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// +build go1.7
package nethttp
import (
type contextKey int
const (
keyTracer contextKey = iota
const defaultComponentName = "net/http"
// Transport wraps a RoundTripper. If a request is being traced with
// Tracer, Transport will inject the current span into the headers,
// and set HTTP related tags on the span.
type Transport struct {
// The actual RoundTripper to use for the request. A nil
// RoundTripper defaults to http.DefaultTransport.
type clientOptions struct {
operationName string
componentName string
urlTagFunc func(u *url.URL) string
disableClientTrace bool
disableInjectSpanContext bool
spanObserver func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request)
// ClientOption contols the behavior of TraceRequest.
type ClientOption func(*clientOptions)
// OperationName returns a ClientOption that sets the operation
// name for the client-side span.
func OperationName(operationName string) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.operationName = operationName
// URLTagFunc returns a ClientOption that uses given function f
// to set the span's http.url tag. Can be used to change the default
// http.url tag, eg to redact sensitive information.
func URLTagFunc(f func(u *url.URL) string) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.urlTagFunc = f
// ComponentName returns a ClientOption that sets the component
// name for the client-side span.
func ComponentName(componentName string) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.componentName = componentName
// ClientTrace returns a ClientOption that turns on or off
// extra instrumentation via httptrace.WithClientTrace.
func ClientTrace(enabled bool) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.disableClientTrace = !enabled
// InjectSpanContext returns a ClientOption that turns on or off
// injection of the Span context in the request HTTP headers.
// If this option is not used, the default behaviour is to
// inject the span context.
func InjectSpanContext(enabled bool) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.disableInjectSpanContext = !enabled
// ClientSpanObserver returns a ClientOption that observes the span
// for the client-side span.
func ClientSpanObserver(f func(span opentracing.Span, r *http.Request)) ClientOption {
return func(options *clientOptions) {
options.spanObserver = f
// TraceRequest adds a ClientTracer to req, tracing the request and
// all requests caused due to redirects. When tracing requests this
// way you must also use Transport.
// Example:
// func AskGoogle(ctx context.Context) error {
// client := &http.Client{Transport: &nethttp.Transport{}}
// req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// req = req.WithContext(ctx) // extend existing trace, if any
// req, ht := nethttp.TraceRequest(tracer, req)
// defer ht.Finish()
// res, err := client.Do(req)
// if err != nil {
// return err
// }
// res.Body.Close()
// return nil
// }
func TraceRequest(tr opentracing.Tracer, req *http.Request, options ...ClientOption) (*http.Request, *Tracer) {
opts := &clientOptions{
urlTagFunc: func(u *url.URL) string {
return u.String()
spanObserver: func(_ opentracing.Span, _ *http.Request) {},
for _, opt := range options {
ht := &Tracer{tr: tr, opts: opts}
ctx := req.Context()
if !opts.disableClientTrace {
ctx = httptrace.WithClientTrace(ctx, ht.clientTrace())
req = req.WithContext(context.WithValue(ctx, keyTracer, ht))
return req, ht
type closeTracker struct {
sp opentracing.Span
func (c closeTracker) Close() error {
err := c.ReadCloser.Close()
c.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "ClosedBody"))
return err
// TracerFromRequest retrieves the Tracer from the request. If the request does
// not have a Tracer it will return nil.
func TracerFromRequest(req *http.Request) *Tracer {
tr, ok := req.Context().Value(keyTracer).(*Tracer)
if !ok {
return nil
return tr
// RoundTrip implements the RoundTripper interface.
func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
rt := t.RoundTripper
if rt == nil {
rt = http.DefaultTransport
tracer := TracerFromRequest(req)
if tracer == nil {
return rt.RoundTrip(req)
ext.HTTPMethod.Set(tracer.sp, req.Method)
ext.HTTPUrl.Set(tracer.sp, tracer.opts.urlTagFunc(req.URL))
tracer.opts.spanObserver(tracer.sp, req)
if !tracer.opts.disableInjectSpanContext {
carrier := opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header)
tracer.sp.Tracer().Inject(tracer.sp.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, carrier)
resp, err := rt.RoundTrip(req)
if err != nil {
return resp, err
ext.HTTPStatusCode.Set(tracer.sp, uint16(resp.StatusCode))
if resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusInternalServerError {
ext.Error.Set(tracer.sp, true)
if req.Method == "HEAD" {
} else {
resp.Body = closeTracker{resp.Body, tracer.sp}
return resp, nil
// Tracer holds tracing details for one HTTP request.
type Tracer struct {
tr opentracing.Tracer
root opentracing.Span
sp opentracing.Span
opts *clientOptions
func (h *Tracer) start(req *http.Request) opentracing.Span {
if h.root == nil {
parent := opentracing.SpanFromContext(req.Context())
var spanctx opentracing.SpanContext
if parent != nil {
spanctx = parent.Context()
operationName := h.opts.operationName
if operationName == "" {
operationName = "HTTP Client"
root :=, opentracing.ChildOf(spanctx))
h.root = root
ctx := h.root.Context()
h.sp ="HTTP "+req.Method, opentracing.ChildOf(ctx))
componentName := h.opts.componentName
if componentName == "" {
componentName = defaultComponentName
ext.Component.Set(h.sp, componentName)
return h.sp
// Finish finishes the span of the traced request.
func (h *Tracer) Finish() {
if h.root != nil {
// Span returns the root span of the traced request. This function
// should only be called after the request has been executed.
func (h *Tracer) Span() opentracing.Span {
return h.root
func (h *Tracer) clientTrace() *httptrace.ClientTrace {
return &httptrace.ClientTrace{
GetConn: h.getConn,
GotConn: h.gotConn,
PutIdleConn: h.putIdleConn,
GotFirstResponseByte: h.gotFirstResponseByte,
Got100Continue: h.got100Continue,
DNSStart: h.dnsStart,
DNSDone: h.dnsDone,
ConnectStart: h.connectStart,
ConnectDone: h.connectDone,
WroteHeaders: h.wroteHeaders,
Wait100Continue: h.wait100Continue,
WroteRequest: h.wroteRequest,
func (h *Tracer) getConn(hostPort string) {
ext.HTTPUrl.Set(h.sp, hostPort)
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GetConn"))
func (h *Tracer) gotConn(info httptrace.GotConnInfo) {
h.sp.SetTag("net/http.reused", info.Reused)
h.sp.SetTag("net/http.was_idle", info.WasIdle)
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GotConn"))
func (h *Tracer) putIdleConn(error) {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "PutIdleConn"))
func (h *Tracer) gotFirstResponseByte() {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "GotFirstResponseByte"))
func (h *Tracer) got100Continue() {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "Got100Continue"))
func (h *Tracer) dnsStart(info httptrace.DNSStartInfo) {
log.String("event", "DNSStart"),
log.String("host", info.Host),
func (h *Tracer) dnsDone(info httptrace.DNSDoneInfo) {
fields := []log.Field{log.String("event", "DNSDone")}
for _, addr := range info.Addrs {
fields = append(fields, log.String("addr", addr.String()))
if info.Err != nil {
fields = append(fields, log.Error(info.Err))
func (h *Tracer) connectStart(network, addr string) {
log.String("event", "ConnectStart"),
log.String("network", network),
log.String("addr", addr),
func (h *Tracer) connectDone(network, addr string, err error) {
if err != nil {
log.String("message", "ConnectDone"),
log.String("network", network),
log.String("addr", addr),
log.String("event", "error"),
} else {
log.String("event", "ConnectDone"),
log.String("network", network),
log.String("addr", addr),
func (h *Tracer) wroteHeaders() {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "WroteHeaders"))
func (h *Tracer) wait100Continue() {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "Wait100Continue"))
func (h *Tracer) wroteRequest(info httptrace.WroteRequestInfo) {
if info.Err != nil {
log.String("message", "WroteRequest"),
log.String("event", "error"),
ext.Error.Set(h.sp, true)
} else {
h.sp.LogFields(log.String("event", "WroteRequest"))