Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript.git synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
Simon Lydell 4b4675de30 Fix compiler crash with renamed destrucured params with defaults
`({a = 1}) ->` and `({a: b}) ->` worked, but not the combination of the two:
`({a: b = 1}) ->`. That destrucuring worked for normal assignments, though:
`{a: b = 1} = c`. This commit fixes the param case.
2015-09-27 15:54:44 +02:00

182 lines
5.8 KiB

# Strict Early Errors
# -------------------
# The following are prohibited under ES5's `strict` mode
# * `Octal Integer Literals`
# * `Octal Escape Sequences`
# * duplicate property definitions in `Object Literal`s
# * duplicate formal parameter
# * `delete` operand is a variable
# * `delete` operand is a parameter
# * `delete` operand is `undefined`
# * `Future Reserved Word`s as identifiers: implements, interface, let, package, private, protected, public, static, yield
# * `eval` or `arguments` as `catch` identifier
# * `eval` or `arguments` as formal parameter
# * `eval` or `arguments` as function declaration identifier
# * `eval` or `arguments` as LHS of assignment
# * `eval` or `arguments` as the operand of a post/pre-fix inc/dec-rement expression
# helper to assert that code complies with strict prohibitions
strict = (code, msg) ->
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile code), null, msg ? code
strictOk = (code, msg) ->
doesNotThrow (-> CoffeeScript.compile code), msg ? code
test "octal integer literals prohibited", ->
strict '01'
strict '07777'
# decimals with a leading '0' are also prohibited
strict '09'
strict '079'
strictOk '`01`'
test "octal escape sequences prohibited", ->
strict '"\\1"'
strict '"\\7"'
strict '"\\001"'
strict '"\\777"'
strict '"_\\1"'
strict '"\\1_"'
strict '"_\\1_"'
strict '"\\\\\\1"'
strictOk '"\\0"'
eq "\x00", "\0"
strictOk '"\\08"'
eq "\x008", "\08"
strictOk '"\\0\\8"'
eq "\x008", "\0\8"
strictOk '"\\8"'
eq "8", "\8"
strictOk '"\\\\1"'
eq "\\" + "1", "\\1"
strictOk '"\\\\\\\\1"'
eq "\\\\" + "1", "\\\\1"
strictOk "`'\\1'`"
eq "\\" + "1", `"\\1"`
# Also test other string types.
strict "'\\\\\\1'"
eq "\x008", '\08'
eq "\\\\" + "1", '\\\\1'
strict "'''\\\\\\1'''"
eq "\x008", '''\08'''
eq "\\\\" + "1", '''\\\\1'''
strict '"""\\\\\\1"""'
eq "\x008", """\08"""
eq "\\\\" + "1", """\\\\1"""
test "duplicate formal parameters are prohibited", ->
nonce = {}
# a Param can be an Identifier, ThisProperty( @-param ), Array, or Object
# a Param can also be a splat (...) or an assignment (param=value)
# the following function expressions should throw errors
strict '(_,_)->', 'param, param'
strict '(_,_...)->', 'param, param...'
strict '(_,_ = true)->', 'param, param='
strict '(@_,@_)->', 'two @params'
strict '(@case,@case)->', 'two @reserved'
strict '(_,{_})->', 'param, {param}'
strict '(_,{_=true})->', 'param, {param=}'
strict '({_,_})->', '{param, param}'
strict '({_=true,_})->', '{param=, param}'
strict '(_,[_])->', 'param, [param]'
strict '(_,[_=true])->', 'param, [param=]'
strict '([_,_])->', '[param, param]'
strict '([_=true,_])->', '[param=, param]'
strict '(_,[_]=true)->', 'param, [param]='
strict '(_,[_=true]=true)->', 'param, [param=]='
strict '(_,[@_,{_}])->', 'param, [@param, {param}]'
strict '(_,[_,{@_}])->', 'param, [param, {@param}]'
strict '(_,[_,{@_=true}])->', 'param, [param, {@param=}]'
strict '(_,[_,{_}])->', 'param, [param, {param}]'
strict '(_,[_,{__}])->', 'param, [param, {param2}]'
strict '(_,[__,{_}])->', 'param, [param2, {param}]'
strict '(__,[_,{_}])->', 'param, [param2, {param2}]'
strict '({0:a,1:a})->', '{0:param,1:param}'
strict '(a=b=true,a)->', 'param=assignment, param'
strict '({a=b=true},a)->', '{param=assignment}, param'
# the following function expressions should **not** throw errors
strictOk '(_,@_)->'
strictOk '(@_,_...)->'
strictOk '(_,@_ = true)->'
strictOk '(@_,{_})->'
strictOk '({_,@_})->'
strictOk '({_,@_ = true})->'
strictOk '([_,@_])->'
strictOk '([_,@_ = true])->'
strictOk '({},_arg)->'
strictOk '({},{})->'
strictOk '([]...,_arg)->'
strictOk '({}...,_arg)->'
strictOk '({}...,[],_arg)->'
strictOk '([]...,{},_arg)->'
strictOk '(@case,_case)->'
strictOk '(@case,_case...)->'
strictOk '(@case...,_case)->'
strictOk '(_case,@case)->'
strictOk '(_case,@case...)->'
strictOk '({a:a})->'
strictOk '({a:a,a:b})->'
test "`delete` operand restrictions", ->
strict 'a = 1; delete a'
strictOk 'delete a' #noop
strict '(a) -> delete a'
strict '(a...) -> delete a'
strict '(a = 1) -> delete a'
strict '([a]) -> delete a'
strict '({a}) -> delete a'
test "`Future Reserved Word`s, `eval` and `arguments` restrictions", ->
access = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "#{keyword}.a = 1"
check "#{keyword}[0] = 1"
assign = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "#{keyword} = 1"
check "#{keyword} += 1"
check "#{keyword} -= 1"
check "#{keyword} *= 1"
check "#{keyword} /= 1"
check "#{keyword} ?= 1"
check "{keyword}++"
check "++{keyword}"
check "{keyword}--"
check "--{keyword}"
destruct = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "{#{keyword}}"
check "o = {#{keyword}}"
invoke = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "#{keyword} yes"
check "do #{keyword}"
fnDecl = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "class #{keyword}"
param = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "(#{keyword}) ->"
check "({#{keyword}}) ->"
prop = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "a.#{keyword} = 1"
tryCatch = (keyword, check = strict) ->
check "try new Error catch #{keyword}"
future = 'implements interface let package private protected public static'.split ' '
for keyword in future
access keyword
assign keyword
destruct keyword
invoke keyword
fnDecl keyword
param keyword
prop keyword, strictOk
tryCatch keyword
for keyword in ['eval', 'arguments']
access keyword, strictOk
assign keyword
destruct keyword, strictOk
invoke keyword, strictOk
fnDecl keyword
param keyword
prop keyword, strictOk
tryCatch keyword