diff --git a/middleman-more/features/helpers_link_to.feature b/middleman-more/features/helpers_link_to.feature
index 3ecc0895..1607cc24 100644
--- a/middleman-more/features/helpers_link_to.feature
+++ b/middleman-more/features/helpers_link_to.feature
@@ -104,3 +104,15 @@ Feature: link_to helper
Then I should see 'Needs Index Anchor'
Then I should see 'Needs Index Query'
Then I should see 'Needs Index Query and Anchor'
+ Scenario: link_to accepts a :query option that appends a query string
+ Given a fixture app "indexable-app"
+ And a file named "source/link_to.html.erb" with:
+ """
+ <%= link_to "Needs Index String", "/needs_index.html", :query => "foo" %>
+ <%= link_to "Needs Index Hash", "/needs_index.html", :query => { :foo => :bar } %>
+ """
+ And the Server is running at "indexable-app"
+ When I go to "/link_to/"
+ Then I should see 'Needs Index String'
+ Then I should see 'Needs Index Hash'
diff --git a/middleman-more/lib/middleman-more/core_extensions/default_helpers.rb b/middleman-more/lib/middleman-more/core_extensions/default_helpers.rb
index dec9db17..1b2390f6 100644
--- a/middleman-more/lib/middleman-more/core_extensions/default_helpers.rb
+++ b/middleman-more/lib/middleman-more/core_extensions/default_helpers.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query'
module Middleman
module CoreExtensions
# Built-in helpers
@@ -113,6 +115,10 @@ module Middleman
# set :relative_links, true
# to config.rb to have all links default to relative.
+ #
+ # There is also a :query option that can be used to append a
+ # query string, which can be expressed as either a String,
+ # or a Hash which will be turned into URL parameters.
def link_to(*args, &block)
url_arg_index = block_given? ? 0 : 1
options_index = block_given? ? 1 : 2
@@ -172,6 +178,14 @@ module Middleman
+ # Support a :query option that can be a string or hash
+ query = options.delete(:query)
+ if query
+ uri = URI(args[url_arg_index])
+ uri.query = query.respond_to?(:to_param) ? query.to_param : query.to_s
+ args[url_arg_index] = uri.to_s
+ end
super(*args, &block)