module Table include Haml::Filters::Base def render(text) output = '
' line_num = 0 text.each_line do |line| line_num += 1 next if line.strip.empty? output << %Q{} columns = line.split("|").map { |p| p.strip } columns.each_with_index do |col, i| output << %Q{} end output << "" end output + "
" end end def find_and_include_related_sass_file path = request.path_info.dup path << "index.html" if path.match(%r{/$}) path.gsub!(%r{^/}, '') path.gsub!(File.extname(path), '') path.gsub!('/', '-') sass_file = File.join(File.basename(self.class.views), "stylesheets", "#{path}.sass") if File.exists? sass_file stylesheet_link_tag "stylesheets/#{path}.css" end end def link_to(title, url="#", params={}) params.merge!(:href => url) params = { |k,v| %Q{#{k}="#{v}"}}.join(' ') %Q{#{title}} end def page_classes(*additional) path = request.path_info path << "index.html" if path.match(%r{/$}) path.gsub!(%r{^/}, '') classes = [] parts = path.split('.')[0].split('/') parts.each_with_index { |path, i| classes << parts.first(i+1).join('_') } classes << "index" if classes.empty? classes += additional unless additional.empty? classes.join(' ') end def haml_partial(name, options = {}) item_name = name.to_sym counter_name = "#{name}_counter".to_sym if collection = options.delete(:collection) collection.enum_for(:each_with_index).collect do |item,index| haml_partial name, options.merge(:locals => {item_name => item, counter_name => index+1}) end.join elsif object = options.delete(:object) haml_partial name, options.merge(:locals => {item_name => object, counter_name => nil}) else haml "_#{name}".to_sym, options.merge(:layout => false) end end # def cache_buster # if File.readable?(real_path) # File.mtime(real_path).strftime("%s") # else # $stderr.puts "WARNING: '#{File.basename(path)}' was not found (or cannot be read) in #{File.dirname(real_path)}" # end # end def asset_url(path) path.include?("://") ? path : "/#{path}" end def image_tag(path, options={}) options[:alt] ||= "" capture_haml do haml_tag :img, options.merge(:src => asset_url(path)) end end def javascript_include_tag(path, options={}) capture_haml do haml_tag :script, options.merge(:src => asset_url(path), :type => "text/javascript") end end def stylesheet_link_tag(path, options={}) options[:rel] ||= "stylesheet" capture_haml do haml_tag :link, options.merge(:href => asset_url(path), :type => "text/css") end end # Handle Sass errors def sass_exception_string(e) e_string = "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" if e.is_a? Sass::SyntaxError e_string << "\non line #{e.sass_line}" if e.sass_filename e_string << " of #{e.sass_filename}" if File.exists?(e.sass_filename) e_string << "\n\n" min = [e.sass_line - 5, 0].max begin"\n")[ min .. e.sass_line + 5 ].each_with_index do |line, i| e_string << "#{min + i + 1}: #{line}\n" end rescue e_string << "Couldn't read sass file: #{e.sass_filename}" end end end end <