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# Ensure that carriage returns don't break compilation on Windows.
CoffeeScript: require('./../lib/coffee-script')
Lexer: require('./../lib/lexer')
js: CoffeeScript.compile("one\r\ntwo", {no_wrap: on})
ok js is "one;\ntwo;"
# Reserved words can be used as object properties
obj: {
is: -> 1
of: 'many'
ok obj.is() is 1
ok obj.of is 'many'
# Try out language extensions to CoffeeScript.
# Create the Node were going to add -- a literal syntax for splitting
# strings into letters.
class SplitNode extends BaseNode
type: 'Split'
constructor: (variable) ->
@variable: variable
compile_node: (o) ->
# Extend CoffeeScript with our lexing function that matches --wordgoeshere--
# and creates a SplitNode.
CoffeeScript.extend ->
return false unless variable: @match(/^--(\w+)--/, 1)
@i: + variable.length + 4
@token 'EXTENSION', new SplitNode(variable)
# Compile with the extension.
js: CoffeeScript.compile 'return --tobesplit--', {no_wrap: on}
ok js is "return 'tobesplit'.split('');"
# Let's try a different extension, for Ruby-style array literals.
class WordArrayNode extends BaseNode
type: 'WordArray'
constructor: (words) ->
@words: words
compile_node: (o) ->
strings = ("\"$word\"" for word in @words).join ', '
CoffeeScript.extend ->
return false unless words: @chunk.match(/^%w\{(.*?)\}/)
@i: + words[0].length
@token 'EXTENSION', new WordArrayNode(words[1].split(/\s+/))
js: CoffeeScript.compile 'puts %w{one two three}', {no_wrap: on}
ok js is 'puts(["one", "two", "three"]);'
# Finally, let's try an extension that converts `a << b` into `a.push(b)`.
CoffeeScript.extend ->
return false unless @chunk.match(/^<</)
@i: + 2
@token 'PROPERTY_ACCESS', '.'
@token 'IDENTIFIER', 'push'
js: CoffeeScript.compile 'a << b', {no_wrap: on}
ok js is 'a.push(b);'
Lexer.extensions: []