
109 lines
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# "Classic" linked list implementation that doesn't keep track of its size.
class LinkedList
constructor: ->
this._head: null # Pointer to the first item in the list.
# Appends some data to the end of the list. This method traverses the existing
# list and places the value at the end in a new node.
add: (data) ->
# Create a new node object to wrap the data.
node: {data: data, next: null}
current: this._head ||= node
if this._head isnt node
current: current.next while current.next
current.next: node
# Retrieves the data at the given position in the list.
item: (index) ->
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current: this._head or null
i: -1
# Advance through the list.
current: current.next while current and index > (i += 1)
# Return null if we've reached the end.
current and current.data
# Remove the item from the given location in the list.
remove: (index) ->
# Check for out-of-bounds values.
return null if index < 0
current: this._head or null
i: -1
# Special case: removing the first item.
if index is 0
this._head: current.next
# Find the right location.
[previous, current]: [current, current.next] while index > (i += 1)
# Skip over the item to remove.
previous.next: current.next
# Return the value.
current and current.data
# Calculate the number of items in the list.
size: ->
current: this._head
count: 0
while current
count += 1
current: current.next
# Convert the list into an array.
toArray: ->
result: []
current: this._head
while current
current: current.next
# The string representation of the linked list.
toString: -> this.toArray().toString()
# Tests.
list: new LinkedList
puts(list.size() is 1)
puts(list.item(0) is "Hi")
puts(list.item(1) is null)
list: new LinkedList
puts(list.size() is 3)
puts(list.item(2) is "two")
puts(list.remove(1) is "one")
puts(list.item(0) is "zero")
puts(list.item(1) is "two")
puts(list.size() is 2)
puts(list.item(-10) is null)