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synced 2022-11-09 12:20:27 -05:00
* Use "Given" instead of "And" as first scenario step * Remove unnecessary step The following step already invokes this step * Remove setup in feature that doesn't do anything As this referenced "i18n-test-app", but later we run "i18n-mixed-sources", these steps weren't doing anything. * Avoid referencing the same fixture twice The step "the Server is running at" invokes the "a fixture app" step, followed by "the Server is running" step.
265 lines
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265 lines
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Feature: Collections
Scenario: Lazy query
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
articles1 = collection :articles1, resources.select { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog1/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
everything = resources.select do |r|
def get_tags(resource)
if resource.data.tags.is_a? String
def group_lookup(resource, sum)
results = Array(get_tags(resource)).map(&:to_s).map(&:to_sym)
results.each do |k|
sum[k] ||= []
sum[k] << resource
tags = everything
.select { |resource| resource.data.tags }
.each_with_object({}, &method(:group_lookup))
class Wrapper
attr_reader :stuff
def initialize
@stuff = Set.new
def <<((k, v))
@stuff << k
collection :wrapped, tags.reduce(Wrapper.new, :<<)
set :tags, tags # Expose to templates
collection :first_tag, tags.keys.sort.first
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<% collection(:articles1).each do |article| %>
Article1: <%= article.data.title %>
<% end %>
Tag Count: <%= collection(:wrapped).stuff.length %>
<% config[:tags].value.each do |k, items| %>
Tag: <%= k %> (<%= items.length %>)
<% items.each do |article| %>
Article (<%= k %>): <%= article.data.title %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
First Tag: <%= collection(:first_tag) %>
Given the Server is running
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should see 'Article1: Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article1: Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'Tag: foo (4)'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (foo): Blog2 Another Article'
And I should see 'Tag: bar (2)'
And I should see 'Article (bar): Blog1 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article (bar): Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Tag: 120 (1)'
And I should see 'Article (120): Blog1 Another Article'
And I should see 'First Tag: 120'
And I should see 'Tag Count: 3'
Scenario: Collected resources update with file changes
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
collection :articles, resources.select { |r|
matcher = ::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.uri_template('blog2/{year}-{month}-{day}-{title}.html')
::Middleman::Util::UriTemplates.extract_params(matcher, ::Middleman::Util.normalize_path(r.url))
And a file named "source/index.html.erb" with:
<% collection(:articles).each do |article| %>
Article: <%= article.data.title || article.file_descriptor[:relative_path] %>
<% end %>
Given the Server is running
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should not see "Article: index.html.erb"
Then I should see 'Article: Blog2 Newer Article'
And I should see 'Article: Blog2 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html.markdown" has the contents
title: "Blog3 Another Article"
date: "2011-01-02"
- foo
Another Article Content
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should see "Article: Blog2 Newer Article"
And I should not see "Article: Blog2 Another Article"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2011-01-01-new-article.html.markdown" is removed
When I go to "index.html"
Then I should not see "Article: Blog2 Newer Article"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And the file "source/blog2/2014-01-02-yet-another-article.html.markdown" has the contents
title: "Blog2 Yet Another Article"
date: "2011-01-02"
- foo
Yet Another Article Content
When I go to "index.html"
And I should see 'Article: Blog3 Another Article'
And I should see 'Article: Blog2 Yet Another Article'
Scenario: Work with local helpers
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
module TestHelper
def help_me
include TestHelper
data.articles.each_with_index do |a, i|
proxy "/#{i}-#{help_me}.html", a
And a file named "data/articles.yaml" with:
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
Given the Server is running
When I go to "0-ok.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1-ok.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
Scenario: Collected data update with file changes
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
data.articles.each_with_index do |a, i|
proxy "/#{i}.html", a
And a file named "data/articles.yaml" with:
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
Given the Server is running
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "data/articles.yaml" has the contents
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "data/articles.yaml" has the contents
- "/blog2/2011-01-02-another-article.html"
- "/blog1/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
- "/blog2/2011-01-01-new-article.html"
When I go to "0.html"
Then I should see 'Another Article Content'
When I go to "1.html"
Then I should see 'Newer Article Content'
When I go to "2.html"
Then I should see 'Again'
Scenario: Arbitrary live datasets
Given a fixture app "collections-app"
And a file named "config.rb" with:
ignore "/description_template.html"
live {
Dir[File.join(root, "descriptions/*.txt")]
}.each do |description_name|
base = File.basename(description_name, '.txt')
proxy "#{base}.html", "/description_template.html", locals: {
contents: File.read(description_name)
And a file named "source/description_template.html.erb" with:
<%= contents %>
And a file named "descriptions/test1.txt" with:
Given the Server is running
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Test1'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When the file "descriptions/test2.txt" has the contents
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Test1'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Test2'
When the file "descriptions/test1.txt" is removed
When I go to "test1.html"
Then I should see 'Not Found'
When I go to "test2.html"
Then I should see 'Test2'