## Examples The [best list of open-source CoffeeScript examples](https://github.com/trending?l=coffeescript&since=monthly) can be found on GitHub. But just to throw out a few more: * **GitHub**’s [Hubot](https://hubot.github.com/), a friendly IRC robot that can perform any number of useful and useless tasks. * **sstephenson**’s [Pow](http://pow.cx/), a zero-configuration Rack server, with comprehensive annotated source. * **technoweenie**’s [Coffee-Resque](https://github.com/technoweenie/coffee-resque), a port of [Resque](https://github.com/defunkt/resque) for Node.js. * **stephank**’s [Orona](https://github.com/stephank/orona), a remake of the Bolo tank game for modern browsers. * **GitHub**’s [Atom](https://atom.io/), a hackable text editor built on web technologies. * **Basecamp**’s [Trix](https://trix-editor.org/), a rich text editor for web apps.