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package networkdb
//go:generate protoc -I.:../Godeps/_workspace/src/,Mgogoproto/ networkdb.proto
import (
const (
byTable int = 1 + iota
// NetworkDB instance drives the networkdb cluster and acts the broker
// for cluster-scoped and network-scoped gossip and watches.
type NetworkDB struct {
// The clocks MUST be the first things
// in this struct due to Golang issue #599.
// Global lamport clock for node network attach events.
networkClock serf.LamportClock
// Global lamport clock for table events.
tableClock serf.LamportClock
// NetworkDB configuration.
config *Config
// All the tree index (byTable, byNetwork) that we maintain
// the db.
indexes map[int]*radix.Tree
// Memberlist we use to drive the cluster.
memberlist *memberlist.Memberlist
// List of all peer nodes in the cluster not-limited to any
// network.
nodes map[string]*node
// List of all peer nodes which have failed
failedNodes map[string]*node
// List of all peer nodes which have left
leftNodes map[string]*node
// A multi-dimensional map of network/node attachmemts. The
// first key is a node name and the second key is a network ID
// for the network that node is participating in.
networks map[string]map[string]*network
// A map of nodes which are participating in a given
// network. The key is a network ID.
networkNodes map[string][]string
// A table of ack channels for every node from which we are
// waiting for an ack.
bulkSyncAckTbl map[string]chan struct{}
// Broadcast queue for network event gossip.
networkBroadcasts *memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue
// Broadcast queue for node event gossip.
nodeBroadcasts *memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue
// A central stop channel to stop all go routines running on
// behalf of the NetworkDB instance.
stopCh chan struct{}
// A central broadcaster for all local watchers watching table
// events.
broadcaster *events.Broadcaster
// List of all tickers which needed to be stopped when
// cleaning up.
tickers []*time.Ticker
// Reference to the memberlist's keyring to add & remove keys
keyring *memberlist.Keyring
// PeerInfo represents the peer (gossip cluster) nodes of a network
type PeerInfo struct {
Name string
IP string
type node struct {
ltime serf.LamportTime
// Number of hours left before the reaper removes the node
reapTime time.Duration
// network describes the node/network attachment.
type network struct {
// Network ID
id string
// Lamport time for the latest state of the entry.
ltime serf.LamportTime
// Node leave is in progress.
leaving bool
// Number of seconds still left before a deleted network entry gets
// removed from networkDB
reapTime time.Duration
// The broadcast queue for table event gossip. This is only
// initialized for this node's network attachment entries.
tableBroadcasts *memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue
// Config represents the configuration of the networdb instance and
// can be passed by the caller.
type Config struct {
// NodeName is the cluster wide unique name for this node.
NodeName string
// BindAddr is the IP on which networkdb listens. It can be
// to listen on all addresses on the host.
BindAddr string
// AdvertiseAddr is the node's IP address that we advertise for
// cluster communication.
AdvertiseAddr string
// BindPort is the local node's port to which we bind to for
// cluster communication.
BindPort int
// Keys to be added to the Keyring of the memberlist. Key at index
// 0 is the primary key
Keys [][]byte
// entry defines a table entry
type entry struct {
// node from which this entry was learned.
node string
// Lamport time for the most recent update to the entry
ltime serf.LamportTime
// Opaque value store in the entry
value []byte
// Deleting the entry is in progress. All entries linger in
// the cluster for certain amount of time after deletion.
deleting bool
// Number of seconds still left before a deleted table entry gets
// removed from networkDB
reapTime time.Duration
// New creates a new instance of NetworkDB using the Config passed by
// the caller.
func New(c *Config) (*NetworkDB, error) {
nDB := &NetworkDB{
config: c,
indexes: make(map[int]*radix.Tree),
networks: make(map[string]map[string]*network),
nodes: make(map[string]*node),
failedNodes: make(map[string]*node),
leftNodes: make(map[string]*node),
networkNodes: make(map[string][]string),
bulkSyncAckTbl: make(map[string]chan struct{}),
broadcaster: events.NewBroadcaster(),
nDB.indexes[byTable] = radix.New()
nDB.indexes[byNetwork] = radix.New()
if err := nDB.clusterInit(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return nDB, nil
// Join joins this NetworkDB instance with a list of peer NetworkDB
// instances passed by the caller in the form of addr:port
func (nDB *NetworkDB) Join(members []string) error {
return nDB.clusterJoin(members)
// Close destroys this NetworkDB instance by leave the cluster,
// stopping timers, canceling goroutines etc.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) Close() {
if err := nDB.clusterLeave(); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Could not close DB %s: %v", nDB.config.NodeName, err)
// Peers returns the gossip peers for a given network.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) Peers(nid string) []PeerInfo {
defer nDB.RUnlock()
peers := make([]PeerInfo, 0, len(nDB.networkNodes[nid]))
for _, nodeName := range nDB.networkNodes[nid] {
if node, ok := nDB.nodes[nodeName]; ok {
peers = append(peers, PeerInfo{
Name: node.Name,
IP: node.Addr.String(),
return peers
// GetEntry retrieves the value of a table entry in a given (network,
// table, key) tuple
func (nDB *NetworkDB) GetEntry(tname, nid, key string) ([]byte, error) {
entry, err := nDB.getEntry(tname, nid, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return entry.value, nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) getEntry(tname, nid, key string) (*entry, error) {
defer nDB.RUnlock()
e, ok := nDB.indexes[byTable].Get(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key))
if !ok {
return nil, types.NotFoundErrorf("could not get entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s", tname, nid, key)
return e.(*entry), nil
// CreateEntry creates a table entry in NetworkDB for given (network,
// table, key) tuple and if the NetworkDB is part of the cluster
// propagates this event to the cluster. It is an error to create an
// entry for the same tuple for which there is already an existing
// entry unless the current entry is deleting state.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) CreateEntry(tname, nid, key string, value []byte) error {
oldEntry, err := nDB.getEntry(tname, nid, key)
if err != nil {
if _, ok := err.(types.NotFoundError); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s: %v", tname, nid, key, err)
if oldEntry != nil && !oldEntry.deleting {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s, already exists", tname, nid, key)
entry := &entry{
ltime: nDB.tableClock.Increment(),
node: nDB.config.NodeName,
value: value,
if err := nDB.sendTableEvent(TableEventTypeCreate, nid, tname, key, entry); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot send create event for table %s, %v", tname, err)
nDB.indexes[byTable].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key), entry)
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key), entry)
nDB.broadcaster.Write(makeEvent(opCreate, tname, nid, key, value))
return nil
// UpdateEntry updates a table entry in NetworkDB for given (network,
// table, key) tuple and if the NetworkDB is part of the cluster
// propagates this event to the cluster. It is an error to update a
// non-existent entry.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) UpdateEntry(tname, nid, key string, value []byte) error {
if _, err := nDB.GetEntry(tname, nid, key); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update entry as the entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s does not exist", tname, nid, key)
entry := &entry{
ltime: nDB.tableClock.Increment(),
node: nDB.config.NodeName,
value: value,
if err := nDB.sendTableEvent(TableEventTypeUpdate, nid, tname, key, entry); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot send table update event: %v", err)
nDB.indexes[byTable].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key), entry)
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key), entry)
nDB.broadcaster.Write(makeEvent(opUpdate, tname, nid, key, value))
return nil
// DeleteEntry deletes a table entry in NetworkDB for given (network,
// table, key) tuple and if the NetworkDB is part of the cluster
// propagates this event to the cluster.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) DeleteEntry(tname, nid, key string) error {
value, err := nDB.GetEntry(tname, nid, key)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete entry as the entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s does not exist", tname, nid, key)
entry := &entry{
ltime: nDB.tableClock.Increment(),
node: nDB.config.NodeName,
value: value,
deleting: true,
reapTime: reapInterval,
if err := nDB.sendTableEvent(TableEventTypeDelete, nid, tname, key, entry); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot send table delete event: %v", err)
nDB.indexes[byTable].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key), entry)
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key), entry)
nDB.broadcaster.Write(makeEvent(opDelete, tname, nid, key, value))
return nil
func (nDB *NetworkDB) deleteNetworkEntriesForNode(deletedNode string) {
for nid, nodes := range nDB.networkNodes {
updatedNodes := make([]string, 0, len(nodes))
for _, node := range nodes {
if node == deletedNode {
updatedNodes = append(updatedNodes, node)
nDB.networkNodes[nid] = updatedNodes
delete(nDB.networks, deletedNode)
func (nDB *NetworkDB) deleteNodeTableEntries(node string) {
nDB.indexes[byTable].Walk(func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
oldEntry := v.(*entry)
if oldEntry.node != node {
return false
params := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
tname := params[0]
nid := params[1]
key := params[2]
entry := &entry{
ltime: oldEntry.ltime,
node: node,
value: oldEntry.value,
deleting: true,
reapTime: reapInterval,
nDB.indexes[byTable].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key), entry)
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key), entry)
nDB.broadcaster.Write(makeEvent(opDelete, tname, nid, key, entry.value))
return false
// WalkTable walks a single table in NetworkDB and invokes the passed
// function for each entry in the table passing the network, key,
// value. The walk stops if the passed function returns a true.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) WalkTable(tname string, fn func(string, string, []byte) bool) error {
values := make(map[string]interface{})
nDB.indexes[byTable].WalkPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", tname), func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
values[path] = v
return false
for k, v := range values {
params := strings.Split(k[1:], "/")
nid := params[1]
key := params[2]
if fn(nid, key, v.(*entry).value) {
return nil
return nil
// JoinNetwork joins this node to a given network and propagates this
// event across the cluster. This triggers this node joining the
// sub-cluster of this network and participates in the network-scoped
// gossip and bulk sync for this network.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) JoinNetwork(nid string) error {
ltime := nDB.networkClock.Increment()
nodeNetworks, ok := nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeName]
if !ok {
nodeNetworks = make(map[string]*network)
nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeName] = nodeNetworks
nodeNetworks[nid] = &network{id: nid, ltime: ltime}
nodeNetworks[nid].tableBroadcasts = &memberlist.TransmitLimitedQueue{
NumNodes: func() int {
num := len(nDB.networkNodes[nid])
return num
RetransmitMult: 4,
nDB.networkNodes[nid] = append(nDB.networkNodes[nid], nDB.config.NodeName)
networkNodes := nDB.networkNodes[nid]
if err := nDB.sendNetworkEvent(nid, NetworkEventTypeJoin, ltime); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send leave network event for %s: %v", nid, err)
logrus.Debugf("%s: joined network %s", nDB.config.NodeName, nid)
if _, err := nDB.bulkSync(networkNodes, true); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("Error bulk syncing while joining network %s: %v", nid, err)
return nil
// LeaveNetwork leaves this node from a given network and propagates
// this event across the cluster. This triggers this node leaving the
// sub-cluster of this network and as a result will no longer
// participate in the network-scoped gossip and bulk sync for this
// network. Also remove all the table entries for this network from
// networkdb
func (nDB *NetworkDB) LeaveNetwork(nid string) error {
ltime := nDB.networkClock.Increment()
if err := nDB.sendNetworkEvent(nid, NetworkEventTypeLeave, ltime); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to send leave network event for %s: %v", nid, err)
defer nDB.Unlock()
var (
paths []string
entries []*entry
nwWalker := func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
entry, ok := v.(*entry)
if !ok {
return false
paths = append(paths, path)
entries = append(entries, entry)
return false
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].WalkPrefix(fmt.Sprintf("/%s", nid), nwWalker)
for _, path := range paths {
params := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
tname := params[1]
key := params[2]
if _, ok := nDB.indexes[byTable].Delete(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key)); !ok {
logrus.Errorf("Could not delete entry in table %s with network id %s and key %s as it does not exist", tname, nid, key)
if _, ok := nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Delete(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key)); !ok {
logrus.Errorf("Could not delete entry in network %s with table name %s and key %s as it does not exist", nid, tname, key)
nodeNetworks, ok := nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find self node for network %s while trying to leave", nid)
n, ok := nodeNetworks[nid]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("could not find network %s while trying to leave", nid)
n.ltime = ltime
n.leaving = true
return nil
// addNetworkNode adds the node to the list of nodes which participate
// in the passed network only if it is not already present. Caller
// should hold the NetworkDB lock while calling this
func (nDB *NetworkDB) addNetworkNode(nid string, nodeName string) {
nodes := nDB.networkNodes[nid]
for _, node := range nodes {
if node == nodeName {
nDB.networkNodes[nid] = append(nDB.networkNodes[nid], nodeName)
// Deletes the node from the list of nodes which participate in the
// passed network. Caller should hold the NetworkDB lock while calling
// this
func (nDB *NetworkDB) deleteNetworkNode(nid string, nodeName string) {
nodes := nDB.networkNodes[nid]
newNodes := make([]string, 0, len(nodes)-1)
for _, name := range nodes {
if name == nodeName {
newNodes = append(newNodes, name)
nDB.networkNodes[nid] = newNodes
// findCommonnetworks find the networks that both this node and the
// passed node have joined.
func (nDB *NetworkDB) findCommonNetworks(nodeName string) []string {
defer nDB.RUnlock()
var networks []string
for nid := range nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeName] {
if n, ok := nDB.networks[nodeName][nid]; ok {
if !n.leaving {
networks = append(networks, nid)
return networks
func (nDB *NetworkDB) updateLocalNetworkTime() {
defer nDB.Unlock()
ltime := nDB.networkClock.Increment()
for _, n := range nDB.networks[nDB.config.NodeName] {
n.ltime = ltime
func (nDB *NetworkDB) updateLocalTableTime() {
defer nDB.Unlock()
ltime := nDB.tableClock.Increment()
nDB.indexes[byTable].Walk(func(path string, v interface{}) bool {
entry := v.(*entry)
if entry.node != nDB.config.NodeName {
return false
params := strings.Split(path[1:], "/")
tname := params[0]
nid := params[1]
key := params[2]
entry.ltime = ltime
nDB.indexes[byTable].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", tname, nid, key), entry)
nDB.indexes[byNetwork].Insert(fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s/%s", nid, tname, key), entry)
return false