
184 lines
8.1 KiB

var Jison = require("../setup").Jison,
Lexer = require("../setup").Lexer,
assert = require("assert");
exports["test 0+0 grammar"] = function () {
var lexData2 = {
rules: [
["0", "return 'ZERO';"],
["\\+", "return 'PLUS';"]
var grammar = {
tokens: [ "ZERO", "PLUS"],
startSymbol: "E",
bnf: {
"E" :[ "E PLUS T",
"T" ],
"T" :[ "ZERO" ]
var parser = new Jison.Parser(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
parser.lexer = new Lexer(lexData2);
assert.ok(parser.parse("0+0+0"), "parse");
assert.ok(parser.parse("0"), "parse single 0");
assert["throws"](function () {parser.parse("+")}, "throws parse error on invalid");
exports["test xx nullable grammar"] = function () {
var lexData = {
rules: [
["x", "return 'x';"]
var grammar = {
tokens: [ 'x' ],
startSymbol: "A",
bnf: {
"A" :[ 'A x',
'' ]
var parser = new Jison.Parser(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
parser.lexer = new Lexer(lexData);
assert.ok(parser.parse("xxx"), "parse");
assert.ok(parser.parse("x"), "parse single x");
assert["throws"](function (){parser.parse("+");}, "throws parse error on invalid");
exports["test LALR algorithm from Bermudez, Logothetis"] = function () {
var lexData = {
rules: [
["a", "return 'a';"],
["b", "return 'b';"],
["c", "return 'c';"],
["d", "return 'd';"],
["g", "return 'g';"]
var grammar = {
"tokens": "a b c d g",
"startSymbol": "S",
"bnf": {
"S" :[ "a g d",
"a A c",
"b A d",
"b g c" ],
"A" :[ "B" ],
"B" :[ "g" ]
var parser = new Jison.Parser(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
parser.lexer = new Lexer(lexData);
exports["test basic JSON grammar"] = function () {
var grammar = {
"lex": {
"macros": {
"digit": "[0-9]",
"esc": "\\\\",
"int": "-?(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)",
"exp": "(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)",
"frac": "(?:\\.[0-9]+)"
"rules": [
["\\s+", "/* skip whitespace */"],
["{int}{frac}?{exp}?\\b", "return 'NUMBER';"],
["\"(?:{esc}[\"bfnrt/{esc}]|{esc}u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|[^\"{esc}])*\"", "yytext = yytext.substr(1,yyleng-2); return 'STRING';"],
["\\{", "return '{'"],
["\\}", "return '}'"],
["\\[", "return '['"],
["\\]", "return ']'"],
[",", "return ','"],
[":", "return ':'"],
["true\\b", "return 'TRUE'"],
["false\\b", "return 'FALSE'"],
["null\\b", "return 'NULL'"]
"tokens": "STRING NUMBER { } [ ] , : TRUE FALSE NULL",
"bnf": {
"JsonThing": [ "JsonObject",
"JsonArray" ],
"JsonObject": [ "{ JsonPropertyList }" ],
"JsonPropertyList": [ "JsonProperty",
"JsonPropertyList , JsonProperty" ],
"JsonProperty": [ "StringLiteral : JsonValue" ],
"JsonArray": [ "[ JsonValueList ]" ],
"JsonValueList": [ "JsonValue",
"JsonValueList , JsonValue" ],
"JsonValue": [ "StringLiteral",
"NULL" ],
"StringLiteral": [ "STRING" ],
"NumericalLiteral": [ "NUMBER" ]
var source = '{"foo": "Bar", "hi": 42, "array": [1,2,3.004, -4.04e-4], "false": false, "true":true, "null": null, "obj": {"ha":"ho"}, "string": "str\\ting\\"sgfg" }';
var gen = new Jison.Generator(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
var parser = gen.createParser();
var gen2 = new Jison.Generator(grammar, {type: "slr"});
var parser2 = gen2.createParser();
assert.deepEqual(gen.table, gen2.table, "SLR(1) and LALR(1) tables should be equal");
exports["test LR(1) grammar"] = function () {
var grammar = {
"comment": "Produces a reduce-reduce conflict unless using LR(1).",
"tokens": "z d b c a",
"start": "S",
"bnf": {
"S" :[ "a A c",
"a B d",
"b A d",
"b B c"],
"A" :[ "z" ],
"B" :[ "z" ]
var gen = new Jison.Generator(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
assert.equal(gen.conflicts, 2);
exports["test BNF grammar bootstrap"] = function () {
var grammar = "%%\n\nspec\n : declaration_list '%%' grammar EOF\n {$$ = $1; $$.bnf = $3; return $$;}\n | declaration_list '%%' grammar '%%' EOF\n {$$ = $1; $$.bnf = $3; return $$;}\n ;\n\ndeclaration_list\n : declaration_list declaration\n {$$ = $1; yy.addDeclaration($$, $2);}\n | \n %{$$ = {};%}\n ;\n\ndeclaration\n : START id\n %{$$ = {start: $2};%}\n | operator\n %{$$ = {operator: $1};%}\n ;\n\noperator\n : associativity token_list\n {$$ = [$1]; $$.push.apply($$, $2);}\n ;\n\nassociativity\n : LEFT\n {$$ = 'left';}\n | RIGHT\n {$$ = 'right';}\n | NONASSOC\n {$$ = 'nonassoc';}\n ;\n\ntoken_list\n : token_list symbol\n {$$ = $1; $$.push($2);}\n | symbol\n {$$ = [$1];}\n ;\n\ngrammar\n : production_list\n {$$ = $1;}\n ;\n\nproduction_list\n : production_list production\n {$$ = $1; $$[$2[0]] = $2[1];}\n | production\n %{$$ = {}; $$[$1[0]] = $1[1];%}\n ;\n\nproduction\n : id ':' handle_list ';'\n {$$ = [$1, $3];}\n ;\n\nhandle_list\n : handle_list '|' handle_action\n {$$ = $1; $$.push($3);}\n | handle_action\n {$$ = [$1];}\n ;\n\nhandle_action\n : handle action prec\n {$$ = [($1.length ? $1.join(' ') : '')];\n if($2) $$.push($2);\n if($3) $$.push($3);\n if ($$.length === 1) $$ = $$[0];\n }\n ;\n\nhandle\n : handle symbol\n {$$ = $1; $$.push($2)}\n | \n {$$ = [];}\n ;\n\nprec\n : PREC symbol\n %{$$ = {prec: $2};%}\n | \n {$$ = null;}\n ;\n\nsymbol\n : id\n {$$ = $1;}\n | STRING\n {$$ = yytext;}\n ;\n\nid\n : ID\n {$$ = yytext;}\n ;\n\naction\n : ACTION\n {$$ = yytext;}\n | \n {$$ = '';}\n ;\n\n";
var lex = "\n%%\n\\s+ \t{/* skip whitespace */}\n\"/*\"[^*]*\"*\" \t{return yy.lexComment(this);}\n[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* \t{return 'ID';}\n'\"'[^\"]+'\"' \t{yytext = yytext.substr(1, yyleng-2); return 'STRING';}\n\"'\"[^']+\"'\" \t{yytext = yytext.substr(1, yyleng-2); return 'STRING';}\n\":\" \t{return ':';}\n\";\" \t{return ';';}\n\"|\" \t{return '|';}\n\"%%\" \t{return '%%';}\n\"%prec\" \t{return 'PREC';}\n\"%start\" \t{return 'START';}\n\"%left\" \t{return 'LEFT';}\n\"%right\" \t{return 'RIGHT';}\n\"%nonassoc\" \t{return 'NONASSOC';}\n\"%\"[a-zA-Z]+[^\\n]* \t{/* ignore unrecognized decl */}\n\"{{\"[^}]*\"}\" \t{return yy.lexAction(this);}\n\"{\"[^}]*\"}\" \t{yytext = yytext.substr(1, yyleng-2); return 'ACTION';}\n\"%{\"(.|\\n)*?\"%}\" {yytext = yytext.substr(2, yytext.length-4);return 'ACTION';} \n. \t{/* ignore bad characters */}\n<<EOF>> \t{return 'EOF';}\n\n%%\n\n";
var gen = new Jison.Generator(grammar, {type: "lalr"});
gen.lexer = new Lexer(lex);
var parser = gen.createParser();
assert.ok(parser.parse(grammar), "bootstrapped bnf parser should parse correctly.");