# frozen_string_literal: true require 'active_support/inflector' require 'kaminari/helpers/tags' module Kaminari module Helpers # The main container tag class Paginator < Tag def initialize(template, window: nil, outer_window: nil, left: nil, right: nil, inner_window: nil, **options) #:nodoc: outer_window ||= Kaminari.config.outer_window left ||= Kaminari.config.left right ||= Kaminari.config.right @window_options = {window: window || inner_window || Kaminari.config.window, left: left.zero? ? outer_window : left, right: right.zero? ? outer_window : right} @template, @options, @theme, @views_prefix = template, options, options[:theme], options[:views_prefix] @window_options.merge! @options @window_options[:current_page] = @options[:current_page] = PageProxy.new(@window_options, @options[:current_page], nil) @last = nil #XXX Using parent template's buffer class for rendering each partial here. This might cause problems if the handler mismatches @output_buffer = if defined?(::ActionView::OutputBuffer) ::ActionView::OutputBuffer.new elsif template.instance_variable_get(:@output_buffer) template.instance_variable_get(:@output_buffer).class.new else ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.new end end # render given block as a view template def render(&block) instance_eval(&block) if @options[:total_pages] > 1 @output_buffer end # enumerate each page providing PageProxy object as the block parameter # Because of performance reason, this doesn't actually enumerate all pages but pages that are seemingly relevant to the paginator. # "Relevant" pages are: # * pages inside the left outer window plus one for showing the gap tag # * pages inside the inner window plus one on the left plus one on the right for showing the gap tags # * pages inside the right outer window plus one for showing the gap tag def each_relevant_page return to_enum(:each_relevant_page) unless block_given? relevant_pages(@window_options).each do |page| yield PageProxy.new(@window_options, page, @last) end end alias each_page each_relevant_page def relevant_pages(options) left_window_plus_one = 1.upto(options[:left] + 1).to_a right_window_plus_one = (options[:total_pages] - options[:right]).upto(options[:total_pages]).to_a inside_window_plus_each_sides = (options[:current_page] - options[:window] - 1).upto(options[:current_page] + options[:window] + 1).to_a (left_window_plus_one | inside_window_plus_each_sides | right_window_plus_one).sort.reject {|x| (x < 1) || (x > options[:total_pages])} end private :relevant_pages def page_tag(page) @last = Page.new @template, @options.merge(page: page) end %w[first_page prev_page next_page last_page gap].each do |tag| eval <<-DEF, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{tag}_tag @last = #{tag.classify}.new @template, @options end DEF end def to_s #:nodoc: Thread.current[:kaminari_rendering] = true super @window_options.merge paginator: self ensure Thread.current[:kaminari_rendering] = false end # delegates view helper methods to @template def method_missing(name, *args, &block) @template.respond_to?(name) ? @template.send(name, *args, &block) : super end private :method_missing # Wraps a "page number" and provides some utility methods class PageProxy include Comparable def initialize(options, page, last) #:nodoc: @options, @page, @last = options, page, last end # the page number def number @page end # current page or not def current? @page == @options[:current_page] end # the first page or not def first? @page == 1 end # the last page or not def last? @page == @options[:total_pages] end # the previous page or not def prev? @page == @options[:current_page] - 1 end # the next page or not def next? @page == @options[:current_page] + 1 end # relationship with the current page def rel if next? 'next' elsif prev? 'prev' end end # within the left outer window or not def left_outer? @page <= @options[:left] end # within the right outer window or not def right_outer? @options[:total_pages] - @page < @options[:right] end # inside the inner window or not def inside_window? (@options[:current_page] - @page).abs <= @options[:window] end # Current page is an isolated gap or not def single_gap? ((@page == @options[:current_page] - @options[:window] - 1) && (@page == @options[:left] + 1)) || ((@page == @options[:current_page] + @options[:window] + 1) && (@page == @options[:total_pages] - @options[:right])) end # The page number exceeds the range of pages or not def out_of_range? @page > @options[:total_pages] end # The last rendered tag was "truncated" or not def was_truncated? @last.is_a? Gap end def to_i #:nodoc: number end def to_s #:nodoc: number.to_s end def +(other) #:nodoc: to_i + other.to_i end def -(other) #:nodoc: to_i - other.to_i end def <=>(other) #:nodoc: to_i <=> other.to_i end end end end end