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# Function Literals
# -----------------
# TODO: add indexing and method invocation tests: (->)[0], (->).call()
# * Function Definition
# * Bound Function Definition
# * Parameter List Features
# * Splat Parameters
# * Context (@) Parameters
# * Parameter Destructuring
# * Default Parameters
# Function Definition
x = 1
y = {}
y.x = -> 3
ok x is 1
ok typeof(y.x) is 'function'
ok y.x instanceof Function
ok y.x() is 3
# The empty function should not cause a syntax error.
() ->
# Multiple nested function declarations mixed with implicit calls should not
# cause a syntax error.
(one) -> (two) -> three four, (five) -> six seven, eight, (nine) ->
# with multiple single-line functions on the same line.
func = (x) -> (x) -> (x) -> x
ok func(1)(2)(3) is 3
# Make incorrect indentation safe.
func = ->
obj = {
key: 10
obj.key - 5
eq func(), 5
# Ensure that functions with the same name don't clash with helper functions.
del = -> 5
ok del() is 5
# Bound Function Definition
obj =
bound: ->
(=> this)()
unbound: ->
(-> this)()
nested: ->
(=> this)()
eq obj, obj.bound()
ok obj isnt obj.unbound()
eq obj, obj.nested()
test "even more fancy bound functions", ->
obj =
one: ->
do =>
return this.two()
two: ->
do =>
do =>
do =>
return this.three
three: 3
eq obj.one(), 3
test "arguments in bound functions inherit from parent function", ->
# The `arguments` object in an ES arrow function refers to the `arguments`
# of the parent scope, just like `this`. In the CoffeeScript 1.x
# implementation of `=>`, the `arguments` object referred to the arguments
# of the arrow function; but per the ES2015 spec, `arguments` should refer
# to the parent.
arrayEq ((a...) -> a)([1, 2, 3]), ((a...) => a)([1, 2, 3])
parent = (a, b, c) ->
(bound = =>
[arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]]
arrayEq [1, 2, 3], parent(1, 2, 3)
test "self-referencing functions", ->
changeMe = ->
changeMe = 2
eq changeMe, 2
# Parameter List Features
test "splats", ->
arrayEq [0, 1, 2], (((splat...) -> splat) 0, 1, 2)
arrayEq [2, 3], (((_, _1, splat...) -> splat) 0, 1, 2, 3)
arrayEq [0, 1], (((splat..., _, _1) -> splat) 0, 1, 2, 3)
arrayEq [2], (((_, _1, splat..., _2) -> splat) 0, 1, 2, 3)
test "destructured splatted parameters", ->
arr = [0,1,2]
splatArray = ([a...]) -> a
splatArrayRest = ([a...],b...) -> arrayEq(a,b); b
arrayEq splatArray(arr), arr
arrayEq splatArrayRest(arr,0,1,2), arr
test "@-parameters: automatically assign an argument's value to a property of the context", ->
nonce = {}
((@prop) ->).call context = {}, nonce
eq nonce, context.prop
# allow splats along side the special argument
((splat..., @prop) ->).apply context = {}, [0, 0, nonce]
eq nonce, context.prop
# allow the argument itself to be a splat
((@prop...) ->).call context = {}, 0, nonce, 0
eq nonce, context.prop[1]
# the argument should not be able to be referenced normally
code = '((@prop) -> prop).call {}'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile code
throws (-> CoffeeScript.run code), ReferenceError
code = '((@prop) -> _at_prop).call {}'
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile code
throws (-> CoffeeScript.run code), ReferenceError
test "@-parameters and splats with constructors", ->
a = {}
b = {}
class Klass
constructor: (@first, splat..., @last) ->
obj = new Klass a, 0, 0, b
eq a, obj.first
eq b, obj.last
test "destructuring in function definition", ->
(([{a: [b], c}]...) ->
eq 1, b
eq 2, c
) {a: [1], c: 2}
context = {}
(([{a: [b, c = 2], @d, e = 4}]...) ->
eq 1, b
eq 2, c
eq @d, 3
eq context.d, 3
eq e, 4
).call context, {a: [1], d: 3}
(({a: aa = 1, b: bb = 2}) ->
eq 5, aa
eq 2, bb
) {a: 5}
ajax = (url, {
async = true,
beforeSend = (->),
cache = true,
method = 'get',
data = {}
}) ->
{url, async, beforeSend, cache, method, data}
fn = ->
deepEqual ajax('/home', beforeSend: fn, method: 'post'), {
url: '/home', async: true, beforeSend: fn, cache: true, method: 'post', data: {}
test "#4005: `([a = {}]..., b) ->` weirdness", ->
fn = ([a = {}]..., b) -> [a, b]
deepEqual fn(5), [{}, 5]
test "default values", ->
nonceA = {}
nonceB = {}
a = (_,_1,arg=nonceA) -> arg
eq nonceA, a()
eq nonceA, a(0)
eq nonceB, a(0,0,nonceB)
eq nonceA, a(0,0,undefined)
eq null, a(0,0,null) # Per ES2015, `null` doesnt trigger a parameter default value
eq false , a(0,0,false)
eq nonceB, a(undefined,undefined,nonceB,undefined)
b = (_,arg=nonceA,_1,_2) -> arg
eq nonceA, b()
eq nonceA, b(0)
eq nonceB, b(0,nonceB)
eq nonceA, b(0,undefined)
eq null, b(0,null)
eq false , b(0,false)
eq nonceB, b(undefined,nonceB,undefined)
c = (arg=nonceA,_,_1) -> arg
eq nonceA, c()
eq 0, c(0)
eq nonceB, c(nonceB)
eq nonceA, c(undefined)
eq null, c(null)
eq false , c(false)
eq nonceB, c(nonceB,undefined,undefined)
test "default values with @-parameters", ->
a = {}
b = {}
obj = f: (q = a, @p = b) -> q
eq a, obj.f()
eq b, obj.p
test "default values with splatted arguments", ->
withSplats = (a = 2, b..., c = 3, d = 5) -> a * (b.length + 1) * c * d
eq 30, withSplats()
eq 15, withSplats(1)
eq 5, withSplats(1,1)
eq 1, withSplats(1,1,1)
eq 2, withSplats(1,1,1,1)
test "#156: parameter lists with expansion", ->
expandArguments = (first, ..., lastButOne, last) ->
eq 1, first
eq 4, lastButOne
eq 5, expandArguments 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "(..., a, b...) ->"), null, "prohibit expansion and a splat"
throws (-> CoffeeScript.compile "(...) ->"), null, "prohibit lone expansion"
test "#156: parameter lists with expansion in array destructuring", ->
expandArray = (..., [..., last]) ->
eq 3, expandArray 1, 2, 3, [1, 2, 3]
test "#3502: variable definitions and expansion", ->
a = b = 0
f = (a, ..., b) -> [a, b]
arrayEq [1, 5], f 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
eq 0, a
eq 0, b
test "variable definitions and splat", ->
a = b = 0
f = (a, middle..., b) -> [a, middle, b]
arrayEq [1, [2, 3, 4], 5], f 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
eq 0, a
eq 0, b
test "default values with function calls", ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile "(x = f()) ->"
test "arguments vs parameters", ->
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile "f(x) ->"
f = (g) -> g()
eq 5, f (x) -> 5
test "reserved keyword as parameters", ->
f = (_case, @case) -> [_case, @case]
[a, b] = f(1, 2)
eq 1, a
eq 2, b
f = (@case, _case...) -> [@case, _case...]
[a, b, c] = f(1, 2, 3)
eq 1, a
eq 2, b
eq 3, c
test "reserved keyword at-splat", ->
f = (@case...) -> @case
[a, b] = f(1, 2)
eq 1, a
eq 2, b
test "#1574: Destructuring and a parameter named _arg", ->
f = ({a, b}, _arg, _arg1) -> [a, b, _arg, _arg1]
arrayEq [1, 2, 3, 4], f a: 1, b: 2, 3, 4
test "#1844: bound functions in nested comprehensions causing empty var statements", ->
a = ((=>) for a in [0] for b in [0])
eq 1, a.length
test "#1859: inline function bodies shouldn't modify prior postfix ifs", ->
list = [1, 2, 3]
ok true if list.some (x) -> x is 2
test "#2258: allow whitespace-style parameter lists in function definitions", ->
func = (
a, b, c
) -> c
eq func(1, 2, 3), 3
func = (
) -> b
eq func(1, 2, 3), 2
test "#2621: fancy destructuring in parameter lists", ->
func = ({ prop1: { key1 }, prop2: { key2, key3: [a, b, c] } }) ->
eq(key2, 'key2')
eq(a, 'a')
func({prop1: {key1: 'key1'}, prop2: {key2: 'key2', key3: ['a', 'b', 'c']}})
test "#1435 Indented property access", ->
rec = -> rec: rec
eq 1, do ->
.rec ->
.rec ->
test "#1038 Optimize trailing return statements", ->
compile = (code) -> CoffeeScript.compile(code, bare: yes).trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ")
eq "(function() {});", compile("->")
eq "(function() {});", compile("-> return")
eq "(function() { return void 0; });", compile("-> undefined")
eq "(function() { return void 0; });", compile("-> return undefined")
eq "(function() { foo(); });", compile("""
test "#4406 Destructured parameter default evaluation order with incrementing variable", ->
i = 0
f = ({ a = ++i }, b = ++i) -> [a, b]
arrayEq f({}), [1, 2]
test "#4406 Destructured parameter default evaluation order with generator function", ->
current = 0
next = -> ++current
foo = ({ a = next() }, b = next()) -> [ a, b ]
arrayEq foo({}), [1, 2]
test "Destructured parameter with default value, that itself has a default value", ->
# Adapted from https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Destructuring_assignment
draw = ({size = 'big', coords = {x: 0, y: 0}, radius = 25} = {}) -> "#{size}-#{coords.x}-#{coords.y}-#{radius}"
output = draw
x: 18
y: 30
radius: 30
eq output, 'big-18-30-30'