What is the Dockerfile instruction to specify the base image ?<br/>
<divclass="alert alert-error level_error"id="level1_error0"style="display:none;">The right answer was <code>FROM</code></div>
What is the Dockerfile instruction to execute any commands on the current image and commit the results?<br/>
<divclass="alert alert-error level_error"id="level1_error1"style="display:none;">The right answer was <code>RUN</code></div>
What is the Dockerfile instruction to specify the maintainer of the Dockerfile?<br/>
<divclass="alert alert-error level_error"id="level1_error2"style="display:none;">The right answer was <code>MAINTAINER</code></div>
What is the character used to add comment in Dockerfiles?<br/>
<divclass="alert alert-error level_error"id="level1_error3"style="display:none;">The right answer was <code>#</code></div>
<divclass="alert alert-success"id="all_good"style="display:none;">Congratulations, you made no mistake!<br/>
Tell the world <ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="twitter-share-button"data-url="http://www.docker.io/learn/dockerfile/level1/"data-text="I just successfully answered questions of the #Dockerfile tutorial Level 1. What's your score?"data-via="docker">Tweet</a><br/>
<divclass="alert alert-error"id="no_good"style="display:none;">Your Dockerfile skills are not yet perfect, try to take the time to read this tutorial again.</div>
<divclass="alert alert-block"id="some_good"style="display:none;">You're almost there! Read carefully the sections corresponding to your errors, and take the test again!</div>
<buttonclass="btn btn-primary"id="check_level1_questions">Check your answers</button>
### Fill the Dockerfile
Your best friend Eric Bardin sent you a Dockerfile, but some parts were lost in the ocean. Can you find the missing parts?
# This is a Dockerfile to create an image with Memcached and Emacs installed. <br>
# VERSION 1.0<br>
# use the ubuntu base image provided by dotCloud
<divclass="alert alert-success"id="dockerfile_ok"style="display:none;">Congratulations, you successfully restored Eric's Dockerfile! You are ready to containerize the world!.<br/>
Tell the world! <ahref="https://twitter.com/share"class="twitter-share-button"data-url="https://www.docker.io/learn/dockerfile/level1/"data-text="I just successfully completed the 'Fill the Dockerfile' challenge of the #Dockerfile tutorial Level 1"data-via="docker">Tweet</a>
<divclass="alert alert-error"id="dockerfile_ko"style="display:none;">Wooops, there are one or more errors in the Dockerfile. Try again.</div>
<buttonclass="btn btn-primary"id="check_level1_fill">Check the Dockerfile</button></p>
## What's next?
<p>In the next level, we will go into more detail about how to specify which command should be executed when the container starts,
which user to use, and how expose a particular port.</p>