - " + (pos) + " : " + (this.index + idx) + "]"); } } return "" + (name) + " = " + (utility('slice')) + ".call(arguments, " + (this.index) + (end) + ")"; }; SplatNode.prototype.compileValue = function(o, name, index, trailings) { var trail; trail = trailings ? (", " + (name) + ".length - " + (trailings)) : ''; return "" + (utility('slice')) + ".call(" + (name) + ", " + (index) + (trail) + ")"; }; SplatNode.compileSplattedArray = function(list, o) { var _b, _c, arg, args, code, i, last, prev; args = []; _b = list; for (i = 0, _c = _b.length; i < _c; i++) { arg = _b[i]; code = arg.compile(o); prev = args[(last = args.length - 1)]; if (!(arg instanceof SplatNode)) { if (prev && starts(prev, '[') && ends(prev, ']')) { args[last] = ("" + (prev.substr(0, prev.length - 1)) + ", " + (code) + "]"); continue; } else if (prev && starts(prev, '.concat([') && ends(prev, '])')) { args[last] = ("" + (prev.substr(0, prev.length - 2)) + ", " + (code) + "])"); continue; } else { code = ("[" + (code) + "]"); } } args.push(i === 0 ? code : (".concat(" + (code) + ")")); } return args.join(''); }; return SplatNode; }).call(this); exports.WhileNode = (function() { WhileNode = function(condition, opts) { WhileNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); if (opts && opts.invert) { if (condition instanceof OpNode) { condition = new ParentheticalNode(condition); } condition = new OpNode('!', condition); } this.condition = condition; this.guard = opts && opts.guard; return this; }; __extends(WhileNode, BaseNode); WhileNode.prototype["class"] = 'WhileNode'; WhileNode.prototype.children = ['condition', 'guard', 'body']; WhileNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; WhileNode.prototype.addBody = function(body) { this.body = body; return this; }; WhileNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { this.returns = true; return this; }; WhileNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; WhileNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var cond, post, pre, rvar, set, top; top = del(o, 'top') && !this.returns; o.indent = this.idt(1); o.top = true; this.condition.parenthetical = true; cond = this.condition.compile(o); set = ''; if (!(top)) { rvar = o.scope.freeVariable(); set = ("" + (this.tab) + (rvar) + " = [];\n"); if (this.body) { this.body = PushNode.wrap(rvar, this.body); } } pre = ("" + (set) + (this.tab) + "while (" + (cond) + ")"); if (this.guard) { this.body = Expressions.wrap([new IfNode(this.guard, this.body)]); } if (this.returns) { post = '\n' + new ReturnNode(literal(rvar)).compile(merge(o, { indent: this.idt() })); } else { post = ''; } return "" + (pre) + " {\n" + (this.body.compile(o)) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}" + (post); }; return WhileNode; })(); exports.OpNode = (function() { OpNode = function(_b, _c, _d, flip) { this.second = _d; this.first = _c; this.operator = _b; OpNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.operator = this.CONVERSIONS[this.operator] || this.operator; this.flip = !!flip; if (this.first instanceof ValueNode && this.first.base instanceof ObjectNode) { this.first = new ParentheticalNode(this.first); } this.first.tags.operation = true; if (this.second) { this.second.tags.operation = true; } return this; }; __extends(OpNode, BaseNode); OpNode.prototype.CONVERSIONS = { '==': '===', '!=': '!==' }; OpNode.prototype.INVERSIONS = { '!==': '===', '===': '!==' }; OpNode.prototype.CHAINABLE = ['<', '>', '>=', '<=', '===', '!==']; OpNode.prototype.ASSIGNMENT = ['||=', '&&=', '?=']; OpNode.prototype.PREFIX_OPERATORS = ['typeof', 'delete']; OpNode.prototype["class"] = 'OpNode'; OpNode.prototype.children = ['first', 'second']; OpNode.prototype.isUnary = function() { return !this.second; }; OpNode.prototype.isInvertible = function() { var _b; return (('===' === (_b = this.operator) || '!==' === _b)) && !(this.first instanceof OpNode) && !(this.second instanceof OpNode); }; OpNode.prototype.isMutator = function() { var _b; return ends(this.operator, '=') && !(('===' === (_b = this.operator) || '!==' === _b)); }; OpNode.prototype.isChainable = function() { return include(this.CHAINABLE, this.operator); }; OpNode.prototype.invert = function() { return (this.operator = this.INVERSIONS[this.operator]); }; OpNode.prototype.toString = function(idt) { return OpNode.__super__.toString.call(this, idt, this["class"] + ' ' + this.operator); }; OpNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { if (this.isChainable() && this.first.unwrap() instanceof OpNode && this.first.unwrap().isChainable()) { return this.compileChain(o); } if (indexOf(this.ASSIGNMENT, this.operator) >= 0) { return this.compileAssignment(o); } if (this.isUnary()) { return this.compileUnary(o); } if (this.operator === '?') { return this.compileExistence(o); } if (this.first instanceof OpNode && this.first.isMutator()) { this.first = new ParentheticalNode(this.first); } if (this.second instanceof OpNode && this.second.isMutator()) { this.second = new ParentheticalNode(this.second); } return [this.first.compile(o), this.operator, this.second.compile(o)].join(' '); }; OpNode.prototype.compileChain = function(o) { var _b, _c, first, second, shared; shared = this.first.unwrap().second; if (shared.containsType(CallNode)) { _b = shared.compileReference(o); this.first.second = _b[0]; shared = _b[1]; } _c = [this.first.compile(o), this.second.compile(o), shared.compile(o)]; first = _c[0]; second = _c[1]; shared = _c[2]; return "(" + (first) + ") && (" + (shared) + " " + (this.operator) + " " + (second) + ")"; }; OpNode.prototype.compileAssignment = function(o) { var _b, first, firstVar, second; _b = this.first.compileReference(o, { precompile: true, assignment: true }); first = _b[0]; firstVar = _b[1]; second = this.second.compile(o); if (this.second instanceof OpNode) { second = ("(" + (second) + ")"); } if (first.match(IDENTIFIER)) { o.scope.find(first); } if (this.operator === '?=') { return ("" + (first) + " = " + (ExistenceNode.compileTest(o, literal(firstVar))[0]) + " ? " + (firstVar) + " : " + (second)); } return "" + (first) + " " + (this.operator.substr(0, 2)) + " (" + (firstVar) + " = " + (second) + ")"; }; OpNode.prototype.compileExistence = function(o) { var _b, ref, test; _b = ExistenceNode.compileTest(o, this.first); test = _b[0]; ref = _b[1]; return "" + (test) + " ? " + (ref) + " : " + (this.second.compile(o)); }; OpNode.prototype.compileUnary = function(o) { var parts, space; space = indexOf(this.PREFIX_OPERATORS, this.operator) >= 0 ? ' ' : ''; parts = [this.operator, space, this.first.compile(o)]; if (this.flip) { parts = parts.reverse(); } return parts.join(''); }; return OpNode; })(); exports.InNode = (function() { InNode = function(_b, _c) { this.array = _c; this.object = _b; InNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(InNode, BaseNode); InNode.prototype["class"] = 'InNode'; InNode.prototype.children = ['object', 'array']; InNode.prototype.isArray = function() { return this.array instanceof ValueNode && this.array.isArray(); }; InNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var _b; _b = this.object.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); this.obj1 = _b[0]; this.obj2 = _b[1]; return this.isArray() ? this.compileOrTest(o) : this.compileLoopTest(o); }; InNode.prototype.compileOrTest = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, i, item, tests; tests = (function() { _b = []; _c = this.array.base.objects; for (i = 0, _d = _c.length; i < _d; i++) { item = _c[i]; _b.push("" + (item.compile(o)) + " === " + (i ? this.obj2 : this.obj1)); } return _b; }).call(this); return "(" + (tests.join(' || ')) + ")"; }; InNode.prototype.compileLoopTest = function(o) { var _b, _c, i, l, prefix; _b = this.array.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); this.arr1 = _b[0]; this.arr2 = _b[1]; _c = [o.scope.freeVariable(), o.scope.freeVariable()]; i = _c[0]; l = _c[1]; prefix = this.obj1 !== this.obj2 ? this.obj1 + '; ' : ''; return "(function(){ " + (prefix) + "for (var " + (i) + "=0, " + (l) + "=" + (this.arr1) + ".length; " + (i) + "<" + (l) + "; " + (i) + "++) { if (" + (this.arr2) + "[" + (i) + "] === " + (this.obj2) + ") return true; } return false; }).call(this)"; }; return InNode; })(); exports.TryNode = (function() { TryNode = function(_b, _c, _d, _e) { this.ensure = _e; this.recovery = _d; this.error = _c; this.attempt = _b; TryNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(TryNode, BaseNode); TryNode.prototype["class"] = 'TryNode'; TryNode.prototype.children = ['attempt', 'recovery', 'ensure']; TryNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; TryNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { if (this.attempt) { this.attempt = this.attempt.makeReturn(); } if (this.recovery) { this.recovery = this.recovery.makeReturn(); } return this; }; TryNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var attemptPart, catchPart, errorPart, finallyPart; o.indent = this.idt(1); o.top = true; attemptPart = this.attempt.compile(o); errorPart = this.error ? (" (" + (this.error.compile(o)) + ") ") : ' '; catchPart = this.recovery ? (" catch" + (errorPart) + "{\n" + (this.recovery.compile(o)) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}") : ''; finallyPart = (this.ensure || '') && ' finally {\n' + this.ensure.compile(merge(o)) + ("\n" + (this.tab) + "}"); return "" + (this.tab) + "try {\n" + (attemptPart) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}" + (catchPart) + (finallyPart); }; return TryNode; })(); exports.ThrowNode = (function() { ThrowNode = function(_b) { this.expression = _b; ThrowNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(ThrowNode, BaseNode); ThrowNode.prototype["class"] = 'ThrowNode'; ThrowNode.prototype.children = ['expression']; ThrowNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; ThrowNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this; }; ThrowNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { return "" + (this.tab) + "throw " + (this.expression.compile(o)) + ";"; }; return ThrowNode; })(); exports.ExistenceNode = (function() { ExistenceNode = function(_b) { this.expression = _b; ExistenceNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(ExistenceNode, BaseNode); ExistenceNode.prototype["class"] = 'ExistenceNode'; ExistenceNode.prototype.children = ['expression']; ExistenceNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var test; test = ExistenceNode.compileTest(o, this.expression)[0]; return this.parenthetical ? test.substring(1, test.length - 1) : test; }; ExistenceNode.compileTest = function(o, variable) { var _b, first, second; _b = variable.compileReference(o, { precompile: true }); first = _b[0]; second = _b[1]; return [("(typeof " + (first) + " !== \"undefined\" && " + (second) + " !== null)"), second]; }; return ExistenceNode; }).call(this); exports.ParentheticalNode = (function() { ParentheticalNode = function(_b) { this.expression = _b; ParentheticalNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); return this; }; __extends(ParentheticalNode, BaseNode); ParentheticalNode.prototype["class"] = 'ParentheticalNode'; ParentheticalNode.prototype.children = ['expression']; ParentheticalNode.prototype.isStatement = function(o) { return this.expression.isStatement(o); }; ParentheticalNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { return this.expression.makeReturn(); }; ParentheticalNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; ParentheticalNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var code, top; top = del(o, 'top'); this.expression.parenthetical = true; code = this.expression.compile(o); if (top && this.expression.isPureStatement(o)) { return code; } if (this.parenthetical || this.isStatement(o)) { return top ? this.tab + code + ';' : code; } return "(" + (code) + ")"; }; return ParentheticalNode; })(); exports.ForNode = (function() { ForNode = function(_b, source, _c, _d) { var _e; this.index = _d; this.name = _c; this.body = _b; ForNode.__super__.constructor.call(this); this.index || (this.index = null); this.source = source.source; this.guard = source.guard; this.step = source.step; this.raw = !!source.raw; this.object = !!source.object; if (this.object) { _e = [this.index, this.name]; this.name = _e[0]; this.index = _e[1]; } this.pattern = this.name instanceof ValueNode; if (this.index instanceof ValueNode) { throw new Error('index cannot be a pattern matching expression'); } this.returns = false; return this; }; __extends(ForNode, BaseNode); ForNode.prototype["class"] = 'ForNode'; ForNode.prototype.children = ['body', 'source', 'guard']; ForNode.prototype.isStatement = function() { return true; }; ForNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; ForNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { this.returns = true; return this; }; ForNode.prototype.compileReturnValue = function(val, o) { if (this.returns) { return '\n' + new ReturnNode(literal(val)).compile(o); } if (val) { return '\n' + val; } return ''; }; ForNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { var body, codeInBody, forPart, guardPart, index, ivar, lvar, name, namePart, range, returnResult, rvar, scope, source, sourcePart, stepPart, svar, topLevel, varPart, vars; topLevel = del(o, 'top') && !this.returns; range = this.source instanceof ValueNode && this.source.base instanceof RangeNode && !this.source.properties.length; source = range ? this.source.base : this.source; codeInBody = this.body.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof CodeNode; }); scope = o.scope; name = (this.name && this.name.compile(o)) || scope.freeVariable(); index = this.index && this.index.compile(o); if (name && !this.pattern && (range || !codeInBody)) { scope.find(name, { immediate: true }); } if (index) { scope.find(index, { immediate: true }); } if (!(topLevel)) { rvar = scope.freeVariable(); } ivar = (function() { if (codeInBody) { return scope.freeVariable(); } else if (range) { return name; } else { return index || scope.freeVariable(); } })(); varPart = ''; guardPart = ''; body = Expressions.wrap([this.body]); if (range) { sourcePart = source.compileVariables(o); forPart = source.compile(merge(o, { index: ivar, step: this.step })); } else { svar = scope.freeVariable(); sourcePart = ("" + (svar) + " = " + (this.source.compile(o)) + ";"); if (this.pattern) { namePart = new AssignNode(this.name, literal("" + (svar) + "[" + (ivar) + "]")).compile(merge(o, { indent: this.idt(1), top: true })) + '\n'; } else { if (name) { namePart = ("" + (name) + " = " + (svar) + "[" + (ivar) + "]"); } } if (!(this.object)) { lvar = scope.freeVariable(); stepPart = this.step ? ("" + (ivar) + " += " + (this.step.compile(o))) : ("" + (ivar) + "++"); forPart = ("" + (ivar) + " = 0, " + (lvar) + " = " + (svar) + ".length; " + (ivar) + " < " + (lvar) + "; " + (stepPart)); } } sourcePart = (rvar ? ("" + (rvar) + " = []; ") : '') + sourcePart; sourcePart = sourcePart ? ("" + (this.tab) + (sourcePart) + "\n" + (this.tab)) : this.tab; returnResult = this.compileReturnValue(rvar, o); if (!(topLevel)) { body = PushNode.wrap(rvar, body); } if (this.guard) { body = Expressions.wrap([new IfNode(this.guard, body)]); } if (codeInBody) { if (range) { body.unshift(literal("var " + (name) + " = " + (ivar))); } if (namePart) { body.unshift(literal("var " + (namePart))); } if (index) { body.unshift(literal("var " + (index) + " = " + (ivar))); } body = ClosureNode.wrap(body, true); } else { varPart = (namePart || '') && (this.pattern ? namePart : ("" + (this.idt(1)) + (namePart) + ";\n")); } if (this.object) { forPart = ("" + (ivar) + " in " + (svar)); if (!(this.raw)) { guardPart = ("\n" + (this.idt(1)) + "if (!" + (utility('hasProp')) + ".call(" + (svar) + ", " + (ivar) + ")) continue;"); } } body = body.compile(merge(o, { indent: this.idt(1), top: true })); vars = range ? name : ("" + (name) + ", " + (ivar)); return "" + (sourcePart) + "for (" + (forPart) + ") {" + (guardPart) + "\n" + (varPart) + (body) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}" + (returnResult); }; return ForNode; })(); exports.IfNode = (function() { IfNode = function(_b, _c, _d) { this.tags = _d; this.body = _c; this.condition = _b; this.tags || (this.tags = {}); if (this.tags.invert) { if (this.condition instanceof OpNode && this.condition.isInvertible()) { this.condition.invert(); } else { this.condition = new OpNode('!', new ParentheticalNode(this.condition)); } } this.elseBody = null; this.isChain = false; return this; }; __extends(IfNode, BaseNode); IfNode.prototype["class"] = 'IfNode'; IfNode.prototype.children = ['condition', 'switchSubject', 'body', 'elseBody', 'assigner']; IfNode.prototype.topSensitive = function() { return true; }; IfNode.prototype.bodyNode = function() { return this.body == null ? undefined : this.body.unwrap(); }; IfNode.prototype.elseBodyNode = function() { return this.elseBody == null ? undefined : this.elseBody.unwrap(); }; IfNode.prototype.forceStatement = function() { this.tags.statement = true; return this; }; IfNode.prototype.switchesOver = function(expression) { this.switchSubject = expression; return this; }; IfNode.prototype.rewriteSwitch = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, cond, i, variable; this.assigner = this.switchSubject; if (!(this.switchSubject.unwrap() instanceof LiteralNode)) { variable = literal(o.scope.freeVariable()); this.assigner = new AssignNode(variable, this.switchSubject); this.switchSubject = variable; } this.condition = (function() { _b = []; _c = flatten([this.condition]); for (i = 0, _d = _c.length; i < _d; i++) { cond = _c[i]; _b.push((function() { if (cond instanceof OpNode) { cond = new ParentheticalNode(cond); } return new OpNode('==', i === 0 ? this.assigner : this.switchSubject, cond); }).call(this)); } return _b; }).call(this); if (this.isChain) { this.elseBodyNode().switchesOver(this.switchSubject); } this.switchSubject = undefined; return this; }; IfNode.prototype.addElse = function(elseBody, statement) { if (this.isChain) { this.elseBodyNode().addElse(elseBody, statement); } else { this.isChain = elseBody instanceof IfNode; this.elseBody = this.ensureExpressions(elseBody); } return this; }; IfNode.prototype.isStatement = function(o) { return this.statement || (this.statement = (!!((o && o.top) || this.tags.statement || this.bodyNode().isStatement(o) || (this.elseBody && this.elseBodyNode().isStatement(o))))); }; IfNode.prototype.compileCondition = function(o) { var _b, _c, _d, _e, cond, conditions; conditions = flatten([this.condition]); if (conditions.length === 1) { conditions[0].parenthetical = true; } return (function() { _b = []; _d = conditions; for (_c = 0, _e = _d.length; _c < _e; _c++) { cond = _d[_c]; _b.push(cond.compile(o)); } return _b; })().join(' || '); }; IfNode.prototype.compileNode = function(o) { return this.isStatement(o) ? this.compileStatement(o) : this.compileTernary(o); }; IfNode.prototype.makeReturn = function() { if (this.isStatement()) { this.body && (this.body = this.ensureExpressions(this.body.makeReturn())); this.elseBody && (this.elseBody = this.ensureExpressions(this.elseBody.makeReturn())); return this; } else { return new ReturnNode(this); } }; IfNode.prototype.ensureExpressions = function(node) { return node instanceof Expressions ? node : new Expressions([node]); }; IfNode.prototype.compileStatement = function(o) { var body, child, comDent, condO, elsePart, ifDent, ifPart, top; if (this.switchSubject) { this.rewriteSwitch(o); } top = del(o, 'top'); child = del(o, 'chainChild'); condO = merge(o); o.indent = this.idt(1); o.top = true; ifDent = child || (top && !this.isStatement(o)) ? '' : this.idt(); comDent = child ? this.idt() : ''; body = this.body.compile(o); ifPart = ("" + (ifDent) + "if (" + (this.compileCondition(condO)) + ") {\n" + (body) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}"); if (!(this.elseBody)) { return ifPart; } elsePart = this.isChain ? ' else ' + this.elseBodyNode().compile(merge(o, { indent: this.idt(), chainChild: true })) : (" else {\n" + (this.elseBody.compile(o)) + "\n" + (this.tab) + "}"); return "" + (ifPart) + (elsePart); }; IfNode.prototype.compileTernary = function(o) { var code, elsePart, ifPart; this.bodyNode().tags.operation = (this.condition.tags.operation = true); if (this.elseBody) { this.elseBodyNode().tags.operation = true; } ifPart = this.condition.compile(o) + ' ? ' + this.bodyNode().compile(o); elsePart = this.elseBody ? this.elseBodyNode().compile(o) : 'null'; code = ("" + (ifPart) + " : " + (elsePart)); return this.tags.operation ? ("(" + (code) + ")") : code; }; return IfNode; })(); PushNode = (exports.PushNode = { wrap: function(array, expressions) { var expr; expr = expressions.unwrap(); if (expr.isPureStatement() || expr.containsPureStatement()) { return expressions; } return Expressions.wrap([new CallNode(new ValueNode(literal(array), [new AccessorNode(literal('push'))]), [expr])]); } }); ClosureNode = (exports.ClosureNode = { wrap: function(expressions, statement) { var args, call, func, mentionsArgs, mentionsThis, meth; if (expressions.containsPureStatement()) { return expressions; } func = new ParentheticalNode(new CodeNode([], Expressions.wrap([expressions]))); args = []; mentionsArgs = expressions.contains(function(n) { return n instanceof LiteralNode && (n.value === 'arguments'); }); mentionsThis = expressions.contains(function(n) { return (n instanceof LiteralNode && (n.value === 'this')) || (n instanceof CodeNode && n.bound); }); if (mentionsArgs || mentionsThis) { meth = literal(mentionsArgs ? 'apply' : 'call'); args = [literal('this')]; if (mentionsArgs) { args.push(literal('arguments')); } func = new ValueNode(func, [new AccessorNode(meth)]); } call = new CallNode(func, args); return statement ? Expressions.wrap([call]) : call; } }); UTILITIES = { "extends": "function(child, parent) {\n var ctor = function(){};\n ctor.prototype = parent.prototype;\n child.prototype = new ctor();\n child.prototype.constructor = child;\n if (typeof parent.extended === \"function\") parent.extended(child);\n child.__super__ = parent.prototype;\n }", bind: "function(func, context) {\n return function(){ return func.apply(context, arguments); };\n }", hasProp: 'Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty', slice: 'Array.prototype.slice' }; TAB = ' '; TRAILING_WHITESPACE = /[ \t]+$/gm; IDENTIFIER = /^[a-zA-Z\$_](\w|\$)*$/; NUMBER = /^(((\b0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+)|((\b[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)(e[+\-]?[0-9]+)?)))\b$/i; SIMPLENUM = /^-?\d+$/; IS_STRING = /^['"]/; literal = function(name) { return new LiteralNode(name); }; utility = function(name) { var ref; ref = ("__" + (name)); Scope.root.assign(ref, UTILITIES[name]); return ref; }; })();