a: [((x) -> x), ((x) -> x * x)] ok a.length is 2 regex: /match/i words: "I think there is a match in here." ok !!words.match(regex) neg: (3 -4) ok neg is -1 func: -> return if true ok func() is null str: "\\" reg: /\\/ ok reg(str) and str is '\\' trailing_comma: [1, 2, 3,] ok (trailing_comma[0] is 1) and (trailing_comma[2] is 3) and (trailing_comma.length is 3) trailing_comma: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, ] (sum: (sum or 0) + n) for n in trailing_comma trailing_comma: {k1: "v1", k2: 4, k3: (-> true),} ok trailing_comma.k3() and (trailing_comma.k2 is 4) and (trailing_comma.k1 is "v1") money$: 'dollars' ok money$ is 'dollars' multiline: "one two three" ok multiline is 'one two three' ok {a: (num) -> num is 10 }.a 10 bob: { name: 'Bob' greet: (salutation) -> salutation + " " + @name hello: -> @['greet'] "Hello" 10: 'number' } ok bob.hello() is "Hello Bob" ok bob[10] is 'number' obj: { 'is': -> yes, 'not': -> no, } ok obj.is() ok not obj.not()