require 'bundler/setup' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'tmpdir' require 'rubygems/package' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks :spec DISTRIBUTIONS = [ 'x86_64-linux', 'x86-linux', 'x86_64-freebsd-10', 'x86_64-freebsd-11', 'amd64-freebsd-10', 'amd64-freebsd-11', 'arm-linux', 'aarch64-linux', # 'x86_64-linux-musl' ] module Helpers module_function def binary_gemspec(platform = Gem::Platform.local) eval( 'libv8.gemspec').tap do |gemspec| gemspec.platform = platform gemspec.extensions.clear # We don't need most things for the binary gemspec.files = [] gemspec.files += ['lib/libv8.rb', 'lib/libv8/version.rb'] gemspec.files += ['ext/libv8/location.rb', 'ext/libv8/paths.rb'] gemspec.files += ['ext/libv8/.location.yml'] # V8 gemspec.files += Dir['vendor/v8/include/**/*.h'] gemspec.files += Dir['vendor/v8/**/*.a'] end end def binary_gem_name(platform = Gem::Platform.local) File.basename binary_gemspec(platform).cache_file end end desc "compile v8 via the ruby extension mechanism" task :compile do sh "ruby ext/libv8/extconf.rb" end desc "build a binary gem #{Helpers.binary_gem_name}" task :binary => :compile do gemspec = Helpers.binary_gemspec FileUtils.chmod 0644, gemspec.files FileUtils.mkdir_p 'pkg' package = gemspec package, 'pkg' end namespace :build do DISTRIBUTIONS.each do |arch| desc "build binary gem for #{arch}" task arch do arch_dir = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join("release/#{arch}") Dir.chdir(arch_dir) do ENV['RUBYLIB'] = nil # sh "vagrant up" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'rm -rf ~/libv8'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'git clone /libv8/.git ~/libv8 --recursive'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cd ~/libv8 && bundle install --path vendor/bundle'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cd ~/libv8 && env MAKEFLAGS=-j4 bundle exec rake binary'" sh "vagrant status | grep scaleway" do |ok, res| if ok sh "vagrant ssh --no-tty -c 'cd ~/libv8/pkg && tar -cf - *.gem' 2>/dev/null | tar -xv" else sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cp ~/libv8/pkg/*.gem /vagrant'" end end sh "vagrant destroy -f" end end end end desc "Build binary gems for all supported distributions" task :binary_release => [:build] + {|distribution| "build:#{distribution}"} do sh "cd #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} && mkdir -p pkg" sh "cd #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} && mv release/**/*.gem pkg/" end task :clean_submodules do sh "git submodule --quiet foreach git reset --hard" sh "git submodule --quiet foreach git clean -dxf" sh "git submodule update --init" end desc "clean up artifacts of the build" task :clean => [:clean_submodules] do sh "rm -rf pkg" sh "rm -rf vendor/v8" sh "git clean -dxf -e .bundle -e vendor/bundle" end task :default => [:compile, :spec] task :build => [:clean] desc 'Generate OSX varient platform names. Requires `compile` to already have been run.' task :osx_varients do gemspec = Helpers.binary_gemspec next unless gemspec.platform.os == 'osx' %w(x86_64 universal).each do |cpu| platform = gemspec.platform.dup next unless platform.cpu != cpu platform.cpu = cpu gemspec.platform = platform package = gemspec package, 'pkg' end end