require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" require "rake/extensiontask" do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList['test/**/*_test.rb'] end task :default => [:compile, :test] gem = Gem::Specification.load( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/mini_racer.gemspec' ) 'mini_racer_extension', gem ) # via namespace :test do # partial-loads-ok and undef-value-errors necessary to ignore # spurious (and eminently ignorable) warnings from the ruby # interpreter VALGRIND_BASIC_OPTS = "--num-callers=50 --error-limit=no \ --partial-loads-ok=yes --undef-value-errors=no" desc "run test suite under valgrind with basic ruby options" task :valgrind => :compile do cmdline = "valgrind #{VALGRIND_BASIC_OPTS} ruby test/test_leak.rb" puts cmdline system cmdline end desc "run test suite under valgrind with leak-check=full" task :valgrind_leak_check => :compile do cmdline = "valgrind #{VALGRIND_BASIC_OPTS} --leak-check=full ruby test/test_leak.rb" puts cmdline require 'open3' _, stderr = Open3.capture3(cmdline) section = "" stderr.split("\n").each do |line| if line =~ /==.*==\s*$/ if (section =~ /mini_racer|SUMMARY/) puts puts section puts end section = "" else section << line << "\n" end end end end desc 'run clang-tidy linter on' task :lint do require 'mkmf' require 'libv8' Libv8.configure_makefile conf = RbConfig::CONFIG.merge('hdrdir' => $hdrdir.quote, 'srcdir' => $srcdir.quote, 'arch_hdrdir' => $arch_hdrdir.quote, 'top_srcdir' => $top_srcdir.quote) if $universal and (arch_flag = conf['ARCH_FLAG']) and !arch_flag.empty? conf['ARCH_FLAG'] = arch_flag.gsub(/(?:\G|\s)-arch\s+\S+/, '') end checks = %W(bugprone-* cert-* cppcoreguidelines-* clang-analyzer-* performance-* portability-* readability-*).join(',') sh RbConfig::expand("clang-tidy -checks='#{checks}' ext/mini_racer_extension/ -- #$INCFLAGS #$CPPFLAGS", conf) end