master === * `manipulate_resource_list_container!` as a faster, less functional approach. # 4.3.0.rc.4 * i18n was accidentally duplicating requests for extension-based template ( * Make sass cache configurable with either `SASS_CACHE_LOCATION` env variable or `sass_cache_location` Middleman config variable. (#2213) # 4.3.0.rc.3 * Fix Internal Server Error from `__middleman` meta page in dev. (#2187) * Reduce mutex hits in parallel build (#2107) * Docker-ized CLI # 4.3.0.rc.2 * Add Errno::ENETUNREACH to exception list in BasicNetworkResolver (#2195) * Update Rubocop and apply new lint rules * Do not create unnecessary array in IgnoreDescriptor (#2183) * Fix reload of watched sources with destination_dir (#2190) * Fix localization and recursion issues of Traversal::parent. (#2188) * Use EnhancedHash for partial locals (#2169) # 4.3.0.rc.1 * Test against Ruby 2.5 (#2166) * Update Rubocop and Yard (#2161) * Discover template in local directory if applicable (#2157) * Better error message when init fails to clone git repo (#2159) * Allow bundle path to be specified in init command (#2154) * Add ExtensionManager#active? to check if extension is active (#2156) * Resolve Haml 5 warnings (#2149) * Clear lazy map after resolving Tilt templates (#2132) * Fix ignore of I18n files (#2143) * Fix redirect destination lookup (#2140) * Add LD-JSON to MinifyJavaScript content types allowed to be compressed (#2138) * chmod before closing file to fix compatibility with JRuby (#2133) * Keeps full file path for chained templates (#2117) * Use i18n fallbacks when looking up localized paths (#2116) * Compat with latest rails/activesupport < 5.2 (#2095) * Update "Port in use"-message for PreviewServer (#2089) * I18n: Keep fragment and query in url_for (#2062) * Add support for locale suffixes to link_to (#2065) * Allow absolute :data_dir paths. Addresses #2042 # 4.2.1 * Fix some issues with Ruby 2.4.0 # 4.2.0 Fix #1951. A failed build would "clean" all files in build. Possibly breaking change, "clean" and "after_build" are only run for successful builds. # 4.1.14 Fix #2019. Always logging boolean on starting up. # 4.1.13 * Change how config options are passed to Thor. Removes new Thor warnings from #2017 # 4.1.12 * Fix broken `ignore { |p| true }` form. # 4.1.11 * Upgrade to Rack 2. # 4.1.10 * Fix unicode issues in URL deeplinks. * Add prefix option to asset_hash (#1949) # 4.1.9 * Fix `--watcher-*` CLI flags. * Allow spaces in paths to work with `link_to`. Fixes #1914 * Add support for dotenv * Fix asset_url with asset_hash (#1919) * Allow partial lookups without a current_resource (#1912) # 4.1.8 * Expose `development?` and `production?` helpers to template context. * require the `try` core extension (#1911) * Fix contract for Sitemap::Store.register_resource_list_manipulator (#1907) * Loosen contract on Resource#source_file to Maybe[String] (#1906) * Let collection loops access ConfigContext for helpers. #1879 * Use https:// to clone templates (#1901) * Allow numbers to be unique page_ids (#1886) * Prevent infinite loop when encountering files where base filename is a possible templating engine # 4.1.7 * Upgrade fastimage to 2.0 * Fix shutdown of external_pipeline commands when config.rb is changed. #1877 * Allow calls to `app.` to work as collections after initial config parse. #1876 # 4.1.5-4.1.6 * Fix file recursion when looking for possible asset dependencies. Major preview server performance improvement. # 4.1.4 * Unify default extensions for all URL processing extensions. #1855 * Fix URL regex for `content: ` context of CSS. #1853 * Make sure CLI config over-rides `config.rb` order. * Fix relative assets in some contexts. #1842 # 4.1.3 * Expose all top-level config options to CLI (flags now match config. latency -> watcher_latency, etc). * Fix directory indexes with `.htm` and `.xhtml` files. #1821 # 4.1.2 * Add `page_id` concept. Using the `id` key in frontmatter, proxy or page will set an ID on a resource which can be referenced by `url_for` and `link_to`. * Allow looking for `Gemfile` when setting up a project to fail gracefully. * Send correct exit code when external_pipeline fails during build. * Fix error when customizing `layouts_dir`. #1028 * Fix collections (commands in loops) not being processed by `page` command. #1226 * Correctly asset_hash sourcemap references. # 4.1.1 * Fix bad code that made `/__middleman/` break. # 4.1.0 * Add rewrite_ignore option to asset_hash, asset_host, cache_buster & relative_assets. This proc let's you opt-out of the extension behavior on a per-path basis. * gzip extension now compresses svgs by default * Fix the `encoding` option. * Fix relative paths on `image_tag` helper. * Correctly exit with error code on failed `init` * Fixed `asset_hash` when path has query string or #hashes * Fix new extension template * Don't parse frontmatter on ignored files. * Fix displaying frontmatter on `/__middleman/sitemap` * Add `skip_build_clean` config which when set to a block, will avoid removing non-generated paths from build, like .git #1716 * Minor performance improvements * DRY-up config.rb-specific commands like `ignore` or `path`. * Fix automatic images with absolute (or images dir missing) paths in markdown. Fixes #1755 * Fix asset_host in combination with Google Analytics snippet. #1751 * Show an error message when git CLI is not available. #1765 * Correctly show file names of GZIP'ed assets. #1364 * Build file output is now parallel-ized! Use `middleman build --no-parallel` to disable. * Make template file extensions that get layouts by default configurable via `config[:extensions_with_layout]` * Remove `=` from inline url matcher. This means paths in HTML attributes MUST be quoted. Fixes #1780 # 4.0.0 * Add `:locales` and `:data` source types to the list of files which trigger a live-reload. * Rename i18n `lang` and `langs` to `locale` and `locales`. * Avoid matching URLs across new lines. #1689 * Load Middleman Directory when doing `init` over SSL * Fix `external_pipeline` first runs running out of sequence. # 4.0.0.rc.2 * Rather than applying layouts to all files which are not .txt, .css, .js, .json: the new behavior is to only default layouts to active for .html * Switch from Ruby Sass to SassC. * `relative_assets` extension overrides local `relative: false` option to stylesheet/javascript tag helpers. * Add `before_server`-hook to the preview server which is run before the Webrick server is started * Add `-d` to `middleman server` to make it run as daemon * Trigger "Possible File Change" events on files which share an output or template type with a changed file. Allows LiveReload to update on partial changes. * Added `import_file SOURCE, TARGET` and `import_path SOURCE_FOLDER` to copy resources from outside the project in. Does NOT do file change watching. Perfect for `bower_components`. # 4.0.0.rc.1 * Removed ability to use JSON as frontmatter. Still allowed in data/ folder. * Added YAML data postscript. Like frontmatter, but reversed. Attach content after the key/value data as a `:postscript` key to the data structure (if Hash). # 4.0.0.beta.2 * Fixed regression causing exceptions to be silently thrown away outside of `--verbose` mode in the dev server. * Pull in `--ssl` option from stable. * Replace `hooks` gem with custom callback solution. # 4.0.0.beta.1 * Add `resources` class method to extensions to allow simple string-based resource generation. * rename `app.add_to_instance` to `Extension.expose_to_application` for adding extension-local methods to the shared app instance. * rename `app.add_to_config_context` to `Extension.expose_to_config` for adding extension-local methods to the sandboxed scope of `config.rb` * Add `Extension.expose_to_template`, which auto binds copies of extension-local methods into a Template context. * Remove side-loading of CLI tasks from `tasks/` * Add the option of naming `config.rb` as `middleman.rb`. * Builder extracted from Thor. `after_build` hook now passes an instance of a Builder instead of the Thor CLI. * New FileWatcher API. * Remove the `partials_dir` setting. Partials should live next to content, or be addressed with absolute paths. * Partials must be named with a leading underscore. `_my_snippet.html.erb`, not `my_snippet.html.erb`. * Removed the `proxy` and `ignore` options for the `page` command in `config.rb`. Use the `proxy` and `ignore` commands instead of passing these options to `page`. * The `page` command in `config.rb` can now be used to add data to the page via the `data` argument. It is accessed the same way as frontmatter data, via ``. * Add support for `environments` with the `-e` CLI flag. Loads additional config from `environments/envname.rb`. Removed `development?` helper in favor of `environment?(:development)`. Added `server?` helper to differentiate between build and server mode. * Removed `with_layout`. Use loops of `page` instead. * Removed Queryable Sitemap API * Removed `css_compressor` setting, use `activate :minify_css, :compressor =>` instead. * Removed `js_compressor` setting, use `activate :minify_javascript, :compressor =>` instead. * Removed ability to server folders of content statically (non-Middleman projects). * Prevent local templates being loaded when $HOME is not set * Removed "Implied Extension feature" * Remove 'upgrade' and 'install' CLI commands. * Gemfile may be in a parent directory of your Middleman project root (where 'config.rb' is). * All dependencies for your Middleman project must be expressed in `Gemfile` - Bundler is no longer optional. * Asciidoc information now available with the `asciidoc` local, which is a normal hash. * Remove `page` template local. Use `current_resource` instead. * Dropped support for providing a block to `page` & `proxy`. * Dropped support for instance variables inside templates. * Moved all rendering into `TemplateRenderer` and `FileRenderer` * Placed all template evaluation inside the `TemplateContext` class * Remove deprecated `request` instance * Remove old module-style extension support * Placed all `config.rb` evaluation inside the `ConfigContext` class * The preview server can now serve over HTTPS using the `--https` flag. It will use an automatic self-signed cert which can be overridden using `--ssl_certificate` and `--ssl_private_key`. These settings can also be set in `config.rb`