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package container
import (
derr "github.com/docker/docker/errors"
const (
defaultTimeIncrement = 100
loggerCloseTimeout = 10 * time.Second
// supervisor defines the interface that a supervisor must implement
type supervisor interface {
// LogContainerEvent generates events related to a given container
LogContainerEvent(*Container, string)
// Cleanup ensures that the container is properly unmounted
// StartLogging starts the logging driver for the container
StartLogging(*Container) error
// Run starts a container
Run(c *Container, pipes *execdriver.Pipes, startCallback execdriver.DriverCallback) (execdriver.ExitStatus, error)
// IsShuttingDown tells whether the supervisor is shutting down or not
IsShuttingDown() bool
// containerMonitor monitors the execution of a container's main process.
// If a restart policy is specified for the container the monitor will ensure that the
// process is restarted based on the rules of the policy. When the container is finally stopped
// the monitor will reset and cleanup any of the container resources such as networking allocations
// and the rootfs
type containerMonitor struct {
mux sync.Mutex
// supervisor keeps track of the container and the events it generates
supervisor supervisor
// container is the container being monitored
container *Container
// restartPolicy is the current policy being applied to the container monitor
restartPolicy container.RestartPolicy
// failureCount is the number of times the container has failed to
// start in a row
failureCount int
// shouldStop signals the monitor that the next time the container exits it is
// either because docker or the user asked for the container to be stopped
shouldStop bool
// startSignal is a channel that is closes after the container initially starts
startSignal chan struct{}
// stopChan is used to signal to the monitor whenever there is a wait for the
// next restart so that the timeIncrement is not honored and the user is not
// left waiting for nothing to happen during this time
stopChan chan struct{}
// timeIncrement is the amount of time to wait between restarts
// this is in milliseconds
timeIncrement int
// lastStartTime is the time which the monitor last exec'd the container's process
lastStartTime time.Time
// StartMonitor initializes a containerMonitor for this container with the provided supervisor and restart policy
// and starts the container's process.
func (container *Container) StartMonitor(s supervisor, policy container.RestartPolicy) error {
container.monitor = &containerMonitor{
supervisor: s,
container: container,
restartPolicy: policy,
timeIncrement: defaultTimeIncrement,
stopChan: make(chan struct{}),
startSignal: make(chan struct{}),
return container.monitor.wait()
// wait starts the container and wait until
// we either receive an error from the initial start of the container's
// process or until the process is running in the container
func (m *containerMonitor) wait() error {
select {
case <-m.startSignal:
case err := <-promise.Go(m.start):
return err
return nil
// Stop signals to the container monitor that it should stop monitoring the container
// for exits the next time the process dies
func (m *containerMonitor) ExitOnNext() {
// we need to protect having a double close of the channel when stop is called
// twice or else we will get a panic
if !m.shouldStop {
m.shouldStop = true
// Close closes the container's resources such as networking allocations and
// unmounts the container's root filesystem
func (m *containerMonitor) Close() error {
// Cleanup networking and mounts
// FIXME: here is race condition between two RUN instructions in Dockerfile
// because they share same runconfig and change image. Must be fixed
// in builder/builder.go
if err := m.container.ToDisk(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error dumping container %s state to disk: %s", m.container.ID, err)
return err
return nil
// Start starts the containers process and monitors it according to the restart policy
func (m *containerMonitor) start() error {
var (
err error
exitStatus execdriver.ExitStatus
// this variable indicates where we in execution flow:
// before Run or after
afterRun bool
// ensure that when the monitor finally exits we release the networking and unmount the rootfs
defer func() {
if afterRun {
defer m.container.Unlock()
// reset stopped flag
if m.container.HasBeenManuallyStopped {
m.container.HasBeenManuallyStopped = false
// reset the restart count
m.container.RestartCount = -1
for {
if err := m.supervisor.StartLogging(m.container); err != nil {
return err
pipes := execdriver.NewPipes(m.container.Stdin(), m.container.Stdout(), m.container.Stderr(), m.container.Config.OpenStdin)
m.lastStartTime = time.Now()
if exitStatus, err = m.supervisor.Run(m.container, pipes, m.callback); err != nil {
// if we receive an internal error from the initial start of a container then lets
// return it instead of entering the restart loop
// set to 127 for container cmd not found/does not exist)
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "executable file not found") ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), "no such file or directory") ||
strings.Contains(err.Error(), "system cannot find the file specified") {
if m.container.RestartCount == 0 {
m.container.ExitCode = 127
return derr.ErrorCodeCmdNotFound
// set to 126 for container cmd can't be invoked errors
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), syscall.EACCES.Error()) {
if m.container.RestartCount == 0 {
m.container.ExitCode = 126
return derr.ErrorCodeCmdCouldNotBeInvoked
if m.container.RestartCount == 0 {
m.container.ExitCode = -1
return derr.ErrorCodeCantStart.WithArgs(m.container.ID, utils.GetErrorMessage(err))
logrus.Errorf("Error running container: %s", err)
// here container.Lock is already lost
afterRun = true
m.resetMonitor(err == nil && exitStatus.ExitCode == 0)
if m.shouldRestart(exitStatus.ExitCode) {
// sleep with a small time increment between each restart to help avoid issues cased by quickly
// restarting the container because of some types of errors ( networking cut out, etc... )
// we need to check this before reentering the loop because the waitForNextRestart could have
// been terminated by a request from a user
if m.shouldStop {
return err
return err
// resetMonitor resets the stateful fields on the containerMonitor based on the
// previous runs success or failure. Regardless of success, if the container had
// an execution time of more than 10s then reset the timer back to the default
func (m *containerMonitor) resetMonitor(successful bool) {
executionTime := time.Now().Sub(m.lastStartTime).Seconds()
if executionTime > 10 {
m.timeIncrement = defaultTimeIncrement
} else {
// otherwise we need to increment the amount of time we wait before restarting
// the process. We will build up by multiplying the increment by 2
m.timeIncrement *= 2
// the container exited successfully so we need to reset the failure counter
if successful {
m.failureCount = 0
} else {
// waitForNextRestart waits with the default time increment to restart the container unless
// a user or docker asks for the container to be stopped
func (m *containerMonitor) waitForNextRestart() {
select {
case <-time.After(time.Duration(m.timeIncrement) * time.Millisecond):
case <-m.stopChan:
// shouldRestart checks the restart policy and applies the rules to determine if
// the container's process should be restarted
func (m *containerMonitor) shouldRestart(exitCode int) bool {
defer m.mux.Unlock()
// do not restart if the user or docker has requested that this container be stopped
if m.shouldStop {
m.container.HasBeenManuallyStopped = !m.supervisor.IsShuttingDown()
return false
switch {
case m.restartPolicy.IsAlways(), m.restartPolicy.IsUnlessStopped():
return true
case m.restartPolicy.IsOnFailure():
// the default value of 0 for MaximumRetryCount means that we will not enforce a maximum count
if max := m.restartPolicy.MaximumRetryCount; max != 0 && m.failureCount > max {
logrus.Debugf("stopping restart of container %s because maximum failure could of %d has been reached",
stringid.TruncateID(m.container.ID), max)
return false
return exitCode != 0
return false
// callback ensures that the container's state is properly updated after we
// received ack from the execution drivers
func (m *containerMonitor) callback(processConfig *execdriver.ProcessConfig, pid int, chOOM <-chan struct{}) error {
go func() {
_, ok := <-chOOM
if ok {
if processConfig.Tty {
// The callback is called after the process start()
// so we are in the parent process. In TTY mode, stdin/out/err is the PtySlave
// which we close here.
if c, ok := processConfig.Stdout.(io.Closer); ok {
// signal that the process has started
// close channel only if not closed
select {
case <-m.startSignal:
if err := m.container.ToDiskLocking(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error saving container to disk: %v", err)
return nil
// resetContainer resets the container's IO and ensures that the command is able to be executed again
// by copying the data into a new struct
// if lock is true, then container locked during reset
func (m *containerMonitor) resetContainer(lock bool) {
container := m.container
if lock {
defer container.Unlock()
if err := container.CloseStreams(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("%s: %s", container.ID, err)
if container.Command != nil && container.Command.ProcessConfig.Terminal != nil {
if err := container.Command.ProcessConfig.Terminal.Close(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("%s: Error closing terminal: %s", container.ID, err)
// Re-create a brand new stdin pipe once the container exited
if container.Config.OpenStdin {
if container.LogDriver != nil {
if container.LogCopier != nil {
exit := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-time.After(loggerCloseTimeout):
logrus.Warnf("Logger didn't exit in time: logs may be truncated")
case <-exit:
container.LogCopier = nil
container.LogDriver = nil
c := container.Command.ProcessConfig.Cmd
container.Command.ProcessConfig.Cmd = exec.Cmd{
Stdin: c.Stdin,
Stdout: c.Stdout,
Stderr: c.Stderr,
Path: c.Path,
Env: c.Env,
ExtraFiles: c.ExtraFiles,
Args: c.Args,
Dir: c.Dir,
SysProcAttr: c.SysProcAttr,
func (m *containerMonitor) logEvent(action string) {
m.supervisor.LogContainerEvent(m.container, action)