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mirror of https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript.git synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00
Geoffrey Booth e620434a2e Docs improvements: content in Markdown, organization into subtemplates, fixed tests (#4401)
* Replace tiny bitmaps with base64-encoded URIs

* Optimize SVGs; replace logo PNG with SVG

* Modernize favicon

* Embed CSS; a bit unorthodox, but we’re a single page so there’s no point in separate .css files and their separate HTTP requests

* Documentation is now markdown, converted to HTML on compilation

* Render the examples when we’re rendering index.html; they compile so quickly that there’s no need to pre-render them and save the intermediate .js files

* Split apart index.html into components that Cakefile assembles, so that we can add in logic to include different files for v1 versus v2

* Split building index.html and building test.html into two tasks; collapse the parts of `releaseHeader` into one compact function

* Move include logic into templates

* Get error messages tests to work in the browser

* Update output index.html

* Split body into nav and body

* Watch subtemplates

* Revert "Split body into nav and body"

This reverts commit ec9e559ec0.

* Add marked

* Update gitignore

* Use idiomatic markdown output for code blocks (<pre><code>)

* Handle ids within the template, not in the Cakefile; remove marked’s auto-generated and conflicting ids

* Move the `codeFor` function into versioned folders, so that v1 and v2 docs can have different example code blocks/editors

* Update packages, including new highlight.js which supports our newer keywords and triple backticks (docs output is unchanged)
2016-12-15 21:05:44 -08:00

116 lines
2.4 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<title>CoffeeScript Test Suite</title>
<script src="browser-compiler/coffee-script.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/underscorejs/1.8.3/underscore-min.js"></script>
body, pre {
font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, monospace;
body {
margin: 1em;
h1 {
font-size: 1.3em;
div {
margin: 0.6em;
.good {
color: #22b24c
.bad {
color: #eb6864
.subtle {
font-size: 0.7em;
color: #999999
<h1>CoffeeScript Test Suite</h1>
<pre id="stdout"></pre>
<script type="text/coffeescript">
@testingBrowser = yes
@global = window
stdout = document.getElementById 'stdout'
start = new Date
success = total = done = failed = 0
say = (msg, className) ->
div = document.createElement 'div'
div.className = className if className?
div.appendChild document.createTextNode msg
stdout.appendChild div
@test = (description, fn) ->
catch exception
say "#{description}:", 'bad'
say fn.toString(), 'subtle' if fn.toString?
say exception, 'bad'
console.error exception
@ok = (good, msg = 'Error') ->
throw Error msg unless good
# Polyfill Node assert's fail
@fail = ->
ok no
# Polyfill Node assert's deepEqual with Underscore's isEqual
@deepEqual = (a, b) ->
ok _.isEqual(a, b), "Expected #{JSON.stringify a} to deep equal #{JSON.stringify b}"
<%= testHelpers %>
@doesNotThrow = (fn) ->
ok yes
@throws = (fun, err, msg) ->
catch e
if err
if typeof err is 'function' and e instanceof err # Handle comparing exceptions
ok yes
else if e.toString().indexOf('[stdin]') is 0 # Handle comparing error messages
ok err e
eq e, err
ok yes
ok no
# Run the tests
for test in document.getElementsByClassName 'test'
say '\u2714 ' + test.id
options = {}
options.literate = yes if test.type is 'text/x-literate-coffeescript'
CoffeeScript.run test.innerHTML, options
# Finish up
yay = success is total and not failed
sec = (new Date - start) / 1000
msg = "passed #{success} tests in #{ sec.toFixed 2 } seconds"
msg = "failed #{ total - success } tests and #{msg}" unless yay
say msg, (if yay then 'good' else 'bad')
<%= tests %>