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# Generators
# -----------------
# * Generator Definition
test "most basic generator support", ->
ok -> yield 0
test "empty generator", ->
x = do -> yield return
y = x.next()
ok y.value is undefined and y.done is true
test "generator iteration", ->
x = do ->
yield 0
yield 1
yield 2
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 0 and y.done is false
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 1 and y.done is false
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 2 and y.done is false
y = x.next()
ok y.value is undefined and y.done is true
test "last line yields are returned", ->
x = do ->
yield 3
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 3 and y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "yield return can be used anywhere in the function body", ->
x = do ->
if 2 is yield 1
yield return 42
throw new Error "this code shouldn't be reachable"
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 1 and y.done is false
y = x.next 2
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "bound generator", ->
obj =
bound: ->
do =>
yield this
unbound: ->
do ->
yield this
nested: ->
do =>
yield do =>
yield do =>
yield this
eq obj, obj.bound().next().value
ok obj isnt obj.unbound().next().value
eq obj, obj.nested().next().value.next().value.next().value
test "error if `yield` occurs outside of a function", ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile 'yield 1'
test "`yield` by itself not at the end of a function errors", ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile 'x = -> yield; return'
test "`yield from` support", ->
x = do ->
yield from do ->
yield i for i in [3..4]
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 3 and y.done is false
y = x.next 1
ok y.value is 4 and y.done is false
y = x.next 2
arrayEq y.value, [1, 2]
ok y.done is true
test "error if `yield from` occurs outside of a function", ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile 'yield from 1'
test "`yield from` at the end of a function errors", ->
throws -> CoffeeScript.compile 'x = -> x = 1; yield from'
test "yield in if statements", ->
x = do -> if 1 is yield 2 then 3 else 4
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 2 and y.done is false
y = x.next 1
ok y.value is 3 and y.done is true
test "yielding if statements", ->
x = do -> yield if true then 3 else 4
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 3 and y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "yield in for loop expressions", ->
x = do ->
y = for i in [1..3]
yield i * 2
z = x.next()
ok z.value is 2 and z.done is false
z = x.next 10
ok z.value is 4 and z.done is false
z = x.next 20
ok z.value is 6 and z.done is false
z = x.next 30
arrayEq z.value, [10, 20, 30]
ok z.done is true
test "yielding for loop expressions", ->
x = do ->
yield for i in [1..3]
i * 2
y = x.next()
arrayEq y.value, [2, 4, 6]
ok y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "yield in switch expressions", ->
x = do ->
y = switch yield 1
when 2 then yield 1337
else 1336
z = x.next()
ok z.value is 1 and z.done is false
z = x.next 2
ok z.value is 1337 and z.done is false
z = x.next 3
ok z.value is 3 and z.done is true
test "yielding switch expressions", ->
x = do ->
yield switch 1337
when 1337 then 1338
else 1336
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 1338 and y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "yield in try expressions", ->
x = do ->
try yield 1 catch
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 1 and y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "yielding try expressions", ->
x = do ->
yield try 1
y = x.next()
ok y.value is 1 and y.done is false
y = x.next 42
ok y.value is 42 and y.done is true
test "`yield` can be thrown", ->
x = do ->
throw yield null
throws -> x.next new Error "boom"
test "`throw` can be yielded", ->
x = do ->
yield throw new Error "boom"
throws -> x.next()
test "symbolic operators has precedence over the `yield`", ->
symbolic = '+ - * / << >> & | || && ** ^ // or and'.split ' '
compound = ("#{op}=" for op in symbolic)
relations = '< > == != <= >= is isnt'.split ' '
operators = [symbolic..., '=', compound..., relations...]
collect = (gen) -> ref.value until (ref = gen.next()).done
values = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for op in operators
expression = "i #{op} 2"
yielded = CoffeeScript.eval "(arr) -> yield #{expression} for i in arr"
mapped = CoffeeScript.eval "(arr) -> (#{expression} for i in arr)"
arrayEq mapped(values), collect yielded values
test "yield handles 'this' correctly", ->
x = ->
yield switch
when true then yield => this
yield for item in [1]
yield => this
yield if true then yield => this
yield try throw yield => this
throw yield => this
y = x.call [1, 2, 3]
z = y.next()
arrayEq z.value(), [1, 2, 3]
ok z.done is false
z = y.next 123
ok z.value is 123 and z.done is false
z = y.next()
arrayEq z.value(), [1, 2, 3]
ok z.done is false
z = y.next 42
arrayEq z.value, [42]
ok z.done is false
z = y.next()
arrayEq z.value(), [1, 2, 3]
ok z.done is false
z = y.next 456
ok z.value is 456 and z.done is false
z = y.next()
arrayEq z.value(), [1, 2, 3]
ok z.done is false
z = y.next new Error "ignore me"
ok z.value is undefined and z.done is false
z = y.next()
arrayEq z.value(), [1, 2, 3]
ok z.done is false
throws -> y.next new Error "boom"