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synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
* Get `coffee` command working again in Node 6, by converting the ‘await’ wrapper in the REPL to use a Promise instead of the ‘await’ keyword; add tests for REPL ‘await’ wrapper, including test to skip async tests if the runtime doesn’t support them * Fix async tests: now if a test function is a Promise (which an `await` function is), we add it to an array of async test functions and wait for them all to resolve before finishing the test run, so that if any async tests fail we see those failures in the output * Code review * Unnecessary * Let's support Node 6+ if we can * Simplify the returned promise * Simplify async check
197 lines
3.6 KiB
197 lines
3.6 KiB
# Functions that contain the `await` keyword will compile into async functions,
# supported by Node 7.6+, Chrome 55+, Firefox 52+, Safari 10.1+ and Edge.
# But runtimes that don’t support the `await` keyword will throw an error,
# even if we put `return unless global.supportsAsync` at the top of this file.
# Therefore we need to prevent runtimes which will choke on such code from even
# parsing it, which is handled in `Cakefile`.
# This is always fulfilled.
winning = (val) -> Promise.resolve val
# This is always rejected.
failing = (val) -> Promise.reject new Error val
test "async as argument", ->
ok ->
await winning()
test "explicit async", ->
a = do ->
await return 5
eq a.constructor, Promise
a.then (val) ->
eq val, 5
test "implicit async", ->
a = do ->
x = await winning(5)
y = await winning(4)
z = await winning(3)
[x, y, z]
eq a.constructor, Promise
test "async return value (implicit)", ->
out = null
a = ->
x = await winning(5)
y = await winning(4)
z = await winning(3)
[x, y, z]
b = do ->
out = await a()
b.then ->
arrayEq out, [5, 4, 3]
test "async return value (explicit)", ->
out = null
a = ->
await return [5, 2, 3]
b = do ->
out = await a()
b.then ->
arrayEq out, [5, 2, 3]
test "async parameters", ->
[out1, out2] = [null, null]
a = (a, [b, c])->
arr = [a]
arr.push b
arr.push c
await return arr
b = (a, b, c = 5)->
arr = [a]
arr.push b
arr.push c
await return arr
c = do ->
out1 = await a(5, [4, 3])
out2 = await b(4, 4)
c.then ->
arrayEq out1, [5, 4, 3]
arrayEq out2, [4, 4, 5]
test "async `this` scoping", ->
bnd = null
ubnd = null
nst = null
obj =
bound: ->
return do =>
await return this
unbound: ->
return do ->
await return this
nested: ->
return do =>
await do =>
await do =>
await return this
promise = do ->
bnd = await obj.bound()
ubnd = await obj.unbound()
nst = await obj.nested()
promise.then ->
eq bnd, obj
ok ubnd isnt obj
eq nst, obj
test "await precedence", ->
out = null
fn = (win, fail) ->
promise = do ->
# assert precedence between unary (new) and power (**) operators
out = 1 + await new Promise(fn) ** 2
promise.then ->
eq out, 10
test "`await` inside IIFEs", ->
[x, y, z] = new Array(3)
a = do ->
x = switch (4) # switch 4
when 2
await winning(1)
when 4
await winning(5)
when 7
await winning(2)
y = try
text = "this should be caught"
throw new Error(text)
await winning(1)
catch e
await winning(4)
z = for i in [0..5]
a = i * i
await winning(a)
a.then ->
eq x, 5
eq y, 4
arrayEq z, [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
test "error handling", ->
res = null
val = 0
a = ->
await failing("fail")
catch e
val = 7 # to assure the catch block runs
return e
b = do ->
res = await a()
b.then ->
eq val, 7
ok res.message?
eq res.message, "fail"
test "await expression evaluates to argument if not A+", ->
eq(await 4, 4)
test "implicit call with `await`", ->
addOne = (arg) -> arg + 1
a = addOne await 3
eq a, 4
test "async methods in classes", ->
class Base
@static: ->
await 1
method: ->
await 2
eq await Base.static(), 1
eq await new Base().method(), 2
class Child extends Base
@static: -> super()
method: -> super()
eq await Child.static(), 1
eq await new Child().method(), 2