diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index ec3fa41..589d052 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
 require 'bundler/setup'
-class Bundler::GemHelper
-  def clean?
-    sh_with_code('git diff --exit-code --ignore-submodules')[1] == 0
-  end
 require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-require File.expand_path '../ext/libv8/make.rb', __FILE__
-require File.expand_path '../ext/libv8/checkout.rb', __FILE__
-include Libv8::Make
-include Libv8::Checkout
+module Helpers
+  module_function
+  def get_binary_gemspec(platform = RUBY_PLATFORM)
+    gemspec = eval(File.read('libv8.gemspec'))
+    gemspec.platform = Gem::Platform.new(platform)
+    gemspec
+  end
-desc "setup the vendored v8 source to correspond to the libv8 gem version"
-task :checkout do
-  sh "git submodule update --init"
-  checkout!
+  def binary_gem_name
+    File.basename get_binary_gemspec.cache_file
+  end
 desc "compile v8 via the ruby extension mechanism"
@@ -25,30 +22,9 @@ task :compile do
   sh "ruby ext/libv8/extconf.rb"
-desc "manually invoke the GYP compile. Useful for seeing debug output"
-task :manual_compile do
-  require File.expand_path '../ext/libv8/arch.rb', __FILE__
-  include Libv8::Arch
-  Dir.chdir(V8_Source) do
-    sh %Q{#{make} -j2 #{libv8_arch}.release ARFLAGS.target=crs}
-  end
-def get_binary_gemspec(platform = RUBY_PLATFORM)
-  gemspec = eval(File.read('libv8.gemspec'))
-  gemspec.platform = Gem::Platform.new(platform)
-  gemspec
-  binary_gem_name = File.basename get_binary_gemspec.cache_file
-  binary_gem_name = ''
-desc "build a binary gem #{binary_gem_name}"
+desc "build a binary gem #{Helpers.binary_gem_name}"
 task :binary => :compile do
-  gemspec = get_binary_gemspec
+  gemspec = Helpers.get_binary_gemspec
   # We don't need most things for the binary
   gemspec.files = []
@@ -77,12 +53,5 @@ task :clean do
   sh "git submodule foreach git clean -df"
-desc "build a binary on heroku (you must have vulcan configured for this)"
-task :vulcan => directory("tmp/vulcan") do
-  Dir.chdir('tmp/vulcan') do
-    sh "vulcan build -v -c 'LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export BIN=/`pwd`/bin && export GEM=$BIN/gem && curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/heroku-buildpack-ruby/ruby-1.9.3.tgz > ruby-1.9.3.tgz && tar xf ruby-1.9.3.tgz && cd /tmp && $GEM fetch libv8 --platform=ruby --version=#{Libv8::VERSION} && $GEM unpack libv8*.gem && $GEM install bundler -n $BIN --no-ri --no-rdoc && cd libv8-#{Libv8::VERSION} && $BIN/bundle && $BIN/bundle exec rake binary' -p /tmp/libv8-#{Libv8::VERSION}"
-  end
-task :default => [:checkout, :compile, :spec]
-task :build => [:clean, :checkout]
+task :default => [:compile, :spec]
+task :build => [:clean]
diff --git a/libv8.gemspec b/libv8.gemspec
index 8ebd992..74ca21b 100644
--- a/libv8.gemspec
+++ b/libv8.gemspec
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.rubyforge_project = "libv8"
   s.files  = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
   s.files += Dir.chdir("vendor/v8") do
     `git ls-files`.split("\n").reject {|f| f =~ /^out|^test|^benchmarks/}.map {|f| "vendor/v8/#{f}"}
@@ -32,5 +31,4 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.add_development_dependency "rspec"
   s.add_development_dependency "rspec-spies"
   s.add_development_dependency "rubysl", "~> 2.0" if RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
-  s.add_development_dependency "vulcan"