2014-07-01 12:58:04 +10:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Sven's quick hack script to update the documentation
# call with:
# ./docs/update.py /usr/bin/docker
2014-07-23 12:40:10 +10:00
import datetime
2014-07-01 12:58:04 +10:00
import re
from sys import argv
import subprocess
import os
import os.path
script, docker_cmd = argv
2014-07-23 12:40:10 +10:00
# date "+%B %Y"
date_string = datetime.date.today().strftime('%B %Y')
2014-07-01 12:58:04 +10:00
def print_usage(outtext, docker_cmd, command):
help = ""
#print "RUN ", "".join((docker_cmd, " ", command, " --help"))
help = subprocess.check_output("".join((docker_cmd, " ", command, " --help")), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
help = e.output
for l in str(help).strip().split("\n"):
l = l.rstrip()
if l == '':
# `docker --help` tells the user the path they called it with
l = re.sub(docker_cmd, "docker", l)
outtext.write(" "+l+"\n")
# TODO: look for an complain about any missing commands
def update_cli_reference():
originalFile = "docs/sources/reference/commandline/cli.md"
os.rename(originalFile, originalFile+".bak")
intext = open(originalFile+".bak", "r")
outtext = open(originalFile, "w")
mode = 'p'
space = " "
command = ""
# 2 mode line-by line parser
for line in intext:
if mode=='p':
# Prose
match = re.match("( \s*)Usage: docker ([a-z]+)", line)
if match:
# the begining of a Docker command usage block
space = match.group(1)
command = match.group(2)
mode = 'c'
match = re.match("( \s*)Usage of .*docker.*:", line)
if match:
# the begining of the Docker --help usage block
space = match.group(1)
command = ""
mode = 'c'
# command usage block
match = re.match("("+space+")(.*)|^$", line)
#print "CMD ", command
if not match:
# The end of the current usage block - Shell out to run docker to see the new output
print_usage(outtext, docker_cmd, command)
mode = 'p'
if mode == 'c':
print_usage(outtext, docker_cmd, command)
def update_man_pages():
cmds = []
help = subprocess.check_output("".join((docker_cmd)), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
help = e.output
for l in str(help).strip().split("\n"):
l = l.rstrip()
if l != "":
match = re.match(" (.*?) .*", l)
if match:
desc_re = re.compile(r".*# DESCRIPTION(.*?)# (OPTIONS|EXAMPLES?).*", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
example_re = re.compile(r".*# EXAMPLES?(.*)# HISTORY.*", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
history_re = re.compile(r".*# HISTORY(.*)", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
for command in cmds:
print "COMMAND: "+command
history = ""
description = ""
examples = ""
if os.path.isfile("docs/man/docker-"+command+".1.md"):
intext = open("docs/man/docker-"+command+".1.md", "r")
txt = intext.read()
match = desc_re.match(txt)
if match:
description = match.group(1)
match = example_re.match(txt)
if match:
examples = match.group(1)
match = history_re.match(txt)
if match:
history = match.group(1).strip()
usage = ""
usage_description = ""
params = {}
key_params = {}
help = ""
help = subprocess.check_output("".join((docker_cmd, " ", command, " --help")), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
help = e.output
last_key = ""
for l in str(help).split("\n"):
l = l.rstrip()
if l != "":
match = re.match("Usage: docker "+command+"(.*)", l)
if match:
usage = match.group(1).strip()
#print ">>>>"+l
match = re.match(" (-+)(.*) \s+(.*)", l)
if match:
last_key = match.group(2).rstrip()
#print " found "+match.group(1)
key_params[last_key] = match.group(1)+last_key
params[last_key] = match.group(3)
if last_key != "":
params[last_key] = params[last_key] + "\n" + l
if usage_description != "":
usage_description = usage_description + "\n"
usage_description = usage_description + l
# replace [OPTIONS] with the list of params
options = ""
match = re.match("\[OPTIONS\](.*)", usage)
if match:
usage = match.group(1)
new_usage = ""
# TODO: sort without the `-`'s
for key in sorted(params.keys(), key=lambda s: s.lower()):
# split on commas, remove --?.*=.*, put in *'s mumble
ps = []
opts = []
for k in key_params[key].split(","):
#print "......"+k
match = re.match("(-+)([A-Za-z-0-9]*)(?:=(.*))?", k.lstrip())
if match:
p = "**"+match.group(1)+match.group(2)+"**"
o = "**"+match.group(1)+match.group(2)+"**"
if match.group(3):
# if ="" then use UPPERCASE(group(2))"
val = match.group(3)
if val == "\"\"":
val = match.group(2).upper()
p = p+"[=*"+val+"*]"
val = match.group(3)
if val in ("true", "false"):
params[key] = params[key].rstrip()
if not params[key].endswith('.'):
params[key] = params[key]+ "."
params[key] = params[key] + " The default is *"+val+"*."
val = "*true*|*false*"
o = o+"="+val
print "nomatch:"+k
new_usage = new_usage+ "\n["+"|".join(ps)+"]"
options = options + ", ".join(opts) + "\n "+ params[key]+"\n\n"
if new_usage != "":
new_usage = new_usage.strip() + "\n"
usage = new_usage + usage
outtext = open("docs/man/docker-"+command+".1.md", "w")
outtext.write("""% DOCKER(1) Docker User Manuals
% Docker Community
% JUNE 2014
outtext.write("docker-"+command+" - "+usage_description+"\n\n")
outtext.write("# SYNOPSIS\n**docker "+command+"**\n"+usage+"\n\n")
if description != "":
outtext.write("# DESCRIPTION"+description)
if options == "":
options = "There are no available options.\n\n"
outtext.write("# OPTIONS\n"+options)
if examples != "":
outtext.write("# EXAMPLES"+examples)
outtext.write("# HISTORY\n")
if history != "":
2014-07-23 12:40:10 +10:00
recent_history_re = re.compile(".*"+date_string+".*", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
2014-07-01 12:58:04 +10:00
if not recent_history_re.match(history):
2014-07-23 12:40:10 +10:00
outtext.write(date_string+", updated by Sven Dowideit <SvenDowideit@home.org.au>\n")
2014-07-01 12:58:04 +10:00
# main