
1745 lines
39 KiB

# Error Formatting
# ----------------
# Ensure that errors of different kinds (lexer, parser and compiler) are shown
# in a consistent way.
assertErrorFormat = (code, expectedErrorFormat) ->
throws (-> CoffeeScript.run code), (err) ->
err.colorful = no
eq expectedErrorFormat, "#{err}"
test "lexer errors formatting", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
normalObject = {}
insideOutObject = }{
[stdin]:2:19: error: unmatched }
insideOutObject = }{
test "parser error formatting", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
foo in bar or in baz
[stdin]:1:15: error: unexpected in
foo in bar or in baz
test "compiler error formatting", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
evil = (foo, eval, bar) ->
[stdin]:1:14: error: 'eval' can't be assigned
evil = (foo, eval, bar) ->
if require?
os = require 'os'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
test "patchStackTrace line patching", ->
err = new Error 'error'
ok err.stack.match /test[\/\\]error_messages\.coffee:\d+:\d+\b/
test "patchStackTrace stack prelude consistent with V8", ->
err = new Error
ok err.stack.match /^Error\n/ # Notice no colon when no message.
err = new Error 'error'
ok err.stack.match /^Error: error\n/
test "#2849: compilation error in a require()d file", ->
# Create a temporary file to require().
tempFile = path.join os.tmpdir(), 'syntax-error.coffee'
ok not fs.existsSync tempFile
fs.writeFileSync tempFile, 'foo in bar or in baz'
assertErrorFormat """
require '#{tempFile}'
#{fs.realpathSync tempFile}:1:15: error: unexpected in
foo in bar or in baz
fs.unlinkSync tempFile
test "#3890 Error.prepareStackTrace doesn't throw an error if a compiled file is deleted", ->
# Adapted from https://github.com/atom/coffee-cash/blob/master/spec/coffee-cash-spec.coffee
filePath = path.join os.tmpdir(), 'PrepareStackTraceTestFile.coffee'
fs.writeFileSync filePath, "module.exports = -> throw new Error('hello world')"
throwsAnError = require filePath
fs.unlinkSync filePath
catch error
eq error.message, 'hello world'
doesNotThrow(-> error.stack)
notEqual error.stack.toString().indexOf(filePath), -1
test "#4418 stack traces for compiled files reference the correct line number", ->
filePath = path.join os.tmpdir(), 'StackTraceLineNumberTestFile.coffee'
fileContents = """
testCompiledFileStackTraceLineNumber = ->
# `a` on the next line is undefined and should throw a ReferenceError
console.log a if true
do testCompiledFileStackTraceLineNumber
fs.writeFileSync filePath, fileContents
require filePath
catch error
fs.unlinkSync filePath
# Make sure the line number reported is line 3 (the original Coffee source)
# and not line 6 (the generated JavaScript).
eq /StackTraceLineNumberTestFile.coffee:(\d)/.exec(error.stack.toString())[1], '3'
test "#4418 stack traces for compiled strings reference the correct line number", ->
CoffeeScript.run """
testCompiledStringStackTraceLineNumber = ->
# `a` on the next line is undefined and should throw a ReferenceError
console.log a if true
do testCompiledStringStackTraceLineNumber
catch error
# Make sure the line number reported is line 3 (the original Coffee source)
# and not line 6 (the generated JavaScript).
eq /testCompiledStringStackTraceLineNumber.*:(\d):/.exec(error.stack.toString())[1], '3'
test "#1096: unexpected generated tokens", ->
# Implicit ends
assertErrorFormat 'a:, b', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: unexpected ,
a:, b
# Explicit ends
assertErrorFormat '(a:)', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: unexpected )
# Unexpected end of file
assertErrorFormat 'a:', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: unexpected end of input
assertErrorFormat 'a +', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: unexpected end of input
a +
# Unexpected key in implicit object (an implicit object itself is _not_
# unexpected here)
assertErrorFormat '''
for i in [1]:
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: unexpected [
for i in [1]:
# Unexpected regex
assertErrorFormat '{/a/i: val}', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: unexpected regex
{/a/i: val}
assertErrorFormat '{///a///i: val}', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: unexpected regex
{///a///i: val}
assertErrorFormat '{///#{a}///i: val}', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: unexpected regex
{///#{a}///i: val}
# Unexpected string
assertErrorFormat 'import foo from "lib-#{version}"', '''
[stdin]:1:17: error: the name of the module to be imported from must be an uninterpolated string
import foo from "lib-#{version}"
# Unexpected number
assertErrorFormat '"a"0x00Af2', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: unexpected number
test "#1316: unexpected end of interpolation", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: unexpected end of interpolation
assertErrorFormat '''
"#{5) + (4}_"
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unmatched )
"#{5) + (4}_"
# #2918
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: unexpected end of interpolation
test "#3325: implicit indentation errors", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
i for i in a then i
''', '''
[stdin]:1:14: error: unexpected then
i for i in a then i
test "explicit indentation errors", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
a = b
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: unexpected indentation
test "unclosed strings", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing '
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing "
assertErrorFormat """
""", """
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing '''
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing """
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: missing "
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: missing "
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: missing """
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: missing """
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: missing """
assertErrorFormat '''
#{foo """
#{ +'12 }
"""} b"
''', '''
[stdin]:4:11: error: missing '
#{ +'12 }
# https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/issues/3301#issuecomment-31735168
assertErrorFormat '''
# Note the double escaping; this would be `"""a\"""` real code.
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: missing """
test "unclosed heregexes", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing ///
# https://github.com/jashkenas/coffeescript/issues/3301#issuecomment-31735168
assertErrorFormat '''
# Note the double escaping; this would be `///a\///` real code.
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: missing ///
test "unexpected token after string", ->
# Parsing error.
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected identifier
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected identifier
# Lexing error.
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:9: error: missing '
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:9: error: missing "
test "#3348: Location data is wrong in interpolations with leading whitespace", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
"#{ * }"
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected *
"#{ * }"
test "octal escapes", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: octal escape sequences are not allowed \\07
\ \ \ \ ^\^^
assertErrorFormat '''
#{b} \\1"
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: octal escape sequences are not allowed \\1
#{b} \\1"
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: octal escape sequences are not allowed \\07
\ \ \ \ ^\^^
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: octal escape sequences are not allowed \\07
\ \ \ \ ^\^^
assertErrorFormat '''
#{b} \\01///
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: octal escape sequences are not allowed \\01
#{b} \\01///
test "#3795: invalid escapes", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: invalid escape sequence \\x7g
\ \ \ \ ^\^^^
assertErrorFormat '''
#{b} \\uA02
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: invalid escape sequence \\uA02
#{b} \\uA02
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: invalid escape sequence \\u002s
assertErrorFormat '''
///a \\u002 0 space///
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: invalid escape sequence \\u002 \n\
///a \\u002 0 space///
assertErrorFormat '''
#{b} \\x0
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: invalid escape sequence \\x0
#{b} \\x0
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: invalid escape sequence \\u
test "illegal herecomment", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
Regex: /a*/g
''', '''
[stdin]:2:12: error: block comments cannot contain */
Regex: /a*/g
test "#1724: regular expressions beginning with *", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
/* foo/
''', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: regular expressions cannot begin with *
/* foo/
assertErrorFormat '''
* foo
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: regular expressions cannot begin with *
* foo
test "invalid regex flags", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: invalid regular expression flags ii
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: invalid regular expression flags G
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: invalid regular expression flags gimi
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:4: error: invalid regular expression flags g_
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: invalid regular expression flags ii
doesNotThrow -> CoffeeScript.compile '/a/ymgi'
test "missing `)`, `}`, `]`", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing )
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing }
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing ]
assertErrorFormat '''
obj = {a: [1, (2+
''', '''
[stdin]:1:15: error: missing )
obj = {a: [1, (2+
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: missing }
assertErrorFormat '''
foo#{ bar "#{1}"
''', '''
[stdin]:2:7: error: missing }
foo#{ bar "#{1}"
test "unclosed regexes", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: missing / (unclosed regex)
assertErrorFormat '''
# Note the double escaping; this would be `/a\/` real code.
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: missing / (unclosed regex)
assertErrorFormat '''
/// ^
a #{""" ""#{if /[/].test "|" then 1 else 0}"" """}
''', '''
[stdin]:2:18: error: missing / (unclosed regex)
a #{""" ""#{if /[/].test "|" then 1 else 0}"" """}
test "duplicate function arguments", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
(foo, bar, foo) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: multiple parameters named 'foo'
(foo, bar, foo) ->
assertErrorFormat '''
(@foo, bar, @foo) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:13: error: multiple parameters named '@foo'
(@foo, bar, @foo) ->
test "reserved words", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: reserved word 'case'
assertErrorFormat '''
case = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: reserved word 'case'
case = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
for = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: keyword 'for' can't be assigned
for = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
unless = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: keyword 'unless' can't be assigned
unless = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
for += 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: keyword 'for' can't be assigned
for += 1
assertErrorFormat '''
for &&= 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: keyword 'for' can't be assigned
for &&= 1
# Make sure token look-behind doesn't go out of range.
assertErrorFormat '''
&&= 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: unexpected &&=
&&= 1
# #2306: Show unaliased name in error messages.
assertErrorFormat '''
on = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: keyword 'on' can't be assigned
on = 1
test "strict mode errors", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
eval = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: 'eval' can't be assigned
eval = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
class eval
''', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: 'eval' can't be assigned
class eval
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: 'arguments' can't be assigned
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: 'arguments' can't be assigned
test "invalid numbers", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: radix prefix in '0X0' must be lowercase
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: exponential notation in '10E0' must be indicated with a lowercase 'e'
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: decimal literal '018' must not be prefixed with '0'
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: octal literal '010' must be prefixed with '0o'
test "unexpected object keys", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: unexpected [
assertErrorFormat '''
{[[]]: 1}
''', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: unexpected [
{[[]]: 1}
assertErrorFormat '''
[[]]: 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: unexpected [
[[]]: 1
assertErrorFormat '''
{(a + "b")}
''', '''
[stdin]:1:11: error: unexpected }
{(a + "b")}
assertErrorFormat '''
{(a + "b"): 1}
''', '''
[stdin]:1:11: error: unexpected :
{(a + "b"): 1}
assertErrorFormat '''
(a + "b"): 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: unexpected :
(a + "b"): 1
assertErrorFormat '''
a: 1, [[]]: 2
''', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: unexpected [
a: 1, [[]]: 2
assertErrorFormat '''
{a: 1, [[]]: 2}
''', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: unexpected [
{a: 1, [[]]: 2}
test "invalid object keys", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
@a: 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: invalid object key
@a: 1
assertErrorFormat '''
@a: 1
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: invalid object key
@a: 1
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: unexpected =
test "invalid destructuring default target", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
{'a' = 2} = obj
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected =
{'a' = 2} = obj
test "#4070: lone expansion", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
[...] = a
''', '''
[stdin]:1:2: error: Destructuring assignment has no target
[...] = a
assertErrorFormat '''
[ ..., ] = a
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: Destructuring assignment has no target
[ ..., ] = a
test "#3926: implicit object in parameter list", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
(a: b) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: unexpected :
(a: b) ->
assertErrorFormat '''
(one, two, {three, four: five}, key: value) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:36: error: unexpected :
(one, two, {three, four: five}, key: value) ->
test "#4130: unassignable in destructured param", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
fun = ({
@param : null
}) ->
console.log "Oh hello!"
''', '''
[stdin]:2:12: error: keyword 'null' can't be assigned
@param : null
assertErrorFormat '''
({a: null}) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: keyword 'null' can't be assigned
({a: null}) ->
assertErrorFormat '''
({a: 1}) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: '1' can't be assigned
({a: 1}) ->
assertErrorFormat '''
({1}) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: '1' can't be assigned
({1}) ->
assertErrorFormat '''
({a: true = 1}) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: keyword 'true' can't be assigned
({a: true = 1}) ->
test "`yield` outside of a function", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
yield 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: yield can only occur inside functions
yield 1
assertErrorFormat '''
yield return
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: yield can only occur inside functions
yield return
test "#4097: `yield return` as an expression", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
-> (yield return)
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: cannot use a pure statement in an expression
-> (yield return)
test "`&&=` and `||=` with a space in-between", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
a = 0
a && = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:2:6: error: unexpected =
a && = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
a = 0
a and = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:2:7: error: unexpected =
a and = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
a = 0
a || = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:2:6: error: unexpected =
a || = 1
assertErrorFormat '''
a = 0
a or = 1
''', '''
[stdin]:2:6: error: unexpected =
a or = 1
test "anonymous functions cannot be exported", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
export ->
console.log 'hello, world!'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: unexpected ->
export ->
test "anonymous classes cannot be exported", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
export class
constructor: ->
console.log 'hello, world!'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: anonymous classes cannot be exported
export class
test "unless enclosed by curly braces, only * can be aliased", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo as bar from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: unexpected as
import foo as bar from 'lib'
test "unwrapped imports must follow constrained syntax", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo, bar from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:13: error: unexpected identifier
import foo, bar from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo, bar, baz from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:13: error: unexpected identifier
import foo, bar, baz from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo, bar as baz from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:13: error: unexpected identifier
import foo, bar as baz from 'lib'
test "cannot export * without a module to export from", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
export *
''', '''
[stdin]:1:9: error: unexpected end of input
export *
test "imports and exports must be top-level", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
if foo
import { bar } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: import statements must be at top-level scope
import { bar } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
foo = ->
export { bar }
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: export statements must be at top-level scope
export { bar }
test "cannot import the same member more than once", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo, foo } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:15: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import { foo, foo } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo, bar, foo } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:20: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import { foo, bar, foo } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo, bar as foo } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:15: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import { foo, bar as foo } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo, { foo } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:15: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import foo, { foo } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo, { bar as foo } from 'lib'
''', '''
[stdin]:1:15: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import foo, { bar as foo } from 'lib'
assertErrorFormat '''
import foo from 'libA'
import foo from 'libB'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import foo from 'libB'
assertErrorFormat '''
import * as foo from 'libA'
import { foo } from 'libB'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:10: error: 'foo' has already been declared
import { foo } from 'libB'
test "imported members cannot be reassigned", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo } from 'lib'
foo = 'bar'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: 'foo' is read-only
foo = 'bar'
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo } from 'lib'
export default foo = 'bar'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:16: error: 'foo' is read-only
export default foo = 'bar'
assertErrorFormat '''
import { foo } from 'lib'
export foo = 'bar'
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: 'foo' is read-only
export foo = 'bar'
test "bound functions cannot be generators", ->
assertErrorFormat 'f = => yield this', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: yield cannot occur inside bound (fat arrow) functions
f = => yield this
test "CoffeeScript keywords cannot be used as unaliased names in import lists", ->
assertErrorFormat """
import { unless, baz as bar } from 'lib'
""", '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: unexpected unless
import { unless, baz as bar } from 'lib'
test "CoffeeScript keywords cannot be used as local names in import list aliases", ->
assertErrorFormat """
import { bar as unless, baz as bar } from 'lib'
""", '''
[stdin]:1:17: error: unexpected unless
import { bar as unless, baz as bar } from 'lib'
test "function cannot contain both `await` and `yield`", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
f = () ->
yield 5
await a
''', '''
[stdin]:3:3: error: function can't contain both yield and await
await a
test "function cannot contain both `await` and `yield from`", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
f = () ->
yield from a
await b
''', '''
[stdin]:3:3: error: function can't contain both yield and await
await b
test "cannot have `await` outside a function", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
await 1
''', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: await can only occur inside functions
await 1
test "indexes are not supported in for-from loops", ->
assertErrorFormat "x for x, i from [1, 2, 3]", '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: cannot use index with for-from
x for x, i from [1, 2, 3]
test "own is not supported in for-from loops", ->
assertErrorFormat "x for own x from [1, 2, 3]", '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: cannot use own with for-from
x for own x from [1, 2, 3]
test "tagged template literals must be called by an identifier", ->
assertErrorFormat "1''", '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat '1""', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat "1'b'", '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat '1"b"', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat "1'''b'''", """
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat '1"""b"""', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat '1"#{b}"', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
assertErrorFormat '1"""#{b}"""', '''
[stdin]:1:1: error: literal is not a function
test "constructor functions can't be async", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class then constructor: -> await x', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: Class constructor may not be async
class then constructor: -> await x
test "constructor functions can't be generators", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class then constructor: -> yield', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: Class constructor may not be a generator
class then constructor: -> yield
test "non-derived constructors can't call super", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class then constructor: -> super()', '''
[stdin]:1:28: error: 'super' is only allowed in derived class constructors
class then constructor: -> super()
test "derived constructors can't reference `this` before calling super", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then constructor: -> @', '''
[stdin]:1:38: error: Can't reference 'this' before calling super in derived class constructors
class extends A then constructor: -> @
test "derived constructors can't use @params without calling super", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then constructor: (@a) ->', '''
[stdin]:1:36: error: Can't use @params in derived class constructors without calling super
class extends A then constructor: (@a) ->
test "'super' is not allowed in constructor parameter defaults", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then constructor: (a = super()) ->', '''
[stdin]:1:40: error: 'super' is not allowed in constructor parameter defaults
class extends A then constructor: (a = super()) ->
test "can't use pattern matches for loop indices", ->
assertErrorFormat 'a for b, {c} in d', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: index cannot be a pattern matching expression
a for b, {c} in d
test "bare 'super' is no longer allowed", ->
# TODO Improve this error message (it should at least be 'unexpected super')
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then constructor: -> super', '''
[stdin]:1:35: error: unexpected ->
class extends A then constructor: -> super
test "soaked 'super' in constructor", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then constructor: -> super?()', '''
[stdin]:1:38: error: Unsupported reference to 'super'
class extends A then constructor: -> super?()
test "new with 'super'", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class extends A then foo: -> new super()', '''
[stdin]:1:34: error: Unsupported reference to 'super'
class extends A then foo: -> new super()
test "getter keyword in object", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
obj =
get foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in object", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
obj =
set foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
set foo: ->
test "getter keyword in inline implicit object", ->
assertErrorFormat 'obj = get foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
obj = get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in inline implicit object", ->
assertErrorFormat 'obj = set foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
obj = set foo: ->
test "getter keyword in inline explicit object", ->
assertErrorFormat 'obj = {get foo: ->}', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
obj = {get foo: ->}
test "setter keyword in inline explicit object", ->
assertErrorFormat 'obj = {set foo: ->}', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
obj = {set foo: ->}
test "getter keyword in function", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
f = ->
get foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in function", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
f = ->
set foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
set foo: ->
test "getter keyword in inline function", ->
assertErrorFormat 'f = -> get foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
f = -> get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in inline function", ->
assertErrorFormat 'f = -> set foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:8: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
f = -> set foo: ->
test "getter keyword in class", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
class A
get foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in class", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
class A
set foo: ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
set foo: ->
test "getter keyword in inline class", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class A then get foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:14: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
class A then get foo: ->
test "setter keyword in inline class", ->
assertErrorFormat 'class A then set foo: ->', '''
[stdin]:1:14: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
class A then set foo: ->
test "getter keyword before static method", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
class A
get @foo = ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'get' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
get @foo = ->
test "setter keyword before static method", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
class A
set @foo = ->
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: 'set' cannot be used as a keyword, or as a function call without parentheses
set @foo = ->
test "#4248: Unicode code point escapes", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
#{b} \\u{G02}
''', '''
[stdin]:2:8: error: invalid escape sequence \\u{G02}
#{b} \\u{G02}
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:3: error: invalid escape sequence \\u{}
assertErrorFormat '''
///a \\u{01abc///
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: invalid escape sequence \\u{01abc
///a \\u{01abc///
assertErrorFormat '''
/\\u{123} \\u{110000}/
''', '''
[stdin]:1:10: error: unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed
/\\u{123} \\u{110000}/
\ ^\^^^^^^^^^
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:9: error: unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed
\ \^\^^^^^^^^^
assertErrorFormat '''
#{ 'b' }
''', '''
[stdin]:4:5: error: unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: unicode code point escapes greater than \\u{10ffff} are not allowed
\ ^\^^^^^^^^^^^^^
test "CSX error: non-matching tag names", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
[stdin]:1:7: error: expected corresponding CSX closing tag for span
test "CSX error: bare expressions not allowed", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
<div x=3 />
[stdin]:1:8: error: expected wrapped or quoted JSX attribute
<div x=3 />
test "CSX error: unescaped opening tag angle bracket disallowed", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
[stdin]:1:9: error: unexpected <<
test "CSX error: ambiguous tag-like expression", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
x = a <b > c
[stdin]:1:10: error: missing </
x = a <b > c
test 'CSX error: invalid attributes', ->
assertErrorFormat '''
<div a="b" {props} />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div a="b" {props} />
assertErrorFormat '''
<div a={b} {a:{b}} />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:12: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div a={b} {a:{b}} />
assertErrorFormat '''
<div {"#{a}"} />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div {"#{a}"} />
assertErrorFormat '''
<div props... />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:11: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div props... />
assertErrorFormat '''
<div {a:"b", props..., c:d()} />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div {a:"b", props..., c:d()} />
assertErrorFormat '''
<div {props..., a, b} />
''', '''
[stdin]:1:6: error: Unexpected token. Allowed CSX attributes are: id="val", src={source}, {props...} or attribute.
<div {props..., a, b} />
test 'Bound method called as callback before binding throws runtime error', ->
class Base
constructor: ->
f = @derivedBound
ok no
catch e
eq e.message, 'Bound instance method accessed before binding'
class Derived extends Base
derivedBound: =>
ok no
d = new Derived
test "#3845/#3446: chain after function glyph (but not inline)", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
a -> .b
[stdin]:1:6: error: unexpected .
a -> .b
test "#3906: error for unusual indentation", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:2:1: error: unexpected indentation
test "#4283: error message for implicit call", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
(a, b c) ->
''', '''
[stdin]:1:5: error: unexpected implicit function call
(a, b c) ->
test "#3199: error message for call indented non-object", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
fn = ->
''', '''
[stdin]:3:1: error: unexpected indentation
test "#3199: error message for call indented comprehension", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
fn = ->
x for x in [1, 2, 3]
''', '''
[stdin]:3:1: error: unexpected indentation
x for x in [1, 2, 3]
test "#3199: error message for return indented non-object", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: unexpected number
test "#3199: error message for return indented comprehension", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
x for x in [1, 2, 3]
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: unexpected identifier
x for x in [1, 2, 3]
test "#3199: error message for throw indented non-object", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: unexpected number
test "#3199: error message for throw indented comprehension", ->
assertErrorFormat '''
x for x in [1, 2, 3]
''', '''
[stdin]:2:3: error: unexpected identifier
x for x in [1, 2, 3]