
458 lines
12 KiB

testScript = '''
if true
x = 6
console.log "A console #{x + 7} log"
foo = "bar"
z = /// ^ (a#{foo}) ///
x = () ->
console.log "foo"
catch err
# Rewriter will generate explicit indentation here.
return null
test "Verify location of generated tokens", ->
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens "a = 79"
eq tokens.length, 4
[aToken, equalsToken, numberToken] = tokens
eq aToken[2].first_line, 0
eq aToken[2].first_column, 0
eq aToken[2].last_line, 0
eq aToken[2].last_column, 0
eq equalsToken[2].first_line, 0
eq equalsToken[2].first_column, 2
eq equalsToken[2].last_line, 0
eq equalsToken[2].last_column, 2
eq numberToken[2].first_line, 0
eq numberToken[2].first_column, 4
eq numberToken[2].last_line, 0
eq numberToken[2].last_column, 5
test "Verify location of generated tokens (with indented first line)", ->
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens " a = 83"
eq tokens.length, 4
[aToken, equalsToken, numberToken] = tokens
eq aToken[2].first_line, 0
eq aToken[2].first_column, 2
eq aToken[2].last_line, 0
eq aToken[2].last_column, 2
eq equalsToken[2].first_line, 0
eq equalsToken[2].first_column, 4
eq equalsToken[2].last_line, 0
eq equalsToken[2].last_column, 4
eq numberToken[2].first_line, 0
eq numberToken[2].first_column, 6
eq numberToken[2].last_line, 0
eq numberToken[2].last_column, 7
getMatchingTokens = (str, wantedTokens...) ->
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens str
matchingTokens = []
i = 0
for token in tokens
if token[1].replace(/^'|'$/g, '"') is wantedTokens[i]
matchingTokens.push token
eq wantedTokens.length, matchingTokens.length
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string")', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"a#{b}c"', '"a"', 'b', '"c"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 1
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 0
eq b[2].last_column, 4
eq c[2].first_line, 0
eq c[2].first_column, 6
eq c[2].last_line, 0
eq c[2].last_column, 7
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string", multiple interpolation)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"#{a}b#{c}"', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 3
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 3
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 5
eq b[2].last_line, 0
eq b[2].last_column, 5
eq c[2].first_line, 0
eq c[2].first_column, 8
eq c[2].last_line, 0
eq c[2].last_column, 8
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string", multiple interpolation and line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"#{a}\nb\n#{c}"', 'a', '" b "', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 3
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 3
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 5
eq b[2].last_line, 1
eq b[2].last_column, 1
eq c[2].first_line, 2
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 2
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string", multiple interpolation and starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"\n#{a}\nb\n#{c}"', 'a', '" b "', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 1
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 1
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 1
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 2
eq b[2].last_column, 1
eq c[2].first_line, 3
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 3
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string", multiple interpolation and starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"\n\n#{a}\n\nb\n\n#{c}"', 'a', '" b "', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 2
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 2
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 2
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 5
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 6
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 6
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in "string", multiple interpolation and starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"\n\n\n#{a}\n\n\nb\n\n\n#{c}"', 'a', '" b "', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 3
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 3
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 3
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 8
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 9
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 9
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""a\n#{b}\nc"""', '"a\\n"', 'b', '"\\nc"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 4
eq b[2].first_line, 1
eq b[2].first_column, 2
eq b[2].last_line, 1
eq b[2].last_column, 2
eq c[2].first_line, 1
eq c[2].first_column, 4
eq c[2].last_line, 2
eq c[2].last_column, 3
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", starting with a line break)', ->
[b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""\n#{b}\nc"""', 'b', '"\\nc"'
eq b[2].first_line, 1
eq b[2].first_column, 2
eq b[2].last_line, 1
eq b[2].last_column, 2
eq c[2].first_line, 1
eq c[2].first_column, 4
eq c[2].last_line, 2
eq c[2].last_column, 3
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""\n\n#{b}\nc"""', '"\\n"', 'b', '"\\nc"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 1
eq a[2].last_column, 0
eq b[2].first_line, 2
eq b[2].first_column, 2
eq b[2].last_line, 2
eq b[2].last_column, 2
eq c[2].first_line, 2
eq c[2].first_column, 4
eq c[2].last_line, 3
eq c[2].last_column, 3
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", multiple interpolation)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""#{a}\nb\n#{c}"""', 'a', '"\\nb\\n"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 5
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 5
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 7
eq b[2].last_line, 1
eq b[2].last_column, 1
eq c[2].first_line, 2
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 2
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", multiple interpolation, and starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""\n\n#{a}\n\nb\n\n#{c}"""', 'a', '"\\n\\nb\\n\\n"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 2
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 2
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 2
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 5
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 6
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 6
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in string interpolation (in """string""", multiple interpolation, and starting with line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '"""\n\n\n#{a}\n\n\nb\n\n\n#{c}"""', 'a', '"\\n\\n\\nb\\n\\n\\n"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 3
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 3
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 3
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 8
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 9
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 9
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///#{a}b#{c}///', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 5
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 5
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 7
eq b[2].last_line, 0
eq b[2].last_column, 7
eq c[2].first_line, 0
eq c[2].first_column, 10
eq c[2].last_line, 0
eq c[2].last_column, 10
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///a#{b}c///', '"a"', 'b', '"c"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 3
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 6
eq b[2].last_line, 0
eq b[2].last_column, 6
eq c[2].first_line, 0
eq c[2].first_column, 8
eq c[2].last_line, 0
eq c[2].last_column, 11
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///#{a}\nb\n#{c}///', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 5
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 5
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 7
eq b[2].last_line, 1
eq b[2].last_column, 1
eq c[2].first_line, 2
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 2
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///#{a}\n\n\nb\n\n\n#{c}///', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 5
eq a[2].last_line, 0
eq a[2].last_column, 5
eq b[2].first_line, 0
eq b[2].first_column, 7
eq b[2].last_line, 5
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 6
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 6
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///a\n\n\n#{b}\n\n\nc///', '"a"', 'b', '"c"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 2
eq a[2].last_column, 0
eq b[2].first_line, 3
eq b[2].first_column, 2
eq b[2].last_line, 3
eq b[2].last_column, 2
eq c[2].first_line, 3
eq c[2].first_column, 4
eq c[2].last_line, 6
eq c[2].last_column, 3
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks and starting with linebreak)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///\n#{a}\nb\n#{c}///', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 1
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 1
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 1
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 2
eq b[2].last_column, 1
eq c[2].first_line, 3
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 3
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks and starting with linebreak)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///\n\n\n#{a}\n\n\nb\n\n\n#{c}///', 'a', '"b"', 'c'
eq a[2].first_line, 3
eq a[2].first_column, 2
eq a[2].last_line, 3
eq a[2].last_column, 2
eq b[2].first_line, 3
eq b[2].first_column, 4
eq b[2].last_line, 8
eq b[2].last_column, 0
eq c[2].first_line, 9
eq c[2].first_column, 2
eq c[2].last_line, 9
eq c[2].last_column, 2
test 'Verify locations in heregex interpolation (in ///regex///, multiple interpolation and line breaks and starting with linebreak)', ->
[a, b, c] = getMatchingTokens '///\n\n\na\n\n\n#{b}\n\n\nc///', '"a"', 'b', '"c"'
eq a[2].first_line, 0
eq a[2].first_column, 0
eq a[2].last_line, 5
eq a[2].last_column, 0
eq b[2].first_line, 6
eq b[2].first_column, 2
eq b[2].last_line, 6
eq b[2].last_column, 2
eq c[2].first_line, 6
eq c[2].first_column, 4
eq c[2].last_line, 9
eq c[2].last_column, 3
test "#3822: Simple string/regex start/end should include delimiters", ->
[stringToken] = CoffeeScript.tokens "'string'"
eq stringToken[2].first_line, 0
eq stringToken[2].first_column, 0
eq stringToken[2].last_line, 0
eq stringToken[2].last_column, 7
[regexToken] = CoffeeScript.tokens "/regex/"
eq regexToken[2].first_line, 0
eq regexToken[2].first_column, 0
eq regexToken[2].last_line, 0
eq regexToken[2].last_column, 6
test "#3621: Multiline regex and manual `Regex` call with interpolation should
result in the same tokens", ->
tokensA = CoffeeScript.tokens '(RegExp(".*#{a}[0-9]"))'
tokensB = CoffeeScript.tokens '///.*#{a}[0-9]///'
eq tokensA.length, tokensB.length
for i in [0...tokensA.length] by 1
tokenA = tokensA[i]
tokenB = tokensB[i]
eq tokenA[0], tokenB[0] unless tokenB[0] in ['REGEX_START', 'REGEX_END']
eq tokenA[1], tokenB[1]
unless tokenA[0] is 'STRING_START' or tokenB[0] is 'REGEX_START'
eq tokenA.origin?[1], tokenB.origin?[1]
eq tokenA.stringEnd, tokenB.stringEnd
test "Verify all tokens get a location", ->
doesNotThrow ->
tokens = CoffeeScript.tokens testScript
for token in tokens
ok !!token[2]