require 'bundler/setup' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'tmpdir' require 'rubygems/package' Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks :spec DISTRIBUTIONS = [ 'x86_64-linux', 'x86-linux', 'x86_64-freebsd-10', 'x86_64-freebsd-11', 'amd64-freebsd-10', 'amd64-freebsd-11', 'arm-linux', 'aarch64-linux', # 'x86_64-linux-musl' ] module Helpers module_function def binary_gemspec(platform = Gem::Platform.local) eval( 'libv8.gemspec').tap do |gemspec| gemspec.platform = platform gemspec.extensions.clear # We don't need most things for the binary gemspec.files = [] gemspec.files += ['lib/libv8.rb', 'lib/libv8/version.rb'] gemspec.files += ['ext/libv8/location.rb', 'ext/libv8/paths.rb'] gemspec.files += ['ext/libv8/.location.yml'] # V8 gemspec.files += Dir['vendor/v8/include/**/*.h'] gemspec.files += Dir['vendor/v8/**/*.a'] end end def binary_gem_name(platform = Gem::Platform.local) File.basename binary_gemspec(platform).cache_file end end desc "compile v8 via the ruby extension mechanism" task :compile do sh "ruby ext/libv8/extconf.rb" end desc "build a binary gem #{Helpers.binary_gem_name}" task :binary => :compile do gemspec = Helpers.binary_gemspec FileUtils.chmod 0644, gemspec.files FileUtils.mkdir_p 'pkg' package = gemspec package, 'pkg' end namespace :build do DISTRIBUTIONS.each do |arch| desc "build binary gem for #{arch}" task arch do arch_dir = Pathname(__FILE__).dirname.join("release/#{arch}") Dir.chdir(arch_dir) do ENV['RUBYLIB'] = nil # sh "vagrant up" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'rm -rf ~/libv8'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'git clone /libv8/.git ~/libv8 --recursive'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cd ~/libv8 && bundle install --path vendor/bundle'" sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cd ~/libv8 && env MAKEFLAGS=-j4 bundle exec rake binary'" sh "vagrant status | grep scaleway" do |ok, res| if ok sh "vagrant ssh --no-tty -c 'cd ~/libv8/pkg && tar -cf - *.gem' 2>/dev/null | tar -xv" else sh "vagrant ssh -c 'cp ~/libv8/pkg/*.gem /vagrant'" end end sh "vagrant destroy -f" end end end end desc "Build binary gems for all supported distributions" task :binary_release => [:build] + {|distribution| "build:#{distribution}"} do sh "cd #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} && mkdir -p pkg" sh "cd #{File.dirname(__FILE__)} && mv release/**/*.gem pkg/" end task :clean_submodules do sh "git submodule --quiet foreach git reset --hard" sh "git submodule --quiet foreach git clean -dxf" sh "git submodule update --init" end desc "clean up artifacts of the build" task :clean => [:clean_submodules] do sh "rm -rf pkg" sh "rm -rf vendor/v8" sh "git clean -dxf -e .bundle -e vendor/bundle" end task :default => [:compile, :spec] task :build => [:clean] desc 'Generate OSX platform builds. Although any v8 OSX compile will run on any Mac OS version down to 10.10, RubyGems requires us to submit all of the different platforms seperately. Requires `compile` to already have been run, but is seperate for Travis reasons.' task :osx_varients do gemspec = Helpers.binary_gemspec next unless Gem::Platform.local.os == 'darwin' [15, 16, 17, 18, 19].each do |version| %w(x86_64 universal).each do |cpu| gemspec.platform = Gem::Platform.local.tap do |platform| platform.cpu = cpu platform.version = version end package = gemspec package, 'pkg' end end end desc 'Push a release from github' task :push_github_release do releases = (15..19).map do |i| ["-universal-darwin-#{i}", "-x86_64-darwin-#{i}"] end.flatten releases << "" releases << "-x86_64-linux" FileUtils.mkdir_p("pkg") Dir.chdir("pkg") do releases.each do |release| cmd = "wget{Libv8::VERSION}/libv8-#{Libv8::VERSION}#{release}.gem" puts cmd puts `#{cmd}` end otp = 111111 Dir["*#{Libv8::VERSION}*.gem"].each do |f| puts "pushing #{f}" begin result = `gem push #{f} --otp #{otp}` if result =~ /OTP code is incorrect/ puts "enter otp" otp = STDIN.gets.strip redo end end puts result end end end