$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__) require 'mini_racer' def test context = MiniRacer::Context.new(timeout: 10) context.attach("echo", proc{ |msg| GC.start msg }) GC.disable 100.times { 'foo' } # alloc a handful of objects GC.enable context.eval("while(true) echo('foo');") rescue nil # give some time to clean up puts "we are done" end def test2 context = MiniRacer::Context.new(timeout: 5) context.attach("marsh", proc do |a, b, c| return [a,b,c] if a.is_a?(MiniRacer::FailedV8Conversion) || b.is_a?(MiniRacer::FailedV8Conversion) || c.is_a?(MiniRacer::FailedV8Conversion) a[rand(10000).to_s] = "a" b[rand(10000).to_s] = "b" c[rand(10000).to_s] = "c" [a,b,c] end) begin context.eval("var a = [{},{},{}]; while(true) { a = marsh(a[0],a[1],a[2]); }") rescue end end def test3 snapshot = MiniRacer::Snapshot.new('Math.sin = 1;') begin snapshot.warmup!('var a = Math.sin(1);') rescue # do nothing end context = MiniRacer::Context.new(snapshot: snapshot) assert_equal 1, context.eval('Math.sin') end test3 # 500.times do # test2 # end exit test GC.start test 10.times{GC.start} test