require "mini_racer/version" require "mini_racer_extension" require "thread" require "json" module MiniRacer class Error < ::StandardError; end class ContextDisposedError < Error; end class SnapshotError < Error; end class PlatformAlreadyInitialized < Error; end class EvalError < Error; end class ParseError < EvalError; end class ScriptTerminatedError < EvalError; end class FailedV8Conversion attr_reader :info def initialize(info) @info = info end end class RuntimeError < EvalError def initialize(message) message, js_backtrace = message.split("\n", 2) if js_backtrace && !js_backtrace.empty? @js_backtrace = js_backtrace.split("\n")!{|f| "JavaScript #{f.strip}"} else @js_backtrace = nil end super(message) end def backtrace val = super return unless val if @js_backtrace @js_backtrace + val else val end end end # helper class returned when we have a JavaScript function class JavaScriptFunction def to_s "JavaScript Function" end end class Isolate def initialize(snapshot = nil) unless snapshot.nil? || snapshot.is_a?(Snapshot) raise ArgumentError, "snapshot must be a Snapshot object, passed a #{snapshot.inspect}" end @lock = # defined in the C class init_with_snapshot(snapshot) end def with_lock @lock.synchronize { yield } end end class Platform class << self def set_flags!(*args, **kwargs) flags_to_strings([args, kwargs]).each do |flag| # defined in the C class set_flag_as_str!(flag) end end private def flags_to_strings(flags) { |flag| flag_to_string(flag) }.flatten end # normalize flags to strings, and adds leading dashes if needed def flag_to_string(flag) if flag.is_a?(Hash) do |key, value| "#{flag_to_string(key)} #{value}" end else str = flag.to_s str = "--#{str}" unless str.start_with?('--') str end end end end # eval is defined in the C class class Context class ExternalFunction def initialize(name, callback, parent) unless String === name raise ArgumentError, "parent_object must be a String" end parent_object, _ , @name = name.rpartition(".") @callback = callback @parent = parent @parent_object_eval = nil @parent_object = nil unless parent_object.empty? @parent_object = parent_object @parent_object_eval = "" prev = "" first = true parent_object.split(".").each do |obj| prev << obj if first @parent_object_eval << "if (typeof #{prev} === 'undefined') { #{prev} = {} };\n" else @parent_object_eval << "#{prev} = #{prev} || {};\n" end prev << "." first = false end @parent_object_eval << "#{parent_object};" end notify_v8 end end attr_reader :isolate def initialize(options = nil) options ||= {} check_init_options!(options) @functions = {} @timeout = nil @current_exception = nil @timeout = options[:timeout] @isolate = options[:isolate] ||[:snapshot]) @callback_mutex = @callback_running = false @thread_raise_called = false @eval_thread = nil isolate.with_lock do # defined in the C class init_with_isolate(@isolate) end end def load(filename) # TODO do this native cause no need to allocate VALUE here eval( end def eval(str, options=nil) raise(ContextDisposedError, 'attempted to call eval on a disposed context!') if @disposed filename = options && options[:filename].to_s @eval_thread = Thread.current isolate.with_lock do @current_exception = nil timeout do eval_unsafe(str, filename) end end ensure @eval_thread = nil end def dispose if !@disposed isolate.with_lock do dispose_unsafe end @disposed = true end end def attach(name, callback) wrapped = lambda do |*args| begin @callback_mutex.synchronize{ @callback_running = true }*args) ensure @callback_mutex.synchronize { @callback_running = false # this is some odd code, but it is required # if we raised on this thread we better wait for it # otherwise we may end up raising in an unsafe spot if @thread_raise_called sleep 0.1 end @thread_raise_called = false } end end isolate.with_lock do external =, wrapped, self) @functions["#{name}"] = external end end private def stop_attached @callback_mutex.synchronize{ if @callback_running @eval_thread.raise ScriptTerminatedError, "Terminated during callback" @thread_raise_called = true end } end def timeout(&blk) return unless @timeout mutex = done = false rp,wp = IO.pipe do begin result =[rp],[],[],(@timeout/1000.0)) if !result mutex.synchronize do stop unless done end end rescue => e STDERR.puts e STDERR.puts "FAILED TO TERMINATE DUE TO TIMEOUT" end end rval = mutex.synchronize do done = true end wp.write("done") rval end def check_init_options!(options) assert_option_is_nil_or_a('isolate', options[:isolate], Isolate) assert_option_is_nil_or_a('snapshot', options[:snapshot], Snapshot) if options[:isolate] && options[:snapshot] raise ArgumentError, 'can only pass one of isolate and snapshot options' end end def assert_option_is_nil_or_a(option_name, object, klass) unless object.nil? || object.is_a?(klass) raise ArgumentError, "#{option_name} must be a #{klass} object, passed a #{object.inspect}" end end end # `size` and `warmup!` public methods are defined in the C class class Snapshot def initialize(str = '') # defined in the C class load(str) end end end