
145 lines
5.3 KiB

var BANNER, SWITCHES, WATCH_INTERVAL, coffee, optparse, path, posix;
posix = require('posix');
path = require('path');
coffee = require('coffee-script');
optparse = require('./../../vendor/optparse-js/src/optparse');
BANNER = "coffee compiles CoffeeScript source files into JavaScript.\n\nUsage:\n coffee path/to/script.coffee";
SWITCHES = [['-i', '--interactive', 'run an interactive CoffeeScript REPL'], ['-r', '--run', 'compile and run a CoffeeScript'], ['-o', '--output [DIR]', 'set the directory for compiled JavaScript'], ['-w', '--watch', 'watch scripts for changes, and recompile'], ['-p', '--print', 'print the compiled JavaScript to stdout'], ['-l', '--lint', 'pipe the compiled JavaScript through JSLint'], ['-e', '--eval', 'compile a cli scriptlet or read from stdin'], ['-t', '--tokens', 'print the tokens that the lexer produces'], ['--tree', 'print the parse tree that Jison produces'], ['-n', '--no-wrap', 'raw output, no function safety wrapper'], ['-g', '--globals', 'attach all top-level variables as globals'], ['-v', '--version', 'display CoffeeScript version'], ['-h', '--help', 'display this help message']];
// The CommandLine handles all of the functionality of the `coffee` utility.
exports.run = function run() {
return this;
// The "--help" usage message.
exports.usage = function usage() {
puts('\n' + this.option_parser.toString() + '\n');
return process.exit(0);
// The "--version" message.
exports.version = function version() {
puts("CoffeeScript version " + coffee.VERSION);
return process.exit(0);
// Compile a single source file to JavaScript.
exports.compile = function compile(script, source) {
var options;
source = source || 'error';
options = {};
if (this.options.no_wrap) {
options.no_wrap = true;
if (this.options.globals) {
options.globals = true;
try {
return CoffeeScript.compile(script, options);
} catch (error) {
process.stdio.writeError(source + ': ' + error.toString());
if (!(this.options.watch)) {
return null;
// Compiles the source CoffeeScript, returning the desired JavaScript, tokens,
// or JSLint results.
exports.compile_scripts = function compile_scripts() {
var opts, source;
if (!((source = this.sources.shift()))) {
return null;
opts = this.options;
return posix.cat(source).addCallback(function(code) {
var js;
if (opts.tokens) {
puts(coffee.tokenize(code).join(' '));
} else {
opts.tree ? puts(coffee.tree(code).toString()) : (js = coffee.compile(code));
opts.run ? eval(js) : opts.print ? puts(js) : opts.lint ? exports.lint(js) : exports.write_js(source, coffee.compile(code));
return exports.compile_scripts();
// Write out a JavaScript source file with the compiled code.
exports.write_js = function write_js(source, js) {
var dir, filename, js_path;
filename = path.basename(source, path.extname(source)) + '.js';
dir = this.options.output || path.dirname(source);
js_path = path.join(dir, filename);
return posix.open(js_path, process.O_CREAT | process.O_WRONLY | process.O_TRUNC, parseInt('0755', 8)).addCallback(function(fd) {
return posix.write(fd, js);
// Pipe compiled JS through JSLint (requires a working 'jsl' command).
exports.lint = function lint(js) {
var jsl;
jsl = process.createChildProcess('jsl', ['-nologo', '-stdin']);
jsl.addListener('output', function(result) {
if (result) {
return puts(result.replace(/\n/g, ''));
jsl.addListener('error', function(result) {
if (result) {
return puts(result);
return jsl.close();
// Use OptionParser for all the options.
exports.parse_options = function parse_options() {
var oparser, opts, paths;
opts = (this.options = {});
oparser = (this.option_parser = new optparse.OptionParser(SWITCHES));
oparser.add = oparser['on'];
oparser.add('interactive', function() {
return opts.interactive = true;
oparser.add('run', function() {
return opts.run = true;
oparser.add('output', function(n, dir) {
return opts.output = dir;
oparser.add('watch', function() {
return opts.watch = true;
oparser.add('print', function() {
return opts.print = true;
oparser.add('lint', function() {
return opts.lint = true;
oparser.add('eval', function() {
return opts.eval = true;
oparser.add('tokens', function() {
return opts.tokens = true;
oparser.add('tree', function() {
return opts.tree = true;
oparser.add('help', (function(__this) {
var __func = function() {
return this.usage();
return (function() {
return __func.apply(__this, arguments);
oparser.add('version', (function(__this) {
var __func = function() {
return this.version();
return (function() {
return __func.apply(__this, arguments);
paths = oparser.parse(process.ARGV);
return this.sources = paths.slice(2, paths.length);