# Regular Expression Literals # --------------------------- # TODO: add method invocation tests: /regex/.toString() # * Regexen # * Heregexen test "basic regular expression literals", -> ok 'a'.match(/a/) ok 'a'.match /a/ ok 'a'.match(/a/g) ok 'a'.match /a/g test "division is not confused for a regular expression", -> # Any spacing around the slash is allowed when it cannot be a regex. eq 2, 4 / 2 / 1 eq 2, 4/2/1 eq 2, 4/ 2 / 1 eq 2, 4 /2 / 1 eq 2, 4 / 2/ 1 eq 2, 4 / 2 /1 eq 2, 4 /2/ 1 a = (regex) -> regex.test 'a b c' a.valueOf = -> 4 b = 2 g = 1 eq 2, a / b/g eq 2, a/ b/g eq 2, a / b/ g eq 2, a / b/g # Tabs. eq 2, a / b/g # Non-breaking spaces. eq true, a /b/g # Use parentheses to disambiguate. eq true, a(/ b/g) eq true, a(/ b/) eq true, a (/ b/) # Escape to disambiguate. eq true, a /\ b/g eq false, a /\ b/g eq true, a /\ b/ obj = method: -> 2 two = 2 eq 2, (obj.method()/two + obj.method()/two) i = 1 eq 2, (4)/2/i eq 1, i/i/i a = '' a += ' ' until / /.test a eq a, ' ' a = if /=/.test '=' then yes else no eq a, yes a = if !/=/.test '=' then yes else no eq a, no #3182: match = 'foo=bar'.match /=/ eq match[0], '=' #3410: ok ' '.match(/ /)[0] is ' ' test "division vs regex after a callable token", -> b = 2 g = 1 r = (r) -> r.test 'b' a = 4 eq 2, a / b/g eq 2, a/b/g eq 2, a/ b/g eq true, r /b/g eq 2, (1 + 3) / b/g eq 2, (1 + 3)/b/g eq 2, (1 + 3)/ b/g eq true, (r) /b/g eq 2, [4][0] / b/g eq 2, [4][0]/b/g eq 2, [4][0]/ b/g eq true, [r][0] /b/g eq 0.5, 4? / b/g eq 0.5, 4?/b/g eq 0.5, 4?/ b/g eq true, r? /b/g (-> eq 2, @ / b/g eq 2, @/b/g eq 2, @/ b/g ).call 4 (-> eq true, @ /b/g ).call r (-> eq 2, this / b/g eq 2, this/b/g eq 2, this/ b/g ).call 4 (-> eq true, this /b/g ).call r class A p: (regex) -> if regex then r regex else 4 class B extends A p: -> eq 2, super() / b/g eq 2, super()/b/g eq 2, super()/ b/g eq true, super /b/g new B().p() test "always division and never regex after some tokens", -> b = 2 g = 1 eq 2, 4 / b/g eq 2, 4/b/g eq 2, 4/ b/g eq 2, 4 /b/g eq 2, "4" / b/g eq 2, "4"/b/g eq 2, "4"/ b/g eq 2, "4" /b/g eq 20, "4#{0}" / b/g eq 20, "4#{0}"/b/g eq 20, "4#{0}"/ b/g eq 20, "4#{0}" /b/g ok isNaN /a/ / b/g ok isNaN /a/i / b/g ok isNaN /a//b/g ok isNaN /a/i/b/g ok isNaN /a// b/g ok isNaN /a/i/ b/g ok isNaN /a/ /b/g ok isNaN /a/i /b/g eq 0.5, true / b/g eq 0.5, true/b/g eq 0.5, true/ b/g eq 0.5, true /b/g eq 0, false / b/g eq 0, false/b/g eq 0, false/ b/g eq 0, false /b/g eq 0, null / b/g eq 0, null/b/g eq 0, null/ b/g eq 0, null /b/g ok isNaN undefined / b/g ok isNaN undefined/b/g ok isNaN undefined/ b/g ok isNaN undefined /b/g ok isNaN {a: 4} / b/g ok isNaN {a: 4}/b/g ok isNaN {a: 4}/ b/g ok isNaN {a: 4} /b/g o = prototype: 4 eq 2, o:: / b/g eq 2, o::/b/g eq 2, o::/ b/g eq 2, o:: /b/g i = 4 eq 2.0, i++ / b/g eq 2.5, i++/b/g eq 3.0, i++/ b/g eq 3.5, i++ /b/g eq 4.0, i-- / b/g eq 3.5, i--/b/g eq 3.0, i--/ b/g eq 2.5, i-- /b/g test "compound division vs regex", -> c = 4 i = 2 a = 10 b = a /= c / i eq a, 5 a = 10 b = a /= c /i eq a, 5 a = 10 b = a /= c /i # Tabs. eq a, 5 a = 10 b = a /= c /i # Non-breaking spaces. eq a, 5 a = 10 b = a/= c /i eq a, 5 a = 10 b = a/=c/i eq a, 5 a = (regex) -> regex.test '=C ' b = a /=c /i eq b, true a = (regex) -> regex.test '= C ' # Use parentheses to disambiguate. b = a(/= c /i) eq b, true b = a(/= c /) eq b, false b = a (/= c /) eq b, false # Escape to disambiguate. b = a /\= c /i eq b, true b = a /\= c / eq b, false test "#764: regular expressions should be indexable", -> eq /0/['source'], ///#{0}///['source'] test "#584: slashes are allowed unescaped in character classes", -> ok /^a\/[/]b$/.test 'a//b' test "does not allow to escape newlines", -> throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '/a\\\nb/' # Heregexe(n|s) test "a heregex will ignore whitespace and comments", -> eq /^I'm\x20+[a]\s+Heregex?\/\/\//gim + '', /// ^ I'm \x20+ [a] \s+ Heregex? / // # or not ///gim + '' test "an empty heregex will compile to an empty, non-capturing group", -> eq /(?:)/ + '', /// /// + '' eq /(?:)/ + '', ////// + '' test "heregex starting with slashes", -> ok /////a/\////.test ' //a// ' test '#2388: `///` in heregex interpolations', -> ok ///a#{///b///}c///.test ' /a/b/c/ ' ws = ' \t' scan = (regex) -> regex.exec('\t foo')[0] eq '/\t /', /// #{scan /// [#{ws}]* ///} /// + '' test "regexes are not callable", -> throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '/a/()' throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '///a#{b}///()' throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '/a/ 1' throws -> CoffeeScript.compile '///a#{b}/// 1' throws -> CoffeeScript.compile ''' /a/ k: v ''' throws -> CoffeeScript.compile ''' ///a#{b}/// k: v ''' test "backreferences", -> ok /(a)(b)\2\1/.test 'abba' test "#3795: Escape otherwise invalid characters", -> ok (/
/).test '\u2028' ok (/
/).test '\u2029' ok ///\
///.test '\u2028' ok ///\
///.test '\u2029' ok ///a
b///.test 'ab' # The space is U+2028. ok ///a
b///.test 'ab' # The space is U+2029. ok ///\0 1///.test '\x001' a = 'a' ok ///#{a}
b///.test 'ab' # The space is U+2028. ok ///#{a}
b///.test 'ab' # The space is U+2029. ok ///#{a}\
///.test 'a\u2028' ok ///#{a}\
///.test 'a\u2029' ok ///#{a}\0 1///.test 'a\x001' test "#4248: Unicode code point escapes", -> ok /a\u{1ab}c/u.test 'a\u01abc' ok ///#{ 'a' }\u{000001ab}c///u.test 'a\u{1ab}c' ok ///a\u{000001ab}c///u.test 'a\u{1ab}c' ok /a\u{12345}c/u.test 'a\ud808\udf45c' # and now without u flag ok /a\u{1ab}c/.test 'a\u01abc' ok ///#{ 'a' }\u{000001ab}c///.test 'a\u{1ab}c' ok ///a\u{000001ab}c///.test 'a\u{1ab}c' ok /a\u{12345}c/.test 'a\ud808\udf45c' # rewrite code point escapes unless u flag is set eqJS """ /\\u{bcdef}\\u{abc}/u """, """ /\\u{bcdef}\\u{abc}/u; """ eqJS """ ///#{ 'a' }\\u{bcdef}/// """, """ /a\\udab3\\uddef/; """ test "#4811, heregex comments with ///", -> eqJS """ /// a | # comment with /// b # /// 'heregex' in comment will be consumed /// """, """ // comment with /// // /// 'heregex' in comment will be consumed /a|b/; """