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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

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# Compilation
# -----------
# Helper to pipe the CoffeeScript compilers output through a transpiler.
transpile = (method, code, options = {}) ->
# `method` should be 'compile' or 'eval' or 'run'
options.bare = yes
options.transpile =
# Target Internet Explorer 6, which supports no ES2015+ features.
presets: [['@babel/env', {targets: browsers: ['ie 6']}]]
CoffeeScript[method] code, options
test "ensure that carriage returns don't break compilation on Windows", ->
doesNotThrowCompileError 'one\r\ntwo', bare: on
test "#3089 - don't mutate passed in options to compile", ->
opts = {}
CoffeeScript.compile '1 + 1', opts
ok !opts.scope
test "--bare", ->
eq -1, CoffeeScript.compile('x = y', bare: on).indexOf 'function'
ok 'passed' is CoffeeScript.eval '"passed"', bare: on, filename: 'test'
test "header (#1778)", ->
header = "// Generated by CoffeeScript #{CoffeeScript.VERSION}\n"
eq 0, CoffeeScript.compile('x = y', header: on).indexOf header
test "header is disabled by default", ->
header = "// Generated by CoffeeScript #{CoffeeScript.VERSION}\n"
eq -1, CoffeeScript.compile('x = y').indexOf header
test "multiple generated references", ->
a = {b: []}
a.b[true] = -> this == a.b
c = 0
d = []
ok a.b[0<++c<2] d...
test "splat on a line by itself is invalid", ->
throwsCompileError "x 'a'\n...\n"
test "Issue 750", ->
throwsCompileError 'f(->'
throwsCompileError 'a = (break)'
throwsCompileError 'a = (return 5 for item in list)'
throwsCompileError 'a = (return 5 while condition)'
throwsCompileError 'a = for x in y\n return 5'
test "Issue #986: Unicode identifiers", ->
λ = 5
eq λ, 5
test "#2516: Unicode spaces should not be part of identifiers", ->
a = (x) -> x * 2
b = 3
eq 6, a b # U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+1680 OGHAM SPACE MARK
eq 6, a b # U+2000 EN QUAD
eq 6, ab # U+2001 EM QUAD
eq 6, ab # U+2002 EN SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2003 EM SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2004 THREE-PER-EM SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2005 FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2006 SIX-PER-EM SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2007 FIGURE SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2008 PUNCTUATION SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+2009 THIN SPACE
eq 6, ab # U+200A HAIR SPACE
eq 6, a b # U+3000 IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
# #3560: Non-breaking space (U+00A0) (before `'c'`)
eq 5, {c: 5}[ 'c' ]
# A line where every space in non-breaking
eq 1 + 1, 2  
test "don't accidentally stringify keywords", ->
ok (-> this == 'this')() is false
test "#1026: no if/else/else allowed", ->
throwsCompileError '''
if a
test "#1050: no closing asterisk comments from within block comments", ->
throwsCompileError "### */ ###"
test "#1273: escaping quotes at the end of heredocs", ->
throwsCompileError '"""\\"""' # """\"""
throwsCompileError '"""\\\\\\"""' # """\\\"""
test "#1106: __proto__ compilation", ->
object = eq
@["__proto__"] = true
ok __proto__
test "reference named hasOwnProperty", ->
CoffeeScript.compile 'hasOwnProperty = 0; a = 1'
test "#1055: invalid keys in real (but not work-product) objects", ->
throwsCompileError "@key: value"
test "#1066: interpolated strings are not implicit functions", ->
throwsCompileError '"int#{er}polated" arg'
test "#2846: while with empty body", ->
CoffeeScript.compile 'while 1 then', {sourceMap: true}
test "#2944: implicit call with a regex argument", ->
CoffeeScript.compile 'o[key] /regex/'
test "#3001: `own` shouldn't be allowed in a `for`-`in` loop", ->
throwsCompileError "a for own b in c"
test "#2994: single-line `if` requires `then`", ->
throwsCompileError "if b else x"
test "transpile option, for Node API CoffeeScript.compile", ->
return if global.testingBrowser
ok transpile('compile', "import fs from 'fs'").includes 'require'
test "transpile option, for Node API CoffeeScript.eval", ->
return if global.testingBrowser
ok transpile 'eval', "import path from 'path'; path.sep in ['/', '\\\\']"
test "transpile option, for Node API CoffeeScript.run", ->
return if global.testingBrowser
doesNotThrow -> transpile 'run', "import fs from 'fs'"
test "transpile option has merged source maps", ->
return if global.testingBrowser
untranspiledOutput = CoffeeScript.compile "import path from 'path'\nconsole.log path.sep", sourceMap: yes
transpiledOutput = transpile 'compile', "import path from 'path'\nconsole.log path.sep", sourceMap: yes
untranspiledOutput.v3SourceMap = JSON.parse untranspiledOutput.v3SourceMap
transpiledOutput.v3SourceMap = JSON.parse transpiledOutput.v3SourceMap
ok untranspiledOutput.v3SourceMap.mappings isnt transpiledOutput.v3SourceMap.mappings
# Babel adds `'use strict';` to the top of files with the modules transform.
eq transpiledOutput.js.indexOf('use strict'), 1
# The `'use strict';` followed by two newlines results in the first two lines
# of the source map mappings being two blank/skipped lines.
eq transpiledOutput.v3SourceMap.mappings.indexOf(';;'), 0
# The number of lines in the transpiled code should match the number of lines
# in the source map.
eq transpiledOutput.js.split('\n').length, transpiledOutput.v3SourceMap.mappings.split(';').length
test "using transpile from the Node API requires an object", ->
CoffeeScript.compile '', transpile: yes
catch exception
eq exception.message, 'The transpile option must be given an object with options to pass to Babel'
test "transpile option applies to imported .coffee files", ->
return if global.testingBrowser
doesNotThrow -> transpile 'run', "import { getSep } from './test/importing/transpile_import'\ngetSep()"
test "#3306: trailing comma in a function call in the last line", ->
eqJS '''
foo bar,
''', '''