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module Kaminari
module Helpers
module HelperMethods
# A helper that renders the pagination links.
# <%= paginate @articles %>
# ==== Options
# * <tt>:window</tt> - The "inner window" size (4 by default).
# * <tt>:outer_window</tt> - The "outer window" size (0 by default).
# * <tt>:left</tt> - The "left outer window" size (0 by default).
# * <tt>:right</tt> - The "right outer window" size (0 by default).
# * <tt>:params</tt> - url_for parameters for the links (:controller, :action, etc.)
# * <tt>:param_name</tt> - parameter name for page number in the links (:page by default)
# * <tt>:remote</tt> - Ajax? (false by default)
# * <tt>:paginator_class</tt> - Specify a custom Paginator (Kaminari::Helpers::Paginator by default)
# * <tt>:template</tt> - Specify a custom template renderer for rendering the Paginator (receiver by default)
# * <tt>:ANY_OTHER_VALUES</tt> - Any other hash key & values would be directly passed into each tag as :locals value.
def paginate(scope, paginator_class: Kaminari::Helpers::Paginator, template: nil, **options)
options[:total_pages] ||= scope.total_pages
options.reverse_merge! current_page: scope.current_page, per_page: scope.limit_value, remote: false
paginator = paginator_class.new (template || self), options
# A simple "Twitter like" pagination link that creates a link to the previous page.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= link_to_previous_page @items, 'Previous Page' %>
# Ajax:
# <%= link_to_previous_page @items, 'Previous Page', :remote => true %>
# By default, it renders nothing if there are no more results on the previous page.
# You can customize this output by passing a block.
# <%= link_to_previous_page @users, 'Previous Page' do %>
# <span>At the Beginning</span>
# <% end %>
def link_to_previous_page(scope, name, **options)
prev_page = path_to_prev_page(scope, options)
options.except! :params, :param_name
options[:rel] ||= 'prev'
link_to_if prev_page, name, prev_page, options do
yield if block_given?
# A simple "Twitter like" pagination link that creates a link to the next page.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= link_to_next_page @items, 'Next Page' %>
# Ajax:
# <%= link_to_next_page @items, 'Next Page', :remote => true %>
# By default, it renders nothing if there are no more results on the next page.
# You can customize this output by passing a block.
# <%= link_to_next_page @users, 'Next Page' do %>
# <span>No More Pages</span>
# <% end %>
def link_to_next_page(scope, name, **options)
next_page = path_to_next_page(scope, options)
options.except! :params, :param_name
options[:rel] ||= 'next'
link_to_if next_page, name, next_page, options do
yield if block_given?
# Renders a helpful message with numbers of displayed vs. total entries.
# Ported from mislav/will_paginate
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= page_entries_info @posts %>
# #-> Displaying posts 6 - 10 of 26 in total
# By default, the message will use the humanized class name of objects
# in collection: for instance, "project types" for ProjectType models.
# The namespace will be cutted out and only the last name will be used.
# Override this with the <tt>:entry_name</tt> parameter:
# <%= page_entries_info @posts, :entry_name => 'item' %>
# #-> Displaying items 6 - 10 of 26 in total
def page_entries_info(collection, entry_name: nil)
entry_name = if entry_name
collection.entry_name(count: collection.size).downcase
if collection.total_pages < 2
t('helpers.page_entries_info.one_page.display_entries', entry_name: entry_name, count: collection.total_count)
first = collection.offset_value + 1
last = (sum = collection.offset_value + collection.limit_value) > collection.total_count ? collection.total_count : sum
t('helpers.page_entries_info.more_pages.display_entries', entry_name: entry_name, first: first, last: last, total: collection.total_count)
# Renders rel="next" and rel="prev" links to be used in the head.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# In head:
# <head>
# <title>My Website</title>
# <%= yield :head %>
# </head>
# Somewhere in body:
# <% content_for :head do %>
# <%= rel_next_prev_link_tags @items %>
# <% end %>
# #-> <link rel="next" href="/items/page/3" /><link rel="prev" href="/items/page/1" />
def rel_next_prev_link_tags(scope, options = {})
next_page = path_to_next_page(scope, options)
prev_page = path_to_prev_page(scope, options)
output = String.new
output << tag(:link, rel: "next", href: next_page) if next_page
output << tag(:link, rel: "prev", href: prev_page) if prev_page
# A helper that calculates the path to the next page.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= path_to_next_page @items %>
# #-> /items?page=2
# It will return `nil` if there is no next page.
def path_to_next_page(scope, options = {})
Kaminari::Helpers::NextPage.new(self, options.reverse_merge(current_page: scope.current_page)).url if scope.next_page
# A helper that calculates the path to the previous page.
# ==== Examples
# Basic usage:
# <%= path_to_prev_page @items %>
# #-> /items
# It will return `nil` if there is no previous page.
def path_to_prev_page(scope, options = {})
Kaminari::Helpers::PrevPage.new(self, options.reverse_merge(current_page: scope.current_page)).url if scope.prev_page