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# `nodes.coffee` contains all of the node classes for the syntax tree. Most
# nodes are created as the result of actions in the [grammar](grammar.html),
# but some are created by other nodes as a method of code generation. To convert
# the syntax tree into a string of JavaScript code, call `compile()` on the root.
Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity
{Scope} = require './scope'
{isUnassignable, JS_FORBIDDEN} = require './lexer'
# Import the helpers we plan to use.
{compact, flatten, extend, merge, del, starts, ends, some,
addDataToNode, attachCommentsToNode, locationDataToString,
throwSyntaxError, replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes,
isFunction, isPlainObject, isNumber, parseNumber} = require './helpers'
# Functions required by parser.
exports.extend = extend
exports.addDataToNode = addDataToNode
# Constant functions for nodes that dont need customization.
YES = -> yes
NO = -> no
THIS = -> this
NEGATE = -> @negated = not @negated; this
#### CodeFragment
# The various nodes defined below all compile to a collection of **CodeFragment** objects.
# A CodeFragments is a block of generated code, and the location in the source file where the code
# came from. CodeFragments can be assembled together into working code just by catting together
# all the CodeFragments' `code` snippets, in order.
exports.CodeFragment = class CodeFragment
constructor: (parent, code) ->
@code = "#{code}"
@type = parent?.constructor?.name or 'unknown'
@locationData = parent?.locationData
@comments = parent?.comments
toString: ->
# This is only intended for debugging.
"#{@code}#{if @locationData then ": " + locationDataToString(@locationData) else ''}"
# Convert an array of CodeFragments into a string.
fragmentsToText = (fragments) ->
(fragment.code for fragment in fragments).join('')
#### Base
# The **Base** is the abstract base class for all nodes in the syntax tree.
# Each subclass implements the `compileNode` method, which performs the
# code generation for that node. To compile a node to JavaScript,
# call `compile` on it, which wraps `compileNode` in some generic extra smarts,
# to know when the generated code needs to be wrapped up in a closure.
# An options hash is passed and cloned throughout, containing information about
# the environment from higher in the tree (such as if a returned value is
# being requested by the surrounding function), information about the current
# scope, and indentation level.
exports.Base = class Base
compile: (o, lvl) ->
fragmentsToText @compileToFragments o, lvl
# Occasionally a node is compiled multiple times, for example to get the name
# of a variable to add to scope tracking. When we know that a “premature”
# compilation wont result in comments being output, set those comments aside
# so that theyre preserved for a later `compile` call that will result in
# the comments being included in the output.
compileWithoutComments: (o, lvl, method = 'compile') ->
if @comments
@ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily = @comments
delete @comments
unwrapped = @unwrapAll()
if unwrapped.comments
unwrapped.ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily = unwrapped.comments
delete unwrapped.comments
fragments = @[method] o, lvl
if @ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
@comments = @ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
delete @ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
if unwrapped.ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
unwrapped.comments = unwrapped.ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
delete unwrapped.ignoreTheseCommentsTemporarily
compileNodeWithoutComments: (o, lvl) ->
@compileWithoutComments o, lvl, 'compileNode'
# Common logic for determining whether to wrap this node in a closure before
# compiling it, or to compile directly. We need to wrap if this node is a
# *statement*, and it's not a *pureStatement*, and we're not at
# the top level of a block (which would be unnecessary), and we haven't
# already been asked to return the result (because statements know how to
# return results).
compileToFragments: (o, lvl) ->
o = extend {}, o
o.level = lvl if lvl
node = @unfoldSoak(o) or this
node.tab = o.indent
fragments = if o.level is LEVEL_TOP or not node.isStatement(o)
node.compileNode o
node.compileClosure o
@compileCommentFragments o, node, fragments
compileToFragmentsWithoutComments: (o, lvl) ->
@compileWithoutComments o, lvl, 'compileToFragments'
# Statements converted into expressions via closure-wrapping share a scope
# object with their parent closure, to preserve the expected lexical scope.
compileClosure: (o) ->
o.sharedScope = yes
func = new Code [], Block.wrap [this]
args = []
if @contains ((node) -> node instanceof SuperCall)
func.bound = yes
else if (argumentsNode = @contains isLiteralArguments) or @contains isLiteralThis
args = [new ThisLiteral]
if argumentsNode
meth = 'apply'
args.push new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments'
meth = 'call'
func = new Value func, [new Access new PropertyName meth]
parts = (new Call func, args).compileNode o
when func.isGenerator or func.base?.isGenerator
parts.unshift @makeCode "(yield* "
parts.push @makeCode ")"
when func.isAsync or func.base?.isAsync
parts.unshift @makeCode "(await "
parts.push @makeCode ")"
compileCommentFragments: (o, node, fragments) ->
return fragments unless node.comments
# This is where comments, that are attached to nodes as a `comments`
# property, become `CodeFragment`s. “Inline block comments,” e.g.
# `/* */`-delimited comments that are interspersed within code on a line,
# are added to the current `fragments` stream. All other fragments are
# attached as properties to the nearest preceding or following fragment,
# to remain stowaways until they get properly output in `compileComments`
# later on.
unshiftCommentFragment = (commentFragment) ->
if commentFragment.unshift
# Find the first non-comment fragment and insert `commentFragment`
# before it.
unshiftAfterComments fragments, commentFragment
if fragments.length isnt 0
precedingFragment = fragments[fragments.length - 1]
if commentFragment.newLine and precedingFragment.code isnt '' and
not /\n\s*$/.test precedingFragment.code
commentFragment.code = "\n#{commentFragment.code}"
fragments.push commentFragment
for comment in node.comments when comment not in @compiledComments
@compiledComments.push comment # Dont output this comment twice.
# For block/here comments, denoted by `###`, that are inline comments
# like `1 + ### comment ### 2`, create fragments and insert them into
# the fragments array.
# Otherwise attach comment fragments to their closest fragment for now,
# so they can be inserted into the output later after all the newlines
# have been added.
if comment.here # Block comment, delimited by `###`.
commentFragment = new HereComment(comment).compileNode o
else # Line comment, delimited by `#`.
commentFragment = new LineComment(comment).compileNode o
if (commentFragment.isHereComment and not commentFragment.newLine) or
# Inline block comments, like `1 + /* comment */ 2`, or a node whose
# `compileToFragments` method has logic for outputting comments.
unshiftCommentFragment commentFragment
fragments.push @makeCode '' if fragments.length is 0
if commentFragment.unshift
fragments[0].precedingComments ?= []
fragments[0].precedingComments.push commentFragment
fragments[fragments.length - 1].followingComments ?= []
fragments[fragments.length - 1].followingComments.push commentFragment
# If the code generation wishes to use the result of a complex expression
# in multiple places, ensure that the expression is only ever evaluated once,
# by assigning it to a temporary variable. Pass a level to precompile.
# If `level` is passed, then returns `[val, ref]`, where `val` is the compiled value, and `ref`
# is the compiled reference. If `level` is not passed, this returns `[val, ref]` where
# the two values are raw nodes which have not been compiled.
cache: (o, level, shouldCache) ->
complex = if shouldCache? then shouldCache this else @shouldCache()
if complex
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
sub = new Assign ref, this
if level then [sub.compileToFragments(o, level), [@makeCode(ref.value)]] else [sub, ref]
ref = if level then @compileToFragments o, level else this
[ref, ref]
# Occasionally it may be useful to make an expression behave as if it was 'hoisted', whereby the
# result of the expression is available before its location in the source, but the expression's
# variable scope corresponds to the source position. This is used extensively to deal with executable
# class bodies in classes.
# Calling this method mutates the node, proxying the `compileNode` and `compileToFragments`
# methods to store their result for later replacing the `target` node, which is returned by the
# call.
hoist: ->
@hoisted = yes
target = new HoistTarget @
compileNode = @compileNode
compileToFragments = @compileToFragments
@compileNode = (o) ->
target.update compileNode, o
@compileToFragments = (o) ->
target.update compileToFragments, o
cacheToCodeFragments: (cacheValues) ->
[fragmentsToText(cacheValues[0]), fragmentsToText(cacheValues[1])]
# Construct a node that returns the current nodes result.
# Note that this is overridden for smarter behavior for
# many statement nodes (e.g. `If`, `For`).
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
if mark
# Mark this node as implicitly returned, so that it can be part of the
# node metadata returned in the AST.
@canBeReturned = yes
node = @unwrapAll()
if results
new Call new Literal("#{results}.push"), [node]
new Return node
# Does this node, or any of its children, contain a node of a certain kind?
# Recursively traverses down the *children* nodes and returns the first one
# that verifies `pred`. Otherwise return undefined. `contains` does not cross
# scope boundaries.
contains: (pred) ->
node = undefined
@traverseChildren no, (n) ->
if pred n
node = n
return no
# Pull out the last node of a node list.
lastNode: (list) ->
if list.length is 0 then null else list[list.length - 1]
# Debugging representation of the node, for inspecting the parse tree.
# This is what `coffee --nodes` prints out.
toString: (idt = '', name = @constructor.name) ->
tree = '\n' + idt + name
tree += '?' if @soak
@eachChild (node) -> tree += node.toString idt + TAB
checkForPureStatementInExpression: ->
if jumpNode = @jumps()
jumpNode.error 'cannot use a pure statement in an expression'
# Plain JavaScript object representation of the node, that can be serialized
# as JSON. This is what the `ast` option in the Node API returns.
# We try to follow the [Babel AST spec](https://github.com/babel/babel/blob/master/packages/babel-parser/ast/spec.md)
# as closely as possible, for improved interoperability with other tools.
# Only override the component `ast*` methods as needed.
ast: (o, level) ->
# Merge `level` into `o` and perform other universal checks.
o = @astInitialize o, level
# Create serializable representation of this node.
astNode = @astNode o
# Mark AST nodes that correspond to expressions that (implicitly) return.
# We cant do this as part of `astNode` because we need to assemble child
# nodes first before marking the parent being returned.
if @astNode? and @canBeReturned
Object.assign astNode, {returns: yes}
astInitialize: (o, level) ->
o = Object.assign {}, o
o.level = level if level?
if o.level > LEVEL_TOP
# `@makeReturn` must be called before `astProperties`, because the latter may call
# `.ast()` for child nodes and those nodes would need the return logic from `makeReturn`
# already executed by then.
@makeReturn null, yes if @isStatement(o) and o.level isnt LEVEL_TOP and o.scope?
astNode: (o) ->
# Every abstract syntax tree node object has four categories of properties:
# - type, stored in the `type` field and a string like `NumberLiteral`.
# - location data, stored in the `loc`, `start`, `end` and `range` fields.
# - properties specific to this node, like `parsedValue`.
# - properties that are themselves child nodes, like `body`.
# These fields are all intermixed in the Babel spec; `type` and `start` and
# `parsedValue` are all top level fields in the AST node object. We have
# separate methods for returning each category, that we merge together here.
Object.assign {}, {type: @astType(o)}, @astProperties(o), @astLocationData()
# By default, a node class has no specific properties.
astProperties: -> {}
# By default, a node classs AST `type` is its class name.
astType: -> @constructor.name
# The AST location data is a rearranged version of our Jison location data,
# mutated into the structure that the Babel spec uses.
astLocationData: ->
jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData @locationData
# Determines whether an AST node needs an `ExpressionStatement` wrapper.
# Typically matches our `isStatement()` logic but this allows overriding.
isStatementAst: (o) ->
@isStatement o
# Passes each child to a function, breaking when the function returns `false`.
eachChild: (func) ->
return this unless @children
for attr in @children when @[attr]
for child in flatten [@[attr]]
return this if func(child) is false
traverseChildren: (crossScope, func) ->
@eachChild (child) ->
recur = func(child)
child.traverseChildren(crossScope, func) unless recur is no
# `replaceInContext` will traverse children looking for a node for which `match` returns
# true. Once found, the matching node will be replaced by the result of calling `replacement`.
replaceInContext: (match, replacement) ->
return false unless @children
for attr in @children when children = @[attr]
if Array.isArray children
for child, i in children
if match child
children[i..i] = replacement child, @
return true
return true if child.replaceInContext match, replacement
else if match children
@[attr] = replacement children, @
return true
return true if children.replaceInContext match, replacement
invert: ->
new Op '!', this
unwrapAll: ->
node = this
continue until node is node = node.unwrap()
# Default implementations of the common node properties and methods. Nodes
# will override these with custom logic, if needed.
# `children` are the properties to recurse into when tree walking. The
# `children` list *is* the structure of the AST. The `parent` pointer, and
# the pointer to the `children` are how you can traverse the tree.
children: []
# `isStatement` has to do with “everything is an expression”. A few things
# cant be expressions, such as `break`. Things that `isStatement` returns
# `true` for are things that cant be used as expressions. There are some
# error messages that come from `nodes.coffee` due to statements ending up
# in expression position.
isStatement: NO
# Track comments that have been compiled into fragments, to avoid outputting
# them twice.
compiledComments: []
# `includeCommentFragments` lets `compileCommentFragments` know whether this node
# has special awareness of how to handle comments within its output.
includeCommentFragments: NO
# `jumps` tells you if an expression, or an internal part of an expression,
# has a flow control construct (like `break`, `continue`, or `return`)
# that jumps out of the normal flow of control and cant be used as a value.
# (Note that `throw` is not considered a flow control construct.)
# This is important because flow control in the middle of an expression
# makes no sense; we have to disallow it.
jumps: NO
# If `node.shouldCache() is false`, it is safe to use `node` more than once.
# Otherwise you need to store the value of `node` in a variable and output
# that variable several times instead. Kind of like this: `5` need not be
# cached. `returnFive()`, however, could have side effects as a result of
# evaluating it more than once, and therefore we need to cache it. The
# parameter is named `shouldCache` rather than `mustCache` because there are
# also cases where we might not need to cache but where we want to, for
# example a long expression that may well be idempotent but we want to cache
# for brevity.
shouldCache: YES
isChainable: NO
isAssignable: NO
isNumber: NO
unwrap: THIS
unfoldSoak: NO
# Is this node used to assign a certain variable?
assigns: NO
# For this node and all descendents, set the location data to `locationData`
# if the location data is not already set.
updateLocationDataIfMissing: (locationData, force) ->
@forceUpdateLocation = yes if force
return this if @locationData and not @forceUpdateLocation
delete @forceUpdateLocation
@locationData = locationData
@eachChild (child) ->
child.updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData
# Add location data from another node
withLocationDataFrom: ({locationData}) ->
@updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData
# Add location data and comments from another node
withLocationDataAndCommentsFrom: (node) ->
@withLocationDataFrom node
{comments} = node
@comments = comments if comments?.length
# Throw a SyntaxError associated with this nodes location.
error: (message) ->
throwSyntaxError message, @locationData
makeCode: (code) ->
new CodeFragment this, code
wrapInParentheses: (fragments) ->
[@makeCode('('), fragments..., @makeCode(')')]
wrapInBraces: (fragments) ->
[@makeCode('{'), fragments..., @makeCode('}')]
# `fragmentsList` is an array of arrays of fragments. Each array in fragmentsList will be
# concatenated together, with `joinStr` added in between each, to produce a final flat array
# of fragments.
joinFragmentArrays: (fragmentsList, joinStr) ->
answer = []
for fragments, i in fragmentsList
if i then answer.push @makeCode joinStr
answer = answer.concat fragments
#### HoistTarget
# A **HoistTargetNode** represents the output location in the node tree for a hoisted node.
# See Base#hoist.
exports.HoistTarget = class HoistTarget extends Base
# Expands hoisted fragments in the given array
@expand = (fragments) ->
for fragment, i in fragments by -1 when fragment.fragments
fragments[i..i] = @expand fragment.fragments
constructor: (@source) ->
# Holds presentational options to apply when the source node is compiled.
@options = {}
# Placeholder fragments to be replaced by the source nodes compilation.
@targetFragments = { fragments: [] }
isStatement: (o) ->
@source.isStatement o
# Update the target fragments with the result of compiling the source.
# Calls the given compile function with the node and options (overriden with the target
# presentational options).
update: (compile, o) ->
@targetFragments.fragments = compile.call @source, merge o, @options
# Copies the target indent and level, and returns the placeholder fragments
compileToFragments: (o, level) ->
@options.indent = o.indent
@options.level = level ? o.level
[ @targetFragments ]
compileNode: (o) ->
@compileToFragments o
compileClosure: (o) ->
@compileToFragments o
#### Root
# The root node of the node tree
exports.Root = class Root extends Base
constructor: (@body) ->
@isAsync = (new Code [], @body).isAsync
children: ['body']
# Wrap everything in a safety closure, unless requested not to. It would be
# better not to generate them in the first place, but for now, clean up
# obvious double-parentheses.
compileNode: (o) ->
o.indent = if o.bare then '' else TAB
o.level = LEVEL_TOP
o.compiling = yes
@initializeScope o
fragments = @body.compileRoot o
return fragments if o.bare
functionKeyword = "#{if @isAsync then 'async ' else ''}function"
[].concat @makeCode("(#{functionKeyword}() {\n"), fragments, @makeCode("\n}).call(this);\n")
initializeScope: (o) ->
o.scope = new Scope null, @body, null, o.referencedVars ? []
# Mark given local variables in the root scope as parameters so they dont
# end up being declared on the root block.
o.scope.parameter name for name in o.locals or []
commentsAst: ->
@allComments ?=
for commentToken in (@allCommentTokens ? []) when not commentToken.heregex
if commentToken.here
new HereComment commentToken
new LineComment commentToken
comment.ast() for comment in @allComments
astNode: (o) ->
o.level = LEVEL_TOP
@initializeScope o
super o
astType: -> 'File'
astProperties: (o) ->
@body.isRootBlock = yes
program: Object.assign @body.ast(o), @astLocationData()
comments: @commentsAst()
#### Block
# The block is the list of expressions that forms the body of an
# indented block of code -- the implementation of a function, a clause in an
# `if`, `switch`, or `try`, and so on...
exports.Block = class Block extends Base
constructor: (nodes) ->
@expressions = compact flatten nodes or []
children: ['expressions']
# Tack an expression on to the end of this expression list.
push: (node) ->
@expressions.push node
# Remove and return the last expression of this expression list.
pop: ->
# Add an expression at the beginning of this expression list.
unshift: (node) ->
@expressions.unshift node
# If this Block consists of just a single node, unwrap it by pulling
# it back out.
unwrap: ->
if @expressions.length is 1 then @expressions[0] else this
# Is this an empty block of code?
isEmpty: ->
not @expressions.length
isStatement: (o) ->
for exp in @expressions when exp.isStatement o
return yes
jumps: (o) ->
for exp in @expressions
return jumpNode if jumpNode = exp.jumps o
# A Block node does not return its entire body, rather it
# ensures that the final expression is returned.
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
len = @expressions.length
[..., lastExp] = @expressions
lastExp = lastExp?.unwrap() or no
# We also need to check that were not returning a JSX tag if theres an
# adjacent one at the same level; JSX doesnt allow that.
if lastExp and lastExp instanceof Parens and lastExp.body.expressions.length > 1
{body:{expressions}} = lastExp
[..., penult, last] = expressions
penult = penult.unwrap()
last = last.unwrap()
if penult instanceof JSXElement and last instanceof JSXElement
expressions[expressions.length - 1].error 'Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag'
if mark
@expressions[len - 1]?.makeReturn results, mark
while len--
expr = @expressions[len]
@expressions[len] = expr.makeReturn results
@expressions.splice(len, 1) if expr instanceof Return and not expr.expression
compile: (o, lvl) ->
return new Root(this).withLocationDataFrom(this).compile o, lvl unless o.scope
super o, lvl
# Compile all expressions within the **Block** body. If we need to return
# the result, and its an expression, simply return it. If its a statement,
# ask the statement to do so.
compileNode: (o) ->
@tab = o.indent
top = o.level is LEVEL_TOP
compiledNodes = []
for node, index in @expressions
if node.hoisted
# This is a hoisted expression.
# We want to compile this and ignore the result.
node.compileToFragments o
node = (node.unfoldSoak(o) or node)
if node instanceof Block
# This is a nested block. We dont do anything special here like
# enclose it in a new scope; we just compile the statements in this
# block along with our own.
compiledNodes.push node.compileNode o
else if top
node.front = yes
fragments = node.compileToFragments o
unless node.isStatement o
fragments = indentInitial fragments, @
[..., lastFragment] = fragments
unless lastFragment.code is '' or lastFragment.isComment
fragments.push @makeCode ';'
compiledNodes.push fragments
compiledNodes.push node.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if top
if @spaced
return [].concat @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, '\n\n'), @makeCode('\n')
return @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, '\n')
if compiledNodes.length
answer = @joinFragmentArrays(compiledNodes, ', ')
answer = [@makeCode 'void 0']
if compiledNodes.length > 1 and o.level >= LEVEL_LIST then @wrapInParentheses answer else answer
compileRoot: (o) ->
@spaced = yes
fragments = @compileWithDeclarations o
HoistTarget.expand fragments
@compileComments fragments
# Compile the expressions body for the contents of a function, with
# declarations of all inner variables pushed up to the top.
compileWithDeclarations: (o) ->
fragments = []
post = []
for exp, i in @expressions
exp = exp.unwrap()
break unless exp instanceof Literal
o = merge(o, level: LEVEL_TOP)
if i
rest = @expressions.splice i, 9e9
[spaced, @spaced] = [@spaced, no]
[fragments, @spaced] = [@compileNode(o), spaced]
@expressions = rest
post = @compileNode o
{scope} = o
if scope.expressions is this
declars = o.scope.hasDeclarations()
assigns = scope.hasAssignments
if declars or assigns
fragments.push @makeCode '\n' if i
fragments.push @makeCode "#{@tab}var "
if declars
declaredVariables = scope.declaredVariables()
for declaredVariable, declaredVariablesIndex in declaredVariables
fragments.push @makeCode declaredVariable
if Object::hasOwnProperty.call o.scope.comments, declaredVariable
fragments.push o.scope.comments[declaredVariable]...
if declaredVariablesIndex isnt declaredVariables.length - 1
fragments.push @makeCode ', '
if assigns
fragments.push @makeCode ",\n#{@tab + TAB}" if declars
fragments.push @makeCode scope.assignedVariables().join(",\n#{@tab + TAB}")
fragments.push @makeCode ";\n#{if @spaced then '\n' else ''}"
else if fragments.length and post.length
fragments.push @makeCode "\n"
fragments.concat post
compileComments: (fragments) ->
for fragment, fragmentIndex in fragments
# Insert comments into the output at the next or previous newline.
# If there are no newlines at which to place comments, create them.
if fragment.precedingComments
# Determine the indentation level of the fragment that we are about
# to insert comments before, and use that indentation level for our
# inserted comments. At this point, the fragments `code` property
# is the generated output JavaScript, and CoffeeScript always
# generates output indented by two spaces; so all we need to do is
# search for a `code` property that begins with at least two spaces.
fragmentIndent = ''
for pastFragment in fragments[0...(fragmentIndex + 1)] by -1
indent = /^ {2,}/m.exec pastFragment.code
if indent
fragmentIndent = indent[0]
else if '\n' in pastFragment.code
code = "\n#{fragmentIndent}" + (
for commentFragment in fragment.precedingComments
if commentFragment.isHereComment and commentFragment.multiline
multident commentFragment.code, fragmentIndent, no
).join("\n#{fragmentIndent}").replace /^(\s*)$/gm, ''
for pastFragment, pastFragmentIndex in fragments[0...(fragmentIndex + 1)] by -1
newLineIndex = pastFragment.code.lastIndexOf '\n'
if newLineIndex is -1
# Keep searching previous fragments until we cant go back any
# further, either because there are no fragments left or weve
# discovered that were in a code block that is interpolated
# inside a string.
if pastFragmentIndex is 0
pastFragment.code = '\n' + pastFragment.code
newLineIndex = 0
else if pastFragment.isStringWithInterpolations and pastFragment.code is '{'
code = code[1..] + '\n' # Move newline to end.
newLineIndex = 1
delete fragment.precedingComments
pastFragment.code = pastFragment.code[0...newLineIndex] +
code + pastFragment.code[newLineIndex..]
# Yes, this is awfully similar to the previous `if` block, but if you
# look closely youll find lots of tiny differences that make this
# confusing if it were abstracted into a function that both blocks share.
if fragment.followingComments
# Does the first trailing comment follow at the end of a line of code,
# like `; // Comment`, or does it start a new line after a line of code?
trail = fragment.followingComments[0].trail
fragmentIndent = ''
# Find the indent of the next line of code, if we have any non-trailing
# comments to output. We need to first find the next newline, as these
# comments will be output after that; and then the indent of the line
# that follows the next newline.
unless trail and fragment.followingComments.length is 1
onNextLine = no
for upcomingFragment in fragments[fragmentIndex...]
unless onNextLine
if '\n' in upcomingFragment.code
onNextLine = yes
indent = /^ {2,}/m.exec upcomingFragment.code
if indent
fragmentIndent = indent[0]
else if '\n' in upcomingFragment.code
# Is this comment following the indent inserted by bare mode?
# If so, theres no need to indent this further.
code = if fragmentIndex is 1 and /^\s+$/.test fragments[0].code
else if trail
' '
# Assemble properly indented comments.
code += (
for commentFragment in fragment.followingComments
if commentFragment.isHereComment and commentFragment.multiline
multident commentFragment.code, fragmentIndent, no
).join("\n#{fragmentIndent}").replace /^(\s*)$/gm, ''
for upcomingFragment, upcomingFragmentIndex in fragments[fragmentIndex...]
newLineIndex = upcomingFragment.code.indexOf '\n'
if newLineIndex is -1
# Keep searching upcoming fragments until we cant go any
# further, either because there are no fragments left or weve
# discovered that were in a code block that is interpolated
# inside a string.
if upcomingFragmentIndex is fragments.length - 1
upcomingFragment.code = upcomingFragment.code + '\n'
newLineIndex = upcomingFragment.code.length
else if upcomingFragment.isStringWithInterpolations and upcomingFragment.code is '}'
code = "#{code}\n"
newLineIndex = 0
delete fragment.followingComments
# Avoid inserting extra blank lines.
code = code.replace /^\n/, '' if upcomingFragment.code is '\n'
upcomingFragment.code = upcomingFragment.code[0...newLineIndex] +
code + upcomingFragment.code[newLineIndex..]
# Wrap up the given nodes as a **Block**, unless it already happens
# to be one.
@wrap: (nodes) ->
return nodes[0] if nodes.length is 1 and nodes[0] instanceof Block
new Block nodes
astNode: (o) ->
if (o.level? and o.level isnt LEVEL_TOP) and @expressions.length
return (new Sequence(@expressions).withLocationDataFrom @).ast o
super o
astType: ->
if @isRootBlock
else if @isClassBody
astProperties: (o) ->
checkForDirectives = del o, 'checkForDirectives'
sniffDirectives @expressions, notFinalExpression: checkForDirectives if @isRootBlock or checkForDirectives
directives = []
body = []
for expression in @expressions
expressionAst = expression.ast o
# Ignore generated PassthroughLiteral
if not expressionAst?
else if expression instanceof Directive
directives.push expressionAst
# If an expression is a statement, it can be added to the body as is.
else if expression.isStatementAst o
body.push expressionAst
# Otherwise, we need to wrap it in an `ExpressionStatement` AST node.
body.push Object.assign
type: 'ExpressionStatement'
expression: expressionAst
return {
# For now, were not including `sourceType` on the `Program` AST node.
# Its value could be either `'script'` or `'module'`, and theres no way
# for CoffeeScript to always know which it should be. The presence of an
# `import` or `export` statement in source code would imply that it should
# be a `module`, but a project may consist of mostly such files and also
# an outlier file that lacks `import` or `export` but is still imported
# into the project and therefore expects to be treated as a `module`.
# Determining the value of `sourceType` is essentially the same challenge
# posed by determining the parse goal of a JavaScript file, also `module`
# or `script`, and so if Node figures out a way to do so for `.js` files
# then CoffeeScript can copy Nodes algorithm.
# sourceType: 'module'
body, directives
astLocationData: ->
return if @isRootBlock and not @locationData?
# A directive e.g. 'use strict'.
# Currently only used during AST generation.
exports.Directive = class Directive extends Base
constructor: (@value) ->
astProperties: (o) ->
value: Object.assign {},
@value.ast o
type: 'DirectiveLiteral'
#### Literal
# `Literal` is a base class for static values that can be passed through
# directly into JavaScript without translation, such as: strings, numbers,
# `true`, `false`, `null`...
exports.Literal = class Literal extends Base
constructor: (@value) ->
shouldCache: NO
assigns: (name) ->
name is @value
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode @value]
astProperties: ->
value: @value
toString: ->
# This is only intended for debugging.
" #{if @isStatement() then super() else @constructor.name}: #{@value}"
exports.NumberLiteral = class NumberLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (@value, {@parsedValue} = {}) ->
unless @parsedValue?
if isNumber @value
@parsedValue = @value
@value = "#{@value}"
@parsedValue = parseNumber @value
isBigInt: ->
/n$/.test @value
astType: ->
if @isBigInt()
astProperties: ->
if @isBigInt()
if @isBigInt()
raw: @value
exports.InfinityLiteral = class InfinityLiteral extends NumberLiteral
constructor: (@value, {@originalValue = 'Infinity'} = {}) ->
compileNode: ->
[@makeCode '2e308']
astNode: (o) ->
unless @originalValue is 'Infinity'
return new NumberLiteral(@value).withLocationDataFrom(@).ast o
super o
astType: -> 'Identifier'
astProperties: ->
name: 'Infinity'
declaration: no
exports.NaNLiteral = class NaNLiteral extends NumberLiteral
constructor: ->
super 'NaN'
compileNode: (o) ->
code = [@makeCode '0/0']
if o.level >= LEVEL_OP then @wrapInParentheses code else code
astType: -> 'Identifier'
astProperties: ->
name: 'NaN'
declaration: no
exports.StringLiteral = class StringLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (@originalValue, {@quote, @initialChunk, @finalChunk, @indent, @double, @heregex} = {}) ->
super ''
@quote = null if @quote is '///'
@fromSourceString = @quote?
@quote ?= '"'
heredoc = @isFromHeredoc()
val = @originalValue
if @heregex
val = val.replace HEREGEX_OMIT, '$1$2'
val = replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes val, flags: @heregex.flags
val = val.replace STRING_OMIT, '$1'
val =
unless @fromSourceString
else if heredoc
indentRegex = /// \n#{@indent} ///g if @indent
val = val.replace indentRegex, '\n' if indentRegex
val = val.replace LEADING_BLANK_LINE, '' if @initialChunk
val = val.replace TRAILING_BLANK_LINE, '' if @finalChunk
val.replace SIMPLE_STRING_OMIT, (match, offset) =>
if (@initialChunk and offset is 0) or
(@finalChunk and offset + match.length is val.length)
' '
@delimiter = @quote.charAt 0
@value = makeDelimitedLiteral val, {
@unquotedValueForTemplateLiteral = makeDelimitedLiteral val, {
delimiter: '`'
escapeNewlines: no
includeDelimiters: no
convertTrailingNullEscapes: yes
@unquotedValueForJSX = makeDelimitedLiteral val, {
escapeNewlines: no
includeDelimiters: no
escapeDelimiter: no
compileNode: (o) ->
return StringWithInterpolations.fromStringLiteral(@).compileNode o if @shouldGenerateTemplateLiteral()
return [@makeCode @unquotedValueForJSX] if @jsx
super o
# `StringLiteral`s can represent either entire literal strings
# or pieces of text inside of e.g. an interpolated string.
# When parsed as the former but needing to be treated as the latter
# (e.g. the string part of a tagged template literal), this will return
# a copy of the `StringLiteral` with the quotes trimmed from its location
# data (like it would have if parsed as part of an interpolated string).
withoutQuotesInLocationData: ->
endsWithNewline = @originalValue[-1..] is '\n'
locationData = Object.assign {}, @locationData
locationData.first_column += @quote.length
if endsWithNewline
locationData.last_line -= 1
locationData.last_column =
if locationData.last_line is locationData.first_line
locationData.first_column + @originalValue.length - '\n'.length
@originalValue[...-1].length - '\n'.length - @originalValue[...-1].lastIndexOf('\n')
locationData.last_column -= @quote.length
locationData.last_column_exclusive -= @quote.length
locationData.range = [
locationData.range[0] + @quote.length
locationData.range[1] - @quote.length
copy = new StringLiteral @originalValue, {@quote, @initialChunk, @finalChunk, @indent, @double, @heregex}
copy.locationData = locationData
isFromHeredoc: ->
@quote.length is 3
shouldGenerateTemplateLiteral: ->
astNode: (o) ->
return StringWithInterpolations.fromStringLiteral(@).ast o if @shouldGenerateTemplateLiteral()
super o
astProperties: ->
value: @originalValue
raw: "#{@delimiter}#{@originalValue}#{@delimiter}"
exports.RegexLiteral = class RegexLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (value, {@delimiter = '/', @heregexCommentTokens = []} = {}) ->
super ''
heregex = @delimiter is '///'
endDelimiterIndex = value.lastIndexOf '/'
@flags = value[endDelimiterIndex + 1..]
val = @originalValue = value[1...endDelimiterIndex]
val = val.replace HEREGEX_OMIT, '$1$2' if heregex
val = replaceUnicodeCodePointEscapes val, {@flags}
@value = "#{makeDelimitedLiteral val, delimiter: '/'}#{@flags}"
REGEX_REGEX: /// ^ / (.*) / \w* $ ///
astType: -> 'RegExpLiteral'
astProperties: (o) ->
[, pattern] = @REGEX_REGEX.exec @value
return {
value: undefined
pattern, @flags, @delimiter
originalPattern: @originalValue
raw: @value
originalRaw: "#{@delimiter}#{@originalValue}#{@delimiter}#{@flags}"
rawValue: undefined
for heregexCommentToken in @heregexCommentTokens
if heregexCommentToken.here
new HereComment(heregexCommentToken).ast o
new LineComment(heregexCommentToken).ast o
exports.PassthroughLiteral = class PassthroughLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (@originalValue, {@here, @generated} = {}) ->
super ''
@value = @originalValue.replace /\\+(`|$)/g, (string) ->
# `string` is always a value like '\`', '\\\`', '\\\\\`', etc.
# By reducing it to its latter half, we turn '\`' to '`', '\\\`' to '\`', etc.
string[-Math.ceil(string.length / 2)..]
astNode: (o) ->
return null if @generated
super o
astProperties: ->
return {
value: @originalValue
here: !!@here
exports.IdentifierLiteral = class IdentifierLiteral extends Literal
isAssignable: YES
eachName: (iterator) ->
iterator @
astType: ->
if @jsx
astProperties: ->
name: @value
declaration: !!@isDeclaration
exports.PropertyName = class PropertyName extends Literal
isAssignable: YES
astType: ->
if @jsx
astProperties: ->
name: @value
declaration: no
exports.ComputedPropertyName = class ComputedPropertyName extends PropertyName
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode('['), @value.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST)..., @makeCode(']')]
astNode: (o) ->
@value.ast o
exports.StatementLiteral = class StatementLiteral extends Literal
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: THIS
jumps: (o) ->
return this if @value is 'break' and not (o?.loop or o?.block)
return this if @value is 'continue' and not o?.loop
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode "#{@tab}#{@value};"]
astType: ->
switch @value
when 'continue' then 'ContinueStatement'
when 'break' then 'BreakStatement'
when 'debugger' then 'DebuggerStatement'
exports.ThisLiteral = class ThisLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (value) ->
super 'this'
@shorthand = value is '@'
compileNode: (o) ->
code = if o.scope.method?.bound then o.scope.method.context else @value
[@makeCode code]
astType: -> 'ThisExpression'
astProperties: ->
shorthand: @shorthand
exports.UndefinedLiteral = class UndefinedLiteral extends Literal
constructor: ->
super 'undefined'
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode if o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS then '(void 0)' else 'void 0']
astType: -> 'Identifier'
astProperties: ->
name: @value
declaration: no
exports.NullLiteral = class NullLiteral extends Literal
constructor: ->
super 'null'
exports.BooleanLiteral = class BooleanLiteral extends Literal
constructor: (value, {@originalValue} = {}) ->
super value
@originalValue ?= @value
astProperties: ->
value: if @value is 'true' then yes else no
name: @originalValue
exports.DefaultLiteral = class DefaultLiteral extends Literal
astType: -> 'Identifier'
astProperties: ->
name: 'default'
declaration: no
#### Return
# A `return` is a *pureStatement*—wrapping it in a closure wouldnt make sense.
exports.Return = class Return extends Base
constructor: (@expression, {@belongsToFuncDirectiveReturn} = {}) ->
children: ['expression']
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: THIS
jumps: THIS
compileToFragments: (o, level) ->
expr = @expression?.makeReturn()
if expr and expr not instanceof Return then expr.compileToFragments o, level else super o, level
compileNode: (o) ->
answer = []
# TODO: If we call `expression.compile()` here twice, well sometimes
# get back different results!
if @expression
answer = @expression.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
unshiftAfterComments answer, @makeCode "#{@tab}return "
# Since the `return` got indented by `@tab`, preceding comments that are
# multiline need to be indented.
for fragment in answer
if fragment.isHereComment and '\n' in fragment.code
fragment.code = multident fragment.code, @tab
else if fragment.isLineComment
fragment.code = "#{@tab}#{fragment.code}"
answer.push @makeCode "#{@tab}return"
answer.push @makeCode ';'
checkForPureStatementInExpression: ->
# dont flag `return` from `await return`/`yield return` as invalid.
return if @belongsToFuncDirectiveReturn
astType: -> 'ReturnStatement'
astProperties: (o) ->
argument: @expression?.ast(o, LEVEL_PAREN) ? null
# Parent class for `YieldReturn`/`AwaitReturn`.
exports.FuncDirectiveReturn = class FuncDirectiveReturn extends Return
constructor: (expression, {@returnKeyword}) ->
super expression
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o
super o
checkScope: (o) ->
unless o.scope.parent?
@error "#{@keyword} can only occur inside functions"
isStatementAst: NO
astNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o
new Op @keyword,
new Return @expression, belongsToFuncDirectiveReturn: yes
if @expression?
locationData: mergeLocationData @returnKeyword.locationData, @expression.locationData
.withLocationDataFrom @
.ast o
# `yield return` works exactly like `return`, except that it turns the function
# into a generator.
exports.YieldReturn = class YieldReturn extends FuncDirectiveReturn
keyword: 'yield'
exports.AwaitReturn = class AwaitReturn extends FuncDirectiveReturn
keyword: 'await'
#### Value
# A value, variable or literal or parenthesized, indexed or dotted into,
# or vanilla.
exports.Value = class Value extends Base
constructor: (base, props, tag, isDefaultValue = no) ->
return base if not props and base instanceof Value
@base = base
@properties = props or []
@tag = tag
@[tag] = yes if tag
@isDefaultValue = isDefaultValue
# If this is a `@foo =` assignment, if there are comments on `@` move them
# to be on `foo`.
if @base?.comments and @base instanceof ThisLiteral and @properties[0]?.name?
moveComments @base, @properties[0].name
children: ['base', 'properties']
# Add a property (or *properties* ) `Access` to the list.
add: (props) ->
@properties = @properties.concat props
@forceUpdateLocation = yes
hasProperties: ->
@properties.length isnt 0
bareLiteral: (type) ->
not @properties.length and @base instanceof type
# Some boolean checks for the benefit of other nodes.
isArray : -> @bareLiteral(Arr)
isRange : -> @bareLiteral(Range)
shouldCache : -> @hasProperties() or @base.shouldCache()
isAssignable : (opts) -> @hasProperties() or @base.isAssignable opts
isNumber : -> @bareLiteral(NumberLiteral)
isString : -> @bareLiteral(StringLiteral)
isRegex : -> @bareLiteral(RegexLiteral)
isUndefined : -> @bareLiteral(UndefinedLiteral)
isNull : -> @bareLiteral(NullLiteral)
isBoolean : -> @bareLiteral(BooleanLiteral)
isAtomic : ->
for node in @properties.concat @base
return no if node.soak or node instanceof Call or node instanceof Op and node.operator is 'do'
isNotCallable : -> @isNumber() or @isString() or @isRegex() or
@isArray() or @isRange() or @isSplice() or @isObject() or
@isUndefined() or @isNull() or @isBoolean()
isStatement : (o) -> not @properties.length and @base.isStatement o
isJSXTag : -> @base instanceof JSXTag
assigns : (name) -> not @properties.length and @base.assigns name
jumps : (o) -> not @properties.length and @base.jumps o
isObject: (onlyGenerated) ->
return no if @properties.length
(@base instanceof Obj) and (not onlyGenerated or @base.generated)
isElision: ->
return no unless @base instanceof Arr
isSplice: ->
[..., lastProperty] = @properties
lastProperty instanceof Slice
looksStatic: (className) ->
return no unless ((thisLiteral = @base) instanceof ThisLiteral or (name = @base).value is className) and
@properties.length is 1 and @properties[0].name?.value isnt 'prototype'
staticClassName: thisLiteral ? name
# The value can be unwrapped as its inner node, if there are no attached
# properties.
unwrap: ->
if @properties.length then this else @base
# A reference has base part (`this` value) and name part.
# We cache them separately for compiling complex expressions.
# `a()[b()] ?= c` -> `(_base = a())[_name = b()] ? _base[_name] = c`
cacheReference: (o) ->
[..., name] = @properties
if @properties.length < 2 and not @base.shouldCache() and not name?.shouldCache()
return [this, this] # `a` `a.b`
base = new Value @base, @properties[...-1]
if base.shouldCache() # `a().b`
bref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'base'
base = new Value new Parens new Assign bref, base
return [base, bref] unless name # `a()`
if name.shouldCache() # `a[b()]`
nref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'name'
name = new Index new Assign nref, name.index
nref = new Index nref
[base.add(name), new Value(bref or base.base, [nref or name])]
# We compile a value to JavaScript by compiling and joining each property.
# Things get much more interesting if the chain of properties has *soak*
# operators `?.` interspersed. Then we have to take care not to accidentally
# evaluate anything twice when building the soak chain.
compileNode: (o) ->
@base.front = @front
props = @properties
if props.length and @base.cached?
# Cached fragments enable correct order of the compilation,
# and reuse of variables in the scope.
# Example:
# `a(x = 5).b(-> x = 6)` should compile in the same order as
# `a(x = 5); b(-> x = 6)`
# (see issue #4437, https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/issues/4437)
fragments = @base.cached
fragments = @base.compileToFragments o, (if props.length then LEVEL_ACCESS else null)
if props.length and SIMPLENUM.test fragmentsToText fragments
fragments.push @makeCode '.'
for prop in props
fragments.push (prop.compileToFragments o)...
# Unfold a soak into an `If`: `a?.b` -> `a.b if a?`
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
@unfoldedSoak ?= do =>
ifn = @base.unfoldSoak o
if ifn
ifn.body.properties.push @properties...
return ifn
for prop, i in @properties when prop.soak
prop.soak = off
fst = new Value @base, @properties[...i]
snd = new Value @base, @properties[i..]
if fst.shouldCache()
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
fst = new Parens new Assign ref, fst
snd.base = ref
return new If new Existence(fst), snd, soak: on
eachName: (iterator, {checkAssignability = yes} = {}) ->
if @hasProperties()
iterator @
else if not checkAssignability or @base.isAssignable()
@base.eachName iterator
@error 'tried to assign to unassignable value'
# For AST generation, we need an `object` thats this `Value` minus its last
# property, if it has properties.
object: ->
return @ unless @hasProperties()
# Get all properties except the last one; for a `Value` with only one
# property, `initialProperties` is an empty array.
initialProperties = @properties[0...@properties.length - 1]
# Create the `object` that becomes the new “base” for the split-off final
# property.
object = new Value @base, initialProperties, @tag, @isDefaultValue
# Add location data to our new node, so that it has correct location data
# for source maps or later conversion into AST location data.
object.locationData =
if initialProperties.length is 0
# This new `Value` has only one property, so the location data is just
# that of the parent `Value`s base.
# This new `Value` has multiple properties, so the location data spans
# from the parent `Value`s base to the last property thats included
# in this new node (a.k.a. the second-to-last property of the parent).
mergeLocationData @base.locationData, initialProperties[initialProperties.length - 1].locationData
containsSoak: ->
return no unless @hasProperties()
for property in @properties when property.soak
return yes
return yes if @base instanceof Call and @base.soak
astNode: (o) ->
# If the `Value` has no properties, the AST node is just whatever this
# nodes `base` is.
return @base.ast o unless @hasProperties()
# Otherwise, call `Base::ast` which in turn calls the `astType` and
# `astProperties` methods below.
super o
astType: ->
if @isJSXTag()
else if @containsSoak()
# If this `Value` has properties, the *last* property (e.g. `c` in `a.b.c`)
# becomes the `property`, and the preceding properties (e.g. `a.b`) become
# a child `Value` node assigned to the `object` property.
astProperties: (o) ->
[..., property] = @properties
property.name.jsx = yes if @isJSXTag()
computed = property instanceof Index or property.name?.unwrap() not instanceof PropertyName
return {
object: @object().ast o, LEVEL_ACCESS
property: property.ast o, (LEVEL_PAREN if computed)
optional: !!property.soak
shorthand: !!property.shorthand
astLocationData: ->
return super() unless @isJSXTag()
# don't include leading < of JSX tag in location data
jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData(@properties[@properties.length - 1].locationData)
exports.MetaProperty = class MetaProperty extends Base
constructor: (@meta, @property) ->
children: ['meta', 'property']
checkValid: (o) ->
if @meta.value is 'new'
if @property instanceof Access and @property.name.value is 'target'
unless o.scope.parent?
@error "new.target can only occur inside functions"
@error "the only valid meta property for new is new.target"
else if @meta.value is 'import'
unless @property instanceof Access and @property.name.value is 'meta'
@error "the only valid meta property for import is import.meta"
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkValid o
fragments = []
fragments.push @meta.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS)...
fragments.push @property.compileToFragments(o)...
astProperties: (o) ->
@checkValid o
meta: @meta.ast o, LEVEL_ACCESS
property: @property.ast o
#### HereComment
# Comment delimited by `###` (becoming `/* */`).
exports.HereComment = class HereComment extends Base
constructor: ({ @content, @newLine, @unshift, @locationData }) ->
compileNode: (o) ->
multiline = '\n' in @content
# Unindent multiline comments. They will be reindented later.
if multiline
indent = null
for line in @content.split '\n'
leadingWhitespace = /^\s*/.exec(line)[0]
if not indent or leadingWhitespace.length < indent.length
indent = leadingWhitespace
@content = @content.replace /// \n #{indent} ///g, '\n' if indent
hasLeadingMarks = /\n\s*[#|\*]/.test @content
@content = @content.replace /^([ \t]*)#(?=\s)/gm, ' *' if hasLeadingMarks
@content = "/*#{@content}#{if hasLeadingMarks then ' ' else ''}*/"
fragment = @makeCode @content
fragment.newLine = @newLine
fragment.unshift = @unshift
fragment.multiline = multiline
# Dont rely on `fragment.type`, which can break when the compiler is minified.
fragment.isComment = fragment.isHereComment = yes
astType: -> 'CommentBlock'
astProperties: ->
value: @content
#### LineComment
# Comment running from `#` to the end of a line (becoming `//`).
exports.LineComment = class LineComment extends Base
constructor: ({ @content, @newLine, @unshift, @locationData, @precededByBlankLine }) ->
compileNode: (o) ->
fragment = @makeCode(if /^\s*$/.test @content then '' else "#{if @precededByBlankLine then "\n#{o.indent}" else ''}//#{@content}")
fragment.newLine = @newLine
fragment.unshift = @unshift
fragment.trail = not @newLine and not @unshift
# Dont rely on `fragment.type`, which can break when the compiler is minified.
fragment.isComment = fragment.isLineComment = yes
astType: -> 'CommentLine'
astProperties: ->
value: @content
#### JSX
exports.JSXIdentifier = class JSXIdentifier extends IdentifierLiteral
astType: -> 'JSXIdentifier'
exports.JSXTag = class JSXTag extends JSXIdentifier
constructor: (value, {
}) ->
super value
astProperties: ->
name: @value
exports.JSXExpressionContainer = class JSXExpressionContainer extends Base
constructor: (@expression, {locationData} = {}) ->
@expression.jsxAttribute = yes
@locationData = locationData ? @expression.locationData
children: ['expression']
compileNode: (o) ->
astProperties: (o) ->
expression: astAsBlockIfNeeded @expression, o
exports.JSXEmptyExpression = class JSXEmptyExpression extends Base
exports.JSXText = class JSXText extends Base
constructor: (stringLiteral) ->
@value = stringLiteral.unquotedValueForJSX
@locationData = stringLiteral.locationData
astProperties: ->
return {
raw: @value
exports.JSXAttribute = class JSXAttribute extends Base
constructor: ({@name, value}) ->
@value =
if value?
value = value.base
if value instanceof StringLiteral and not value.shouldGenerateTemplateLiteral()
new JSXExpressionContainer value
@value?.comments = value.comments
children: ['name', 'value']
compileNode: (o) ->
compiledName = @name.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
return compiledName unless @value?
val = @value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
compiledName.concat @makeCode('='), val
astProperties: (o) ->
name = @name
if ':' in name.value
name = new JSXNamespacedName name
name: name.ast o
value: @value?.ast(o) ? null
exports.JSXAttributes = class JSXAttributes extends Base
constructor: (arr) ->
@attributes = []
for object in arr.objects
@checkValidAttribute object
{base} = object
if base instanceof IdentifierLiteral
# attribute with no value eg disabled
attribute = new JSXAttribute name: new JSXIdentifier(base.value).withLocationDataAndCommentsFrom base
attribute.locationData = base.locationData
@attributes.push attribute
else if not base.generated
# object spread attribute eg {...props}
attribute = base.properties[0]
attribute.jsx = yes
attribute.locationData = base.locationData
@attributes.push attribute
# Obj containing attributes with values eg a="b" c={d}
for property in base.properties
{variable, value} = property
attribute = new JSXAttribute {
name: new JSXIdentifier(variable.base.value).withLocationDataAndCommentsFrom variable.base
attribute.locationData = property.locationData
@attributes.push attribute
@locationData = arr.locationData
children: ['attributes']
# Catch invalid attributes: <div {a:"b", props} {props} "value" />
checkValidAttribute: (object) ->
{base: attribute} = object
properties = attribute?.properties or []
if not (attribute instanceof Obj or attribute instanceof IdentifierLiteral) or (attribute instanceof Obj and not attribute.generated and (properties.length > 1 or not (properties[0] instanceof Splat)))
object.error """
Unexpected token. Allowed JSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
compileNode: (o) ->
fragments = []
for attribute in @attributes
fragments.push @makeCode ' '
fragments.push attribute.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)...
astNode: (o) ->
attribute.ast(o) for attribute in @attributes
exports.JSXNamespacedName = class JSXNamespacedName extends Base
constructor: (tag) ->
[namespace, name] = tag.value.split ':'
@namespace = new JSXIdentifier(namespace).withLocationDataFrom locationData: extractSameLineLocationDataFirst(namespace.length) tag.locationData
@name = new JSXIdentifier(name ).withLocationDataFrom locationData: extractSameLineLocationDataLast(name.length ) tag.locationData
@locationData = tag.locationData
children: ['namespace', 'name']
astProperties: (o) ->
namespace: @namespace.ast o
name: @name.ast o
# Node for a JSX element
exports.JSXElement = class JSXElement extends Base
constructor: ({@tagName, @attributes, @content}) ->
children: ['tagName', 'attributes', 'content']
compileNode: (o) ->
@content?.base.jsx = yes
fragments = [@makeCode('<')]
fragments.push (tag = @tagName.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS))...
fragments.push @attributes.compileToFragments(o)...
if @content
fragments.push @makeCode('>')
fragments.push @content.compileNode(o, LEVEL_LIST)...
fragments.push [@makeCode('</'), tag..., @makeCode('>')]...
fragments.push @makeCode(' />')
isFragment: ->
astNode: (o) ->
# The location data spanning the opening element < ... > is captured by
# the generated Arr which contains the element's attributes
@openingElementLocationData = jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData @attributes.locationData
tagName = @tagName.base
tagName.locationData = tagName.tagNameLocationData
if @content?
@closingElementLocationData = mergeAstLocationData(
jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData tagName.closingTagOpeningBracketLocationData
jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData tagName.closingTagClosingBracketLocationData
super o
astType: ->
if @isFragment()
elementAstProperties: (o) ->
tagNameAst = =>
tag = @tagName.unwrap()
if tag?.value and ':' in tag.value
tag = new JSXNamespacedName tag
tag.ast o
openingElement = Object.assign {
type: 'JSXOpeningElement'
name: tagNameAst()
selfClosing: not @closingElementLocationData?
attributes: @attributes.ast o
}, @openingElementLocationData
closingElement = null
if @closingElementLocationData?
closingElement = Object.assign {
type: 'JSXClosingElement'
name: Object.assign(
jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData @tagName.base.closingTagNameLocationData
}, @closingElementLocationData
if closingElement.name.type in ['JSXMemberExpression', 'JSXNamespacedName']
rangeDiff = closingElement.range[0] - openingElement.range[0] + '/'.length
columnDiff = closingElement.loc.start.column - openingElement.loc.start.column + '/'.length
shiftAstLocationData = (node) =>
node.range = [
node.range[0] + rangeDiff
node.range[1] + rangeDiff
node.start += rangeDiff
node.end += rangeDiff
node.loc.start =
line: @closingElementLocationData.loc.start.line
column: node.loc.start.column + columnDiff
node.loc.end =
line: @closingElementLocationData.loc.start.line
column: node.loc.end.column + columnDiff
if closingElement.name.type is 'JSXMemberExpression'
currentExpr = closingElement.name
while currentExpr.type is 'JSXMemberExpression'
shiftAstLocationData currentExpr unless currentExpr is closingElement.name
shiftAstLocationData currentExpr.property
currentExpr = currentExpr.object
shiftAstLocationData currentExpr
else # JSXNamespacedName
shiftAstLocationData closingElement.name.namespace
shiftAstLocationData closingElement.name.name
{openingElement, closingElement}
fragmentAstProperties: (o) ->
openingFragment = Object.assign {
type: 'JSXOpeningFragment'
}, @openingElementLocationData
closingFragment = Object.assign {
type: 'JSXClosingFragment'
}, @closingElementLocationData
{openingFragment, closingFragment}
contentAst: (o) ->
return [] unless @content and not @content.base.isEmpty?()
content = @content.unwrapAll()
children =
if content instanceof StringLiteral
[new JSXText content]
else # StringWithInterpolations
for element in @content.unwrapAll().extractElements o, includeInterpolationWrappers: yes, isJsx: yes
if element instanceof StringLiteral
new JSXText element
else # Interpolation
{expression} = element
unless expression?
emptyExpression = new JSXEmptyExpression()
emptyExpression.locationData = emptyExpressionLocationData {
interpolationNode: element
openingBrace: '{'
closingBrace: '}'
new JSXExpressionContainer emptyExpression, locationData: element.locationData
unwrapped = expression.unwrapAll()
if unwrapped instanceof JSXElement and
# distinguish `<a><b /></a>` from `<a>{<b />}</a>`
unwrapped.locationData.range[0] is element.locationData.range[0]
new JSXExpressionContainer unwrapped, locationData: element.locationData
child.ast(o) for child in children when not (child instanceof JSXText and child.value.length is 0)
astProperties: (o) ->
if @isFragment()
@fragmentAstProperties o
@elementAstProperties o
children: @contentAst o
astLocationData: ->
if @closingElementLocationData?
mergeAstLocationData @openingElementLocationData, @closingElementLocationData
#### Call
# Node for a function invocation.
exports.Call = class Call extends Base
constructor: (@variable, @args = [], @soak, @token) ->
@implicit = @args.implicit
@isNew = no
if @variable instanceof Value and @variable.isNotCallable()
@variable.error "literal is not a function"
if @variable.base instanceof JSXTag
return new JSXElement(
tagName: @variable
attributes: new JSXAttributes @args[0].base
content: @args[1]
# `@variable` never gets output as a result of this node getting created as
# part of `RegexWithInterpolations`, so for that case move any comments to
# the `args` property that gets passed into `RegexWithInterpolations` via
# the grammar.
if @variable.base?.value is 'RegExp' and @args.length isnt 0
moveComments @variable, @args[0]
children: ['variable', 'args']
# When setting the location, we sometimes need to update the start location to
# account for a newly-discovered `new` operator to the left of us. This
# expands the range on the left, but not the right.
updateLocationDataIfMissing: (locationData) ->
if @locationData and @needsUpdatedStartLocation
@locationData = Object.assign {},
first_line: locationData.first_line
first_column: locationData.first_column
range: [
base = @variable?.base or @variable
if base.needsUpdatedStartLocation
@variable.locationData = Object.assign {},
first_line: locationData.first_line
first_column: locationData.first_column
range: [
base.updateLocationDataIfMissing locationData
delete @needsUpdatedStartLocation
super locationData
# Tag this invocation as creating a new instance.
newInstance: ->
base = @variable?.base or @variable
if base instanceof Call and not base.isNew
@isNew = true
@needsUpdatedStartLocation = true
# Soaked chained invocations unfold into if/else ternary structures.
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
if @soak
if @variable instanceof Super
left = new Literal @variable.compile o
rite = new Value left
@variable.error "Unsupported reference to 'super'" unless @variable.accessor?
return ifn if ifn = unfoldSoak o, this, 'variable'
[left, rite] = new Value(@variable).cacheReference o
rite = new Call rite, @args
rite.isNew = @isNew
left = new Literal "typeof #{ left.compile o } === \"function\""
return new If left, new Value(rite), soak: yes
call = this
list = []
if call.variable instanceof Call
list.push call
call = call.variable
break unless call.variable instanceof Value
list.push call
break unless (call = call.variable.base) instanceof Call
for call in list.reverse()
if ifn
if call.variable instanceof Call
call.variable = ifn
call.variable.base = ifn
ifn = unfoldSoak o, call, 'variable'
# Compile a vanilla function call.
compileNode: (o) ->
@variable?.front = @front
compiledArgs = []
# If variable is `Accessor` fragments are cached and used later
# in `Value::compileNode` to ensure correct order of the compilation,
# and reuse of variables in the scope.
# Example:
# `a(x = 5).b(-> x = 6)` should compile in the same order as
# `a(x = 5); b(-> x = 6)`
# (see issue #4437, https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/issues/4437)
varAccess = @variable?.properties?[0] instanceof Access
argCode = (arg for arg in (@args || []) when arg instanceof Code)
if argCode.length > 0 and varAccess and not @variable.base.cached
[cache] = @variable.base.cache o, LEVEL_ACCESS, -> no
@variable.base.cached = cache
for arg, argIndex in @args
if argIndex then compiledArgs.push @makeCode ", "
compiledArgs.push (arg.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST)...
fragments = []
if @isNew
fragments.push @makeCode 'new '
fragments.push @variable.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS)...
fragments.push @makeCode('('), compiledArgs..., @makeCode(')')
checkForNewSuper: ->
if @isNew
@variable.error "Unsupported reference to 'super'" if @variable instanceof Super
containsSoak: ->
return yes if @soak
return yes if @variable?.containsSoak?()
astNode: (o) ->
if @soak and @variable instanceof Super and o.scope.namedMethod()?.ctor
@variable.error "Unsupported reference to 'super'"
super o
astType: ->
if @isNew
else if @containsSoak()
astProperties: (o) ->
callee: @variable.ast o, LEVEL_ACCESS
arguments: arg.ast(o, LEVEL_LIST) for arg in @args
optional: !!@soak
implicit: !!@implicit
#### Super
# Takes care of converting `super()` calls into calls against the prototype's
# function of the same name.
# When `expressions` are set the call will be compiled in such a way that the
# expressions are evaluated without altering the return value of the `SuperCall`
# expression.
exports.SuperCall = class SuperCall extends Call
children: Call::children.concat ['expressions']
isStatement: (o) ->
@expressions?.length and o.level is LEVEL_TOP
compileNode: (o) ->
return super o unless @expressions?.length
superCall = new Literal fragmentsToText super o
replacement = new Block @expressions.slice()
if o.level > LEVEL_TOP
# If we might be in an expression we need to cache and return the result
[superCall, ref] = superCall.cache o, null, YES
replacement.push ref
replacement.unshift superCall
replacement.compileToFragments o, if o.level is LEVEL_TOP then o.level else LEVEL_LIST
exports.Super = class Super extends Base
constructor: (@accessor, @superLiteral) ->
children: ['accessor']
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkInInstanceMethod o
method = o.scope.namedMethod()
unless method.ctor? or @accessor?
{name, variable} = method
if name.shouldCache() or (name instanceof Index and name.index.isAssignable())
nref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.parent.freeVariable 'name'
name.index = new Assign nref, name.index
@accessor = if nref? then new Index nref else name
if @accessor?.name?.comments
# A `super()` call gets compiled to e.g. `super.method()`, which means
# the `method` property name gets compiled for the first time here, and
# again when the `method:` property of the class gets compiled. Since
# this compilation happens first, comments attached to `method:` would
# get incorrectly output near `super.method()`, when we want them to
# get output on the second pass when `method:` is output. So set them
# aside during this compilation pass, and put them back on the object so
# that theyre there for the later compilation.
salvagedComments = @accessor.name.comments
delete @accessor.name.comments
fragments = (new Value (new Literal 'super'), if @accessor then [ @accessor ] else [])
.compileToFragments o
attachCommentsToNode salvagedComments, @accessor.name if salvagedComments
checkInInstanceMethod: (o) ->
method = o.scope.namedMethod()
@error 'cannot use super outside of an instance method' unless method?.isMethod
astNode: (o) ->
@checkInInstanceMethod o
if @accessor?
return (
new Value(
new Super().withLocationDataFrom (@superLiteral ? @)
).withLocationDataFrom @
).ast o
super o
#### RegexWithInterpolations
# Regexes with interpolations are in fact just a variation of a `Call` (a
# `RegExp()` call to be precise) with a `StringWithInterpolations` inside.
exports.RegexWithInterpolations = class RegexWithInterpolations extends Base
constructor: (@call, {@heregexCommentTokens = []} = {}) ->
children: ['call']
compileNode: (o) ->
@call.compileNode o
astType: -> 'InterpolatedRegExpLiteral'
astProperties: (o) ->
interpolatedPattern: @call.args[0].ast o
flags: @call.args[1]?.unwrap().originalValue ? ''
for heregexCommentToken in @heregexCommentTokens
if heregexCommentToken.here
new HereComment(heregexCommentToken).ast o
new LineComment(heregexCommentToken).ast o
#### TaggedTemplateCall
exports.TaggedTemplateCall = class TaggedTemplateCall extends Call
constructor: (variable, arg, soak) ->
arg = StringWithInterpolations.fromStringLiteral arg if arg instanceof StringLiteral
super variable, [ arg ], soak
compileNode: (o) ->
@variable.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS).concat @args[0].compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST)
astType: -> 'TaggedTemplateExpression'
astProperties: (o) ->
tag: @variable.ast o, LEVEL_ACCESS
quasi: @args[0].ast o, LEVEL_LIST
#### Extends
# Node to extend an object's prototype with an ancestor object.
# After `goog.inherits` from the
# [Closure Library](https://github.com/google/closure-library/blob/master/closure/goog/base.js).
exports.Extends = class Extends extends Base
constructor: (@child, @parent) ->
children: ['child', 'parent']
# Hooks one constructor into another's prototype chain.
compileToFragments: (o) ->
new Call(new Value(new Literal utility 'extend', o), [@child, @parent]).compileToFragments o
#### Access
# A `.` access into a property of a value, or the `::` shorthand for
# an access into the object's prototype.
exports.Access = class Access extends Base
constructor: (@name, {@soak, @shorthand} = {}) ->
children: ['name']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
name = @name.compileToFragments o
node = @name.unwrap()
if node instanceof PropertyName
[@makeCode('.'), name...]
[@makeCode('['), name..., @makeCode(']')]
shouldCache: NO
astNode: (o) ->
# Babel doesnt have an AST node for `Access`, but rather just includes
# this Access nodes child `name` Identifier node as the `property` of
# the `MemberExpression` node.
@name.ast o
#### Index
# A `[ ... ]` indexed access into an array or object.
exports.Index = class Index extends Base
constructor: (@index) ->
children: ['index']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
[].concat @makeCode("["), @index.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN), @makeCode("]")
shouldCache: ->
astNode: (o) ->
# Babel doesnt have an AST node for `Index`, but rather just includes
# this Index nodes child `index` Identifier node as the `property` of
# the `MemberExpression` node. The fact that the `MemberExpression`s
# `property` is an Index means that `computed` is `true` for the
# `MemberExpression`.
@index.ast o
#### Range
# A range literal. Ranges can be used to extract portions (slices) of arrays,
# to specify a range for comprehensions, or as a value, to be expanded into the
# corresponding array of integers at runtime.
exports.Range = class Range extends Base
children: ['from', 'to']
constructor: (@from, @to, tag) ->
@exclusive = tag is 'exclusive'
@equals = if @exclusive then '' else '='
# Compiles the range's source variables -- where it starts and where it ends.
# But only if they need to be cached to avoid double evaluation.
compileVariables: (o) ->
o = merge o, top: true
shouldCache = del o, 'shouldCache'
[@fromC, @fromVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @from.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, shouldCache
[@toC, @toVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @to.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, shouldCache
[@step, @stepVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments step.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, shouldCache if step = del o, 'step'
@fromNum = if @from.isNumber() then parseNumber @fromVar else null
@toNum = if @to.isNumber() then parseNumber @toVar else null
@stepNum = if step?.isNumber() then parseNumber @stepVar else null
# When compiled normally, the range returns the contents of the *for loop*
# needed to iterate over the values in the range. Used by comprehensions.
compileNode: (o) ->
@compileVariables o unless @fromVar
return @compileArray(o) unless o.index
# Set up endpoints.
known = @fromNum? and @toNum?
idx = del o, 'index'
idxName = del o, 'name'
namedIndex = idxName and idxName isnt idx
varPart =
if known and not namedIndex
"var #{idx} = #{@fromC}"
"#{idx} = #{@fromC}"
varPart += ", #{@toC}" if @toC isnt @toVar
varPart += ", #{@step}" if @step isnt @stepVar
[lt, gt] = ["#{idx} <#{@equals}", "#{idx} >#{@equals}"]
# Generate the condition.
[from, to] = [@fromNum, @toNum]
# Always check if the `step` isn't zero to avoid the infinite loop.
stepNotZero = "#{ @stepNum ? @stepVar } !== 0"
stepCond = "#{ @stepNum ? @stepVar } > 0"
lowerBound = "#{lt} #{ if known then to else @toVar }"
upperBound = "#{gt} #{ if known then to else @toVar }"
condPart =
if @step?
if @stepNum? and @stepNum isnt 0
if @stepNum > 0 then "#{lowerBound}" else "#{upperBound}"
"#{stepNotZero} && (#{stepCond} ? #{lowerBound} : #{upperBound})"
if known
"#{ if from <= to then lt else gt } #{to}"
"(#{@fromVar} <= #{@toVar} ? #{lowerBound} : #{upperBound})"
cond = if @stepVar then "#{@stepVar} > 0" else "#{@fromVar} <= #{@toVar}"
# Generate the step.
stepPart = if @stepVar
"#{idx} += #{@stepVar}"
else if known
if namedIndex
if from <= to then "++#{idx}" else "--#{idx}"
if from <= to then "#{idx}++" else "#{idx}--"
if namedIndex
"#{cond} ? ++#{idx} : --#{idx}"
"#{cond} ? #{idx}++ : #{idx}--"
varPart = "#{idxName} = #{varPart}" if namedIndex
stepPart = "#{idxName} = #{stepPart}" if namedIndex
# The final loop body.
[@makeCode "#{varPart}; #{condPart}; #{stepPart}"]
# When used as a value, expand the range into the equivalent array.
compileArray: (o) ->
known = @fromNum? and @toNum?
if known and Math.abs(@fromNum - @toNum) <= 20
range = [@fromNum..@toNum]
range.pop() if @exclusive
return [@makeCode "[#{ range.join(', ') }]"]
idt = @tab + TAB
i = o.scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true, reserve: no
result = o.scope.freeVariable 'results', reserve: no
pre = "\n#{idt}var #{result} = [];"
if known
o.index = i
body = fragmentsToText @compileNode o
vars = "#{i} = #{@fromC}" + if @toC isnt @toVar then ", #{@toC}" else ''
cond = "#{@fromVar} <= #{@toVar}"
body = "var #{vars}; #{cond} ? #{i} <#{@equals} #{@toVar} : #{i} >#{@equals} #{@toVar}; #{cond} ? #{i}++ : #{i}--"
post = "{ #{result}.push(#{i}); }\n#{idt}return #{result};\n#{o.indent}"
hasArgs = (node) -> node?.contains isLiteralArguments
args = ', arguments' if hasArgs(@from) or hasArgs(@to)
[@makeCode "(function() {#{pre}\n#{idt}for (#{body})#{post}}).apply(this#{args ? ''})"]
astProperties: (o) ->
return {
from: @from?.ast(o) ? null
to: @to?.ast(o) ? null
#### Slice
# An array slice literal. Unlike JavaScripts `Array#slice`, the second parameter
# specifies the index of the end of the slice, just as the first parameter
# is the index of the beginning.
exports.Slice = class Slice extends Base
children: ['range']
constructor: (@range) ->
# We have to be careful when trying to slice through the end of the array,
# `9e9` is used because not all implementations respect `undefined` or `1/0`.
# `9e9` should be safe because `9e9` > `2**32`, the max array length.
compileNode: (o) ->
{to, from} = @range
# Handle an expression in the property access, e.g. `a[!b in c..]`.
if from?.shouldCache()
from = new Value new Parens from
if to?.shouldCache()
to = new Value new Parens to
fromCompiled = from?.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN) or [@makeCode '0']
if to
compiled = to.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
compiledText = fragmentsToText compiled
if not (not @range.exclusive and +compiledText is -1)
toStr = ', ' + if @range.exclusive
else if to.isNumber()
"#{+compiledText + 1}"
compiled = to.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_ACCESS
"+#{fragmentsToText compiled} + 1 || 9e9"
[@makeCode ".slice(#{ fragmentsToText fromCompiled }#{ toStr or '' })"]
astNode: (o) ->
@range.ast o
#### Obj
# An object literal, nothing fancy.
exports.Obj = class Obj extends Base
constructor: (props, @generated = no) ->
@objects = @properties = props or []
children: ['properties']
isAssignable: (opts) ->
for prop in @properties
# Check for reserved words.
message = isUnassignable prop.unwrapAll().value
prop.error message if message
prop = prop.value if prop instanceof Assign and
prop.context is 'object' and
prop.value?.base not instanceof Arr
return no unless prop.isAssignable opts
shouldCache: ->
not @isAssignable()
# Check if object contains splat.
hasSplat: ->
return yes for prop in @properties when prop instanceof Splat
# Move rest property to the end of the list.
# `{a, rest..., b} = obj` -> `{a, b, rest...} = obj`
# `foo = ({a, rest..., b}) ->` -> `foo = {a, b, rest...}) ->`
reorderProperties: ->
props = @properties
splatProps = @getAndCheckSplatProps()
splatProp = props.splice splatProps[0], 1
@objects = @properties = [].concat props, splatProp
compileNode: (o) ->
@reorderProperties() if @hasSplat() and @lhs
props = @properties
if @generated
for node in props when node instanceof Value
node.error 'cannot have an implicit value in an implicit object'
idt = o.indent += TAB
lastNode = @lastNode @properties
# If this object is the left-hand side of an assignment, all its children
# are too.
isCompact = yes
for prop in @properties
if prop instanceof Assign and prop.context is 'object'
isCompact = no
answer = []
answer.push @makeCode if isCompact then '' else '\n'
for prop, i in props
join = if i is props.length - 1
else if isCompact
', '
else if prop is lastNode
indent = if isCompact then '' else idt
key = if prop instanceof Assign and prop.context is 'object'
else if prop instanceof Assign
prop.operatorToken.error "unexpected #{prop.operatorToken.value}" unless @lhs
if key instanceof Value and key.hasProperties()
key.error 'invalid object key' if prop.context is 'object' or not key.this
key = key.properties[0].name
prop = new Assign key, prop, 'object'
if key is prop
if prop.shouldCache()
[key, value] = prop.base.cache o
key = new PropertyName key.value if key instanceof IdentifierLiteral
prop = new Assign key, value, 'object'
else if key instanceof Value and key.base instanceof ComputedPropertyName
# `{ [foo()] }` output as `{ [ref = foo()]: ref }`.
if prop.base.value.shouldCache()
[key, value] = prop.base.value.cache o
key = new ComputedPropertyName key.value if key instanceof IdentifierLiteral
prop = new Assign key, value, 'object'
# `{ [expression] }` output as `{ [expression]: expression }`.
prop = new Assign key, prop.base.value, 'object'
else if not prop.bareLiteral?(IdentifierLiteral) and prop not instanceof Splat
prop = new Assign prop, prop, 'object'
if indent then answer.push @makeCode indent
answer.push prop.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)...
if join then answer.push @makeCode join
answer.push @makeCode if isCompact then '' else "\n#{@tab}"
answer = @wrapInBraces answer
if @front then @wrapInParentheses answer else answer
getAndCheckSplatProps: ->
return unless @hasSplat() and @lhs
props = @properties
splatProps = (i for prop, i in props when prop instanceof Splat)
props[splatProps[1]].error "multiple spread elements are disallowed" if splatProps?.length > 1
assigns: (name) ->
for prop in @properties when prop.assigns name then return yes
eachName: (iterator) ->
for prop in @properties
prop = prop.value if prop instanceof Assign and prop.context is 'object'
prop = prop.unwrapAll()
prop.eachName iterator if prop.eachName?
# Convert “bare” properties to `ObjectProperty`s (or `Splat`s).
expandProperty: (property) ->
{variable, context, operatorToken} = property
key = if property instanceof Assign and context is 'object'
else if property instanceof Assign
operatorToken.error "unexpected #{operatorToken.value}" unless @lhs
if key instanceof Value and key.hasProperties()
key.error 'invalid object key' unless context isnt 'object' and key.this
if property instanceof Assign
return new ObjectProperty fromAssign: property
return new ObjectProperty key: property
return new ObjectProperty(fromAssign: property) unless key is property
return property if property instanceof Splat
new ObjectProperty key: property
expandProperties: ->
@expandProperty(property) for property in @properties
propagateLhs: (setLhs) ->
@lhs = yes if setLhs
return unless @lhs
for property in @properties
if property instanceof Assign and property.context is 'object'
{value} = property
unwrappedValue = value.unwrapAll()
if unwrappedValue instanceof Arr or unwrappedValue instanceof Obj
unwrappedValue.propagateLhs yes
else if unwrappedValue instanceof Assign
unwrappedValue.nestedLhs = yes
else if property instanceof Assign
# Shorthand property with default, e.g. `{a = 1} = b`.
property.nestedLhs = yes
else if property instanceof Splat
property.propagateLhs yes
astNode: (o) ->
super o
astType: ->
if @lhs
astProperties: (o) ->
implicit: !!@generated
property.ast(o) for property in @expandProperties()
exports.ObjectProperty = class ObjectProperty extends Base
constructor: ({key, fromAssign}) ->
if fromAssign
{variable: @key, value, context} = fromAssign
if context is 'object'
# All non-shorthand properties (i.e. includes `:`).
@value = value
# Left-hand-side shorthand with default e.g. `{a = 1} = b`.
@value = fromAssign
@shorthand = yes
@locationData = fromAssign.locationData
# Shorthand without default e.g. `{a}` or `{@a}` or `{[a]}`.
@key = key
@shorthand = yes
@locationData = key.locationData
astProperties: (o) ->
isComputedPropertyName = (@key instanceof Value and @key.base instanceof ComputedPropertyName) or @key.unwrap() instanceof StringWithInterpolations
keyAst = @key.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
if keyAst?.declaration
Object.assign {}, keyAst, declaration: no
value: @value?.ast(o, LEVEL_LIST) ? keyAst
shorthand: !!@shorthand
computed: !!isComputedPropertyName
method: no
#### Arr
# An array literal.
exports.Arr = class Arr extends Base
constructor: (objs, @lhs = no) ->
@objects = objs or []
children: ['objects']
hasElision: ->
return yes for obj in @objects when obj instanceof Elision
isAssignable: (opts) ->
{allowExpansion, allowNontrailingSplat, allowEmptyArray = no} = opts ? {}
return allowEmptyArray unless @objects.length
for obj, i in @objects
return no if not allowNontrailingSplat and obj instanceof Splat and i + 1 isnt @objects.length
return no unless (allowExpansion and obj instanceof Expansion) or (obj.isAssignable(opts) and (not obj.isAtomic or obj.isAtomic()))
shouldCache: ->
not @isAssignable()
compileNode: (o) ->
return [@makeCode '[]'] unless @objects.length
o.indent += TAB
fragmentIsElision = ([ fragment ]) ->
fragment.type is 'Elision' and fragment.code.trim() is ','
# Detect if `Elision`s at the beginning of the array are processed (e.g. [, , , a]).
passedElision = no
answer = []
for obj, objIndex in @objects
unwrappedObj = obj.unwrapAll()
# Let `compileCommentFragments` know to intersperse block comments
# into the fragments created when compiling this array.
if unwrappedObj.comments and
unwrappedObj.comments.filter((comment) -> not comment.here).length is 0
unwrappedObj.includeCommentFragments = YES
compiledObjs = (obj.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST for obj in @objects)
olen = compiledObjs.length
# If `compiledObjs` includes newlines, we will output this as a multiline
# array (i.e. with a newline and indentation after the `[`). If an element
# contains line comments, that should also trigger multiline output since
# by definition line comments will introduce newlines into our output.
# The exception is if only the first element has line comments; in that
# case, output as the compact form if we otherwise would have, so that the
# first elements line comments get output before or after the array.
includesLineCommentsOnNonFirstElement = no
for fragments, index in compiledObjs
for fragment in fragments
if fragment.isHereComment
fragment.code = fragment.code.trim()
else if index isnt 0 and includesLineCommentsOnNonFirstElement is no and hasLineComments fragment
includesLineCommentsOnNonFirstElement = yes
# Add ', ' if all `Elisions` from the beginning of the array are processed (e.g. [, , , a]) and
# element isn't `Elision` or last element is `Elision` (e.g. [a,,b,,])
if index isnt 0 and passedElision and (not fragmentIsElision(fragments) or index is olen - 1)
answer.push @makeCode ', '
passedElision = passedElision or not fragmentIsElision fragments
answer.push fragments...
if includesLineCommentsOnNonFirstElement or '\n' in fragmentsToText(answer)
for fragment, fragmentIndex in answer
if fragment.isHereComment
fragment.code = "#{multident(fragment.code, o.indent, no)}\n#{o.indent}"
else if fragment.code is ', ' and not fragment?.isElision and fragment.type not in ['StringLiteral', 'StringWithInterpolations']
fragment.code = ",\n#{o.indent}"
answer.unshift @makeCode "[\n#{o.indent}"
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}]"
for fragment in answer when fragment.isHereComment
fragment.code = "#{fragment.code} "
answer.unshift @makeCode '['
answer.push @makeCode ']'
assigns: (name) ->
for obj in @objects when obj.assigns name then return yes
eachName: (iterator) ->
for obj in @objects
obj = obj.unwrapAll()
obj.eachName iterator
# If this array is the left-hand side of an assignment, all its children
# are too.
propagateLhs: (setLhs) ->
@lhs = yes if setLhs
return unless @lhs
for object in @objects
object.lhs = yes if object instanceof Splat or object instanceof Expansion
unwrappedObject = object.unwrapAll()
if unwrappedObject instanceof Arr or unwrappedObject instanceof Obj
unwrappedObject.propagateLhs yes
else if unwrappedObject instanceof Assign
unwrappedObject.nestedLhs = yes
astType: ->
if @lhs
astProperties: (o) ->
object.ast(o, LEVEL_LIST) for object in @objects
#### Class
# The CoffeeScript class definition.
# Initialize a **Class** with its name, an optional superclass, and a body.
exports.Class = class Class extends Base
children: ['variable', 'parent', 'body']
constructor: (@variable, @parent, @body) ->
unless @body?
@body = new Block
@hasGeneratedBody = yes
compileNode: (o) ->
@name = @determineName()
executableBody = @walkBody o
# Special handling to allow `class expr.A extends A` declarations
parentName = @parent.base.value if @parent instanceof Value and not @parent.hasProperties()
@hasNameClash = @name? and @name is parentName
node = @
if executableBody or @hasNameClash
node = new ExecutableClassBody node, executableBody
else if not @name? and o.level is LEVEL_TOP
# Anonymous classes are only valid in expressions
node = new Parens node
if @boundMethods.length and @parent
@variable ?= new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable '_class'
[@variable, @variableRef] = @variable.cache o unless @variableRef?
if @variable
node = new Assign @variable, node, null, { @moduleDeclaration }
@compileNode = @compileClassDeclaration
return node.compileToFragments o
delete @compileNode
compileClassDeclaration: (o) ->
@ctor ?= @makeDefaultConstructor() if @externalCtor or @boundMethods.length
@ctor?.noReturn = true
@proxyBoundMethods() if @boundMethods.length
o.indent += TAB
result = []
result.push @makeCode "class "
result.push @makeCode @name if @name
@compileCommentFragments o, @variable, result if @variable?.comments?
result.push @makeCode ' ' if @name
result.push @makeCode('extends '), @parent.compileToFragments(o)..., @makeCode ' ' if @parent
result.push @makeCode '{'
unless @body.isEmpty()
@body.spaced = true
result.push @makeCode '\n'
result.push @body.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP)...
result.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}"
result.push @makeCode '}'
# Figure out the appropriate name for this class
determineName: ->
return null unless @variable
[..., tail] = @variable.properties
node = if tail
tail instanceof Access and tail.name
unless node instanceof IdentifierLiteral or node instanceof PropertyName
return null
name = node.value
unless tail
message = isUnassignable name
@variable.error message if message
if name in JS_FORBIDDEN then "_#{name}" else name
walkBody: (o) ->
@ctor = null
@boundMethods = []
executableBody = null
initializer = []
{ expressions } = @body
i = 0
for expression in expressions.slice()
if expression instanceof Value and expression.isObject true
{ properties } = expression.base
exprs = []
end = 0
start = 0
pushSlice = -> exprs.push new Value new Obj properties[start...end], true if end > start
while assign = properties[end]
if initializerExpression = @addInitializerExpression assign, o
exprs.push initializerExpression
initializer.push initializerExpression
start = end + 1
expressions[i..i] = exprs
i += exprs.length
if initializerExpression = @addInitializerExpression expression, o
initializer.push initializerExpression
expressions[i] = initializerExpression
i += 1
for method in initializer when method instanceof Code
if method.ctor
method.error 'Cannot define more than one constructor in a class' if @ctor
@ctor = method
else if method.isStatic and method.bound
method.context = @name
else if method.bound
@boundMethods.push method
return unless o.compiling
if initializer.length isnt expressions.length
@body.expressions = (expression.hoist() for expression in initializer)
new Block expressions
# Add an expression to the class initializer
# This is the key method for determining whether an expression in a class
# body should appear in the initializer or the executable body. If the given
# `node` is valid in a class body the method will return a (new, modified,
# or identical) node for inclusion in the class initializer, otherwise
# nothing will be returned and the node will appear in the executable body.
# At time of writing, only methods (instance and static) are valid in ES
# class initializers. As new ES class features (such as class fields) reach
# Stage 4, this method will need to be updated to support them. We
# additionally allow `PassthroughLiteral`s (backticked expressions) in the
# initializer as an escape hatch for ES features that are not implemented
# (e.g. getters and setters defined via the `get` and `set` keywords as
# opposed to the `Object.defineProperty` method).
addInitializerExpression: (node, o) ->
if node.unwrapAll() instanceof PassthroughLiteral
else if @validInitializerMethod node
@addInitializerMethod node
else if not o.compiling and @validClassProperty node
@addClassProperty node
else if not o.compiling and @validClassPrototypeProperty node
@addClassPrototypeProperty node
# Checks if the given node is a valid ES class initializer method.
validInitializerMethod: (node) ->
return no unless node instanceof Assign and node.value instanceof Code
return yes if node.context is 'object' and not node.variable.hasProperties()
return node.variable.looksStatic(@name) and (@name or not node.value.bound)
# Returns a configured class initializer method
addInitializerMethod: (assign) ->
{ variable, value: method, operatorToken } = assign
method.isMethod = yes
method.isStatic = variable.looksStatic @name
if method.isStatic
method.name = variable.properties[0]
methodName = variable.base
method.name = new (if methodName.shouldCache() then Index else Access) methodName
method.name.updateLocationDataIfMissing methodName.locationData
isConstructor =
if methodName instanceof StringLiteral
methodName.originalValue is 'constructor'
methodName.value is 'constructor'
method.ctor = (if @parent then 'derived' else 'base') if isConstructor
method.error 'Cannot define a constructor as a bound (fat arrow) function' if method.bound and method.ctor
method.operatorToken = operatorToken
validClassProperty: (node) ->
return no unless node instanceof Assign
return node.variable.looksStatic @name
addClassProperty: (assign) ->
{variable, value, operatorToken} = assign
{staticClassName} = variable.looksStatic @name
new ClassProperty({
name: variable.properties[0]
isStatic: yes
}).withLocationDataFrom assign
validClassPrototypeProperty: (node) ->
return no unless node instanceof Assign
node.context is 'object' and not node.variable.hasProperties()
addClassPrototypeProperty: (assign) ->
{variable, value} = assign
new ClassPrototypeProperty({
name: variable.base
}).withLocationDataFrom assign
makeDefaultConstructor: ->
ctor = @addInitializerMethod new Assign (new Value new PropertyName 'constructor'), new Code
@body.unshift ctor
if @parent
ctor.body.push new SuperCall new Super, [new Splat new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments']
if @externalCtor
applyCtor = new Value @externalCtor, [ new Access new PropertyName 'apply' ]
applyArgs = [ new ThisLiteral, new IdentifierLiteral 'arguments' ]
ctor.body.push new Call applyCtor, applyArgs
proxyBoundMethods: ->
@ctor.thisAssignments = for method in @boundMethods
method.classVariable = @variableRef if @parent
name = new Value(new ThisLiteral, [ method.name ])
new Assign name, new Call(new Value(name, [new Access new PropertyName 'bind']), [new ThisLiteral])
declareName: (o) ->
return unless (name = @variable?.unwrap()) instanceof IdentifierLiteral
alreadyDeclared = o.scope.find name.value
name.isDeclaration = not alreadyDeclared
isStatementAst: -> yes
astNode: (o) ->
if jumpNode = @body.jumps()
jumpNode.error 'Class bodies cannot contain pure statements'
if argumentsNode = @body.contains isLiteralArguments
argumentsNode.error "Class bodies shouldn't reference arguments"
@declareName o
@name = @determineName()
@body.isClassBody = yes
@body.locationData = zeroWidthLocationDataFromEndLocation @locationData if @hasGeneratedBody
@walkBody o
sniffDirectives @body.expressions
@ctor?.noReturn = yes
super o
astType: (o) ->
if o.level is LEVEL_TOP
astProperties: (o) ->
id: @variable?.ast(o) ? null
superClass: @parent?.ast(o, LEVEL_PAREN) ? null
body: @body.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
exports.ExecutableClassBody = class ExecutableClassBody extends Base
children: [ 'class', 'body' ]
defaultClassVariableName: '_Class'
constructor: (@class, @body = new Block) ->
compileNode: (o) ->
if jumpNode = @body.jumps()
jumpNode.error 'Class bodies cannot contain pure statements'
if argumentsNode = @body.contains isLiteralArguments
argumentsNode.error "Class bodies shouldn't reference arguments"
params = []
args = [new ThisLiteral]
wrapper = new Code params, @body
klass = new Parens new Call (new Value wrapper, [new Access new PropertyName 'call']), args
@body.spaced = true
o.classScope = wrapper.makeScope o.scope
@name = @class.name ? o.classScope.freeVariable @defaultClassVariableName
ident = new IdentifierLiteral @name
directives = @walkBody()
if @class.hasNameClash
parent = new IdentifierLiteral o.classScope.freeVariable 'superClass'
wrapper.params.push new Param parent
args.push @class.parent
@class.parent = parent
if @externalCtor
externalCtor = new IdentifierLiteral o.classScope.freeVariable 'ctor', reserve: no
@class.externalCtor = externalCtor
@externalCtor.variable.base = externalCtor
if @name isnt @class.name
@body.expressions.unshift new Assign (new IdentifierLiteral @name), @class
@body.expressions.unshift @class
@body.expressions.unshift directives...
@body.push ident
klass.compileToFragments o
# Traverse the class's children and:
# - Hoist valid ES properties into `@properties`
# - Hoist static assignments into `@properties`
# - Convert invalid ES properties into class or prototype assignments
walkBody: ->
directives = []
index = 0
while expr = @body.expressions[index]
break unless expr instanceof Value and expr.isString()
if expr.hoisted
directives.push @body.expressions.splice(index, 1)...
@traverseChildren false, (child) =>
return false if child instanceof Class or child instanceof HoistTarget
cont = true
if child instanceof Block
for node, i in child.expressions
if node instanceof Value and node.isObject(true)
cont = false
child.expressions[i] = @addProperties node.base.properties
else if node instanceof Assign and node.variable.looksStatic @name
node.value.isStatic = yes
child.expressions = flatten child.expressions
setContext: ->
@body.traverseChildren false, (node) =>
if node instanceof ThisLiteral
node.value = @name
else if node instanceof Code and node.bound and (node.isStatic or not node.name)
node.context = @name
# Make class/prototype assignments for invalid ES properties
addProperties: (assigns) ->
result = for assign in assigns
variable = assign.variable
base = variable?.base
value = assign.value
delete assign.context
if base.value is 'constructor'
if value instanceof Code
base.error 'constructors must be defined at the top level of a class body'
# The class scope is not available yet, so return the assignment to update later
assign = @externalCtor = new Assign new Value, value
else if not assign.variable.this
name =
if base instanceof ComputedPropertyName
new Index base.value
new (if base.shouldCache() then Index else Access) base
prototype = new Access new PropertyName 'prototype'
variable = new Value new ThisLiteral(), [ prototype, name ]
assign.variable = variable
else if assign.value instanceof Code
assign.value.isStatic = true
compact result
exports.ClassProperty = class ClassProperty extends Base
constructor: ({@name, @isStatic, @staticClassName, @value, @operatorToken}) ->
children: ['name', 'value', 'staticClassName']
isStatement: YES
astProperties: (o) ->
key: @name.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
value: @value.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
static: !!@isStatic
computed: @name instanceof Index or @name instanceof ComputedPropertyName
operator: @operatorToken?.value ? '='
staticClassName: @staticClassName?.ast(o) ? null
exports.ClassPrototypeProperty = class ClassPrototypeProperty extends Base
constructor: ({@name, @value}) ->
children: ['name', 'value']
isStatement: YES
astProperties: (o) ->
key: @name.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
value: @value.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
computed: @name instanceof ComputedPropertyName or @name instanceof StringWithInterpolations
#### Import and Export
exports.ModuleDeclaration = class ModuleDeclaration extends Base
constructor: (@clause, @source, @assertions) ->
children: ['clause', 'source', 'assertions']
isStatement: YES
jumps: THIS
makeReturn: THIS
checkSource: ->
if @source? and @source instanceof StringWithInterpolations
@source.error 'the name of the module to be imported from must be an uninterpolated string'
checkScope: (o, moduleDeclarationType) ->
# TODO: would be appropriate to flag this error during AST generation (as
# well as when compiling to JS). But `o.indent` isnt tracked during AST
# generation, and there doesnt seem to be a current alternative way to track
# whether were at the “program top-level”.
if o.indent.length isnt 0
@error "#{moduleDeclarationType} statements must be at top-level scope"
astAssertions: (o) ->
if @assertions?.properties?
@assertions.properties.map (assertion) =>
{ start, end, loc, left, right } = assertion.ast(o)
{ type: 'ImportAttribute', start, end, loc, key: left, value: right }
exports.ImportDeclaration = class ImportDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o, 'import'
o.importedSymbols = []
code = []
code.push @makeCode "#{@tab}import "
code.push @clause.compileNode(o)... if @clause?
if @source?.value?
code.push @makeCode ' from ' unless @clause is null
code.push @makeCode @source.value
if @assertions?
code.push @makeCode ' assert '
code.push @assertions.compileToFragments(o)...
code.push @makeCode ';'
astNode: (o) ->
o.importedSymbols = []
super o
astProperties: (o) ->
ret =
specifiers: @clause?.ast(o) ? []
source: @source.ast o
assertions: @astAssertions(o)
ret.importKind = 'value' if @clause
exports.ImportClause = class ImportClause extends Base
constructor: (@defaultBinding, @namedImports) ->
children: ['defaultBinding', 'namedImports']
compileNode: (o) ->
code = []
if @defaultBinding?
code.push @defaultBinding.compileNode(o)...
code.push @makeCode ', ' if @namedImports?
if @namedImports?
code.push @namedImports.compileNode(o)...
astNode: (o) ->
# The AST for `ImportClause` is the non-nested list of import specifiers
# that will be the `specifiers` property of an `ImportDeclaration` AST
compact flatten [
@defaultBinding?.ast o
@namedImports?.ast o
exports.ExportDeclaration = class ExportDeclaration extends ModuleDeclaration
compileNode: (o) ->
@checkScope o, 'export'
code = []
code.push @makeCode "#{@tab}export "
code.push @makeCode 'default ' if @ instanceof ExportDefaultDeclaration
if @ not instanceof ExportDefaultDeclaration and
(@clause instanceof Assign or @clause instanceof Class)
code.push @makeCode 'var '
@clause.moduleDeclaration = 'export'
if @clause.body? and @clause.body instanceof Block
code = code.concat @clause.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
code = code.concat @clause.compileNode o
if @source?.value?
code.push @makeCode " from #{@source.value}"
if @assertions?
code.push @makeCode ' assert '
code.push @assertions.compileToFragments(o)...
code.push @makeCode ';'
# Prevent exporting an anonymous class; all exported members must be named
checkForAnonymousClassExport: ->
if @ not instanceof ExportDefaultDeclaration and @clause instanceof Class and not @clause.variable
@clause.error 'anonymous classes cannot be exported'
astNode: (o) ->
super o
exports.ExportNamedDeclaration = class ExportNamedDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
astProperties: (o) ->
ret =
source: @source?.ast(o) ? null
assertions: @astAssertions(o)
exportKind: 'value'
clauseAst = @clause.ast o
if @clause instanceof ExportSpecifierList
ret.specifiers = clauseAst
ret.declaration = null
ret.specifiers = []
ret.declaration = clauseAst
exports.ExportDefaultDeclaration = class ExportDefaultDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
astProperties: (o) ->
declaration: @clause.ast o
assertions: @astAssertions(o)
exports.ExportAllDeclaration = class ExportAllDeclaration extends ExportDeclaration
astProperties: (o) ->
source: @source.ast o
assertions: @astAssertions(o)
exportKind: 'value'
exports.ModuleSpecifierList = class ModuleSpecifierList extends Base
constructor: (@specifiers) ->
children: ['specifiers']
compileNode: (o) ->
code = []
o.indent += TAB
compiledList = (specifier.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST for specifier in @specifiers)
if @specifiers.length isnt 0
code.push @makeCode "{\n#{o.indent}"
for fragments, index in compiledList
code.push @makeCode(",\n#{o.indent}") if index
code.push fragments...
code.push @makeCode "\n}"
code.push @makeCode '{}'
astNode: (o) ->
specifier.ast(o) for specifier in @specifiers
exports.ImportSpecifierList = class ImportSpecifierList extends ModuleSpecifierList
exports.ExportSpecifierList = class ExportSpecifierList extends ModuleSpecifierList
exports.ModuleSpecifier = class ModuleSpecifier extends Base
constructor: (@original, @alias, @moduleDeclarationType) ->
if @original.comments or @alias?.comments
@comments = []
@comments.push @original.comments... if @original.comments
@comments.push @alias.comments... if @alias?.comments
# The name of the variable entering the local scope
@identifier = if @alias? then @alias.value else @original.value
children: ['original', 'alias']
compileNode: (o) ->
@addIdentifierToScope o
code = []
code.push @makeCode @original.value
code.push @makeCode " as #{@alias.value}" if @alias?
addIdentifierToScope: (o) ->
o.scope.find @identifier, @moduleDeclarationType
astNode: (o) ->
@addIdentifierToScope o
super o
exports.ImportSpecifier = class ImportSpecifier extends ModuleSpecifier
constructor: (imported, local) ->
super imported, local, 'import'
addIdentifierToScope: (o) ->
# Per the spec, symbols cant be imported multiple times
# (e.g. `import { foo, foo } from 'lib'` is invalid)
if @identifier in o.importedSymbols or o.scope.check(@identifier)
@error "'#{@identifier}' has already been declared"
o.importedSymbols.push @identifier
super o
astProperties: (o) ->
originalAst = @original.ast o
imported: originalAst
local: @alias?.ast(o) ? originalAst
importKind: null
exports.ImportDefaultSpecifier = class ImportDefaultSpecifier extends ImportSpecifier
astProperties: (o) ->
local: @original.ast o
exports.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = class ImportNamespaceSpecifier extends ImportSpecifier
astProperties: (o) ->
local: @alias.ast o
exports.ExportSpecifier = class ExportSpecifier extends ModuleSpecifier
constructor: (local, exported) ->
super local, exported, 'export'
astProperties: (o) ->
originalAst = @original.ast o
local: originalAst
exported: @alias?.ast(o) ? originalAst
exports.DynamicImport = class DynamicImport extends Base
compileNode: ->
[@makeCode 'import']
astType: -> 'Import'
exports.DynamicImportCall = class DynamicImportCall extends Call
compileNode: (o) ->
super o
checkArguments: ->
unless 1 <= @args.length <= 2
@error 'import() accepts either one or two arguments'
astNode: (o) ->
super o
#### Assign
# The **Assign** is used to assign a local variable to value, or to set the
# property of an object -- including within object literals.
exports.Assign = class Assign extends Base
constructor: (@variable, @value, @context, options = {}) ->
{@param, @subpattern, @operatorToken, @moduleDeclaration, @originalContext = @context} = options
children: ['variable', 'value']
isAssignable: YES
isStatement: (o) ->
o?.level is LEVEL_TOP and @context? and (@moduleDeclaration or "?" in @context)
checkNameAssignability: (o, varBase) ->
if o.scope.type(varBase.value) is 'import'
varBase.error "'#{varBase.value}' is read-only"
assigns: (name) ->
@[if @context is 'object' then 'value' else 'variable'].assigns name
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
unfoldSoak o, this, 'variable'
addScopeVariables: (o, {
# During AST generation, we need to allow assignment to these constructs
# that are considered “unassignable” during compile-to-JS, while still
# flagging things like `[null] = b`.
allowAssignmentToExpansion = no,
allowAssignmentToNontrailingSplat = no,
allowAssignmentToEmptyArray = no,
allowAssignmentToComplexSplat = no
} = {}) ->
return unless not @context or @context is '**='
varBase = @variable.unwrapAll()
if not varBase.isAssignable {
allowExpansion: allowAssignmentToExpansion
allowNontrailingSplat: allowAssignmentToNontrailingSplat
allowEmptyArray: allowAssignmentToEmptyArray
allowComplexSplat: allowAssignmentToComplexSplat
@variable.error "'#{@variable.compile o}' can't be assigned"
varBase.eachName (name) =>
return if name.hasProperties?()
message = isUnassignable name.value
name.error message if message
# `moduleDeclaration` can be `'import'` or `'export'`.
@checkNameAssignability o, name
if @moduleDeclaration
o.scope.add name.value, @moduleDeclaration
name.isDeclaration = yes
else if @param
o.scope.add name.value,
if @param is 'alwaysDeclare'
alreadyDeclared = o.scope.find name.value
name.isDeclaration ?= not alreadyDeclared
# If this assignment identifier has one or more herecomments
# attached, output them as part of the declarations line (unless
# other herecomments are already staged there) for compatibility
# with Flow typing. Dont do this if this assignment is for a
# class, e.g. `ClassName = class ClassName {`, as Flow requires
# the comment to be between the class name and the `{`.
if name.comments and not o.scope.comments[name.value] and
@value not instanceof Class and
name.comments.every((comment) -> comment.here and not comment.multiline)
commentsNode = new IdentifierLiteral name.value
commentsNode.comments = name.comments
commentFragments = []
@compileCommentFragments o, commentsNode, commentFragments
o.scope.comments[name.value] = commentFragments
# Compile an assignment, delegating to `compileDestructuring` or
# `compileSplice` if appropriate. Keep track of the name of the base object
# we've been assigned to, for correct internal references. If the variable
# has not been seen yet within the current scope, declare it.
compileNode: (o) ->
isValue = @variable instanceof Value
if isValue
# If `@variable` is an array or an object, were destructuring;
# if its also `isAssignable()`, the destructuring syntax is supported
# in ES and we can output it as is; otherwise we `@compileDestructuring`
# and convert this ES-unsupported destructuring into acceptable output.
if @variable.isArray() or @variable.isObject()
unless @variable.isAssignable()
if @variable.isObject() and @variable.base.hasSplat()
return @compileObjectDestruct o
return @compileDestructuring o
return @compileSplice o if @variable.isSplice()
return @compileConditional o if @isConditional()
return @compileSpecialMath o if @context in ['//=', '%%=']
@addScopeVariables o
if @value instanceof Code
if @value.isStatic
@value.name = @variable.properties[0]
else if @variable.properties?.length >= 2
[properties..., prototype, name] = @variable.properties
@value.name = name if prototype.name?.value is 'prototype'
val = @value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
compiledName = @variable.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if @context is 'object'
if @variable.shouldCache()
compiledName.unshift @makeCode '['
compiledName.push @makeCode ']'
return compiledName.concat @makeCode(': '), val
answer = compiledName.concat @makeCode(" #{ @context or '=' } "), val
# Per https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment#Assignment_without_declaration,
# if were destructuring without declaring, the destructuring assignment must be wrapped in parentheses.
# The assignment is wrapped in parentheses if 'o.level' has lower precedence than LEVEL_LIST (3)
# (i.e. LEVEL_COND (4), LEVEL_OP (5) or LEVEL_ACCESS (6)), or if we're destructuring object, e.g. {a,b} = obj.
if o.level > LEVEL_LIST or isValue and @variable.base instanceof Obj and not @nestedLhs and not (@param is yes)
@wrapInParentheses answer
# Object rest property is not assignable: `{{a}...}`
compileObjectDestruct: (o) ->
{properties: props} = @variable.base
[..., splat] = props
splatProp = splat.name
assigns = []
refVal = new Value new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
props.splice -1, 1, new Splat refVal
assigns.push new Assign(new Value(new Obj props), @value).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
assigns.push new Assign(new Value(splatProp), refVal).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
@joinFragmentArrays assigns, ', '
# Brief implementation of recursive pattern matching, when assigning array or
# object literals to a value. Peeks at their properties to assign inner names.
compileDestructuring: (o) ->
top = o.level is LEVEL_TOP
{value} = this
{objects} = @variable.base
olen = objects.length
# Special-case for `{} = a` and `[] = a` (empty patterns).
# Compile to simply `a`.
if olen is 0
code = value.compileToFragments o
return if o.level >= LEVEL_OP then @wrapInParentheses code else code
[obj] = objects
{splats, expans, splatsAndExpans} = @getAndCheckSplatsAndExpansions()
isSplat = splats?.length > 0
isExpans = expans?.length > 0
vvar = value.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
vvarText = fragmentsToText vvar
assigns = []
pushAssign = (variable, val) =>
assigns.push new Assign(variable, val, null, param: @param, subpattern: yes).compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
if isSplat
splatVar = objects[splats[0]].name.unwrap()
if splatVar instanceof Arr or splatVar instanceof Obj
splatVarRef = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
objects[splats[0]].name = splatVarRef
splatVarAssign = -> pushAssign new Value(splatVar), splatVarRef
# At this point, there are several things to destructure. So the `fn()` in
# `{a, b} = fn()` must be cached, for example. Make vvar into a simple
# variable if it isnt already.
if value.unwrap() not instanceof IdentifierLiteral or @variable.assigns(vvarText)
ref = o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
assigns.push [@makeCode(ref + ' = '), vvar...]
vvar = [@makeCode ref]
vvarText = ref
slicer = (type) -> (vvar, start, end = no) ->
vvar = new IdentifierLiteral vvar unless vvar instanceof Value
args = [vvar, new NumberLiteral(start)]
args.push new NumberLiteral end if end
slice = new Value (new IdentifierLiteral utility type, o), [new Access new PropertyName 'call']
new Value new Call slice, args
# Helper which outputs `[].slice` code.
compSlice = slicer "slice"
# Helper which outputs `[].splice` code.
compSplice = slicer "splice"
# Check if `objects` array contains any instance of `Assign`, e.g. {a:1}.
hasObjAssigns = (objs) ->
(i for obj, i in objs when obj instanceof Assign and obj.context is 'object')
# Check if `objects` array contains any unassignable object.
objIsUnassignable = (objs) ->
return yes for obj in objs when not obj.isAssignable()
# `objects` are complex when there is object assign ({a:1}),
# unassignable object, or just a single node.
complexObjects = (objs) ->
hasObjAssigns(objs).length or objIsUnassignable(objs) or olen is 1
# "Complex" `objects` are processed in a loop.
# Examples: [a, b, {c, r...}, d], [a, ..., {b, r...}, c, d]
loopObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) =>
for obj, i in objs
# `Elision` can be skipped.
continue if obj instanceof Elision
# If `obj` is {a: 1}
if obj instanceof Assign and obj.context is 'object'
{variable: {base: idx}, value: vvar} = obj
{variable: vvar} = vvar if vvar instanceof Assign
idx =
if vvar.this
new PropertyName vvar.unwrap().value
acc = idx.unwrap() instanceof PropertyName
vval = new Value value, [new (if acc then Access else Index) idx]
# `obj` is [a...], {a...} or a
vvar = switch
when obj instanceof Splat then new Value obj.name
else obj
vval = switch
when obj instanceof Splat then compSlice(vvarTxt, i)
else new Value new Literal(vvarTxt), [new Index new NumberLiteral i]
message = isUnassignable vvar.unwrap().value
vvar.error message if message
pushAssign vvar, vval
# "Simple" `objects` can be split and compiled to arrays, [a, b, c] = arr, [a, b, c...] = arr
assignObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) =>
vvar = new Value new Arr(objs, yes)
vval = if vvarTxt instanceof Value then vvarTxt else new Value new Literal(vvarTxt)
pushAssign vvar, vval
processObjects = (objs, vvar, vvarTxt) ->
if complexObjects objs
loopObjects objs, vvar, vvarTxt
assignObjects objs, vvar, vvarTxt
# In case there is `Splat` or `Expansion` in `objects`,
# we can split array in two simple subarrays.
# `Splat` [a, b, c..., d, e] can be split into [a, b, c...] and [d, e].
# `Expansion` [a, b, ..., c, d] can be split into [a, b] and [c, d].
# Examples:
# a) `Splat`
# CS: [a, b, c..., d, e] = arr
# JS: [a, b, ...c] = arr, [d, e] = splice.call(c, -2)
# b) `Expansion`
# CS: [a, b, ..., d, e] = arr
# JS: [a, b] = arr, [d, e] = slice.call(arr, -2)
if splatsAndExpans.length
expIdx = splatsAndExpans[0]
leftObjs = objects.slice 0, expIdx + (if isSplat then 1 else 0)
rightObjs = objects.slice expIdx + 1
processObjects leftObjs, vvar, vvarText if leftObjs.length isnt 0
if rightObjs.length isnt 0
# Slice or splice `objects`.
refExp = switch
when isSplat then compSplice new Value(objects[expIdx].name), rightObjs.length * -1
when isExpans then compSlice vvarText, rightObjs.length * -1
if complexObjects rightObjs
restVar = refExp
refExp = o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
assigns.push [@makeCode(refExp + ' = '), restVar.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST)...]
processObjects rightObjs, vvar, refExp
# There is no `Splat` or `Expansion` in `objects`.
processObjects objects, vvar, vvarText
assigns.push vvar unless top or @subpattern
fragments = @joinFragmentArrays assigns, ', '
if o.level < LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInParentheses fragments
# Disallow `[...] = a` for some reason. (Could be equivalent to `[] = a`?)
disallowLoneExpansion: ->
return unless @variable.base instanceof Arr
{objects} = @variable.base
return unless objects?.length is 1
[loneObject] = objects
if loneObject instanceof Expansion
loneObject.error 'Destructuring assignment has no target'
# Show error if there is more than one `Splat`, or `Expansion`.
# Examples: [a, b, c..., d, e, f...], [a, b, ..., c, d, ...], [a, b, ..., c, d, e...]
getAndCheckSplatsAndExpansions: ->
return {splats: [], expans: [], splatsAndExpans: []} unless @variable.base instanceof Arr
{objects} = @variable.base
# Count all `Splats`: [a, b, c..., d, e]
splats = (i for obj, i in objects when obj instanceof Splat)
# Count all `Expansions`: [a, b, ..., c, d]
expans = (i for obj, i in objects when obj instanceof Expansion)
# Combine splats and expansions.
splatsAndExpans = [splats..., expans...]
if splatsAndExpans.length > 1
# Sort 'splatsAndExpans' so we can show error at first disallowed token.
objects[splatsAndExpans.sort()[1]].error "multiple splats/expansions are disallowed in an assignment"
{splats, expans, splatsAndExpans}
# When compiling a conditional assignment, take care to ensure that the
# operands are only evaluated once, even though we have to reference them
# more than once.
compileConditional: (o) ->
[left, right] = @variable.cacheReference o
# Disallow conditional assignment of undefined variables.
if not left.properties.length and left.base instanceof Literal and
left.base not instanceof ThisLiteral and not o.scope.check left.base.value
@throwUnassignableConditionalError left.base.value
if "?" in @context
o.isExistentialEquals = true
new If(new Existence(left), right, type: 'if').addElse(new Assign(right, @value, '=')).compileToFragments o
fragments = new Op(@context[...-1], left, new Assign(right, @value, '=')).compileToFragments o
if o.level <= LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInParentheses fragments
# Convert special math assignment operators like `a //= b` to the equivalent
# extended form `a = a ** b` and then compiles that.
compileSpecialMath: (o) ->
[left, right] = @variable.cacheReference o
new Assign(left, new Op(@context[...-1], right, @value)).compileToFragments o
# Compile the assignment from an array splice literal, using JavaScript's
# `Array#splice` method.
compileSplice: (o) ->
{range: {from, to, exclusive}} = @variable.properties.pop()
unwrappedVar = @variable.unwrapAll()
if unwrappedVar.comments
moveComments unwrappedVar, @
delete @variable.comments
name = @variable.compile o
if from
[fromDecl, fromRef] = @cacheToCodeFragments from.cache o, LEVEL_OP
fromDecl = fromRef = '0'
if to
if from?.isNumber() and to.isNumber()
to = to.compile(o) - fromRef
to += 1 unless exclusive
to = to.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS) + ' - ' + fromRef
to += ' + 1' unless exclusive
to = "9e9"
[valDef, valRef] = @value.cache o, LEVEL_LIST
answer = [].concat @makeCode("#{utility 'splice', o}.apply(#{name}, [#{fromDecl}, #{to}].concat("), valDef, @makeCode(")), "), valRef
if o.level > LEVEL_TOP then @wrapInParentheses answer else answer
eachName: (iterator) ->
@variable.unwrapAll().eachName iterator
isDefaultAssignment: -> @param or @nestedLhs
propagateLhs: ->
return unless @variable?.isArray?() or @variable?.isObject?()
# This is the left-hand side of an assignment; let `Arr` and `Obj`
# know that, so that those nodes know that theyre assignable as
# destructured variables.
@variable.base.propagateLhs yes
throwUnassignableConditionalError: (name) ->
@variable.error "the variable \"#{name}\" can't be assigned with #{@context} because it has not been declared before"
isConditional: ->
@context in ['||=', '&&=', '?=']
isStatementAst: NO
astNode: (o) ->
if @isConditional()
variable = @variable.unwrap()
if variable instanceof IdentifierLiteral and not o.scope.check variable.value
@throwUnassignableConditionalError variable.value
@addScopeVariables o, allowAssignmentToExpansion: yes, allowAssignmentToNontrailingSplat: yes, allowAssignmentToEmptyArray: yes, allowAssignmentToComplexSplat: yes
super o
astType: ->
if @isDefaultAssignment()
astProperties: (o) ->
ret =
right: @value.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
left: @variable.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
unless @isDefaultAssignment()
ret.operator = @originalContext ? '='
#### FuncGlyph
exports.FuncGlyph = class FuncGlyph extends Base
constructor: (@glyph) ->
#### Code
# A function definition. This is the only node that creates a new Scope.
# When for the purposes of walking the contents of a function body, the Code
# has no *children* -- they're within the inner scope.
exports.Code = class Code extends Base
constructor: (params, body, @funcGlyph, @paramStart) ->
@params = params or []
@body = body or new Block
@bound = @funcGlyph?.glyph is '=>'
@isGenerator = no
@isAsync = no
@isMethod = no
@body.traverseChildren no, (node) =>
if (node instanceof Op and node.isYield()) or node instanceof YieldReturn
@isGenerator = yes
if (node instanceof Op and node.isAwait()) or node instanceof AwaitReturn
@isAsync = yes
if node instanceof For and node.isAwait()
@isAsync = yes
children: ['params', 'body']
isStatement: -> @isMethod
jumps: NO
makeScope: (parentScope) -> new Scope parentScope, @body, this
# Compilation creates a new scope unless explicitly asked to share with the
# outer scope. Handles splat parameters in the parameter list by setting
# such parameters to be the final parameter in the function definition, as
# required per the ES2015 spec. If the CoffeeScript function definition had
# parameters after the splat, they are declared via expressions in the
# function body.
compileNode: (o) ->
if @bound
@context = o.scope.method.context if o.scope.method?.bound
@context = 'this' unless @context
@updateOptions o
params = []
exprs = []
thisAssignments = @thisAssignments?.slice() ? []
paramsAfterSplat = []
haveSplatParam = no
haveBodyParam = no
# Separate `this` assignments.
@eachParamName (name, node, param, obj) ->
if node.this
name = node.properties[0].name.value
name = "_#{name}" if name in JS_FORBIDDEN
target = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable name, reserve: no
# `Param` is object destructuring with a default value: ({@prop = 1}) ->
# In a case when the variable name is already reserved, we have to assign
# a new variable name to the destructured variable: ({prop:prop1 = 1}) ->
replacement =
if param.name instanceof Obj and obj instanceof Assign and
obj.operatorToken.value is '='
new Assign (new IdentifierLiteral name), target, 'object' #, operatorToken: new Literal ':'
param.renameParam node, replacement
thisAssignments.push new Assign node, target
# Parse the parameters, adding them to the list of parameters to put in the
# function definition; and dealing with splats or expansions, including
# adding expressions to the function body to declare all parameter
# variables that would have been after the splat/expansion parameter.
# If we encounter a parameter that needs to be declared in the function
# body for any reason, for example its destructured with `this`, also
# declare and assign all subsequent parameters in the function body so that
# any non-idempotent parameters are evaluated in the correct order.
for param, i in @params
# Was `...` used with this parameter? Splat/expansion parameters cannot
# have default values, so we need not worry about that.
if param.splat or param instanceof Expansion
haveSplatParam = yes
if param.splat
if param.name instanceof Arr or param.name instanceof Obj
# Splat arrays are treated oddly by ES; deal with them the legacy
# way in the function body. TODO: Should this be handled in the
# function parameter list, and if so, how?
splatParamName = o.scope.freeVariable 'arg'
params.push ref = new Value new IdentifierLiteral splatParamName
exprs.push new Assign new Value(param.name), ref
params.push ref = param.asReference o
splatParamName = fragmentsToText ref.compileNodeWithoutComments o
if param.shouldCache()
exprs.push new Assign new Value(param.name), ref
else # `param` is an Expansion
splatParamName = o.scope.freeVariable 'args'
params.push new Value new IdentifierLiteral splatParamName
o.scope.parameter splatParamName
# Parse all other parameters; if a splat paramater has not yet been
# encountered, add these other parameters to the list to be output in
# the function definition.
if param.shouldCache() or haveBodyParam
param.assignedInBody = yes
haveBodyParam = yes
# This parameter cannot be declared or assigned in the parameter
# list. So put a reference in the parameter list and add a statement
# to the function body assigning it, e.g.
# `(arg) => { var a = arg.a; }`, with a default value if it has one.
if param.value?
condition = new Op '===', param, new UndefinedLiteral
ifTrue = new Assign new Value(param.name), param.value
exprs.push new If condition, ifTrue
exprs.push new Assign new Value(param.name), param.asReference(o), null, param: 'alwaysDeclare'
# If this parameter comes before the splat or expansion, it will go
# in the function definition parameter list.
unless haveSplatParam
# If this parameter has a default value, and it hasnt already been
# set by the `shouldCache()` block above, define it as a statement in
# the function body. This parameter comes after the splat parameter,
# so we cant define its default value in the parameter list.
if param.shouldCache()
ref = param.asReference o
if param.value? and not param.assignedInBody
ref = new Assign new Value(param.name), param.value, null, param: yes
ref = param
# Add this parameters reference(s) to the function scope.
if param.name instanceof Arr or param.name instanceof Obj
# This parameter is destructured.
param.name.lhs = yes
unless param.shouldCache()
param.name.eachName (prop) ->
o.scope.parameter prop.value
# This compilation of the parameter is only to get its name to add
# to the scope name tracking; since the compilation output here
# isnt kept for eventual output, dont include comments in this
# compilation, so that they get output the “real” time this param
# is compiled.
paramToAddToScope = if param.value? then param else ref
o.scope.parameter fragmentsToText paramToAddToScope.compileToFragmentsWithoutComments o
params.push ref
paramsAfterSplat.push param
# If this parameter had a default value, since its no longer in the
# function parameter list we need to assign its default value
# (if necessary) as an expression in the body.
if param.value? and not param.shouldCache()
condition = new Op '===', param, new UndefinedLiteral
ifTrue = new Assign new Value(param.name), param.value
exprs.push new If condition, ifTrue
# Add this parameter to the scope, since it wouldnt have been added
# yet since it was skipped earlier.
o.scope.add param.name.value, 'var', yes if param.name?.value?
# If there were parameters after the splat or expansion parameter, those
# parameters need to be assigned in the body of the function.
if paramsAfterSplat.length isnt 0
# Create a destructured assignment, e.g. `[a, b, c] = [args..., b, c]`
exprs.unshift new Assign new Value(
new Arr [new Splat(new IdentifierLiteral(splatParamName)), (param.asReference o for param in paramsAfterSplat)...]
), new Value new IdentifierLiteral splatParamName
# Add new expressions to the function body
wasEmpty = @body.isEmpty()
@body.expressions.unshift thisAssignments... unless @expandCtorSuper thisAssignments
@body.expressions.unshift exprs...
if @isMethod and @bound and not @isStatic and @classVariable
boundMethodCheck = new Value new Literal utility 'boundMethodCheck', o
@body.expressions.unshift new Call(boundMethodCheck, [new Value(new ThisLiteral), @classVariable])
@body.makeReturn() unless wasEmpty or @noReturn
# JavaScript doesnt allow bound (`=>`) functions to also be generators.
# This is usually caught via `Op::compileContinuation`, but double-check:
if @bound and @isGenerator
yieldNode = @body.contains (node) -> node instanceof Op and node.operator is 'yield'
(yieldNode or @).error 'yield cannot occur inside bound (fat arrow) functions'
# Assemble the output
modifiers = []
modifiers.push 'static' if @isMethod and @isStatic
modifiers.push 'async' if @isAsync
unless @isMethod or @bound
modifiers.push "function#{if @isGenerator then '*' else ''}"
else if @isGenerator
modifiers.push '*'
signature = [@makeCode '(']
# Block comments between a function name and `(` get output between
# `function` and `(`.
if @paramStart?.comments?
@compileCommentFragments o, @paramStart, signature
for param, i in params
signature.push @makeCode ', ' if i isnt 0
signature.push @makeCode '...' if haveSplatParam and i is params.length - 1
# Compile this parameter, but if any generated variables get created
# (e.g. `ref`), shift those into the parent scope since we cant put a
# `var` line inside a function parameter list.
scopeVariablesCount = o.scope.variables.length
signature.push param.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN)...
if scopeVariablesCount isnt o.scope.variables.length
generatedVariables = o.scope.variables.splice scopeVariablesCount
o.scope.parent.variables.push generatedVariables...
signature.push @makeCode ')'
# Block comments between `)` and `->`/`=>` get output between `)` and `{`.
if @funcGlyph?.comments?
comment.unshift = no for comment in @funcGlyph.comments
@compileCommentFragments o, @funcGlyph, signature
body = @body.compileWithDeclarations o unless @body.isEmpty()
# We need to compile the body before method names to ensure `super`
# references are handled.
if @isMethod
[methodScope, o.scope] = [o.scope, o.scope.parent]
name = @name.compileToFragments o
name.shift() if name[0].code is '.'
o.scope = methodScope
answer = @joinFragmentArrays (@makeCode m for m in modifiers), ' '
answer.push @makeCode ' ' if modifiers.length and name
answer.push name... if name
answer.push signature...
answer.push @makeCode ' =>' if @bound and not @isMethod
answer.push @makeCode ' {'
answer.push @makeCode('\n'), body..., @makeCode("\n#{@tab}") if body?.length
answer.push @makeCode '}'
return indentInitial answer, @ if @isMethod
if @front or (o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS) then @wrapInParentheses answer else answer
updateOptions: (o) ->
o.scope = del(o, 'classScope') or @makeScope o.scope
o.scope.shared = del(o, 'sharedScope')
o.indent += TAB
delete o.bare
delete o.isExistentialEquals
checkForDuplicateParams: ->
paramNames = []
@eachParamName (name, node, param) ->
node.error "multiple parameters named '#{name}'" if name in paramNames
paramNames.push name
eachParamName: (iterator) ->
param.eachName iterator for param in @params
# Short-circuit `traverseChildren` method to prevent it from crossing scope
# boundaries unless `crossScope` is `true`.
traverseChildren: (crossScope, func) ->
super(crossScope, func) if crossScope
# Short-circuit `replaceInContext` method to prevent it from crossing context boundaries. Bound
# functions have the same context.
replaceInContext: (child, replacement) ->
if @bound
super child, replacement
disallowSuperInParamDefaults: ({forAst} = {}) ->
return false unless @ctor
@eachSuperCall Block.wrap(@params), (superCall) ->
superCall.error "'super' is not allowed in constructor parameter defaults"
, checkForThisBeforeSuper: not forAst
checkSuperCallsInConstructorBody: ->
return false unless @ctor
seenSuper = @eachSuperCall @body, (superCall) =>
superCall.error "'super' is only allowed in derived class constructors" if @ctor is 'base'
flagThisParamInDerivedClassConstructorWithoutCallingSuper: (param) ->
param.error "Can't use @params in derived class constructors without calling super"
checkForAsyncOrGeneratorConstructor: ->
if @ctor
@name.error 'Class constructor may not be async' if @isAsync
@name.error 'Class constructor may not be a generator' if @isGenerator
disallowLoneExpansionAndMultipleSplats: ->
seenSplatParam = no
for param in @params
# Was `...` used with this parameter? (Only one such parameter is allowed
# per function.)
if param.splat or param instanceof Expansion
if seenSplatParam
param.error 'only one splat or expansion parameter is allowed per function definition'
else if param instanceof Expansion and @params.length is 1
param.error 'an expansion parameter cannot be the only parameter in a function definition'
seenSplatParam = yes
expandCtorSuper: (thisAssignments) ->
return false unless @ctor
seenSuper = @eachSuperCall @body, (superCall) =>
superCall.expressions = thisAssignments
haveThisParam = thisAssignments.length and thisAssignments.length isnt @thisAssignments?.length
if @ctor is 'derived' and not seenSuper and haveThisParam
param = thisAssignments[0].variable
@flagThisParamInDerivedClassConstructorWithoutCallingSuper param
# Find all super calls in the given context node;
# returns `true` if `iterator` is called.
eachSuperCall: (context, iterator, {checkForThisBeforeSuper = yes} = {}) ->
seenSuper = no
context.traverseChildren yes, (child) =>
if child instanceof SuperCall
# `super` in a constructor (the only `super` without an accessor)
# cannot be given an argument with a reference to `this`, as that would
# be referencing `this` before calling `super`.
unless child.variable.accessor
childArgs = child.args.filter (arg) ->
arg not instanceof Class and (arg not instanceof Code or arg.bound)
Block.wrap(childArgs).traverseChildren yes, (node) =>
node.error "Can't call super with @params in derived class constructors" if node.this
seenSuper = yes
iterator child
else if checkForThisBeforeSuper and child instanceof ThisLiteral and @ctor is 'derived' and not seenSuper
child.error "Can't reference 'this' before calling super in derived class constructors"
# `super` has the same target in bound (arrow) functions, so check them too
child not instanceof SuperCall and (child not instanceof Code or child.bound)
propagateLhs: ->
for param in @params
{name} = param
if name instanceof Arr or name instanceof Obj
name.propagateLhs yes
else if param instanceof Expansion
param.lhs = yes
astAddParamsToScope: (o) ->
@eachParamName (name) ->
o.scope.add name, 'param'
astNode: (o) ->
@updateOptions o
@disallowSuperInParamDefaults forAst: yes
seenSuper = @checkSuperCallsInConstructorBody()
if @ctor is 'derived' and not seenSuper
@eachParamName (name, node) =>
if node.this
@flagThisParamInDerivedClassConstructorWithoutCallingSuper node
@astAddParamsToScope o
@body.makeReturn null, yes unless @body.isEmpty() or @noReturn
super o
astType: ->
if @isMethod
else if @bound
paramForAst: (param) ->
return param if param instanceof Expansion
{name, value, splat} = param
if splat
new Splat name, lhs: yes, postfix: splat.postfix
.withLocationDataFrom param
else if value?
new Assign name, value, null, param: yes
.withLocationDataFrom locationData: mergeLocationData name.locationData, value.locationData
methodAstProperties: (o) ->
getIsComputed = =>
return yes if @name instanceof Index
return yes if @name instanceof ComputedPropertyName
return yes if @name.name instanceof ComputedPropertyName
static: !!@isStatic
key: @name.ast o
computed: getIsComputed()
if @ctor
operator: @operatorToken?.value ? '='
staticClassName: @isStatic.staticClassName?.ast(o) ? null
bound: !!@bound
astProperties: (o) ->
return Object.assign
params: @paramForAst(param).ast(o) for param in @params
body: @body.ast (Object.assign {}, o, checkForDirectives: yes), LEVEL_TOP
generator: !!@isGenerator
async: !!@isAsync
# We never generate named functions, so specify `id` as `null`, which
# matches the Babel AST for anonymous function expressions/arrow functions
id: null
hasIndentedBody: @body.locationData.first_line > @funcGlyph?.locationData.first_line
if @isMethod then @methodAstProperties o else {}
astLocationData: ->
functionLocationData = super()
return functionLocationData unless @isMethod
astLocationData = mergeAstLocationData @name.astLocationData(), functionLocationData
if @isStatic.staticClassName?
astLocationData = mergeAstLocationData @isStatic.staticClassName.astLocationData(), astLocationData
#### Param
# A parameter in a function definition. Beyond a typical JavaScript parameter,
# these parameters can also attach themselves to the context of the function,
# as well as be a splat, gathering up a group of parameters into an array.
exports.Param = class Param extends Base
constructor: (@name, @value, @splat) ->
message = isUnassignable @name.unwrapAll().value
@name.error message if message
if @name instanceof Obj and @name.generated
token = @name.objects[0].operatorToken
token.error "unexpected #{token.value}"
children: ['name', 'value']
compileToFragments: (o) ->
@name.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
compileToFragmentsWithoutComments: (o) ->
@name.compileToFragmentsWithoutComments o, LEVEL_LIST
asReference: (o) ->
return @reference if @reference
node = @name
if node.this
name = node.properties[0].name.value
name = "_#{name}" if name in JS_FORBIDDEN
node = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable name
else if node.shouldCache()
node = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'arg'
node = new Value node
node.updateLocationDataIfMissing @locationData
@reference = node
shouldCache: ->
# Iterates the name or names of a `Param`.
# In a sense, a destructured parameter represents multiple JS parameters. This
# method allows to iterate them all.
# The `iterator` function will be called as `iterator(name, node)` where
# `name` is the name of the parameter and `node` is the AST node corresponding
# to that name.
eachName: (iterator, name = @name) ->
checkAssignabilityOfLiteral = (literal) ->
message = isUnassignable literal.value
if message
literal.error message
unless literal.isAssignable()
literal.error "'#{literal.value}' can't be assigned"
atParam = (obj, originalObj = null) => iterator "@#{obj.properties[0].name.value}", obj, @, originalObj
if name instanceof Call
name.error "Function invocation can't be assigned"
# * simple literals `foo`
if name instanceof Literal
checkAssignabilityOfLiteral name
return iterator name.value, name, @
# * at-params `@foo`
return atParam name if name instanceof Value
for obj in name.objects ? []
# Save original obj.
nObj = obj
# * destructured parameter with default value
if obj instanceof Assign and not obj.context?
obj = obj.variable
# * assignments within destructured parameters `{foo:bar}`
if obj instanceof Assign
# ... possibly with a default value
if obj.value instanceof Assign
obj = obj.value.variable
obj = obj.value
@eachName iterator, obj.unwrap()
# * splats within destructured parameters `[xs...]`
else if obj instanceof Splat
node = obj.name.unwrap()
iterator node.value, node, @
else if obj instanceof Value
# * destructured parameters within destructured parameters `[{a}]`
if obj.isArray() or obj.isObject()
@eachName iterator, obj.base
# * at-params within destructured parameters `{@foo}`
else if obj.this
atParam obj, nObj
# * simple destructured parameters {foo}
checkAssignabilityOfLiteral obj.base
iterator obj.base.value, obj.base, @
else if obj instanceof Elision
else if obj not instanceof Expansion
obj.error "illegal parameter #{obj.compile()}"
# Rename a param by replacing the given AST node for a name with a new node.
# This needs to ensure that the the source for object destructuring does not change.
renameParam: (node, newNode) ->
isNode = (candidate) -> candidate is node
replacement = (node, parent) =>
if parent instanceof Obj
key = node
key = node.properties[0].name if node.this
# No need to assign a new variable for the destructured variable if the variable isn't reserved.
# Examples:
# `({@foo}) ->` should compile to `({foo}) { this.foo = foo}`
# `foo = 1; ({@foo}) ->` should compile to `foo = 1; ({foo:foo1}) { this.foo = foo1 }`
if node.this and key.value is newNode.value
new Value newNode
new Assign new Value(key), newNode, 'object'
@replaceInContext isNode, replacement
#### Splat
# A splat, either as a parameter to a function, an argument to a call,
# or as part of a destructuring assignment.
exports.Splat = class Splat extends Base
constructor: (name, {@lhs, @postfix = true} = {}) ->
@name = if name.compile then name else new Literal name
children: ['name']
shouldCache: -> no
isAssignable: ({allowComplexSplat = no} = {})->
return allowComplexSplat if @name instanceof Obj or @name instanceof Parens
@name.isAssignable() and (not @name.isAtomic or @name.isAtomic())
assigns: (name) ->
@name.assigns name
compileNode: (o) ->
compiledSplat = [@makeCode('...'), @name.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_OP)...]
return compiledSplat unless @jsx
return [@makeCode('{'), compiledSplat..., @makeCode('}')]
unwrap: -> @name
propagateLhs: (setLhs) ->
@lhs = yes if setLhs
return unless @lhs
@name.propagateLhs? yes
astType: ->
if @jsx
else if @lhs
astProperties: (o) -> {
argument: @name.ast o, LEVEL_OP
#### Expansion
# Used to skip values inside an array destructuring (pattern matching) or
# parameter list.
exports.Expansion = class Expansion extends Base
shouldCache: NO
compileNode: (o) ->
asReference: (o) ->
eachName: (iterator) ->
throwLhsError: ->
@error 'Expansion must be used inside a destructuring assignment or parameter list'
astNode: (o) ->
unless @lhs
super o
astType: -> 'RestElement'
astProperties: ->
argument: null
#### Elision
# Array elision element (for example, [,a, , , b, , c, ,]).
exports.Elision = class Elision extends Base
isAssignable: YES
shouldCache: NO
compileToFragments: (o, level) ->
fragment = super o, level
fragment.isElision = yes
compileNode: (o) ->
[@makeCode ', ']
asReference: (o) ->
eachName: (iterator) ->
astNode: ->
#### While
# A while loop, the only sort of low-level loop exposed by CoffeeScript. From
# it, all other loops can be manufactured. Useful in cases where you need more
# flexibility or more speed than a comprehension can provide.
exports.While = class While extends Base
constructor: (@condition, {invert: @inverted, @guard, @isLoop} = {}) ->
children: ['condition', 'guard', 'body']
isStatement: YES
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
return super(results, mark) if results
@returns = not @jumps()
if mark
@body.makeReturn(results, mark) if @returns
addBody: (@body) ->
jumps: ->
{expressions} = @body
return no unless expressions.length
for node in expressions
return jumpNode if jumpNode = node.jumps loop: yes
# The main difference from a JavaScript *while* is that the CoffeeScript
# *while* can be used as a part of a larger expression -- while loops may
# return an array containing the computed result of each iteration.
compileNode: (o) ->
o.indent += TAB
set = ''
{body} = this
if body.isEmpty()
body = @makeCode ''
if @returns
body.makeReturn rvar = o.scope.freeVariable 'results'
set = "#{@tab}#{rvar} = [];\n"
if @guard
if body.expressions.length > 1
body.expressions.unshift new If (new Parens @guard).invert(), new StatementLiteral "continue"
body = Block.wrap [new If @guard, body] if @guard
body = [].concat @makeCode("\n"), (body.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}")
answer = [].concat @makeCode(set + @tab + "while ("), @processedCondition().compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN),
@makeCode(") {"), body, @makeCode("}")
if @returns
answer.push @makeCode "\n#{@tab}return #{rvar};"
processedCondition: ->
@processedConditionCache ?= if @inverted then @condition.invert() else @condition
astType: -> 'WhileStatement'
astProperties: (o) ->
test: @condition.ast o, LEVEL_PAREN
body: @body.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
guard: @guard?.ast(o) ? null
inverted: !!@inverted
postfix: !!@postfix
loop: !!@isLoop
#### Op
# Simple Arithmetic and logical operations. Performs some conversion from
# CoffeeScript operations into their JavaScript equivalents.
exports.Op = class Op extends Base
constructor: (op, first, second, flip, {@invertOperator, @originalOperator = op} = {}) ->
if op is 'new'
if ((firstCall = unwrapped = first.unwrap()) instanceof Call or (firstCall = unwrapped.base) instanceof Call) and not firstCall.do and not firstCall.isNew
return new Value firstCall.newInstance(), if firstCall is unwrapped then [] else unwrapped.properties
first = new Parens first unless first instanceof Parens or first.unwrap() instanceof IdentifierLiteral or first.hasProperties?()
call = new Call first, []
call.locationData = @locationData
call.isNew = yes
return call
@operator = CONVERSIONS[op] or op
@first = first
@second = second
@flip = !!flip
if @operator in ['--', '++']
message = isUnassignable @first.unwrapAll().value
@first.error message if message
return this
# The map of conversions from CoffeeScript to JavaScript symbols.
'==': '==='
'!=': '!=='
'of': 'in'
'yieldfrom': 'yield*'
# The map of invertible operators.
'!==': '==='
'===': '!=='
children: ['first', 'second']
isNumber: ->
@isUnary() and @operator in ['+', '-'] and
@first instanceof Value and @first.isNumber()
isAwait: ->
@operator is 'await'
isYield: ->
@operator in ['yield', 'yield*']
isUnary: ->
not @second
shouldCache: ->
not @isNumber()
# Am I capable of
# [Python-style comparison chaining](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/expressions.html#not-in)?
isChainable: ->
@operator in ['<', '>', '>=', '<=', '===', '!==']
isChain: ->
@isChainable() and @first.isChainable()
invert: ->
if @isInOperator()
@invertOperator = '!'
return @
if @isChain()
allInvertable = yes
curr = this
while curr and curr.operator
allInvertable and= (curr.operator of INVERSIONS)
curr = curr.first
return new Parens(this).invert() unless allInvertable
curr = this
while curr and curr.operator
curr.invert = !curr.invert
curr.operator = INVERSIONS[curr.operator]
curr = curr.first
else if op = INVERSIONS[@operator]
@operator = op
if @first.unwrap() instanceof Op
else if @second
new Parens(this).invert()
else if @operator is '!' and (fst = @first.unwrap()) instanceof Op and
fst.operator in ['!', 'in', 'instanceof']
new Op '!', this
unfoldSoak: (o) ->
@operator in ['++', '--', 'delete'] and unfoldSoak o, this, 'first'
generateDo: (exp) ->
passedParams = []
func = if exp instanceof Assign and (ref = exp.value.unwrap()) instanceof Code
for param in func.params or []
if param.value
passedParams.push param.value
delete param.value
passedParams.push param
call = new Call exp, passedParams
call.do = yes
isInOperator: ->
@originalOperator is 'in'
compileNode: (o) ->
if @isInOperator()
inNode = new In @first, @second
return (if @invertOperator then inNode.invert() else inNode).compileNode o
if @invertOperator
@invertOperator = null
return @invert().compileNode(o)
return Op::generateDo(@first).compileNode o if @operator is 'do'
isChain = @isChain()
# In chains, there's no need to wrap bare obj literals in parens,
# as the chained expression is wrapped.
@first.front = @front unless isChain
@checkDeleteOperand o
return @compileContinuation o if @isYield() or @isAwait()
return @compileUnary o if @isUnary()
return @compileChain o if isChain
switch @operator
when '?' then @compileExistence o, @second.isDefaultValue
when '//' then @compileFloorDivision o
when '%%' then @compileModulo o
lhs = @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
rhs = @second.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
answer = [].concat lhs, @makeCode(" #{@operator} "), rhs
if o.level <= LEVEL_OP then answer else @wrapInParentheses answer
# Mimic Python's chained comparisons when multiple comparison operators are
# used sequentially. For example:
# bin/coffee -e 'console.log 50 < 65 > 10'
# true
compileChain: (o) ->
[@first.second, shared] = @first.second.cache o
fst = @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
fragments = fst.concat @makeCode(" #{if @invert then '&&' else '||'} "),
(shared.compileToFragments o), @makeCode(" #{@operator} "), (@second.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP)
@wrapInParentheses fragments
# Keep reference to the left expression, unless this an existential assignment
compileExistence: (o, checkOnlyUndefined) ->
if @first.shouldCache()
ref = new IdentifierLiteral o.scope.freeVariable 'ref'
fst = new Parens new Assign ref, @first
fst = @first
ref = fst
new If(new Existence(fst, checkOnlyUndefined), ref, type: 'if').addElse(@second).compileToFragments o
# Compile a unary **Op**.
compileUnary: (o) ->
parts = []
op = @operator
parts.push [@makeCode op]
if op is '!' and @first instanceof Existence
@first.negated = not @first.negated
return @first.compileToFragments o
if o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS
return (new Parens this).compileToFragments o
plusMinus = op in ['+', '-']
parts.push [@makeCode(' ')] if op in ['typeof', 'delete'] or
plusMinus and @first instanceof Op and @first.operator is op
if plusMinus and @first instanceof Op
@first = new Parens @first
parts.push @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
parts.reverse() if @flip
@joinFragmentArrays parts, ''
compileContinuation: (o) ->
parts = []
op = @operator
@checkContinuation o unless @isAwait()
if 'expression' in Object.keys(@first) and not (@first instanceof Throw)
parts.push @first.expression.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP if @first.expression?
parts.push [@makeCode "("] if o.level >= LEVEL_PAREN
parts.push [@makeCode op]
parts.push [@makeCode " "] if @first.base?.value isnt ''
parts.push @first.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_OP
parts.push [@makeCode ")"] if o.level >= LEVEL_PAREN
@joinFragmentArrays parts, ''
checkContinuation: (o) ->
unless o.scope.parent?
@error "#{@operator} can only occur inside functions"
if o.scope.method?.bound and o.scope.method.isGenerator
@error 'yield cannot occur inside bound (fat arrow) functions'
compileFloorDivision: (o) ->
floor = new Value new IdentifierLiteral('Math'), [new Access new PropertyName 'floor']
second = if @second.shouldCache() then new Parens @second else @second
div = new Op '/', @first, second
new Call(floor, [div]).compileToFragments o
compileModulo: (o) ->
mod = new Value new Literal utility 'modulo', o
new Call(mod, [@first, @second]).compileToFragments o
toString: (idt) ->
super idt, @constructor.name + ' ' + @operator
checkDeleteOperand: (o) ->
if @operator is 'delete' and o.scope.check(@first.unwrapAll().value)
@error 'delete operand may not be argument or var'
astNode: (o) ->
@checkContinuation o if @isYield()
@checkDeleteOperand o
super o
astType: ->
return 'AwaitExpression' if @isAwait()
return 'YieldExpression' if @isYield()
return 'ChainedComparison' if @isChain()
switch @operator
when '||', '&&', '?' then 'LogicalExpression'
when '++', '--' then 'UpdateExpression'
if @isUnary() then 'UnaryExpression'
else 'BinaryExpression'
operatorAst: ->
"#{if @invertOperator then "#{@invertOperator} " else ''}#{@originalOperator}"
chainAstProperties: (o) ->
operators = [@operatorAst()]
operands = [@second]
currentOp = @first
operators.unshift currentOp.operatorAst()
operands.unshift currentOp.second
currentOp = currentOp.first
unless currentOp.isChainable()
operands.unshift currentOp
return {
operands: (operand.ast(o, LEVEL_OP) for operand in operands)
astProperties: (o) ->
return @chainAstProperties(o) if @isChain()
firstAst = @first.ast o, LEVEL_OP
secondAst = @second?.ast o, LEVEL_OP
operatorAst = @operatorAst()
when @isUnary()
argument =
if @isYield() and @first.unwrap().value is ''
return {argument} if @isAwait()
return {
delegate: @operator is 'yield*'
} if @isYield()
return {
operator: operatorAst
prefix: !@flip
left: firstAst
right: secondAst
operator: operatorAst
#### In
exports.In = class In extends Base
constructor: (@object, @array) ->
children: ['object', 'array']
invert: NEGATE
compileNode: (o) ->
if @array instanceof Value and @array.isArray() and @array.base.objects.length
for obj in @array.base.objects when obj instanceof Splat
hasSplat = yes
# `compileOrTest` only if we have an array literal with no splats
return @compileOrTest o unless hasSplat
@compileLoopTest o
compileOrTest: (o) ->
[sub, ref] = @object.cache o, LEVEL_OP
[cmp, cnj] = if @negated then [' !== ', ' && '] else [' === ', ' || ']
tests = []
for item, i in @array.base.objects
if i then tests.push @makeCode cnj
tests = tests.concat (if i then ref else sub), @makeCode(cmp), item.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_ACCESS)
if o.level < LEVEL_OP then tests else @wrapInParentheses tests
compileLoopTest: (o) ->
[sub, ref] = @object.cache o, LEVEL_LIST
fragments = [].concat @makeCode(utility('indexOf', o) + ".call("), @array.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST),
@makeCode(", "), ref, @makeCode(") " + if @negated then '< 0' else '>= 0')
return fragments if fragmentsToText(sub) is fragmentsToText(ref)
fragments = sub.concat @makeCode(', '), fragments
if o.level < LEVEL_LIST then fragments else @wrapInParentheses fragments
toString: (idt) ->
super idt, @constructor.name + if @negated then '!' else ''
#### Try
# A classic *try/catch/finally* block.
exports.Try = class Try extends Base
constructor: (@attempt, @catch, @ensure, @finallyTag) ->
children: ['attempt', 'catch', 'ensure']
isStatement: YES
jumps: (o) -> @attempt.jumps(o) or @catch?.jumps(o)
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
if mark
@attempt?.makeReturn results, mark
@catch?.makeReturn results, mark
@attempt = @attempt.makeReturn results if @attempt
@catch = @catch .makeReturn results if @catch
# Compilation is more or less as you would expect -- the *finally* clause
# is optional, the *catch* is not.
compileNode: (o) ->
originalIndent = o.indent
o.indent += TAB
tryPart = @attempt.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
catchPart = if @catch
@catch.compileToFragments merge(o, indent: originalIndent), LEVEL_TOP
else unless @ensure or @catch
generatedErrorVariableName = o.scope.freeVariable 'error', reserve: no
[@makeCode(" catch (#{generatedErrorVariableName}) {}")]
ensurePart = if @ensure then ([].concat @makeCode(" finally {\n"), @ensure.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP),
@makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")) else []
[].concat @makeCode("#{@tab}try {\n"),
@makeCode("\n#{@tab}}"), catchPart, ensurePart
astType: -> 'TryStatement'
astProperties: (o) ->
block: @attempt.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
handler: @catch?.ast(o) ? null
if @ensure?
Object.assign @ensure.ast(o, LEVEL_TOP),
# Include `finally` keyword in location data.
exports.Catch = class Catch extends Base
constructor: (@recovery, @errorVariable) ->
@errorVariable?.unwrap().propagateLhs? yes
children: ['recovery', 'errorVariable']
isStatement: YES
jumps: (o) -> @recovery.jumps o
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
ret = @recovery.makeReturn results, mark
return if mark
@recovery = ret
compileNode: (o) ->
o.indent += TAB
generatedErrorVariableName = o.scope.freeVariable 'error', reserve: no
placeholder = new IdentifierLiteral generatedErrorVariableName
if @errorVariable
@recovery.unshift new Assign @errorVariable, placeholder
[].concat @makeCode(" catch ("), placeholder.compileToFragments(o), @makeCode(") {\n"),
@recovery.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
checkUnassignable: ->
if @errorVariable
message = isUnassignable @errorVariable.unwrapAll().value
@errorVariable.error message if message
astNode: (o) ->
@errorVariable?.eachName (name) ->
alreadyDeclared = o.scope.find name.value
name.isDeclaration = not alreadyDeclared
super o
astType: -> 'CatchClause'
astProperties: (o) ->
param: @errorVariable?.ast(o) ? null
body: @recovery.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
#### Throw
# Simple node to throw an exception.
exports.Throw = class Throw extends Base
constructor: (@expression) ->
children: ['expression']
isStatement: YES
jumps: NO
# A **Throw** is already a return, of sorts...
makeReturn: THIS
compileNode: (o) ->
fragments = @expression.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
unshiftAfterComments fragments, @makeCode 'throw '
fragments.unshift @makeCode @tab
fragments.push @makeCode ';'
astType: -> 'ThrowStatement'
astProperties: (o) ->
argument: @expression.ast o, LEVEL_LIST
#### Existence
# Checks a variable for existence -- not `null` and not `undefined`. This is
# similar to `.nil?` in Ruby, and avoids having to consult a JavaScript truth
# table. Optionally only check if a variable is not `undefined`.
exports.Existence = class Existence extends Base
constructor: (@expression, onlyNotUndefined = no) ->
@comparisonTarget = if onlyNotUndefined then 'undefined' else 'null'
salvagedComments = []
@expression.traverseChildren yes, (child) ->
if child.comments
for comment in child.comments
salvagedComments.push comment unless comment in salvagedComments
delete child.comments
attachCommentsToNode salvagedComments, @
moveComments @expression, @
children: ['expression']
invert: NEGATE
compileNode: (o) ->
@expression.front = @front
code = @expression.compile o, LEVEL_OP
if @expression.unwrap() instanceof IdentifierLiteral and not o.scope.check code
[cmp, cnj] = if @negated then ['===', '||'] else ['!==', '&&']
code = "typeof #{code} #{cmp} \"undefined\"" + if @comparisonTarget isnt 'undefined' then " #{cnj} #{code} #{cmp} #{@comparisonTarget}" else ''
# We explicity want to use loose equality (`==`) when comparing against `null`,
# so that an existence check roughly corresponds to a check for truthiness.
# Do *not* change this to `===` for `null`, as this will break mountains of
# existing code. When comparing only against `undefined`, however, we want to
# use `===` because this use case is for parity with ES2015+ default values,
# which only get assigned when the variable is `undefined` (but not `null`).
cmp = if @comparisonTarget is 'null'
if @negated then '==' else '!='
else # `undefined`
if @negated then '===' else '!=='
code = "#{code} #{cmp} #{@comparisonTarget}"
[@makeCode(if o.level <= LEVEL_COND then code else "(#{code})")]
astType: -> 'UnaryExpression'
astProperties: (o) ->
argument: @expression.ast o
operator: '?'
prefix: no
#### Parens
# An extra set of parentheses, specified explicitly in the source. At one time
# we tried to clean up the results by detecting and removing redundant
# parentheses, but no longer -- you can put in as many as you please.
# Parentheses are a good way to force any statement to become an expression.
exports.Parens = class Parens extends Base
constructor: (@body) ->
children: ['body']
unwrap: -> @body
shouldCache: -> @body.shouldCache()
compileNode: (o) ->
expr = @body.unwrap()
# If these parentheses are wrapping an `IdentifierLiteral` followed by a
# block comment, output the parentheses (or put another way, dont optimize
# away these redundant parentheses). This is because Flow requires
# parentheses in certain circumstances to distinguish identifiers followed
# by comment-based type annotations from JavaScript labels.
shouldWrapComment = expr.comments?.some(
(comment) -> comment.here and not comment.unshift and not comment.newLine)
if expr instanceof Value and expr.isAtomic() and not @jsxAttribute and not shouldWrapComment
expr.front = @front
return expr.compileToFragments o
fragments = expr.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
bare = o.level < LEVEL_OP and not shouldWrapComment and (
expr instanceof Op and not expr.isInOperator() or expr.unwrap() instanceof Call or
(expr instanceof For and expr.returns)
) and (o.level < LEVEL_COND or fragments.length <= 3)
return @wrapInBraces fragments if @jsxAttribute
if bare then fragments else @wrapInParentheses fragments
astNode: (o) -> @body.unwrap().ast o, LEVEL_PAREN
#### StringWithInterpolations
exports.StringWithInterpolations = class StringWithInterpolations extends Base
constructor: (@body, {@quote, @startQuote, @jsxAttribute} = {}) ->
@fromStringLiteral: (stringLiteral) ->
updatedString = stringLiteral.withoutQuotesInLocationData()
updatedStringValue = new Value(updatedString).withLocationDataFrom updatedString
new StringWithInterpolations Block.wrap([updatedStringValue]), quote: stringLiteral.quote, jsxAttribute: stringLiteral.jsxAttribute
.withLocationDataFrom stringLiteral
children: ['body']
# `unwrap` returns `this` to stop ancestor nodes reaching in to grab @body,
# and using @body.compileNode. `StringWithInterpolations.compileNode` is
# _the_ custom logic to output interpolated strings as code.
unwrap: -> this
shouldCache: -> @body.shouldCache()
extractElements: (o, {includeInterpolationWrappers, isJsx} = {}) ->
# Assumes that `expr` is `Block`
expr = @body.unwrap()
elements = []
salvagedComments = []
expr.traverseChildren no, (node) =>
if node instanceof StringLiteral
if node.comments
salvagedComments.push node.comments...
delete node.comments
elements.push node
return yes
else if node instanceof Interpolation
if salvagedComments.length isnt 0
for comment in salvagedComments
comment.unshift = yes
comment.newLine = yes
attachCommentsToNode salvagedComments, node
if (unwrapped = node.expression?.unwrapAll()) instanceof PassthroughLiteral and unwrapped.generated and not (isJsx and o.compiling)
if o.compiling
commentPlaceholder = new StringLiteral('').withLocationDataFrom node
commentPlaceholder.comments = unwrapped.comments
(commentPlaceholder.comments ?= []).push node.comments... if node.comments
elements.push new Value commentPlaceholder
empty = new Interpolation().withLocationDataFrom node
empty.comments = node.comments
elements.push empty
else if node.expression or includeInterpolationWrappers
(node.expression?.comments ?= []).push node.comments... if node.comments
elements.push if includeInterpolationWrappers then node else node.expression
return no
else if node.comments
# This node is getting discarded, but salvage its comments.
if elements.length isnt 0 and elements[elements.length - 1] not instanceof StringLiteral
for comment in node.comments
comment.unshift = no
comment.newLine = yes
attachCommentsToNode node.comments, elements[elements.length - 1]
salvagedComments.push node.comments...
delete node.comments
return yes
compileNode: (o) ->
@comments ?= @startQuote?.comments
if @jsxAttribute
wrapped = new Parens new StringWithInterpolations @body
wrapped.jsxAttribute = yes
return wrapped.compileNode o
elements = @extractElements o, isJsx: @jsx
fragments = []
fragments.push @makeCode '`' unless @jsx
for element in elements
if element instanceof StringLiteral
unquotedElementValue = if @jsx then element.unquotedValueForJSX else element.unquotedValueForTemplateLiteral
fragments.push @makeCode unquotedElementValue
fragments.push @makeCode '$' unless @jsx
code = element.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN)
if not @isNestedTag(element) or
code.some((fragment) -> fragment.comments?.some((comment) -> comment.here is no))
code = @wrapInBraces code
# Flag the `{` and `}` fragments as having been generated by this
# `StringWithInterpolations` node, so that `compileComments` knows
# to treat them as bounds. But the braces are unnecessary if all of
# the enclosed comments are `/* */` comments. Dont trust
# `fragment.type`, which can report minified variable names when
# this compiler is minified.
code[0].isStringWithInterpolations = yes
code[code.length - 1].isStringWithInterpolations = yes
fragments.push code...
fragments.push @makeCode '`' unless @jsx
isNestedTag: (element) ->
call = element.unwrapAll?()
@jsx and call instanceof JSXElement
astType: -> 'TemplateLiteral'
astProperties: (o) ->
elements = @extractElements o, includeInterpolationWrappers: yes
[..., last] = elements
quasis = []
expressions = []
for element, index in elements
if element instanceof StringLiteral
quasis.push new TemplateElement(
tail: element is last
).withLocationDataFrom(element).ast o
else # Interpolation
{expression} = element
node =
unless expression?
emptyInterpolation = new EmptyInterpolation()
emptyInterpolation.locationData = emptyExpressionLocationData {
interpolationNode: element
openingBrace: '#{'
closingBrace: '}'
expressions.push astAsBlockIfNeeded node, o
{expressions, quasis, @quote}
exports.TemplateElement = class TemplateElement extends Base
constructor: (@value, {@tail} = {}) ->
astProperties: ->
raw: @value
tail: !!@tail
exports.Interpolation = class Interpolation extends Base
constructor: (@expression) ->
children: ['expression']
# Represents the contents of an empty interpolation (e.g. `#{}`).
# Only used during AST generation.
exports.EmptyInterpolation = class EmptyInterpolation extends Base
constructor: ->
#### For
# CoffeeScript's replacement for the *for* loop is our array and object
# comprehensions, that compile into *for* loops here. They also act as an
# expression, able to return the result of each filtered iteration.
# Unlike Python array comprehensions, they can be multi-line, and you can pass
# the current index of the loop as a second parameter. Unlike Ruby blocks,
# you can map and filter in a single pass.
exports.For = class For extends While
constructor: (body, source) ->
@addBody body
@addSource source
children: ['body', 'source', 'guard', 'step']
isAwait: -> @await ? no
addBody: (body) ->
@body = Block.wrap [body]
{expressions} = @body
if expressions.length
@body.locationData ?= mergeLocationData expressions[0].locationData, expressions[expressions.length - 1].locationData
addSource: (source) ->
{@source = no} = source
attribs = ["name", "index", "guard", "step", "own", "ownTag", "await", "awaitTag", "object", "from"]
@[attr] = source[attr] ? @[attr] for attr in attribs
return this unless @source
@index.error 'cannot use index with for-from' if @from and @index
@ownTag.error "cannot use own with for-#{if @from then 'from' else 'in'}" if @own and not @object
[@name, @index] = [@index, @name] if @object
@index.error 'index cannot be a pattern matching expression' if @index?.isArray?() or @index?.isObject?()
@awaitTag.error 'await must be used with for-from' if @await and not @from
@range = @source instanceof Value and @source.base instanceof Range and not @source.properties.length and not @from
@pattern = @name instanceof Value
@name.unwrap().propagateLhs?(yes) if @pattern
@index.error 'indexes do not apply to range loops' if @range and @index
@name.error 'cannot pattern match over range loops' if @range and @pattern
@returns = no
# Move up any comments in the “`for` line”, i.e. the line of code with `for`,
# from any child nodes of that line up to the `for` node itself so that these
# comments get output, and get output above the `for` loop.
for attribute in ['source', 'guard', 'step', 'name', 'index'] when @[attribute]
@[attribute].traverseChildren yes, (node) =>
if node.comments
# These comments are buried pretty deeply, so if they happen to be
# trailing comments the line they trail will be unrecognizable when
# were done compiling this `for` loop; so just shift them up to
# output above the `for` line.
comment.newLine = comment.unshift = yes for comment in node.comments
moveComments node, @[attribute]
moveComments @[attribute], @
# Welcome to the hairiest method in all of CoffeeScript. Handles the inner
# loop, filtering, stepping, and result saving for array, object, and range
# comprehensions. Some of the generated code can be shared in common, and
# some cannot.
compileNode: (o) ->
body = Block.wrap [@body]
[..., last] = body.expressions
@returns = no if last?.jumps() instanceof Return
source = if @range then @source.base else @source
scope = o.scope
name = @name and (@name.compile o, LEVEL_LIST) if not @pattern
index = @index and (@index.compile o, LEVEL_LIST)
scope.find(name) if name and not @pattern
scope.find(index) if index and @index not instanceof Value
rvar = scope.freeVariable 'results' if @returns
if @from
ivar = scope.freeVariable 'x', single: true if @pattern
ivar = (@object and index) or scope.freeVariable 'i', single: true
kvar = ((@range or @from) and name) or index or ivar
kvarAssign = if kvar isnt ivar then "#{kvar} = " else ""
if @step and not @range
[step, stepVar] = @cacheToCodeFragments @step.cache o, LEVEL_LIST, shouldCacheOrIsAssignable
stepNum = parseNumber stepVar if @step.isNumber()
name = ivar if @pattern
varPart = ''
guardPart = ''
defPart = ''
idt1 = @tab + TAB
if @range
forPartFragments = source.compileToFragments merge o,
{index: ivar, name, @step, shouldCache: shouldCacheOrIsAssignable}
svar = @source.compile o, LEVEL_LIST
if (name or @own) and not @from and @source.unwrap() not instanceof IdentifierLiteral
defPart += "#{@tab}#{ref = scope.freeVariable 'ref'} = #{svar};\n"
svar = ref
if name and not @pattern and not @from
namePart = "#{name} = #{svar}[#{kvar}]"
if not @object and not @from
defPart += "#{@tab}#{step};\n" if step isnt stepVar
down = stepNum < 0
lvar = scope.freeVariable 'len' unless @step and stepNum? and down
declare = "#{kvarAssign}#{ivar} = 0, #{lvar} = #{svar}.length"
declareDown = "#{kvarAssign}#{ivar} = #{svar}.length - 1"
compare = "#{ivar} < #{lvar}"
compareDown = "#{ivar} >= 0"
if @step
if stepNum?
if down
compare = compareDown
declare = declareDown
compare = "#{stepVar} > 0 ? #{compare} : #{compareDown}"
declare = "(#{stepVar} > 0 ? (#{declare}) : #{declareDown})"
increment = "#{ivar} += #{stepVar}"
increment = "#{if kvar isnt ivar then "++#{ivar}" else "#{ivar}++"}"
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{declare}; #{compare}; #{kvarAssign}#{increment}")]
if @returns
resultPart = "#{@tab}#{rvar} = [];\n"
returnResult = "\n#{@tab}return #{rvar};"
body.makeReturn rvar
if @guard
if body.expressions.length > 1
body.expressions.unshift new If (new Parens @guard).invert(), new StatementLiteral "continue"
body = Block.wrap [new If @guard, body] if @guard
if @pattern
body.expressions.unshift new Assign @name, if @from then new IdentifierLiteral kvar else new Literal "#{svar}[#{kvar}]"
varPart = "\n#{idt1}#{namePart};" if namePart
if @object
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{kvar} in #{svar}")]
guardPart = "\n#{idt1}if (!#{utility 'hasProp', o}.call(#{svar}, #{kvar})) continue;" if @own
else if @from
if @await
forPartFragments = new Op 'await', new Parens new Literal "#{kvar} of #{svar}"
forPartFragments = forPartFragments.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
forPartFragments = [@makeCode("#{kvar} of #{svar}")]
bodyFragments = body.compileToFragments merge(o, indent: idt1), LEVEL_TOP
if bodyFragments and bodyFragments.length > 0
bodyFragments = [].concat @makeCode('\n'), bodyFragments, @makeCode('\n')
fragments = [@makeCode(defPart)]
fragments.push @makeCode(resultPart) if resultPart
forCode = if @await then 'for ' else 'for ('
forClose = if @await then '' else ')'
fragments = fragments.concat @makeCode(@tab), @makeCode( forCode),
forPartFragments, @makeCode("#{forClose} {#{guardPart}#{varPart}"), bodyFragments,
@makeCode(@tab), @makeCode('}')
fragments.push @makeCode(returnResult) if returnResult
astNode: (o) ->
addToScope = (name) ->
alreadyDeclared = o.scope.find name.value
name.isDeclaration = not alreadyDeclared
@name?.eachName addToScope, checkAssignability: no
@index?.eachName addToScope, checkAssignability: no
super o
astType: -> 'For'
astProperties: (o) ->
source: @source?.ast o
body: @body.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
guard: @guard?.ast(o) ? null
name: @name?.ast(o) ? null
index: @index?.ast(o) ? null
step: @step?.ast(o) ? null
postfix: !!@postfix
own: !!@own
await: !!@await
style: switch
when @from then 'from'
when @object then 'of'
when @name then 'in'
else 'range'
#### Switch
# A JavaScript *switch* statement. Converts into a returnable expression on-demand.
exports.Switch = class Switch extends Base
constructor: (@subject, @cases, @otherwise) ->
children: ['subject', 'cases', 'otherwise']
isStatement: YES
jumps: (o = {block: yes}) ->
for {block} in @cases
return jumpNode if jumpNode = block.jumps o
@otherwise?.jumps o
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
block.makeReturn(results, mark) for {block} in @cases
@otherwise or= new Block [new Literal 'void 0'] if results
@otherwise?.makeReturn results, mark
compileNode: (o) ->
idt1 = o.indent + TAB
idt2 = o.indent = idt1 + TAB
fragments = [].concat @makeCode(@tab + "switch ("),
(if @subject then @subject.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN) else @makeCode "false"),
@makeCode(") {\n")
for {conditions, block}, i in @cases
for cond in flatten [conditions]
cond = cond.invert() unless @subject
fragments = fragments.concat @makeCode(idt1 + "case "), cond.compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_PAREN), @makeCode(":\n")
fragments = fragments.concat body, @makeCode('\n') if (body = block.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP).length > 0
break if i is @cases.length - 1 and not @otherwise
expr = @lastNode block.expressions
continue if expr instanceof Return or expr instanceof Throw or (expr instanceof Literal and expr.jumps() and expr.value isnt 'debugger')
fragments.push cond.makeCode(idt2 + 'break;\n')
if @otherwise and @otherwise.expressions.length
fragments.push @makeCode(idt1 + "default:\n"), (@otherwise.compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP)..., @makeCode("\n")
fragments.push @makeCode @tab + '}'
astType: -> 'SwitchStatement'
casesAst: (o) ->
cases = []
for kase, caseIndex in @cases
{conditions: tests, block: consequent} = kase
tests = flatten [tests]
lastTestIndex = tests.length - 1
for test, testIndex in tests
testConsequent =
if testIndex is lastTestIndex
caseLocationData = test.locationData
caseLocationData = mergeLocationData caseLocationData, testConsequent.expressions[testConsequent.expressions.length - 1].locationData if testConsequent?.expressions.length
caseLocationData = mergeLocationData caseLocationData, kase.locationData, justLeading: yes if testIndex is 0
caseLocationData = mergeLocationData caseLocationData, kase.locationData, justEnding: yes if testIndex is lastTestIndex
cases.push new SwitchCase(test, testConsequent, trailing: testIndex is lastTestIndex).withLocationDataFrom locationData: caseLocationData
if @otherwise?.expressions.length
cases.push new SwitchCase(null, @otherwise).withLocationDataFrom @otherwise
kase.ast(o) for kase in cases
astProperties: (o) ->
discriminant: @subject?.ast(o, LEVEL_PAREN) ? null
cases: @casesAst o
class SwitchCase extends Base
constructor: (@test, @block, {@trailing} = {}) ->
children: ['test', 'block']
astProperties: (o) ->
test: @test?.ast(o, LEVEL_PAREN) ? null
consequent: @block?.ast(o, LEVEL_TOP).body ? []
trailing: !!@trailing
exports.SwitchWhen = class SwitchWhen extends Base
constructor: (@conditions, @block) ->
children: ['conditions', 'block']
#### If
# *If/else* statements. Acts as an expression by pushing down requested returns
# to the last line of each clause.
# Single-expression **Ifs** are compiled into conditional operators if possible,
# because ternaries are already proper expressions, and dont need conversion.
exports.If = class If extends Base
constructor: (@condition, @body, options = {}) ->
@elseBody = null
@isChain = false
{@soak, @postfix, @type} = options
moveComments @condition, @ if @condition.comments
children: ['condition', 'body', 'elseBody']
bodyNode: -> @body?.unwrap()
elseBodyNode: -> @elseBody?.unwrap()
# Rewrite a chain of **Ifs** to add a default case as the final *else*.
addElse: (elseBody) ->
if @isChain
@elseBodyNode().addElse elseBody
@locationData = mergeLocationData @locationData, @elseBodyNode().locationData
@isChain = elseBody instanceof If
@elseBody = @ensureBlock elseBody
@elseBody.updateLocationDataIfMissing elseBody.locationData
@locationData = mergeLocationData @locationData, @elseBody.locationData if @locationData? and @elseBody.locationData?
# The **If** only compiles into a statement if either of its bodies needs
# to be a statement. Otherwise a conditional operator is safe.
isStatement: (o) ->
o?.level is LEVEL_TOP or
@bodyNode().isStatement(o) or @elseBodyNode()?.isStatement(o)
jumps: (o) -> @body.jumps(o) or @elseBody?.jumps(o)
compileNode: (o) ->
if @isStatement o then @compileStatement o else @compileExpression o
makeReturn: (results, mark) ->
if mark
@body?.makeReturn results, mark
@elseBody?.makeReturn results, mark
@elseBody or= new Block [new Literal 'void 0'] if results
@body and= new Block [@body.makeReturn results]
@elseBody and= new Block [@elseBody.makeReturn results]
ensureBlock: (node) ->
if node instanceof Block then node else new Block [node]
# Compile the `If` as a regular *if-else* statement. Flattened chains
# force inner *else* bodies into statement form.
compileStatement: (o) ->
child = del o, 'chainChild'
exeq = del o, 'isExistentialEquals'
if exeq
return new If(@processedCondition().invert(), @elseBodyNode(), type: 'if').compileToFragments o
indent = o.indent + TAB
cond = @processedCondition().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_PAREN
body = @ensureBlock(@body).compileToFragments merge o, {indent}
ifPart = [].concat @makeCode("if ("), cond, @makeCode(") {\n"), body, @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
ifPart.unshift @makeCode @tab unless child
return ifPart unless @elseBody
answer = ifPart.concat @makeCode(' else ')
if @isChain
o.chainChild = yes
answer = answer.concat @elseBody.unwrap().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_TOP
answer = answer.concat @makeCode("{\n"), @elseBody.compileToFragments(merge(o, {indent}), LEVEL_TOP), @makeCode("\n#{@tab}}")
# Compile the `If` as a conditional operator.
compileExpression: (o) ->
cond = @processedCondition().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_COND
body = @bodyNode().compileToFragments o, LEVEL_LIST
alt = if @elseBodyNode() then @elseBodyNode().compileToFragments(o, LEVEL_LIST) else [@makeCode('void 0')]
fragments = cond.concat @makeCode(" ? "), body, @makeCode(" : "), alt
if o.level >= LEVEL_COND then @wrapInParentheses fragments else fragments
unfoldSoak: ->
@soak and this
processedCondition: ->
@processedConditionCache ?= if @type is 'unless' then @condition.invert() else @condition
isStatementAst: (o) ->
o.level is LEVEL_TOP
astType: (o) ->
if @isStatementAst o
astProperties: (o) ->
isStatement = @isStatementAst o
test: @condition.ast o, if isStatement then LEVEL_PAREN else LEVEL_COND
if isStatement
@body.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
@bodyNode().ast o, LEVEL_TOP
if @isChain
@elseBody.unwrap().ast o, if isStatement then LEVEL_TOP else LEVEL_COND
else if not isStatement and @elseBody?.expressions?.length is 1
@elseBody.expressions[0].ast o, LEVEL_TOP
@elseBody?.ast(o, LEVEL_TOP) ? null
postfix: !!@postfix
inverted: @type is 'unless'
# A sequence expression e.g. `(a; b)`.
# Currently only used during AST generation.
exports.Sequence = class Sequence extends Base
children: ['expressions']
constructor: (@expressions) ->
astNode: (o) ->
return @expressions[0].ast(o) if @expressions.length is 1
super o
astType: -> 'SequenceExpression'
astProperties: (o) ->
expression.ast(o) for expression in @expressions
# Constants
# ---------
modulo: -> 'function(a, b) { return (+a % (b = +b) + b) % b; }'
boundMethodCheck: -> "
function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new Error('Bound instance method accessed before binding');
# Shortcuts to speed up the lookup time for native functions.
hasProp: -> '{}.hasOwnProperty'
indexOf: -> '[].indexOf'
slice : -> '[].slice'
splice : -> '[].splice'
# Levels indicate a node's position in the AST. Useful for knowing if
# parens are necessary or superfluous.
LEVEL_TOP = 1 # ...;
LEVEL_PAREN = 2 # (...)
LEVEL_LIST = 3 # [...]
LEVEL_COND = 4 # ... ? x : y
LEVEL_OP = 5 # !...
LEVEL_ACCESS = 6 # ...[0]
# Tabs are two spaces for pretty printing.
TAB = ' '
SIMPLENUM = /^[+-]?\d+(?:_\d+)*$/
SIMPLE_STRING_OMIT = /\s*\n\s*/g
LEADING_BLANK_LINE = /^[^\n\S]*\n/
((?:\\\\)+) # Consume (and preserve) an even number of backslashes.
| \\[^\S\n]*\n\s* # Remove escaped newlines.
((?:\\\\)+) # Consume (and preserve) an even number of backslashes.
| \\(\s) # Preserve escaped whitespace.
| \s+(?:#.*)? # Remove whitespace and comments.
# Helper Functions
# ----------------
# Helper for ensuring that utility functions are assigned at the top level.
utility = (name, o) ->
{root} = o.scope
if name of root.utilities
ref = root.freeVariable name
root.assign ref, UTILITIES[name] o
root.utilities[name] = ref
multident = (code, tab, includingFirstLine = yes) ->
endsWithNewLine = code[code.length - 1] is '\n'
code = (if includingFirstLine then tab else '') + code.replace /\n/g, "$&#{tab}"
code = code.replace /\s+$/, ''
code = code + '\n' if endsWithNewLine
# Wherever in CoffeeScript 1 we mightve inserted a `makeCode "#{@tab}"` to
# indent a line of code, now we must account for the possibility of comments
# preceding that line of code. If there are such comments, indent each line of
# such comments, and _then_ indent the first following line of code.
indentInitial = (fragments, node) ->
for fragment, fragmentIndex in fragments
if fragment.isHereComment
fragment.code = multident fragment.code, node.tab
fragments.splice fragmentIndex, 0, node.makeCode "#{node.tab}"
hasLineComments = (node) ->
return no unless node.comments
for comment in node.comments
return yes if comment.here is no
return no
# Move the `comments` property from one object to another, deleting it from
# the first object.
moveComments = (from, to) ->
return unless from?.comments
attachCommentsToNode from.comments, to
delete from.comments
# Sometimes when compiling a node, we want to insert a fragment at the start
# of an array of fragments; but if the start has one or more comment fragments,
# we want to insert this fragment after those but before any non-comments.
unshiftAfterComments = (fragments, fragmentToInsert) ->
inserted = no
for fragment, fragmentIndex in fragments when not fragment.isComment
fragments.splice fragmentIndex, 0, fragmentToInsert
inserted = yes
fragments.push fragmentToInsert unless inserted
isLiteralArguments = (node) ->
node instanceof IdentifierLiteral and node.value is 'arguments'
isLiteralThis = (node) ->
node instanceof ThisLiteral or (node instanceof Code and node.bound)
shouldCacheOrIsAssignable = (node) -> node.shouldCache() or node.isAssignable?()
# Unfold a node's child if soak, then tuck the node under created `If`
unfoldSoak = (o, parent, name) ->
return unless ifn = parent[name].unfoldSoak o
parent[name] = ifn.body
ifn.body = new Value parent
# Constructs a string or regex by escaping certain characters.
makeDelimitedLiteral = (body, {delimiter: delimiterOption, escapeNewlines, double, includeDelimiters = yes, escapeDelimiter = yes, convertTrailingNullEscapes} = {}) ->
body = '(?:)' if body is '' and delimiterOption is '/'
escapeTemplateLiteralCurlies = delimiterOption is '`'
regex = ///
(\\\\) # Escaped backslash.
| (\\0(?=\d)) # Null character mistaken as octal escape.
if convertTrailingNullEscapes
/// | (\\0) $ ///.source # Trailing null character that could be mistaken as octal escape.
if escapeDelimiter
/// | \\?(#{delimiterOption}) ///.source # (Possibly escaped) delimiter.
if escapeTemplateLiteralCurlies
/// | \\?(\$\{) ///.source # `${` inside template literals must be escaped.
| \\?(?:
#{if escapeNewlines then '(\n)|' else ''}
| (\u2028)
| (\u2029)
) # (Possibly escaped) newlines.
| (\\.) # Other escapes.
body = body.replace regex, (match, backslash, nul, ...args) ->
trailingNullEscape =
args.shift() if convertTrailingNullEscapes
delimiter =
args.shift() if escapeDelimiter
templateLiteralCurly =
args.shift() if escapeTemplateLiteralCurlies
lf =
args.shift() if escapeNewlines
[cr, ls, ps, other] = args
# Ignore escaped backslashes.
when backslash then (if double then backslash + backslash else backslash)
when nul then '\\x00'
when trailingNullEscape then "\\x00"
when delimiter then "\\#{delimiter}"
when templateLiteralCurly then "\\${"
when lf then '\\n'
when cr then '\\r'
when ls then '\\u2028'
when ps then '\\u2029'
when other then (if double then "\\#{other}" else other)
printedDelimiter = if includeDelimiters then delimiterOption else ''
sniffDirectives = (expressions, {notFinalExpression} = {}) ->
index = 0
lastIndex = expressions.length - 1
while index <= lastIndex
break if index is lastIndex and notFinalExpression
expression = expressions[index]
if (unwrapped = expression?.unwrap?()) instanceof PassthroughLiteral and unwrapped.generated
break unless expression instanceof Value and expression.isString() and not expression.unwrap().shouldGenerateTemplateLiteral()
expressions[index] =
new Directive expression
.withLocationDataFrom expression
astAsBlockIfNeeded = (node, o) ->
unwrapped = node.unwrap()
if unwrapped instanceof Block and unwrapped.expressions.length > 1
unwrapped.makeReturn null, yes
unwrapped.ast o, LEVEL_TOP
node.ast o, LEVEL_PAREN
# Helpers for `mergeLocationData` and `mergeAstLocationData` below.
lesser = (a, b) -> if a < b then a else b
greater = (a, b) -> if a > b then a else b
isAstLocGreater = (a, b) ->
return yes if a.line > b.line
return no unless a.line is b.line
a.column > b.column
isLocationDataStartGreater = (a, b) ->
return yes if a.first_line > b.first_line
return no unless a.first_line is b.first_line
a.first_column > b.first_column
isLocationDataEndGreater = (a, b) ->
return yes if a.last_line > b.last_line
return no unless a.last_line is b.last_line
a.last_column > b.last_column
# Take two nodes location data and return a new `locationData` object that
# encompasses the location data of both nodes. So the new `first_line` value
# will be the earlier of the two nodes `first_line` values, the new
# `last_column` the later of the two nodes `last_column` values, etc.
# If you only want to extend the first nodes location data with the start or
# end location data of the second node, pass the `justLeading` or `justEnding`
# options. So e.g. if `first`s range is [4, 5] and `second`s range is [1, 10],
# youd get:
# ```
# mergeLocationData(first, second).range # [1, 10]
# mergeLocationData(first, second, justLeading: yes).range # [1, 5]
# mergeLocationData(first, second, justEnding: yes).range # [4, 10]
# ```
exports.mergeLocationData = mergeLocationData = (locationDataA, locationDataB, {justLeading, justEnding} = {}) ->
return Object.assign(
if justEnding
first_line: locationDataA.first_line
first_column: locationDataA.first_column
if isLocationDataStartGreater locationDataA, locationDataB
first_line: locationDataB.first_line
first_column: locationDataB.first_column
first_line: locationDataA.first_line
first_column: locationDataA.first_column
if justLeading
last_line: locationDataA.last_line
last_column: locationDataA.last_column
last_line_exclusive: locationDataA.last_line_exclusive
last_column_exclusive: locationDataA.last_column_exclusive
if isLocationDataEndGreater locationDataA, locationDataB
last_line: locationDataA.last_line
last_column: locationDataA.last_column
last_line_exclusive: locationDataA.last_line_exclusive
last_column_exclusive: locationDataA.last_column_exclusive
last_line: locationDataB.last_line
last_column: locationDataB.last_column
last_line_exclusive: locationDataB.last_line_exclusive
last_column_exclusive: locationDataB.last_column_exclusive
range: [
if justEnding
lesser locationDataA.range[0], locationDataB.range[0]
if justLeading
greater locationDataA.range[1], locationDataB.range[1]
# Take two AST nodes, or two AST nodes location data objects, and return a new
# location data object that encompasses the location data of both nodes. So the
# new `start` value will be the earlier of the two nodes `start` values, the
# new `end` value will be the later of the two nodes `end` values, etc.
# If you only want to extend the first nodes location data with the start or
# end location data of the second node, pass the `justLeading` or `justEnding`
# options. So e.g. if `first`s range is [4, 5] and `second`s range is [1, 10],
# youd get:
# ```
# mergeAstLocationData(first, second).range # [1, 10]
# mergeAstLocationData(first, second, justLeading: yes).range # [1, 5]
# mergeAstLocationData(first, second, justEnding: yes).range # [4, 10]
# ```
exports.mergeAstLocationData = mergeAstLocationData = (nodeA, nodeB, {justLeading, justEnding} = {}) ->
if justEnding
if isAstLocGreater nodeA.loc.start, nodeB.loc.start
if justLeading
if isAstLocGreater nodeA.loc.end, nodeB.loc.end
range: [
if justEnding
lesser nodeA.range[0], nodeB.range[0]
if justLeading
greater nodeA.range[1], nodeB.range[1]
if justEnding
lesser nodeA.start, nodeB.start
if justLeading
greater nodeA.end, nodeB.end
# Convert Jison-style node class location data to Babel-style location data
exports.jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData = jisonLocationDataToAstLocationData = ({first_line, first_column, last_line_exclusive, last_column_exclusive, range}) ->
line: first_line + 1
column: first_column
line: last_line_exclusive + 1
column: last_column_exclusive
range: [
start: range[0]
end: range[1]
# Generate a zero-width location data that corresponds to the end of another nodes location.
zeroWidthLocationDataFromEndLocation = ({range: [, endRange], last_line_exclusive, last_column_exclusive}) -> {
first_line: last_line_exclusive
first_column: last_column_exclusive
last_line: last_line_exclusive
last_column: last_column_exclusive
range: [endRange, endRange]
extractSameLineLocationDataFirst = (numChars) -> ({range: [startRange], first_line, first_column}) -> {
last_line: first_line
last_column: first_column + numChars - 1
last_line_exclusive: first_line
last_column_exclusive: first_column + numChars
range: [startRange, startRange + numChars]
extractSameLineLocationDataLast = (numChars) -> ({range: [, endRange], last_line, last_column, last_line_exclusive, last_column_exclusive}) -> {
first_line: last_line
first_column: last_column - (numChars - 1)
last_line: last_line
last_column: last_column
range: [endRange - numChars, endRange]
# We dont currently have a token corresponding to the empty space
# between interpolation/JSX expression braces, so piece together the location
# data by trimming the braces from the Interpolations location data.
# Technically the last_line/last_column calculation here could be
# incorrect if the ending brace is preceded by a newline, but
# last_line/last_column arent used for AST generation anyway.
emptyExpressionLocationData = ({interpolationNode: element, openingBrace, closingBrace}) ->
first_line: element.locationData.first_line
first_column: element.locationData.first_column + openingBrace.length
last_line: element.locationData.last_line
last_column: element.locationData.last_column - closingBrace.length
last_line_exclusive: element.locationData.last_line
last_column_exclusive: element.locationData.last_column
range: [
element.locationData.range[0] + openingBrace.length
element.locationData.range[1] - closingBrace.length