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# Splats
# ------
# note: splats in parameter lists of function definitions are tested in `arguments.coffee`
# shared identity function
id = (_) -> if arguments.length is 1 then _ else Array::slice.call(arguments)
test "passing splats to functions", ->
arrayEq [0..4], id id [0..4]...
fn = (a, b, c..., d) -> [a, b, c, d]
[first, second, others, last] = fn [0..3]..., 4, [5...8]...
eq 0, first
eq 1, second
arrayEq [2..6], others
eq 7, last
obj =
name: 'moe'
accessor: (args...) ->
[@name].concat(args).join(' ')
getNames: ->
args = ['jane', 'ted']
index: 0
0: {method: -> this is obj[0]}
ok obj.getNames() is 'moe jane ted'
ok obj[obj.index++].method([]...), 'should cache base value'
#crowd = [
# contenders...
# "Mighty Mouse"
#bests = [
# "Mighty Mouse"
# contenders.slice(0, 4)...
#ok crowd[0] is contenders[0]
#ok crowd[10] is "Mighty Mouse"
#ok bests[1] is contenders[0]
#ok bests[4] is contenders[3]
# Finally, splats with super() within classes.
class Parent
meth: (args...) ->
class Child extends Parent
meth: ->
nums = [3, 2, 1]
super nums...
ok (new Child).meth().join(' ') is '3 2 1'
# Functions with splats being called with too few arguments.
pen = null
method = (first, variable..., penultimate, ultimate) ->
pen = penultimate
method 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
ok pen is 8
method 1, 2, 3
ok pen is 2
method 1, 2
ok pen is 2
# Array splat expansions with assigns.
nums = [1, 2, 3]
list = [a = 0, nums..., b = 4]
ok a is 0
ok b is 4
ok list.join(' ') is '0 1 2 3 4'
# Splat on a line by itself is invalid.
failed = true
CoffeeScript.compile "x 'a'\n...\n"
failed = false
catch err
ok failed
# multiple generated references
a = {b: []}
a.b[true] = -> this == a.b
c = 0
d = []
ok a.b[0<++c<2] d...