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198 lines
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# Functions that contain the `await` keyword will compile into async functions,
# supported by Node 7.6+, Chrome 55+, Firefox 52+, Safari 10.1+ and Edge.
# But runtimes that don’t support the `await` keyword will throw an error just
# from parsing this file, even without executing it, even if we put
# `return unless try new Function 'async () => {}'` at the top of this file.
# Therefore we need to prevent runtimes which will choke on such code from
# parsing it, which is handled in `Cakefile`.
# This is always fulfilled.
winning = (val) -> Promise.resolve val
# This is always rejected.
failing = (val) -> Promise.reject new Error val
test "async as argument", ->
ok ->
await winning()
test "explicit async", ->
a = do ->
await return 5
eq a.constructor, Promise
a.then (val) ->
eq val, 5
test "implicit async", ->
a = do ->
x = await winning(5)
y = await winning(4)
z = await winning(3)
[x, y, z]
eq a.constructor, Promise
test "async return value (implicit)", ->
out = null
a = ->
x = await winning(5)
y = await winning(4)
z = await winning(3)
[x, y, z]
b = do ->
out = await a()
b.then ->
arrayEq out, [5, 4, 3]
test "async return value (explicit)", ->
out = null
a = ->
await return [5, 2, 3]
b = do ->
out = await a()
b.then ->
arrayEq out, [5, 2, 3]
test "async parameters", ->
[out1, out2] = [null, null]
a = (a, [b, c])->
arr = [a]
arr.push b
arr.push c
await return arr
b = (a, b, c = 5)->
arr = [a]
arr.push b
arr.push c
await return arr
c = do ->
out1 = await a(5, [4, 3])
out2 = await b(4, 4)
c.then ->
arrayEq out1, [5, 4, 3]
arrayEq out2, [4, 4, 5]
test "async `this` scoping", ->
bnd = null
ubnd = null
nst = null
obj =
bound: ->
return do =>
await return this
unbound: ->
return do ->
await return this
nested: ->
return do =>
await do =>
await do =>
await return this
promise = do ->
bnd = await obj.bound()
ubnd = await obj.unbound()
nst = await obj.nested()
promise.then ->
eq bnd, obj
ok ubnd isnt obj
eq nst, obj
test "await precedence", ->
out = null
fn = (win, fail) ->
promise = do ->
# assert precedence between unary (new) and power (**) operators
out = 1 + await new Promise(fn) ** 2
promise.then ->
eq out, 10
test "`await` inside IIFEs", ->
[x, y, z] = new Array(3)
a = do ->
x = switch (4) # switch 4
when 2
await winning(1)
when 4
await winning(5)
when 7
await winning(2)
y = try
text = "this should be caught"
throw new Error(text)
await winning(1)
catch e
await winning(4)
z = for i in [0..5]
a = i * i
await winning(a)
a.then ->
eq x, 5
eq y, 4
arrayEq z, [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
test "error handling", ->
res = null
val = 0
a = ->
await failing("fail")
catch e
val = 7 # to assure the catch block runs
return e
b = do ->
res = await a()
b.then ->
eq val, 7
ok res.message?
eq res.message, "fail"
test "await expression evaluates to argument if not A+", ->
eq(await 4, 4)
test "implicit call with `await`", ->
addOne = (arg) -> arg + 1
a = addOne await 3
eq a, 4
test "async methods in classes", ->
class Base
@static: ->
await 1
method: ->
await 2
eq await Base.static(), 1
eq await new Base().method(), 2
class Child extends Base
@static: -> super()
method: -> super()
eq await Child.static(), 1
eq await new Child().method(), 2