
182 lines
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# Conditionals
# ------------
# shared identity function
id = (_) -> if arguments.length is 1 then _ else Array::slice.call(arguments)
#### Basic Conditionals
test "basic conditionals", ->
if false
ok false
else if false
ok false
ok true
if true
ok true
else if true
ok false
ok true
unless true
ok false
else unless true
ok false
ok true
unless false
ok true
else unless false
ok false
ok true
test "single-line conditional", ->
if false then ok false else ok true
unless false then ok true else ok false
test "nested conditionals", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, (if true
unless false
if false then false else
if true
test "nested single-line conditionals", ->
nonce = {}
a = if false then undefined else b = if 0 then undefined else nonce
eq nonce, a
eq nonce, b
c = if false then undefined else (if 0 then undefined else nonce)
eq nonce, c
d = if true then id(if false then undefined else nonce)
eq nonce, d
test "empty conditional bodies", ->
eq undefined, (if false
else if false
test "conditional bodies containing only comments", ->
eq undefined, (if true
block comment
# comment
eq undefined, (if false
# comment
else if true
block comment
test "return value of if-else is from the proper body", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, if false then undefined else nonce
test "return value of unless-else is from the proper body", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, unless true then undefined else nonce
#### Interactions With Functions
test "single-line function definition with single-line conditional", ->
fn = -> if 1 < 0.5 then 1 else -1
ok fn() is -1
test "function resturns conditional value with no `else`", ->
fn = ->
return if false then true
eq undefined, fn()
test "function returns a conditional value", ->
a = {}
fnA = ->
return if false then undefined else a
eq a, fnA()
b = {}
fnB = ->
return unless false then b else undefined
eq b, fnB()
test "passing a conditional value to a function", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, id if false then undefined else nonce
test "unmatched `then` should catch implicit calls", ->
a = 0
trueFn = -> true
if trueFn undefined then a += 1
eq 1, a
#### if-to-ternary
test "if-to-ternary with instanceof requires parentheses", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce, (if {} instanceof Object
test "if-to-ternary as part of a larger operation requires parentheses", ->
ok 2, 1 + if false then 0 else 1
#### Odd Formatting
test "if-else indented within an assignment", ->
nonce = {}
result =
if false
eq nonce, result
test "suppressed indentation via assignment", ->
nonce = {}
result =
if false then undefined
else if no then undefined
else if 0 then undefined
else if 1 < 0 then undefined
else id(
if false then undefined
else nonce
eq nonce, result
test "tight formatting with leading `then`", ->
nonce = {}
eq nonce,
if true
then nonce
else undefined
test "#738", ->
nonce = {}
fn = if true then -> nonce
eq nonce, fn()
test "#748: trailing reserved identifiers", ->
nonce = {}
obj = delete: true
result = if obj.delete
eq nonce, result