
384 lines
16 KiB

var __slice = Array.prototype.slice, __bind = function(func, obj, args) {
return function() {
return func.apply(obj || {}, args ? args.concat(__slice.call(arguments, 0)) : arguments);
}, __hasProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
// The CoffeeScript language has a good deal of optional syntax, implicit syntax,
// and shorthand syntax. This can greatly complicate a grammar and bloat
// the resulting parse table. Instead of making the parser handle it all, we take
// a series of passes over the token stream, using this **Rewriter** to convert
// shorthand into the unambiguous long form, add implicit indentation and
// parentheses, balance incorrect nestings, and generally clean things up.
// Set up exported variables for both Node.js and the browser.
if ((typeof process !== "undefined" && process !== null)) {
helpers = require('./helpers').helpers;
} else {
this.exports = this;
helpers = this.helpers;
// Import the helpers we need.
_a = helpers;
include = _a.include;
// The **Rewriter** class is used by the [Lexer](lexer.html), directly against
// its internal array of tokens.
exports.Rewriter = (function() {
Rewriter = function Rewriter() { };
// Rewrite the token stream in multiple passes, one logical filter at
// a time. This could certainly be changed into a single pass through the
// stream, with a big ol' efficient switch, but it's much nicer to work with
// like this. The order of these passes matters -- indentation must be
// corrected before implicit parentheses can be wrapped around blocks of code.
Rewriter.prototype.rewrite = function rewrite(tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;
return this.tokens;
// Rewrite the token stream, looking one token ahead and behind.
// Allow the return value of the block to tell us how many tokens to move
// forwards (or backwards) in the stream, to make sure we don't miss anything
// as tokens are inserted and removed, and the stream changes length under
// our feet.
Rewriter.prototype.scan_tokens = function scan_tokens(block) {
var i, move;
i = 0;
while (true) {
if (!(this.tokens[i])) {
move = block(this.tokens[i - 1], this.tokens[i], this.tokens[i + 1], i);
i += move;
return true;
// Massage newlines and indentations so that comments don't have to be
// correctly indented, or appear on a line of their own.
Rewriter.prototype.adjust_comments = function adjust_comments() {
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var _b, after, before;
if (!(token[0] === 'COMMENT')) {
return 1;
_b = [this.tokens[i - 2], this.tokens[i + 2]];
before = _b[0];
after = _b[1];
if (after && after[0] === 'INDENT') {
this.tokens.splice(i + 2, 1);
before && before[0] === 'OUTDENT' && post && (prev[0] === post[0]) && (post[0] === 'TERMINATOR') ? this.tokens.splice(i - 2, 1) : this.tokens.splice(i, 0, after);
return 1;
} else if (prev && prev[0] !== 'TERMINATOR' && prev[0] !== 'INDENT' && prev[0] !== 'OUTDENT') {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['TERMINATOR', "\n", prev[2]]);
return 2;
} else {
return 1;
}, this));
// Leading newlines would introduce an ambiguity in the grammar, so we
// dispatch them here.
Rewriter.prototype.remove_leading_newlines = function remove_leading_newlines() {
var _b;
_b = [];
while (this.tokens[0] && this.tokens[0][0] === 'TERMINATOR') {
return _b;
// Some blocks occur in the middle of expressions -- when we're expecting
// this, remove their trailing newlines.
Rewriter.prototype.remove_mid_expression_newlines = function remove_mid_expression_newlines() {
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
if (!(post && include(EXPRESSION_CLOSE, post[0]) && token[0] === 'TERMINATOR')) {
return 1;
this.tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 0;
}, this));
// The lexer has tagged the opening parenthesis of a method call, and the
// opening bracket of an indexing operation. Match them with their paired
// close.
Rewriter.prototype.close_open_calls_and_indexes = function close_open_calls_and_indexes() {
var brackets, parens;
parens = [0];
brackets = [0];
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var _b;
if ((_b = token[0]) === 'CALL_START') {
} else if (_b === 'INDEX_START') {
} else if (_b === '(') {
parens[parens.length - 1] += 1;
} else if (_b === '[') {
brackets[brackets.length - 1] += 1;
} else if (_b === ')') {
if (parens[parens.length - 1] === 0) {
token[0] = 'CALL_END';
} else {
parens[parens.length - 1] -= 1;
} else if (_b === ']') {
if (brackets[brackets.length - 1] === 0) {
token[0] = 'INDEX_END';
} else {
brackets[brackets.length - 1] -= 1;
return 1;
}, this));
// Methods may be optionally called without parentheses, for simple cases.
// Insert the implicit parentheses here, so that the parser doesn't have to
// deal with them.
Rewriter.prototype.add_implicit_parentheses = function add_implicit_parentheses() {
var close_calls, stack;
stack = [0];
close_calls = __bind(function(i) {
var _b, _c, _d, size, tmp;
_c = 0; _d = stack[stack.length - 1];
for (_b = 0, tmp = _c; (_c <= _d ? tmp < _d : tmp > _d); (_c <= _d ? tmp += 1 : tmp -= 1), _b++) {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['CALL_END', ')', this.tokens[i][2]]);
size = stack[stack.length - 1] + 1;
stack[stack.length - 1] = 0;
return size;
}, this);
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var open, size, tag;
tag = token[0];
if (tag === 'OUTDENT') {
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop();
open = stack[stack.length - 1] > 0;
if (prev && include(IMPLICIT_FUNC, prev[0]) && include(IMPLICIT_CALL, tag)) {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, ['CALL_START', '(', token[2]]);
stack[stack.length - 1] += 1;
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)) {
return 2;
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)) {
if (tag === 'INDENT' && !token.generated && open && !(prev && include(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, prev[0]))) {
size = close_calls(i);
return size;
return 1;
if (open && !token.generated && (!post || include(IMPLICIT_END, tag))) {
size = close_calls(i);
if (tag !== 'OUTDENT' && include(EXPRESSION_END, tag)) {
return size;
if (tag !== 'OUTDENT' && include(EXPRESSION_END, tag)) {
stack[stack.length - 2] += stack.pop();
return 1;
return 1;
}, this));
// Because our grammar is LALR(1), it can't handle some single-line
// expressions that lack ending delimiters. The **Rewriter** adds the implicit
// blocks, so it doesn't need to. ')' can close a single-line block,
// but we need to make sure it's balanced.
Rewriter.prototype.add_implicit_indentation = function add_implicit_indentation() {
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var idx, indent, insertion, outdent, parens, pre, starter, tok;
if (!(include(SINGLE_LINERS, token[0]) && post[0] !== 'INDENT' && !(token[0] === 'ELSE' && post[0] === 'IF'))) {
return 1;
starter = token[0];
indent = ['INDENT', 2, token[2]];
indent.generated = true;
this.tokens.splice(i + 1, 0, indent);
idx = i + 1;
parens = 0;
while (true) {
idx += 1;
tok = this.tokens[idx];
pre = this.tokens[idx - 1];
if ((!tok || (include(SINGLE_CLOSERS, tok[0]) && tok[1] !== ';') || (tok[0] === ')' && parens === 0)) && !(starter === 'ELSE' && tok[0] === 'ELSE')) {
insertion = pre[0] === "," ? idx - 1 : idx;
outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2, token[2]];
outdent.generated = true;
this.tokens.splice(insertion, 0, outdent);
if (tok[0] === '(') {
parens += 1;
if (tok[0] === ')') {
parens -= 1;
if (!(token[0] === 'THEN')) {
return 1;
this.tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 0;
}, this));
// Ensure that all listed pairs of tokens are correctly balanced throughout
// the course of the token stream.
Rewriter.prototype.ensure_balance = function ensure_balance(pairs) {
var _b, _c, key, levels, line, open, open_line, unclosed, value;
levels = {};
open_line = {};
this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var _b, _c, _d, _e, close, open, pair;
_c = pairs;
for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) {
pair = _c[_b];
_e = pair;
open = _e[0];
close = _e[1];
levels[open] = levels[open] || 0;
if (token[0] === open) {
if (levels[open] === 0) {
open_line[open] = token[2];
levels[open] += 1;
if (token[0] === close) {
levels[open] -= 1;
if (levels[open] < 0) {
throw new Error(("too many " + (token[1]) + " on line " + (token[2] + 1)));
return 1;
}, this));
unclosed = (function() {
_b = []; _c = levels;
for (key in _c) { if (__hasProp.call(_c, key)) {
value = _c[key];
value > 0 ? _b.push(key) : null;
return _b;
if (unclosed.length) {
open = unclosed[0];
line = open_line[open] + 1;
throw new Error(("unclosed " + open + " on line " + line));
// We'd like to support syntax like this:
// el.click((event) ->
// el.hide())
// In order to accomplish this, move outdents that follow closing parens
// inwards, safely. The steps to accomplish this are:
// 1. Check that all paired tokens are balanced and in order.
// 2. Rewrite the stream with a stack: if you see an `EXPRESSION_START`, add it
// to the stack. If you see an `EXPRESSION_END`, pop the stack and replace
// it with the inverse of what we've just popped.
// 3. Keep track of "debt" for tokens that we manufacture, to make sure we end
// up balanced in the end.
// 4. Be careful not to alter array or parentheses delimiters with overzealous
// rewriting.
Rewriter.prototype.rewrite_closing_parens = function rewrite_closing_parens() {
var _b, debt, key, stack, val;
stack = [];
debt = {};
for (key in _b) { if (__hasProp.call(_b, key)) {
val = _b[key];
(debt[key] = 0);
return this.scan_tokens(__bind(function(prev, token, post, i) {
var inv, match, mtag, oppos, tag;
tag = token[0];
inv = INVERSES[token[0]];
if (include(EXPRESSION_START, tag)) {
return 1;
} else if (include(EXPRESSION_END, tag)) {
if (debt[inv] > 0) {
debt[inv] -= 1;
this.tokens.splice(i, 1);
return 0;
} else {
match = stack.pop();
mtag = match[0];
oppos = INVERSES[mtag];
if (tag === oppos) {
return 1;
debt[mtag] += 1;
val = [oppos, mtag === 'INDENT' ? match[1] : oppos];
if ((this.tokens[i + 2] == undefined ? undefined : this.tokens[i + 2][0]) === mtag) {
this.tokens.splice(i + 3, 0, val);
} else {
this.tokens.splice(i, 0, val);
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
}, this));
return Rewriter;
// Constants
// ---------
// List of the token pairs that must be balanced.
// The inverse mappings of `BALANCED_PAIRS` we're trying to fix up, so we can
// look things up from either end.
for (_b = 0, _d = _c.length; _b < _d; _b++) {
pair = _c[_b];
INVERSES[pair[0]] = pair[1];
INVERSES[pair[1]] = pair[0];
// The tokens that signal the start of a balanced pair.
EXPRESSION_START = (function() {
_e = []; _g = BALANCED_PAIRS;
for (_f = 0, _h = _g.length; _f < _h; _f++) {
pair = _g[_f];
return _e;
// The tokens that signal the end of a balanced pair.
EXPRESSION_END = (function() {
_i = []; _k = BALANCED_PAIRS;
for (_j = 0, _l = _k.length; _j < _l; _j++) {
pair = _k[_j];
return _i;
// Tokens that indicate the close of a clause of an expression.
// Tokens that, if followed by an `IMPLICIT_CALL`, indicate a function invocation.
// If preceded by an `IMPLICIT_FUNC`, indicates a function invocation.
IMPLICIT_CALL = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'JS', 'REGEX', 'NEW', 'PARAM_START', 'TRY', 'DELETE', 'TYPEOF', 'SWITCH', 'EXTENSION', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'YES', 'NO', 'ON', 'OFF', '!', '!!', 'NOT', 'THIS', 'NULL', '@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{'];
// Tokens indicating that the implicit call must enclose a block of expressions.
IMPLICIT_BLOCK = ['->', '=>', '{', '[', ','];
// Tokens that always mark the end of an implicit call for single-liners.
// Single-line flavors of block expressions that have unclosed endings.
// The grammar can't disambiguate them, so we insert the implicit indentation.
SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', "->", "=>", 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN'];