
1941 lines
64 KiB

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ruby.h>
#include <ruby/thread.h>
#include <ruby/io.h>
#include <v8.h>
#include <v8-profiler.h>
#include <libplatform/libplatform.h>
#include <ruby/encoding.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
using namespace v8;
typedef struct {
const char* data;
int raw_size;
} SnapshotInfo;
class IsolateInfo {
Isolate* isolate;
ArrayBuffer::Allocator* allocator;
StartupData* startup_data;
bool interrupted;
bool added_gc_cb;
pid_t pid;
VALUE mutex;
class Lock {
VALUE &mutex;
Lock(VALUE &mutex) : mutex(mutex) {
~Lock() {
IsolateInfo() : isolate(nullptr), allocator(nullptr), startup_data(nullptr),
interrupted(false), added_gc_cb(false), pid(getpid()), refs_count(0) {
VALUE cMutex = rb_const_get(rb_cThread, rb_intern("Mutex"));
mutex = rb_class_new_instance(0, nullptr, cMutex);
void init(SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info = nullptr);
void mark() {
Lock createLock() {
Lock lock(mutex);
return lock;
void hold() {
void release() {
if (--refs_count <= 0) {
delete this;
int refs() {
return refs_count;
static void* operator new(size_t size) {
return ruby_xmalloc(size);
static void operator delete(void *block) {
// how many references to this isolate exist
// we can't rely on Ruby's GC for this, because Ruby could destroy the
// isolate before destroying the contexts that depend on them. We'd need to
// keep a list of linked contexts in the isolate to destroy those first when
// isolate destruction was requested. Keeping such a list would require
// notification from the context VALUEs when they are constructed and
// destroyed. With a ref count, those notifications are still needed, but
// we keep a simple int rather than a list of pointers.
std::atomic_int refs_count;
typedef struct {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
Persistent<Context>* context;
} ContextInfo;
typedef struct {
bool parsed;
bool executed;
bool terminated;
bool json;
Persistent<Value>* value;
Persistent<Value>* message;
Persistent<Value>* backtrace;
} EvalResult;
typedef struct {
ContextInfo* context_info;
Local<String>* eval;
Local<String>* filename;
useconds_t timeout;
EvalResult* result;
size_t max_memory;
size_t marshal_stackdepth;
} EvalParams;
typedef struct {
ContextInfo *context_info;
char *function_name;
int argc;
bool error;
Local<Function> fun;
Local<Value> *argv;
EvalResult result;
size_t max_memory;
size_t marshal_stackdepth;
} FunctionCall;
class IsolateData {
enum Flag {
// first flags are bitfield
// max count: sizeof(uintptr_t) * 8
IN_GVL, // whether we are inside of ruby gvl or not
DO_TERMINATE, // terminate as soon as possible
MEM_SOFTLIMIT_REACHED, // we've hit the memory soft limit
MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX, // maximum memory value
MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED, // we've hit our max stack depth
MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE, // current stackdepth
MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_MAX, // maximum stack depth during marshal
static void Init(Isolate *isolate) {
// zero out all fields in the bitfield
isolate->SetData(0, 0);
static uintptr_t Get(Isolate *isolate, Flag flag) {
Bitfield u = { reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(isolate->GetData(0)) };
switch (flag) {
case IN_GVL: return u.IN_GVL;
case MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX: return static_cast<uintptr_t>(u.MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX) << 10;
// avoid compiler warning
return u.IN_GVL;
static void Set(Isolate *isolate, Flag flag, uintptr_t value) {
Bitfield u = { reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(isolate->GetData(0)) };
switch (flag) {
case IN_GVL: u.IN_GVL = value; break;
case DO_TERMINATE: u.DO_TERMINATE = value; break;
// drop least significant 10 bits 'store memory amount in kb'
case MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX: u.MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX = value >> 10; break;
isolate->SetData(0, reinterpret_cast<void*>(u.dataPtr));
struct Bitfield {
// WARNING: this would explode on platforms below 64 bit ptrs
// compiler will fail here, making it clear for them.
// Additionally, using the other part of the union to reinterpret the
// memory is undefined behavior according to spec, but is / has been stable
// across major compilers for decades.
static_assert(sizeof(uintptr_t) >= sizeof(uint64_t), "mini_racer not supported on this platform. ptr size must be at least 64 bit.");
union {
uint64_t dataPtr: 64;
// order in this struct matters. For cpu performance keep larger subobjects
// aligned on their boundaries (8 16 32), try not to straddle
struct {
bool IN_GVL:1;
uint8_t :0; // align to next 8bit bound
uint8_t :0; // align to next 8bit bound
struct StackCounter {
static void Reset(Isolate* isolate) {
if (IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_MAX) > 0) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE, 0);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED, false);
static void SetMax(Isolate* isolate, size_t marshalMaxStackDepth) {
if (marshalMaxStackDepth > 0) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_MAX, marshalMaxStackDepth);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE, 0);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED, false);
StackCounter(Isolate* isolate) {
this->isActive = IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_MAX) > 0;
if (this->isActive) {
this->isolate = isolate;
bool IsTooDeep() {
if (!this->IsActive()) {
return false;
size_t depth = IsolateData::Get(this->isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE);
size_t maxDepth = IsolateData::Get(this->isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_MAX);
if (depth > maxDepth) {
IsolateData::Set(this->isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED, true);
return true;
return false;
bool IsActive() {
return this->isActive && !IsolateData::Get(this->isolate, IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE);
~StackCounter() {
if (this->IsActive()) {
Isolate* isolate;
bool isActive;
void IncDepth(int direction) {
int inc = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1;
size_t depth = IsolateData::Get(this->isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE);
// don't decrement past 0
if (inc > 0 || depth > 0) {
depth += inc;
IsolateData::Set(this->isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_VALUE, depth);
static VALUE rb_cContext;
static VALUE rb_cSnapshot;
static VALUE rb_cIsolate;
static VALUE rb_eScriptTerminatedError;
static VALUE rb_eV8OutOfMemoryError;
static VALUE rb_eParseError;
static VALUE rb_eScriptRuntimeError;
static VALUE rb_cJavaScriptFunction;
static VALUE rb_eSnapshotError;
static VALUE rb_ePlatformAlreadyInitializedError;
static VALUE rb_mJSON;
static VALUE rb_cFailedV8Conversion;
static VALUE rb_cDateTime = Qnil;
static std::unique_ptr<Platform> current_platform = NULL;
static std::mutex platform_lock;
static pthread_attr_t *thread_attr_p;
static pthread_rwlock_t exit_lock = PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER;
static bool ruby_exiting = false; // guarded by exit_lock
static bool single_threaded = false;
static void mark_context(void *);
static void deallocate(void *);
static size_t context_memsize(const void *);
static const rb_data_type_t context_type = {
{ mark_context, deallocate, context_memsize }
static void deallocate_snapshot(void *);
static size_t snapshot_memsize(const void *);
static const rb_data_type_t snapshot_type = {
{ NULL, deallocate_snapshot, snapshot_memsize }
static void mark_isolate(void *);
static void deallocate_isolate(void *);
static size_t isolate_memsize(const void *);
static const rb_data_type_t isolate_type = {
{ mark_isolate, deallocate_isolate, isolate_memsize }
static VALUE rb_platform_set_flag_as_str(VALUE _klass, VALUE flag_as_str) {
bool platform_already_initialized = false;
if(TYPE(flag_as_str) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong type argument %" PRIsVALUE" (should be a string)",
if (current_platform == NULL) {
if (!strcmp(RSTRING_PTR(flag_as_str), "--single_threaded")) {
single_threaded = true;
V8::SetFlagsFromString(RSTRING_PTR(flag_as_str), (int)RSTRING_LEN(flag_as_str));
} else {
platform_already_initialized = true;
// important to raise outside of the lock
if (platform_already_initialized) {
rb_raise(rb_ePlatformAlreadyInitializedError, "The V8 platform is already initialized");
return Qnil;
static void init_v8() {
// no need to wait for the lock if already initialized
if (current_platform != NULL) return;
if (current_platform == NULL) {
current_platform = platform::NewDefaultPlatform();
static void gc_callback(Isolate *isolate, GCType type, GCCallbackFlags flags) {
if (IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_REACHED)) {
size_t softlimit = IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX);
HeapStatistics stats;
size_t used = stats.used_heap_size();
if(used > softlimit) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_REACHED, true);
// to be called with active lock and scope
static void prepare_result(MaybeLocal<Value> v8res,
TryCatch& trycatch,
Isolate* isolate,
Local<Context> context,
EvalResult& evalRes /* out */) {
// just don't touch .parsed
evalRes.terminated = false;
evalRes.json = false;
evalRes.value = nullptr;
evalRes.message = nullptr;
evalRes.backtrace = nullptr;
evalRes.executed = !v8res.IsEmpty();
if (evalRes.executed) {
// arrays and objects get converted to json
Local<Value> local_value = v8res.ToLocalChecked();
if ((local_value->IsObject() || local_value->IsArray()) &&
!local_value->IsDate() && !local_value->IsFunction()) {
Local<Object> JSON = context->Global()->Get(
context, String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "JSON"))
Local<Function> stringify = JSON->Get(
context, v8::String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "stringify"))
Local<Object> object = local_value->ToObject(context).ToLocalChecked();
const unsigned argc = 1;
Local<Value> argv[argc] = { object };
MaybeLocal<Value> json = stringify->Call(context, JSON, argc, argv);
if (json.IsEmpty()) {
evalRes.executed = false;
} else {
evalRes.json = true;
Persistent<Value>* persistent = new Persistent<Value>();
persistent->Reset(isolate, json.ToLocalChecked());
evalRes.value = persistent;
} else {
Persistent<Value>* persistent = new Persistent<Value>();
persistent->Reset(isolate, local_value);
evalRes.value = persistent;
if (!evalRes.executed || !evalRes.parsed) {
if (trycatch.HasCaught()) {
if (!trycatch.Exception()->IsNull()) {
evalRes.message = new Persistent<Value>();
Local<Message> message = trycatch.Message();
char buf[1000];
int len, line, column;
if (!message->GetLineNumber(context).To(&line)) {
line = 0;
if (!message->GetStartColumn(context).To(&column)) {
column = 0;
len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s at %s:%i:%i", *String::Utf8Value(isolate, message->Get()),
*String::Utf8Value(isolate, message->GetScriptResourceName()->ToString(context).ToLocalChecked()),
if ((size_t) len >= sizeof(buf)) {
len = sizeof(buf) - 1;
buf[len] = '\0';
Local<String> v8_message = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, buf, NewStringType::kNormal, len).ToLocalChecked();
evalRes.message->Reset(isolate, v8_message);
} else if(trycatch.HasTerminated()) {
evalRes.terminated = true;
evalRes.message = new Persistent<Value>();
Local<String> tmp = String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "JavaScript was terminated (either by timeout or explicitly)");
evalRes.message->Reset(isolate, tmp);
if (!trycatch.StackTrace(context).IsEmpty()) {
evalRes.backtrace = new Persistent<Value>();
static void*
nogvl_context_eval(void* arg) {
EvalParams* eval_params = (EvalParams*)arg;
EvalResult* result = eval_params->result;
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = eval_params->context_info->isolate_info;
Isolate* isolate = isolate_info->isolate;
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
TryCatch trycatch(isolate);
Local<Context> context = eval_params->context_info->context->Get(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
v8::ScriptOrigin *origin = NULL;
if (eval_params->max_memory > 0) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX, eval_params->max_memory);
if (!isolate_info->added_gc_cb) {
isolate_info->added_gc_cb = true;
MaybeLocal<Script> parsed_script;
if (eval_params->filename) {
origin = new v8::ScriptOrigin(*eval_params->filename);
parsed_script = Script::Compile(context, *eval_params->eval, origin);
if (origin) {
delete origin;
result->parsed = !parsed_script.IsEmpty();
result->executed = false;
result->terminated = false;
result->json = false;
result->value = NULL;
MaybeLocal<Value> maybe_value;
if (!result->parsed) {
result->message = new Persistent<Value>();
result->message->Reset(isolate, trycatch.Exception());
} else {
// parsing successful
if (eval_params->marshal_stackdepth > 0) {
StackCounter::SetMax(isolate, eval_params->marshal_stackdepth);
maybe_value = parsed_script.ToLocalChecked()->Run(context);
prepare_result(maybe_value, trycatch, isolate, context, *result);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::IN_GVL, true);
return NULL;
static VALUE new_empty_failed_conv_obj() {
// TODO isolate code that translates execption to ruby
// exception so we can properly return it
return rb_funcall(rb_cFailedV8Conversion, rb_intern("new"), 1, rb_str_new2(""));
// assumes isolate locking is in place
static VALUE convert_v8_to_ruby(Isolate* isolate, Local<Context> context,
Local<Value> value) {
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope scope(isolate);
StackCounter stackCounter(isolate);
if (IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED)) {
return Qnil;
if (stackCounter.IsTooDeep()) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE, true);
return Qnil;
if (value->IsNull() || value->IsUndefined()){
return Qnil;
if (value->IsInt32()) {
return INT2FIX(value->Int32Value(context).ToChecked());
if (value->IsNumber()) {
return rb_float_new(value->NumberValue(context).ToChecked());
if (value->IsTrue()) {
return Qtrue;
if (value->IsFalse()) {
return Qfalse;
if (value->IsArray()) {
VALUE rb_array = rb_ary_new();
Local<Array> arr = Local<Array>::Cast(value);
for(uint32_t i=0; i < arr->Length(); i++) {
MaybeLocal<Value> element = arr->Get(context, i);
if (element.IsEmpty()) {
VALUE rb_elem = convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate, context, element.ToLocalChecked());
if (rb_funcall(rb_elem, rb_intern("class"), 0) == rb_cFailedV8Conversion) {
return rb_elem;
rb_ary_push(rb_array, rb_elem);
return rb_array;
if (value->IsFunction()){
return rb_funcall(rb_cJavaScriptFunction, rb_intern("new"), 0);
if (value->IsDate()){
double ts = Local<Date>::Cast(value)->ValueOf();
double secs = ts/1000;
long nanos = round((secs - floor(secs)) * 1000000);
return rb_time_new(secs, nanos);
if (value->IsObject()) {
VALUE rb_hash = rb_hash_new();
TryCatch trycatch(isolate);
Local<Object> object = value->ToObject(context).ToLocalChecked();
auto maybe_props = object->GetOwnPropertyNames(context);
if (!maybe_props.IsEmpty()) {
Local<Array> props = maybe_props.ToLocalChecked();
for(uint32_t i=0; i < props->Length(); i++) {
MaybeLocal<Value> key = props->Get(context, i);
if (key.IsEmpty()) {
return rb_funcall(rb_cFailedV8Conversion, rb_intern("new"), 1, rb_str_new2(""));
VALUE rb_key = convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate, context, key.ToLocalChecked());
MaybeLocal<Value> prop_value = object->Get(context, key.ToLocalChecked());
// this may have failed due to Get raising
if (prop_value.IsEmpty() || trycatch.HasCaught()) {
return new_empty_failed_conv_obj();
VALUE rb_value = convert_v8_to_ruby(
isolate, context, prop_value.ToLocalChecked());
rb_hash_aset(rb_hash, rb_key, rb_value);
return rb_hash;
if (value->IsSymbol()) {
v8::String::Utf8Value symbol_name(isolate,
VALUE str_symbol = rb_enc_str_new(
return rb_str_intern(str_symbol);
MaybeLocal<String> rstr_maybe = value->ToString(context);
if (rstr_maybe.IsEmpty()) {
return Qnil;
} else {
Local<String> rstr = rstr_maybe.ToLocalChecked();
return rb_enc_str_new(*String::Utf8Value(isolate, rstr), rstr->Utf8Length(isolate), rb_enc_find("utf-8"));
static VALUE convert_v8_to_ruby(Isolate* isolate,
const Persistent<Context>& context,
Local<Value> value) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
return convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate,
Local<Context>::New(isolate, context),
static VALUE convert_v8_to_ruby(Isolate* isolate,
const Persistent<Context>& context,
const Persistent<Value>& value) {
HandleScope scope(isolate);
return convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate,
Local<Context>::New(isolate, context),
Local<Value>::New(isolate, value));
static Local<Value> convert_ruby_to_v8(Isolate* isolate, Local<Context> context, VALUE value) {
EscapableHandleScope scope(isolate);
Local<Array> array;
Local<Object> object;
VALUE hash_as_array;
VALUE pair;
int i;
long length;
long fixnum;
VALUE klass;
switch (TYPE(value)) {
case T_FIXNUM:
fixnum = NUM2LONG(value);
if (fixnum > INT_MAX)
return scope.Escape(Number::New(isolate, (double)fixnum));
return scope.Escape(Integer::New(isolate, (int)fixnum));
case T_FLOAT:
return scope.Escape(Number::New(isolate, NUM2DBL(value)));
case T_STRING:
return scope.Escape(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(value), NewStringType::kNormal, (int)RSTRING_LEN(value)).ToLocalChecked());
case T_NIL:
return scope.Escape(Null(isolate));
case T_TRUE:
return scope.Escape(True(isolate));
case T_FALSE:
return scope.Escape(False(isolate));
case T_ARRAY:
length = RARRAY_LEN(value);
array = Array::New(isolate, (int)length);
for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
Maybe<bool> success = array->Set(context, i, convert_ruby_to_v8(isolate, context, rb_ary_entry(value, i)));
return scope.Escape(array);
case T_HASH:
object = Object::New(isolate);
hash_as_array = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_a"), 0);
length = RARRAY_LEN(hash_as_array);
for(i=0; i<length; i++) {
pair = rb_ary_entry(hash_as_array, i);
Maybe<bool> success = object->Set(context, convert_ruby_to_v8(isolate, context, rb_ary_entry(pair, 0)),
convert_ruby_to_v8(isolate, context, rb_ary_entry(pair, 1)));
return scope.Escape(object);
case T_SYMBOL:
value = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
return scope.Escape(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(value), NewStringType::kNormal, (int)RSTRING_LEN(value)).ToLocalChecked());
case T_DATA:
klass = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("class"), 0);
if (klass == rb_cTime || klass == rb_cDateTime)
if (klass == rb_cDateTime)
value = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_time"), 0);
value = rb_funcall(value, rb_intern("to_f"), 0);
return scope.Escape(Date::New(context, NUM2DBL(value) * 1000).ToLocalChecked());
case T_OBJECT:
case T_CLASS:
case T_ICLASS:
case T_MODULE:
case T_REGEXP:
case T_MATCH:
case T_STRUCT:
case T_BIGNUM:
case T_FILE:
case T_UNDEF:
case T_NODE:
return scope.Escape(String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "Undefined Conversion"));
static void unblock_eval(void *ptr) {
EvalParams* eval = (EvalParams*)ptr;
eval->context_info->isolate_info->interrupted = true;
* The implementations of the run_extra_code(), create_snapshot_data_blob() and
* warm_up_snapshot_data_blob() functions have been derived from V8's test suite.
static bool run_extra_code(Isolate *isolate, Local<v8::Context> context,
const char *utf8_source, const char *name) {
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
Local<String> source_string;
if (!String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, utf8_source).ToLocal(&source_string)) {
return false;
Local<String> resource_name =
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, name).ToLocalChecked();
ScriptOrigin origin(resource_name);
ScriptCompiler::Source source(source_string, origin);
Local<Script> script;
if (!ScriptCompiler::Compile(context, &source).ToLocal(&script))
return false;
if (script->Run(context).IsEmpty()) return false;
return true;
static StartupData
create_snapshot_data_blob(const char *embedded_source = nullptr) {
Isolate *isolate = Isolate::Allocate();
// Optionally run a script to embed, and serialize to create a snapshot blob.
SnapshotCreator snapshot_creator(isolate);
HandleScope scope(isolate);
Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(isolate);
if (embedded_source != nullptr &&
!run_extra_code(isolate, context, embedded_source, "<embedded>")) {
return {};
return snapshot_creator.CreateBlob(
StartupData warm_up_snapshot_data_blob(StartupData cold_snapshot_blob,
const char *warmup_source) {
// Use following steps to create a warmed up snapshot blob from a cold one:
// - Create a new isolate from the cold snapshot.
// - Create a new context to run the warmup script. This will trigger
// compilation of executed functions.
// - Create a new context. This context will be unpolluted.
// - Serialize the isolate and the second context into a new snapshot blob.
StartupData result = {nullptr, 0};
if (cold_snapshot_blob.raw_size > 0 && != nullptr &&
warmup_source != NULL) {
SnapshotCreator snapshot_creator(nullptr, &cold_snapshot_blob);
Isolate *isolate = snapshot_creator.GetIsolate();
HandleScope scope(isolate);
Local<Context> context = Context::New(isolate);
if (!run_extra_code(isolate, context, warmup_source, "<warm-up>")) {
return result;
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<Context> context = Context::New(isolate);
result = snapshot_creator.CreateBlob(
return result;
static VALUE rb_snapshot_size(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
return INT2NUM(snapshot_info->raw_size);
static VALUE rb_snapshot_load(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
if(TYPE(str) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong type argument %" PRIsVALUE " (should be a string)",
StartupData startup_data = create_snapshot_data_blob(RSTRING_PTR(str));
if ( == NULL && startup_data.raw_size == 0) {
rb_raise(rb_eSnapshotError, "Could not create snapshot, most likely the source is incorrect");
snapshot_info->data =;
snapshot_info->raw_size = startup_data.raw_size;
return Qnil;
static VALUE rb_snapshot_dump(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
return rb_str_new(snapshot_info->data, snapshot_info->raw_size);
static VALUE rb_snapshot_warmup_unsafe(VALUE self, VALUE str) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
if(TYPE(str) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong type argument %" PRIsVALUE " (should be a string)",
StartupData cold_startup_data = {snapshot_info->data, snapshot_info->raw_size};
StartupData warm_startup_data = warm_up_snapshot_data_blob(cold_startup_data, RSTRING_PTR(str));
if ( == NULL && warm_startup_data.raw_size == 0) {
rb_raise(rb_eSnapshotError, "Could not warm up snapshot, most likely the source is incorrect");
} else {
delete[] snapshot_info->data;
snapshot_info->data =;
snapshot_info->raw_size = warm_startup_data.raw_size;
return self;
void IsolateInfo::init(SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info) {
allocator = v8::ArrayBuffer::Allocator::NewDefaultAllocator();
Isolate::CreateParams create_params;
create_params.array_buffer_allocator = allocator;
if (snapshot_info) {
int raw_size = snapshot_info->raw_size;
char* data = new char[raw_size];
memcpy(data, snapshot_info->data, raw_size);
startup_data = new StartupData;
startup_data->data = data;
startup_data->raw_size = raw_size;
create_params.snapshot_blob = startup_data;
isolate = Isolate::New(create_params);
static VALUE rb_isolate_init_with_snapshot(VALUE self, VALUE snapshot) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, IsolateInfo, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info = nullptr;
if (!NIL_P(snapshot)) {
TypedData_Get_Struct(snapshot, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
return Qnil;
static VALUE rb_isolate_idle_notification(VALUE self, VALUE idle_time_in_ms) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, IsolateInfo, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
if (current_platform == NULL) return Qfalse;
double duration = NUM2DBL(idle_time_in_ms) / 1000.0;
double now = current_platform->MonotonicallyIncreasingTime();
return isolate_info->isolate->IdleNotificationDeadline(now + duration) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
static VALUE rb_isolate_low_memory_notification(VALUE self) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, IsolateInfo, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
if (current_platform == NULL) return Qfalse;
return Qnil;
static VALUE rb_isolate_pump_message_loop(VALUE self) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, IsolateInfo, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
if (current_platform == NULL) return Qfalse;
if (platform::PumpMessageLoop(current_platform.get(), isolate_info->isolate)){
return Qtrue;
} else {
return Qfalse;
static VALUE rb_context_init_unsafe(VALUE self, VALUE isolate, VALUE snap) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
IsolateInfo* isolate_info;
if (NIL_P(isolate) || !rb_obj_is_kind_of(isolate, rb_cIsolate)) {
isolate_info = new IsolateInfo();
SnapshotInfo *snapshot_info = nullptr;
if (!NIL_P(snap) && rb_obj_is_kind_of(snap, rb_cSnapshot)) {
TypedData_Get_Struct(snap, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
} else { // given isolate or snapshot
TypedData_Get_Struct(isolate, IsolateInfo, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
context_info->isolate_info = isolate_info;
// the ruby lock is needed if this isn't a new isolate
IsolateInfo::Lock ruby_lock(isolate_info->mutex);
Locker lock(isolate_info->isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate_info->isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate_info->isolate);
Local<Context> context = Context::New(isolate_info->isolate);
context_info->context = new Persistent<Context>();
context_info->context->Reset(isolate_info->isolate, context);
if (Qnil == rb_cDateTime && rb_funcall(rb_cObject, rb_intern("const_defined?"), 1, rb_str_new2("DateTime")) == Qtrue)
rb_cDateTime = rb_const_get(rb_cObject, rb_intern("DateTime"));
return Qnil;
static VALUE convert_result_to_ruby(VALUE self /* context */,
EvalResult& result) {
ContextInfo *context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate *isolate = context_info->isolate_info->isolate;
Persistent<Context> *p_ctx = context_info->context;
VALUE message = Qnil;
VALUE backtrace = Qnil;
Locker lock(isolate);
if (result.message) {
message = convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate, *p_ctx, *result.message);
delete result.message;
result.message = nullptr;
if (result.backtrace) {
backtrace = convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate, *p_ctx, *result.backtrace);
delete result.backtrace;
// NOTE: this is very important, we can not do an rb_raise from within
// a v8 scope, if we do the scope is never cleaned up properly and we leak
if (!result.parsed) {
if(TYPE(message) == T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eParseError, "%s", RSTRING_PTR(message));
} else {
rb_raise(rb_eParseError, "Unknown JavaScript Error during parse");
if (!result.executed) {
VALUE ruby_exception = rb_iv_get(self, "@current_exception");
if (ruby_exception == Qnil) {
bool mem_softlimit_reached = IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_REACHED);
bool marshal_stack_maxdepth_reached = IsolateData::Get(isolate, IsolateData::MARSHAL_STACKDEPTH_REACHED);
// If we were terminated or have the memory softlimit flag set
if (marshal_stack_maxdepth_reached) {
ruby_exception = rb_eScriptRuntimeError;
std::string msg = std::string("Marshal object depth too deep. Script terminated.");
message = rb_enc_str_new(msg.c_str(), msg.length(), rb_enc_find("utf-8"));
} else if (result.terminated || mem_softlimit_reached) {
ruby_exception = mem_softlimit_reached ? rb_eV8OutOfMemoryError : rb_eScriptTerminatedError;
} else {
ruby_exception = rb_eScriptRuntimeError;
// exception report about what happened
if (TYPE(backtrace) == T_STRING) {
rb_raise(ruby_exception, "%s", RSTRING_PTR(backtrace));
} else if(TYPE(message) == T_STRING) {
rb_raise(ruby_exception, "%s", RSTRING_PTR(message));
} else {
rb_raise(ruby_exception, "Unknown JavaScript Error during execution");
} else {
VALUE rb_str = rb_funcall(ruby_exception, rb_intern("to_s"), 0);
rb_raise(CLASS_OF(ruby_exception), "%s", RSTRING_PTR(rb_str));
VALUE ret = Qnil;
// New scope for return value
Locker lock(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<Value> tmp = Local<Value>::New(isolate, *result.value);
if (result.json) {
Local<String> rstr = tmp->ToString(p_ctx->Get(isolate)).ToLocalChecked();
VALUE json_string = rb_enc_str_new(*String::Utf8Value(isolate, rstr), rstr->Utf8Length(isolate), rb_enc_find("utf-8"));
ret = rb_funcall(rb_mJSON, rb_intern("parse"), 1, json_string);
} else {
ret = convert_v8_to_ruby(isolate, *p_ctx, tmp);
delete result.value;
if (rb_funcall(ret, rb_intern("class"), 0) == rb_cFailedV8Conversion) {
// TODO try to recover stack trace from the conversion error
rb_raise(rb_eScriptRuntimeError, "Error converting JS object to Ruby object");
return ret;
static VALUE rb_context_eval_unsafe(VALUE self, VALUE str, VALUE filename) {
EvalParams eval_params;
EvalResult eval_result;
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate = context_info->isolate_info->isolate;
if(TYPE(str) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong type argument %" PRIsVALUE " (should be a string)",
if(filename != Qnil && TYPE(filename) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong type argument %" PRIsVALUE " (should be nil or a string)",
Locker lock(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<String> eval = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(str),
NewStringType::kNormal, (int)RSTRING_LEN(str)).ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> local_filename;
if (filename != Qnil) {
local_filename = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(filename),
NewStringType::kNormal, (int)RSTRING_LEN(filename)).ToLocalChecked();
eval_params.filename = &local_filename;
} else {
eval_params.filename = NULL;
eval_params.context_info = context_info;
eval_params.eval = &eval;
eval_params.result = &eval_result;
eval_params.timeout = 0;
eval_params.max_memory = 0;
eval_params.marshal_stackdepth = 0;
VALUE timeout = rb_iv_get(self, "@timeout");
if (timeout != Qnil) {
eval_params.timeout = (useconds_t)NUM2LONG(timeout);
VALUE mem_softlimit = rb_iv_get(self, "@max_memory");
if (mem_softlimit != Qnil) {
eval_params.max_memory = (size_t)NUM2ULONG(mem_softlimit);
VALUE stack_depth = rb_iv_get(self, "@marshal_stack_depth");
if (stack_depth != Qnil) {
eval_params.marshal_stackdepth = (size_t)NUM2ULONG(stack_depth);
eval_result.message = NULL;
eval_result.backtrace = NULL;
rb_thread_call_without_gvl(nogvl_context_eval, &eval_params, unblock_eval, &eval_params);
return convert_result_to_ruby(self, eval_result);
typedef struct {
VALUE callback;
int length;
VALUE ruby_args;
bool failed;
} protected_callback_data;
static VALUE protected_callback(VALUE rdata) {
protected_callback_data* data = (protected_callback_data*)rdata;
VALUE result;
if (data->length > 0) {
result = rb_funcall2(data->callback, rb_intern("call"), data->length,
} else {
result = rb_funcall(data->callback, rb_intern("call"), 0);
return result;
VALUE rescue_callback(VALUE rdata, VALUE exception) {
protected_callback_data* data = (protected_callback_data*)rdata;
data->failed = true;
return exception;
static void*
gvl_ruby_callback(void* data) {
FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>* args = (FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>*)data;
VALUE ruby_args = Qnil;
int length = args->Length();
VALUE callback;
VALUE result;
VALUE self;
VALUE parent;
ContextInfo* context_info;
HandleScope scope(args->GetIsolate());
Local<External> external = Local<External>::Cast(args->Data());
self = (VALUE)(external->Value());
callback = rb_iv_get(self, "@callback");
parent = rb_iv_get(self, "@parent");
if (NIL_P(parent) || !rb_obj_is_kind_of(parent, rb_cContext)) {
return NULL;
TypedData_Get_Struct(parent, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
if (length > 0) {
ruby_args = rb_ary_tmp_new(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Local<Value> value = ((*args)[i]).As<Value>();
VALUE tmp = convert_v8_to_ruby(args->GetIsolate(),
*context_info->context, value);
rb_ary_push(ruby_args, tmp);
// may raise exception stay clear of handle scope
protected_callback_data callback_data;
callback_data.length = length;
callback_data.callback = callback;
callback_data.ruby_args = ruby_args;
callback_data.failed = false;
if (IsolateData::Get(args->GetIsolate(), IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE)) {
"Terminated execution during transition from Ruby to JS"));
if (length > 0) {
return NULL;
VALUE callback_data_value = (VALUE)&callback_data;
// TODO: use rb_vrescue2 in Ruby 2.7 and above
result = rb_rescue2(protected_callback, callback_data_value,
rescue_callback, callback_data_value, rb_eException, (VALUE)0);
if(callback_data.failed) {
rb_iv_set(parent, "@current_exception", result);
args->GetIsolate()->ThrowException(String::NewFromUtf8Literal(args->GetIsolate(), "Ruby exception"));
else {
HandleScope scope(args->GetIsolate());
Handle<Value> v8_result = convert_ruby_to_v8(args->GetIsolate(), context_info->context->Get(args->GetIsolate()), result);
if (length > 0) {
if (IsolateData::Get(args->GetIsolate(), IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE)) {
return NULL;
static void ruby_callback(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
bool has_gvl = IsolateData::Get(args.GetIsolate(), IsolateData::IN_GVL);
if(has_gvl) {
} else {
IsolateData::Set(args.GetIsolate(), IsolateData::IN_GVL, true);
rb_thread_call_with_gvl(gvl_ruby_callback, (void*)(&args));
IsolateData::Set(args.GetIsolate(), IsolateData::IN_GVL, false);
static VALUE rb_external_function_notify_v8(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
VALUE parent = rb_iv_get(self, "@parent");
VALUE name = rb_iv_get(self, "@name");
VALUE parent_object = rb_iv_get(self, "@parent_object");
VALUE parent_object_eval = rb_iv_get(self, "@parent_object_eval");
bool parse_error = false;
bool attach_error = false;
TypedData_Get_Struct(parent, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate = context_info->isolate_info->isolate;
Locker lock(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<Context> context = context_info->context->Get(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
Local<String> v8_str =
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(name),
NewStringType::kNormal, (int)RSTRING_LEN(name))
// Note that self (rb_cExternalFunction) is a pure Ruby T_OBJECT,
// not a T_DATA type like most other classes in this file
Local<Value> external = External::New(isolate, (void *)self);
if (parent_object == Qnil) {
Maybe<bool> success = context->Global()->Set(
FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, ruby_callback, external)
} else {
Local<String> eval =
String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, RSTRING_PTR(parent_object_eval),
MaybeLocal<Script> parsed_script = Script::Compile(context, eval);
if (parsed_script.IsEmpty()) {
parse_error = true;
} else {
MaybeLocal<Value> maybe_value =
attach_error = true;
if (!maybe_value.IsEmpty()) {
Local<Value> value = maybe_value.ToLocalChecked();
if (value->IsObject()) {
Maybe<bool> success = value.As<Object>()->Set(
FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, ruby_callback, external)
attach_error = false;
// always raise out of V8 context
if (parse_error) {
rb_raise(rb_eParseError, "Invalid object %" PRIsVALUE, parent_object);
if (attach_error) {
rb_raise(rb_eParseError, "Was expecting %" PRIsVALUE" to be an object", parent_object);
return Qnil;
static VALUE rb_context_isolate_mutex(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
if (!context_info->isolate_info) {
rb_raise(rb_eScriptRuntimeError, "Context has no Isolate available anymore");
return context_info->isolate_info->mutex;
IsolateInfo::~IsolateInfo() {
if (isolate) {
if (this->interrupted) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: V8 isolate was interrupted by Ruby, "
"it can not be disposed and memory will not be "
"reclaimed till the Ruby process exits.\n");
} else {
if (this->pid != getpid() && !single_threaded) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: V8 isolate was forked, "
"it can not be disposed and "
"memory will not be reclaimed "
"till the Ruby process exits.\n"
"It is VERY likely your process will hang.\n"
"If you wish to use v8 in forked environment "
"please ensure the platform is initialized with:\n"
"MiniRacer::Platform.set_flags! :single_threaded\n"
} else {
isolate = nullptr;
if (startup_data) {
delete[] startup_data->data;
delete startup_data;
delete allocator;
static void free_context_raw(void *arg) {
ContextInfo* context_info = (ContextInfo*)arg;
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = context_info->isolate_info;
Persistent<Context>* context = context_info->context;
if (context && isolate_info && isolate_info->isolate) {
Locker lock(isolate_info->isolate);
v8::Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate_info->isolate);
delete context;
if (isolate_info) {
static void *free_context_thr(void* arg) {
if (pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(&exit_lock) != 0) {
return NULL;
if (ruby_exiting) {
return NULL;
return NULL;
// destroys everything except freeing the ContextInfo struct (see deallocate())
static void free_context(ContextInfo* context_info) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = context_info->isolate_info;
ContextInfo* context_info_copy = ALLOC(ContextInfo);
context_info_copy->isolate_info = context_info->isolate_info;
context_info_copy->context = context_info->context;
if (isolate_info && isolate_info->refs() > 1) {
pthread_t free_context_thread;
if (pthread_create(&free_context_thread, thread_attr_p,
free_context_thr, (void*)context_info_copy)) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING failed to release memory in MiniRacer, thread to release could not be created, process will leak memory\n");
} else {
context_info->context = NULL;
context_info->isolate_info = NULL;
static void deallocate_isolate(void* data) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = (IsolateInfo*) data;
static void mark_isolate(void* data) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = (IsolateInfo*) data;
static size_t isolate_memsize(const void *ptr) {
const IsolateInfo *isolate_info = (const IsolateInfo *)ptr;
return sizeof(*isolate_info);
static void deallocate(void* data) {
ContextInfo* context_info = (ContextInfo*)data;
static size_t context_memsize(const void *ptr)
return sizeof(ContextInfo);
static void mark_context(void* data) {
ContextInfo* context_info = (ContextInfo*)data;
if (context_info->isolate_info) {
static void deallocate_snapshot(void * data) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info = (SnapshotInfo*)data;
delete[] snapshot_info->data;
static size_t snapshot_memsize(const void *data) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info = (SnapshotInfo*)data;
return sizeof(*snapshot_info) + snapshot_info->raw_size;
static VALUE allocate(VALUE klass) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
return TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
static VALUE allocate_snapshot(VALUE klass) {
SnapshotInfo* snapshot_info;
return TypedData_Make_Struct(klass, SnapshotInfo, &snapshot_type, snapshot_info);
static VALUE allocate_isolate(VALUE klass) {
IsolateInfo* isolate_info = new IsolateInfo();
return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(klass, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
static VALUE
rb_heap_stats(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate;
v8::HeapStatistics stats;
isolate = context_info->isolate_info ? context_info->isolate_info->isolate : NULL;
VALUE rval = rb_hash_new();
if (!isolate) {
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_physical_size")), ULONG2NUM(0));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_heap_size_executable")), ULONG2NUM(0));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_heap_size")), ULONG2NUM(0));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("used_heap_size")), ULONG2NUM(0));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("heap_size_limit")), ULONG2NUM(0));
} else {
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_physical_size")), ULONG2NUM(stats.total_physical_size()));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_heap_size_executable")), ULONG2NUM(stats.total_heap_size_executable()));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("total_heap_size")), ULONG2NUM(stats.total_heap_size()));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("used_heap_size")), ULONG2NUM(stats.used_heap_size()));
rb_hash_aset(rval, ID2SYM(rb_intern("heap_size_limit")), ULONG2NUM(stats.heap_size_limit()));
return rval;
class FileOutputStream : public OutputStream {
int err;
FileOutputStream(int fd) : fd(fd) { err = 0; }
virtual int GetChunkSize() {
return 65536;
virtual void EndOfStream() {}
virtual WriteResult WriteAsciiChunk(char* data, int size) {
size_t len = static_cast<size_t>(size);
while (len) {
ssize_t w = write(fd, data, len);
if (w > 0) {
data += w;
len -= w;
} else if (w < 0) {
err = errno;
return kAbort;
} else { /* w == 0, could be out-of-space */
err = -1;
return kAbort;
return kContinue;
int fd;
static VALUE
rb_heap_snapshot(VALUE self, VALUE file) {
rb_io_t *fptr;
fptr = RFILE(file)->fptr;
if (!fptr) return Qfalse;
// prepare for unbuffered write(2) below:
rb_funcall(file, rb_intern("flush"), 0);
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate;
isolate = context_info->isolate_info ? context_info->isolate_info->isolate : NULL;
if (!isolate) return Qfalse;
Locker lock(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
HeapProfiler* heap_profiler = isolate->GetHeapProfiler();
const HeapSnapshot* const snap = heap_profiler->TakeHeapSnapshot();
FileOutputStream stream(fptr->fd);
snap->Serialize(&stream, HeapSnapshot::kJSON);
/* TODO: perhaps rb_sys_fail here */
if (stream.err) return Qfalse;
return Qtrue;
static VALUE
rb_context_stop(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate = context_info->isolate_info->isolate;
// flag for termination
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE, true);
rb_funcall(self, rb_intern("stop_attached"), 0);
return Qnil;
static VALUE
rb_context_dispose(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
return Qnil;
static void*
nogvl_context_call(void *args) {
FunctionCall *call = (FunctionCall *) args;
if (!call) {
return NULL;
IsolateInfo *isolate_info = call->context_info->isolate_info;
Isolate* isolate = isolate_info->isolate;
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::IN_GVL, false);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::DO_TERMINATE, false);
if (call->max_memory > 0) {
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_MAX, call->max_memory);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::MEM_SOFTLIMIT_REACHED, false);
if (!isolate_info->added_gc_cb) {
isolate_info->added_gc_cb = true;
if (call->marshal_stackdepth > 0) {
StackCounter::SetMax(isolate, call->marshal_stackdepth);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
EscapableHandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
TryCatch trycatch(isolate);
Local<Context> context = call->context_info->context->Get(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
Local<Function> fun = call->fun;
EvalResult& eval_res = call->result;
eval_res.parsed = true;
MaybeLocal<v8::Value> res = fun->Call(context, context->Global(), call->argc, call->argv);
prepare_result(res, trycatch, isolate, context, eval_res);
IsolateData::Set(isolate, IsolateData::IN_GVL, true);
return NULL;
static void unblock_function(void *args) {
FunctionCall *call = (FunctionCall *) args;
call->context_info->isolate_info->interrupted = true;
static VALUE rb_context_call_unsafe(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
FunctionCall call;
VALUE *call_argv = NULL;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
Isolate* isolate = context_info->isolate_info->isolate;
if (argc < 1) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "need at least one argument %d", argc);
VALUE function_name = argv[0];
if (TYPE(function_name) != T_STRING) {
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "first argument should be a String");
char *fname = RSTRING_PTR(function_name);
if (!fname) {
return Qnil;
call.context_info = context_info;
call.error = false;
call.function_name = fname;
call.argc = argc - 1;
call.argv = NULL;
if (call.argc > 0) {
// skip first argument which is the function name
call_argv = argv + 1;
call.max_memory = 0;
VALUE mem_softlimit = rb_iv_get(self, "@max_memory");
if (mem_softlimit != Qnil) {
unsigned long sl_int = NUM2ULONG(mem_softlimit);
call.max_memory = (size_t)sl_int;
call.marshal_stackdepth = 0;
VALUE marshal_stackdepth = rb_iv_get(self, "@marshal_stack_depth");
if (marshal_stackdepth != Qnil) {
unsigned long sl_int = NUM2ULONG(marshal_stackdepth);
call.marshal_stackdepth = (size_t)sl_int;
bool missingFunction = false;
Locker lock(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<Context> context = context_info->context->Get(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(context);
// examples of such usage can be found in
MaybeLocal<String> fname = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, call.function_name);
MaybeLocal<v8::Value> val;
if (!fname.IsEmpty()) {
val = context->Global()->Get(context, fname.ToLocalChecked());
if (val.IsEmpty() || !val.ToLocalChecked()->IsFunction()) {
missingFunction = true;
} else {
Local<v8::Function> fun = Local<v8::Function>::Cast(val.ToLocalChecked()); = fun;
int fun_argc = call.argc;
if (fun_argc > 0) {
call.argv = (v8::Local<Value> *) malloc(sizeof(void *) * fun_argc);
if (!call.argv) {
return Qnil;
for(int i=0; i < fun_argc; i++) {
call.argv[i] = convert_ruby_to_v8(isolate, context, call_argv[i]);
rb_thread_call_without_gvl(nogvl_context_call, &call, unblock_function, &call);
if (missingFunction) {
rb_raise(rb_eScriptRuntimeError, "Unknown JavaScript method invoked");
return convert_result_to_ruby(self, call.result);
static VALUE rb_context_create_isolate_value(VALUE self) {
ContextInfo* context_info;
TypedData_Get_Struct(self, ContextInfo, &context_type, context_info);
IsolateInfo *isolate_info = context_info->isolate_info;
if (!isolate_info) {
return Qnil;
return TypedData_Wrap_Struct(rb_cIsolate, &isolate_type, isolate_info);
static void set_ruby_exiting(VALUE value) {
int res = pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&exit_lock);
ruby_exiting = true;
if (res == 0) {
extern "C" {
__attribute__((visibility("default"))) void Init_mini_racer_extension ( void )
VALUE rb_mMiniRacer = rb_define_module("MiniRacer");
rb_cContext = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "Context", rb_cObject);
rb_cSnapshot = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "Snapshot", rb_cObject);
rb_cIsolate = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "Isolate", rb_cObject);
VALUE rb_cPlatform = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "Platform", rb_cObject);
VALUE rb_eError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "Error", rb_eStandardError);
VALUE rb_eEvalError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "EvalError", rb_eError);
rb_eScriptTerminatedError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "ScriptTerminatedError", rb_eEvalError);
rb_eV8OutOfMemoryError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "V8OutOfMemoryError", rb_eEvalError);
rb_eParseError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "ParseError", rb_eEvalError);
rb_eScriptRuntimeError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "RuntimeError", rb_eEvalError);
rb_cJavaScriptFunction = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "JavaScriptFunction", rb_cObject);
rb_eSnapshotError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "SnapshotError", rb_eError);
rb_ePlatformAlreadyInitializedError = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "PlatformAlreadyInitialized", rb_eError);
rb_cFailedV8Conversion = rb_define_class_under(rb_mMiniRacer, "FailedV8Conversion", rb_cObject);
rb_mJSON = rb_define_module("JSON");
VALUE rb_cExternalFunction = rb_define_class_under(rb_cContext, "ExternalFunction", rb_cObject);
rb_define_method(rb_cContext, "stop", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_stop, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cContext, "dispose_unsafe", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_dispose, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cContext, "heap_stats", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_heap_stats, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cContext, "write_heap_snapshot_unsafe", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_heap_snapshot, 1);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cContext, "create_isolate_value",(VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_create_isolate_value, 0);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cContext, "eval_unsafe",(VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_eval_unsafe, 2);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cContext, "call_unsafe", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_call_unsafe, -1);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cContext, "isolate_mutex", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_isolate_mutex, 0);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cContext, "init_unsafe",(VALUE(*)(...))&rb_context_init_unsafe, 2);
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cContext, allocate);
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cSnapshot, allocate_snapshot);
rb_define_alloc_func(rb_cIsolate, allocate_isolate);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cExternalFunction, "notify_v8", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_external_function_notify_v8, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cSnapshot, "size", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_snapshot_size, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cSnapshot, "dump", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_snapshot_dump, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cSnapshot, "warmup_unsafe!", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_snapshot_warmup_unsafe, 1);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cSnapshot, "load", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_snapshot_load, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_cIsolate, "idle_notification", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_isolate_idle_notification, 1);
rb_define_method(rb_cIsolate, "low_memory_notification", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_isolate_low_memory_notification, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cIsolate, "pump_message_loop", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_isolate_pump_message_loop, 0);
rb_define_private_method(rb_cIsolate, "init_with_snapshot",(VALUE(*)(...))&rb_isolate_init_with_snapshot, 1);
rb_define_singleton_method(rb_cPlatform, "set_flag_as_str!", (VALUE(*)(...))&rb_platform_set_flag_as_str, 1);
rb_set_end_proc(set_ruby_exiting, Qnil);
static pthread_attr_t attr;
if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) == 0) {
if (pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED) == 0) {
thread_attr_p = &attr;
auto on_fork_for_child = []() {
pthread_atfork(nullptr, nullptr, on_fork_for_child);