Removal of delegation role targets/releases with keys [729c7094a8210fd1e780e7b17b7bb55c9a28a48b871b07f65d97baf93898523a], to repository "<username>/<imagename>" staged for next publish.
The revocation will take effect as soon as you publish:
$ notary publish<username>/<imagename>
Note that by removing all the keys from the `targets/releases` delegation, the
delegation (and any tags that are signed into it) is removed. That means that
these tags will all be deleted, and you may end up with older, legacy tags that
were signed directly by the targets key.
## Removing the `targets/releases` delegation entirely from a repository
If you've decided that delegations aren't for you, you can delete the
`targets/releases` delegation entirely. This also removes all the tags that
are currently in `targets/releases`, however, and you may end up with older,
legacy tags that were signed directly by the targets key.
Are you sure you want to remove all data for this delegation? (yes/no)
Forced removal (including all keys and paths) of delegation role targets/releases to repository "<username>/<imagename>" staged for next publish.
$ notary publish<username>/<imagename>
## Pushing trusted data as a collaborator
As a collaborator with a private key that has been added to a repository's
`targets/releases` delegation, you need to import the private key that you
generated into Content Trust.
To do so, you can run:
$ notary key import delegation.key --role user
where `delegation.key` is the file containing your PEM-encoded private key.
After you have done so, running `docker push` on any repository that
includes your key in the `targets/releases` delegation will automatically sign
tags using this imported key.
## `docker push` behavior
When running `docker push` with Docker Content Trust, Docker Engine
will attempt to sign and push with the `targets/releases` delegation if it exists.
If it does not, the targets key will be used to sign the tag, if the key is available.
## `docker pull` and `docker build` behavior
When running `docker pull` or `docker build` with Docker Content Trust, Docker
Engine will pull tags only signed by the `targets/releases` delegation role or
the legacy tags that were signed directly with the `targets` key.
## Related information
* [Content trust in Docker](
* [Manage keys for content trust](
* [Automation with content trust](
* [Play in a content trust sandbox](