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// Package awslogs provides the logdriver for forwarding container logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs
package awslogs
import (
const (
name = "awslogs"
regionKey = "awslogs-region"
regionEnvKey = "AWS_REGION"
logGroupKey = "awslogs-group"
logStreamKey = "awslogs-stream"
tagKey = "tag"
batchPublishFrequency = 5 * time.Second
// See:
perEventBytes = 26
maximumBytesPerPut = 1048576
maximumLogEventsPerPut = 10000
// See:
maximumBytesPerEvent = 262144 - perEventBytes
resourceAlreadyExistsCode = "ResourceAlreadyExistsException"
dataAlreadyAcceptedCode = "DataAlreadyAcceptedException"
invalidSequenceTokenCode = "InvalidSequenceTokenException"
userAgentHeader = "User-Agent"
type logStream struct {
logStreamName string
logGroupName string
client api
messages chan *logger.Message
lock sync.RWMutex
closed bool
sequenceToken *string
type api interface {
CreateLogStream(*cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamInput) (*cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamOutput, error)
PutLogEvents(*cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput) (*cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsOutput, error)
type regionFinder interface {
Region() (string, error)
type wrappedEvent struct {
inputLogEvent *cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent
insertOrder int
type byTimestamp []wrappedEvent
// init registers the awslogs driver
func init() {
if err := logger.RegisterLogDriver(name, New); err != nil {
if err := logger.RegisterLogOptValidator(name, ValidateLogOpt); err != nil {
// New creates an awslogs logger using the configuration passed in on the
// context. Supported context configuration variables are awslogs-region,
// awslogs-group, and awslogs-stream. When available, configuration is
// also taken from environment variables AWS_REGION, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
// AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, the shared credentials file (~/.aws/credentials), and
// the EC2 Instance Metadata Service.
func New(ctx logger.Context) (logger.Logger, error) {
logGroupName := ctx.Config[logGroupKey]
logStreamName, err := loggerutils.ParseLogTag(ctx, "{{.FullID}}")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ctx.Config[logStreamKey] != "" {
logStreamName = ctx.Config[logStreamKey]
client, err := newAWSLogsClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
containerStream := &logStream{
logStreamName: logStreamName,
logGroupName: logGroupName,
client: client,
messages: make(chan *logger.Message, 4096),
err = containerStream.create()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go containerStream.collectBatch()
return containerStream, nil
// newRegionFinder is a variable such that the implementation
// can be swapped out for unit tests.
var newRegionFinder = func() regionFinder {
return ec2metadata.New(session.New())
// newAWSLogsClient creates the service client for Amazon CloudWatch Logs.
// Customizations to the default client from the SDK include a Docker-specific
// User-Agent string and automatic region detection using the EC2 Instance
// Metadata Service when region is otherwise unspecified.
func newAWSLogsClient(ctx logger.Context) (api, error) {
var region *string
if os.Getenv(regionEnvKey) != "" {
region = aws.String(os.Getenv(regionEnvKey))
if ctx.Config[regionKey] != "" {
region = aws.String(ctx.Config[regionKey])
if region == nil || *region == "" {
logrus.Info("Trying to get region from EC2 Metadata")
ec2MetadataClient := newRegionFinder()
r, err := ec2MetadataClient.Region()
if err != nil {
"error": err,
}).Error("Could not get region from EC2 metadata, environment, or log option")
return nil, errors.New("Cannot determine region for awslogs driver")
region = &r
"region": *region,
}).Debug("Created awslogs client")
client := cloudwatchlogs.New(session.New(), aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(*region))
Name: "DockerUserAgentHandler",
Fn: func(r *request.Request) {
currentAgent := r.HTTPRequest.Header.Get(userAgentHeader)
fmt.Sprintf("Docker %s (%s) %s",
dockerversion.Version, runtime.GOOS, currentAgent))
return client, nil
// Name returns the name of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Name() string {
return name
// Log submits messages for logging by an instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Log(msg *logger.Message) error {
defer l.lock.RUnlock()
if !l.closed {
Improve logging of long log lines This change updates how we handle long lines of output from the container. The previous logic used a bufio reader to read entire lines of output from the container through an intermediate BytesPipe, and that allowed the container to cause dockerd to consume an unconstrained amount of memory as it attempted to collect a whole line of output, by outputting data without newlines. To avoid that, we replace the bufio reader with our own buffering scheme that handles log lines up to 16k in length, breaking up anything longer than that into multiple chunks. If we can dispense with noting this detail properly at the end of output, we can switch from using ReadBytes() to using ReadLine() instead. We add a field ("Partial") to the log message structure to flag when we pass data to the log driver that did not end with a newline. The Line member of Message structures that we pass to log drivers is now a slice into data which can be overwritten between calls to the log driver's Log() method, so drivers which batch up Messages before processing them need to take additional care: we add a function (logger.CopyMessage()) that can be used to create a deep copy of a Message structure, and modify the awslogs driver to use it. We update the jsonfile log driver to append a "\n" to the data that it logs to disk only when the Partial flag is false (it previously did so unconditionally), to make its "logs" output correctly reproduce the data as we received it. Likewise, we modify the journald log driver to add a data field with value CONTAINER_PARTIAL_MESSAGE=true to entries when the Partial flag is true, and update its "logs" reader to refrain from appending a "\n" to the data that it retrieves if it does not see this field/value pair (it also previously did this unconditionally). Signed-off-by: Nalin Dahyabhai <> (github: nalind)
2016-05-24 14:12:47 -04:00
// buffer up the data, making sure to copy the Line data
l.messages <- logger.CopyMessage(msg)
return nil
// Close closes the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) Close() error {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
if !l.closed {
l.closed = true
return nil
// create creates a log stream for the instance of the awslogs logging driver
func (l *logStream) create() error {
input := &cloudwatchlogs.CreateLogStreamInput{
LogGroupName: aws.String(l.logGroupName),
LogStreamName: aws.String(l.logStreamName),
_, err := l.client.CreateLogStream(input)
if err != nil {
if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
fields := logrus.Fields{
"errorCode": awsErr.Code(),
"message": awsErr.Message(),
"origError": awsErr.OrigErr(),
"logGroupName": l.logGroupName,
"logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
if awsErr.Code() == resourceAlreadyExistsCode {
// Allow creation to succeed
logrus.WithFields(fields).Info("Log stream already exists")
return nil
logrus.WithFields(fields).Error("Failed to create log stream")
return err
// newTicker is used for time-based batching. newTicker is a variable such
// that the implementation can be swapped out for unit tests.
var newTicker = func(freq time.Duration) *time.Ticker {
return time.NewTicker(freq)
// collectBatch executes as a goroutine to perform batching of log events for
// submission to the log stream. Batching is performed on time- and size-
// bases. Time-based batching occurs at a 5 second interval (defined in the
// batchPublishFrequency const). Size-based batching is performed on the
// maximum number of events per batch (defined in maximumLogEventsPerPut) and
// the maximum number of total bytes in a batch (defined in
// maximumBytesPerPut). Log messages are split by the maximum bytes per event
// (defined in maximumBytesPerEvent). There is a fixed per-event byte overhead
// (defined in perEventBytes) which is accounted for in split- and batch-
// calculations.
func (l *logStream) collectBatch() {
timer := newTicker(batchPublishFrequency)
var events []wrappedEvent
bytes := 0
for {
select {
case <-timer.C:
events = events[:0]
bytes = 0
case msg, more := <-l.messages:
if !more {
unprocessedLine := msg.Line
for len(unprocessedLine) > 0 {
// Split line length so it does not exceed the maximum
lineBytes := len(unprocessedLine)
if lineBytes > maximumBytesPerEvent {
lineBytes = maximumBytesPerEvent
line := unprocessedLine[:lineBytes]
unprocessedLine = unprocessedLine[lineBytes:]
if (len(events) >= maximumLogEventsPerPut) || (bytes+lineBytes+perEventBytes > maximumBytesPerPut) {
// Publish an existing batch if it's already over the maximum number of events or if adding this
// event would push it over the maximum number of total bytes.
events = events[:0]
bytes = 0
events = append(events, wrappedEvent{
inputLogEvent: &cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent{
Message: aws.String(string(line)),
Timestamp: aws.Int64(msg.Timestamp.UnixNano() / int64(time.Millisecond)),
insertOrder: len(events),
bytes += (lineBytes + perEventBytes)
// publishBatch calls PutLogEvents for a given set of InputLogEvents,
// accounting for sequencing requirements (each request must reference the
// sequence token returned by the previous request).
func (l *logStream) publishBatch(events []wrappedEvent) {
if len(events) == 0 {
// events in a batch must be sorted by timestamp
// see
cwEvents := unwrapEvents(events)
nextSequenceToken, err := l.putLogEvents(cwEvents, l.sequenceToken)
if err != nil {
if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
if awsErr.Code() == dataAlreadyAcceptedCode {
// already submitted, just grab the correct sequence token
parts := strings.Split(awsErr.Message(), " ")
nextSequenceToken = &parts[len(parts)-1]
"errorCode": awsErr.Code(),
"message": awsErr.Message(),
"logGroupName": l.logGroupName,
"logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
}).Info("Data already accepted, ignoring error")
err = nil
} else if awsErr.Code() == invalidSequenceTokenCode {
// sequence code is bad, grab the correct one and retry
parts := strings.Split(awsErr.Message(), " ")
token := parts[len(parts)-1]
nextSequenceToken, err = l.putLogEvents(cwEvents, &token)
if err != nil {
} else {
l.sequenceToken = nextSequenceToken
// putLogEvents wraps the PutLogEvents API
func (l *logStream) putLogEvents(events []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent, sequenceToken *string) (*string, error) {
input := &cloudwatchlogs.PutLogEventsInput{
LogEvents: events,
SequenceToken: sequenceToken,
LogGroupName: aws.String(l.logGroupName),
LogStreamName: aws.String(l.logStreamName),
resp, err := l.client.PutLogEvents(input)
if err != nil {
if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
"errorCode": awsErr.Code(),
"message": awsErr.Message(),
"origError": awsErr.OrigErr(),
"logGroupName": l.logGroupName,
"logStreamName": l.logStreamName,
}).Error("Failed to put log events")
return nil, err
return resp.NextSequenceToken, nil
// ValidateLogOpt looks for awslogs-specific log options awslogs-region,
// awslogs-group, and awslogs-stream
func ValidateLogOpt(cfg map[string]string) error {
for key := range cfg {
switch key {
case logGroupKey:
case logStreamKey:
case regionKey:
case tagKey:
return fmt.Errorf("unknown log opt '%s' for %s log driver", key, name)
if cfg[logGroupKey] == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("must specify a value for log opt '%s'", logGroupKey)
return nil
// Len returns the length of a byTimestamp slice. Len is required by the
// sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Len() int {
return len(slice)
// Less compares two values in a byTimestamp slice by Timestamp. Less is
// required by the sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Less(i, j int) bool {
iTimestamp, jTimestamp := int64(0), int64(0)
if slice != nil && slice[i].inputLogEvent.Timestamp != nil {
iTimestamp = *slice[i].inputLogEvent.Timestamp
if slice != nil && slice[j].inputLogEvent.Timestamp != nil {
jTimestamp = *slice[j].inputLogEvent.Timestamp
if iTimestamp == jTimestamp {
return slice[i].insertOrder < slice[j].insertOrder
return iTimestamp < jTimestamp
// Swap swaps two values in a byTimestamp slice with each other. Swap is
// required by the sort.Interface interface.
func (slice byTimestamp) Swap(i, j int) {
slice[i], slice[j] = slice[j], slice[i]
func unwrapEvents(events []wrappedEvent) []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent {
cwEvents := []*cloudwatchlogs.InputLogEvent{}
for _, input := range events {
cwEvents = append(cwEvents, input.inputLogEvent)
return cwEvents