module Kaminari module Generators SHOW_API = '' ALL_API = '' class ViewsGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../../../../app/views/kaminari', __FILE__) class_option :template_engine, :type => :string, :aliases => '-e', :desc => 'Template engine for the views. Available options are "erb" and "haml".' def self.banner #:nodoc: <<-BANNER.chomp rails g kaminari:views THEME [options] Copies all paginator partial templates to your application. You can choose a template THEME by specifying one from the list below: - default The default one. This one is used internally while you don't override the partials. #{ {|t| " - #{}\n#{t.description}"}.join("\n")} BANNER end desc '' def copy_or_fetch #:nodoc: return copy_default_views if file_name == 'default' themes = self.class.themes if theme = themes.detect {|t| == file_name} download_templates theme else say %Q[no such theme: #{file_name}\n avaliable themes: #{ ", "}] end end private def self.themes @themes ||= open ALL_API do |json| # open File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../spec/generators/sample.json' do |json| files = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json)['blobs'] hash = files.group_by {|fn, _| fn[0...(fn.index('/') || 0)]}.delete_if {|fn, _| fn.blank?} do |name, files| name, files end end end def download_templates(theme) theme.templates_for(template_engine).each do |template| say " downloading #{} from kaminari_themes..." get "#{SHOW_API}/#{template.sha}", "app/views/kaminari/#{template.basename}" end end def copy_default_views filename_pattern = File.join self.class.source_root, "*.html.#{template_engine}" Dir.glob(filename_pattern).map {|f| File.basename f}.each do |f| copy_file f, "app/views/kaminari/#{f}" end end def template_engine options[:template_engine].try(:to_s).try(:downcase) || 'erb' end end Template =, :sha) do def engine #:nodoc: File.extname(name).sub /^\./, '' end def basename #:nodoc: File.basename name end end class Theme attr_accessor :name def initialize(name, templates) #:nodoc: @name, @templates = name, {|f| *f} end def description #:nodoc: file = @templates.detect {|t| == "#{name}/DESCRIPTION"} return "#{' ' * 12}#{name}" unless file open("#{SHOW_API}/#{file.sha}").read.chomp.gsub /^/, ' ' * 12 end def templates_for(template_engine) #:nodoc: {|t| t.engine == template_engine} end end end end