// errNoSwarm is returned on leaving a cluster that was never initialized
errNoSwarmnotAvailableError="This node is not part of a swarm"
// errSwarmExists is returned on initialize or join request for a cluster that has already been activated
errSwarmExistsnotAvailableError="This node is already part of a swarm. Use \"docker swarm leave\" to leave this swarm and join another one."
// errSwarmJoinTimeoutReached is returned when cluster join could not complete before timeout was reached.
errSwarmJoinTimeoutReachednotAvailableError="Timeoutwasreachedbeforenodejoined.Theattempttojointheswarmwillcontinueinthebackground.Usethe\"docker info\" command to see the current swarm status of your node."
// errSwarmLocked is returned if the swarm is encrypted and needs a key to unlock it.
errSwarmLockednotAvailableError="Swarm is encrypted and needs to be unlocked before it can be used. Please use \"docker swarm unlock\" to unlock it."
// errSwarmCertificatesExpired is returned if docker was not started for the whole validity period and they had no chance to renew automatically.
errSwarmCertificatesExpirednotAvailableError="Swarm certificates have expired. To replace them, leave the swarm and join again."
// errSwarmNotManager is returned if the node is not a swarm manager.
errSwarmNotManagernotAvailableError="This node is not a swarm manager. Worker nodes can't be used to view or modify cluster state. Please run this command on a manager node or promote the current node to a manager."