mirror of
synced 2022-11-09 12:23:24 -05:00

* Move analytics initialization into docs.coffee * Bump Bootstrap and CodeMirror versions * Update output * Merge CodeMirror styles * Update CodeMirror styles * Better flexbox layout for docs, including flex auto-sized sidebar and main column * Minor styling fixes for Edge * Fix scrollspy for new layout * Update output * Clicking on the CoffeeScript logo in the navbar should scroll to top; fix main column width on mobile * Update output
210 lines
8.1 KiB
210 lines
8.1 KiB
unless window.location.origin # Polyfill `location.origin` for IE < 11
window.location.origin = "#{window.location.protocol}//#{window.location.hostname}"
# Initialize Google Analytics
window.GA_TRACKING_ID = 'UA-106156830-1'
window.dataLayer ?= []
window.gtag = ->
window.dataLayer.push arguments
window.gtag 'js', new Date()
window.gtag 'config', window.GA_TRACKING_ID
# Initialize the CoffeeScript docs interactions
$(document).ready ->
# Mobile navigation
toggleSidebar = ->
$('.navbar-toggler, .sidebar').toggleClass 'show'
$('[data-toggle="offcanvas"]').click toggleSidebar
$('[data-action="sidebar-nav"]').click (event) ->
if $('.navbar-toggler').is(':visible')
setTimeout ->
window.location = event.target.href
, 260 # Wait for the sidebar to slide away before navigating
gtag 'event', 'sidebar_navigate',
event_category: 'navigation'
event_label: event.target.href.replace window.location.origin, ''
# Initialize Scrollspy for sidebar navigation; https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/scrollspy/
# See also http://www.codingeverything.com/2014/02/BootstrapDocsSideBar.html and http://jsfiddle.net/KyleMit/v6zhz/
target: '#contents'
offset: Math.round $('main').css('padding-top').replace('px', '')
initializeScrollspyFromHash = (hash) ->
$("#contents a.active[href!='#{hash}']").removeClass 'show'
$('.main').on 'activate.bs.scrollspy', (event, target) ->
# We only want one active link in the nav
$("#contents a.active[href!='#{target.relatedTarget}']").removeClass 'show'
$target = $("#contents a[href='#{target.relatedTarget}']")
return if $target.prop('href') is "#{window.location.origin}/#try"
# Update the browser address bar on scroll, without adding to the history; clicking the sidebar links will automatically add to the history
replaceState $target.prop('href')
# Track this as a new pageview; we only want '/#hash', not 'http://coffeescript.org/#hash'
gtag 'config', GA_TRACKING_ID,
page_path: $target.prop('href').replace window.location.origin, ''
# Initialize CodeMirror for code examples; https://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html
# Defer this until a code example is clicked or focused, to avoid unnecessary computation/slowness
textareas = []
editors = []
lastCompilationElapsedTime = 200
$('textarea').each (index) ->
textareas[index] = @
$(@).data 'index', index
initializeEditor = ($textarea) ->
index = $textarea.data 'index'
mode = if $textarea.hasClass('javascript-output') then 'javascript' else 'coffeescript'
editors[index] = editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea $textarea[0],
mode: mode
theme: 'twilight'
indentUnit: 2
tabSize: 2
lineWrapping: on
lineNumbers: off
inputStyle: 'contenteditable'
readOnly: mode isnt 'coffeescript' # Can’t use 'nocursor' if we want the JavaScript to be copyable
viewportMargin: Infinity
# Whenever the user edits the CoffeeScript side of a code example, update the JavaScript output
# If the editor is Try CoffeeScript, also update the hash and save this code in localStorage
if mode is 'coffeescript'
pending = null
editor.on 'change', (instance, change) ->
clearTimeout pending
pending = setTimeout ->
lastCompilationStartTime = Date.now()
coffee = editor.getValue()
if index is 0 and $('#try').hasClass('show') # If this is the editor in Try CoffeeScript and it’s still visible
if $('#try').hasClass('show')
# Update the hash with the current code
link = "try:#{encodeURIComponent coffee}"
replaceState "#{window.location.href.split('#')[0]}##{link}"
# Save this to the user’s localStorage
if window.localStorage?
window.localStorage.setItem 'tryCoffeeScriptCode', coffee
catch exception
output = CoffeeScript.compile coffee, bare: yes
lastCompilationElapsedTime = Math.max(200, Date.now() - lastCompilationStartTime)
catch exception
output = "#{exception}"
editors[index + 1].setValue output
gtag 'event', 'edit_code',
event_category: 'engagement'
event_label: $textarea.closest('[data-example]').data('example')
, lastCompilationElapsedTime
# Fix the code editors’ handling of tab-indented code
'Tab': (cm) ->
if cm.somethingSelected()
cm.indentSelection 'add'
else if /^\t/m.test cm.getValue()
# If any lines start with a tab, treat this as tab-indented code
cm.execCommand 'insertTab'
cm.execCommand 'insertSoftTab'
'Shift-Tab': (cm) ->
cm.indentSelection 'subtract'
'Enter': (cm) ->
cm.options.indentWithTabs = /^\t/m.test cm.getValue()
cm.execCommand 'newlineAndIndent'
$('.placeholder-code').one 'mouseover', (event) ->
$textarea = $(@).prev 'textarea'
initializeEditor $textarea
# Initialize the sibling column too
$siblingColumn = $ $textarea.parent().siblings()[0]
initializeEditor $ $siblingColumn.children('textarea')[0]
initializeTryEditors = ->
initializeEditor $ '#try-coffeescript-coffee'
initializeEditor $ '#try-coffeescript-js'
# Handle the code example buttons
$('[data-action="run-code-example"]').click ->
run = $(@).data 'run'
index = $("##{$(@).data('example')}-js").data 'index'
js = if editors[index]?
js = "#{js}\nalert(#{unescape run});" unless run is yes
eval js
gtag 'event', 'run_code',
event_category: 'engagement'
event_label: $(@).closest('[data-example]').data('example')
# Try CoffeeScript
previousHash = null
toggleTry = (checkLocalStorage) ->
$('#try, #try-link').toggleClass 'show'
if $('#try').hasClass('show')
previousHash = window.location.hash if window.location.hash
initializeTryEditors() if $('#try .CodeMirror').length is 0
if checkLocalStorage and window.localStorage?
coffee = window.localStorage.getItem 'tryCoffeeScriptCode'
if coffee?
editors[0].setValue coffee
replaceState '#try'
catch exception
replaceState '#try'
replaceState '#try'
if previousHash then replaceState(previousHash) else clearHash()
closeTry = ->
$('#try, #try-link').removeClass 'show'
if previousHash then replaceState(previousHash) else clearHash()
$('[data-toggle="try"]').click (event) ->
toggleTry yes
$('[data-close="try"]').click closeTry
$('[data-action="scroll-to-top"]').click (event) ->
return if $('#try').hasClass('show')
$('.main')[0].scrollTop = 0
setTimeout clearHash, 10
clearHash = ->
window.history.replaceState {}, document.title, window.location.pathname
replaceState = (newURL) ->
newURL = "#{window.location.pathname}#{newURL}" if newURL?.indexOf('#') is 0
window.history.replaceState {}, document.title, (newURL or '')
$(window).on 'hashchange', ->
# Get rid of dangling # in the address bar
clearHash() if window.location.hash is ''
# Configure the initial state
if window.location.hash?
if window.location.hash is '#try'
toggleTry yes
else if window.location.hash.indexOf('#try') is 0
initializeTryEditors() if $('#try .CodeMirror').length is 0
editors[0].setValue decodeURIComponent window.location.hash[5..]
toggleTry no
else if window.location.hash is ''
initializeScrollspyFromHash window.location.hash
if window.location.hash.length > 1
# Initializing the code editors might’ve thrown off our vertical scroll position
document.getElementById(window.location.hash.slice(1).replace(/try:.*/, '')).scrollIntoView()