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// Package types contains types that are common across libnetwork project
package types
import (
// constants for the IP address type
// Deprecated: use the consts defined in
const (
IP = iota // IPv4 and IPv6
// EncryptionKey is the libnetwork representation of the key distributed by the lead
// manager.
type EncryptionKey struct {
Subsystem string
Algorithm int32
Key []byte
LamportTime uint64
// UUID represents a globally unique ID of various resources like network and endpoint
type UUID string
// QosPolicy represents a quality of service policy on an endpoint
type QosPolicy struct {
MaxEgressBandwidth uint64
// TransportPort represents a local Layer 4 endpoint
type TransportPort struct {
Proto Protocol
Port uint16
// Equal checks if this instance of Transportport is equal to the passed one
func (t *TransportPort) Equal(o *TransportPort) bool {
if t == o {
return true
if o == nil {
return false
if t.Proto != o.Proto || t.Port != o.Port {
return false
return true
// GetCopy returns a copy of this TransportPort structure instance
func (t *TransportPort) GetCopy() TransportPort {
return TransportPort{Proto: t.Proto, Port: t.Port}
// String returns the TransportPort structure in string form
func (t *TransportPort) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", t.Proto.String(), t.Port)
// PortBinding represents a port binding between the container and the host
type PortBinding struct {
Proto Protocol
IP net.IP
Port uint16
HostIP net.IP
HostPort uint16
HostPortEnd uint16
// HostAddr returns the host side transport address
func (p PortBinding) HostAddr() (net.Addr, error) {
switch p.Proto {
case UDP:
return &net.UDPAddr{IP: p.HostIP, Port: int(p.HostPort)}, nil
case TCP:
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: p.HostIP, Port: int(p.HostPort)}, nil
case SCTP:
return &sctp.SCTPAddr{IPAddrs: []net.IPAddr{{IP: p.HostIP}}, Port: int(p.HostPort)}, nil
return nil, ErrInvalidProtocolBinding(p.Proto.String())
// ContainerAddr returns the container side transport address
func (p PortBinding) ContainerAddr() (net.Addr, error) {
switch p.Proto {
case UDP:
return &net.UDPAddr{IP: p.IP, Port: int(p.Port)}, nil
case TCP:
return &net.TCPAddr{IP: p.IP, Port: int(p.Port)}, nil
case SCTP:
return &sctp.SCTPAddr{IPAddrs: []net.IPAddr{{IP: p.IP}}, Port: int(p.Port)}, nil
return nil, ErrInvalidProtocolBinding(p.Proto.String())
// GetCopy returns a copy of this PortBinding structure instance
func (p *PortBinding) GetCopy() PortBinding {
return PortBinding{
Proto: p.Proto,
IP: GetIPCopy(p.IP),
Port: p.Port,
HostIP: GetIPCopy(p.HostIP),
HostPort: p.HostPort,
HostPortEnd: p.HostPortEnd,
// String returns the PortBinding structure in string form
func (p *PortBinding) String() string {
ret := fmt.Sprintf("%s/", p.Proto)
if p.IP != nil {
ret += p.IP.String()
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d/", ret, p.Port)
if p.HostIP != nil {
ret += p.HostIP.String()
ret = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ret, p.HostPort)
return ret
// Equal checks if this instance of PortBinding is equal to the passed one
func (p *PortBinding) Equal(o *PortBinding) bool {
if p == o {
return true
if o == nil {
return false
if p.Proto != o.Proto || p.Port != o.Port ||
p.HostPort != o.HostPort || p.HostPortEnd != o.HostPortEnd {
return false
if p.IP != nil {
if !p.IP.Equal(o.IP) {
return false
} else {
if o.IP != nil {
return false
if p.HostIP != nil {
if !p.HostIP.Equal(o.HostIP) {
return false
} else {
if o.HostIP != nil {
return false
return true
// ErrInvalidProtocolBinding is returned when the port binding protocol is not valid.
type ErrInvalidProtocolBinding string
func (ipb ErrInvalidProtocolBinding) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("invalid transport protocol: %s", string(ipb))
const (
// ICMP is for the ICMP ip protocol
ICMP = 1
// TCP is for the TCP ip protocol
TCP = 6
// UDP is for the UDP ip protocol
UDP = 17
// SCTP is for the SCTP ip protocol
SCTP = 132
// Protocol represents an IP protocol number
type Protocol uint8
func (p Protocol) String() string {
switch p {
case ICMP:
return "icmp"
case TCP:
return "tcp"
case UDP:
return "udp"
case SCTP:
return "sctp"
return strconv.Itoa(int(p))
// ParseProtocol returns the respective Protocol type for the passed string
func ParseProtocol(s string) Protocol {
switch strings.ToLower(s) {
case "icmp":
return ICMP
case "udp":
return UDP
case "tcp":
return TCP
case "sctp":
return SCTP
return 0
// GetMacCopy returns a copy of the passed MAC address
func GetMacCopy(from net.HardwareAddr) net.HardwareAddr {
if from == nil {
return nil
to := make(net.HardwareAddr, len(from))
copy(to, from)
return to
// GetIPCopy returns a copy of the passed IP address
func GetIPCopy(from net.IP) net.IP {
if from == nil {
return nil
to := make(net.IP, len(from))
copy(to, from)
return to
// GetIPNetCopy returns a copy of the passed IP Network
func GetIPNetCopy(from *net.IPNet) *net.IPNet {
if from == nil {
return nil
bm := make(net.IPMask, len(from.Mask))
copy(bm, from.Mask)
return &net.IPNet{IP: GetIPCopy(from.IP), Mask: bm}
// GetIPNetCanonical returns the canonical form for the passed network
func GetIPNetCanonical(nw *net.IPNet) *net.IPNet {
if nw == nil {
return nil
c := GetIPNetCopy(nw)
c.IP = c.IP.Mask(nw.Mask)
return c
// CompareIPNet returns equal if the two IP Networks are equal
func CompareIPNet(a, b *net.IPNet) bool {
if a == b {
return true
if a == nil || b == nil {
return false
return a.IP.Equal(b.IP) && bytes.Equal(a.Mask, b.Mask)
// GetMinimalIP returns the address in its shortest form
// If ip contains an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address, the 4-octet form of the IPv4 address will be returned.
// Otherwise ip is returned unchanged.
func GetMinimalIP(ip net.IP) net.IP {
if ip != nil && ip.To4() != nil {
return ip.To4()
return ip
// IsIPNetValid returns true if the ipnet is a valid network/mask
// combination. Otherwise returns false.
func IsIPNetValid(nw *net.IPNet) bool {
return nw.String() != ""
var v4inV6MaskPrefix = []byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}
// compareIPMask checks if the passed ip and mask are semantically compatible.
// It returns the byte indexes for the address and mask so that caller can
// do bitwise operations without modifying address representation.
func compareIPMask(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) (is int, ms int, err error) {
// Find the effective starting of address and mask
if len(ip) == net.IPv6len && ip.To4() != nil {
is = 12
if len(ip[is:]) == net.IPv4len && len(mask) == net.IPv6len && bytes.Equal(mask[:12], v4inV6MaskPrefix) {
ms = 12
// Check if address and mask are semantically compatible
if len(ip[is:]) != len(mask[ms:]) {
err = fmt.Errorf("ip and mask are not compatible: (%#v, %#v)", ip, mask)
// GetHostPartIP returns the host portion of the ip address identified by the mask.
// IP address representation is not modified. If address and mask are not compatible
// an error is returned.
func GetHostPartIP(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) (net.IP, error) {
// Find the effective starting of address and mask
is, ms, err := compareIPMask(ip, mask)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot compute host portion ip address because %s", err)
// Compute host portion
out := GetIPCopy(ip)
for i := 0; i < len(mask[ms:]); i++ {
out[is+i] &= ^mask[ms+i]
return out, nil
// GetBroadcastIP returns the broadcast ip address for the passed network (ip and mask).
// IP address representation is not modified. If address and mask are not compatible
// an error is returned.
func GetBroadcastIP(ip net.IP, mask net.IPMask) (net.IP, error) {
// Find the effective starting of address and mask
is, ms, err := compareIPMask(ip, mask)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot compute broadcast ip address because %s", err)
// Compute broadcast address
out := GetIPCopy(ip)
for i := 0; i < len(mask[ms:]); i++ {
out[is+i] |= ^mask[ms+i]
return out, nil
// ParseCIDR returns the *net.IPNet represented by the passed CIDR notation
func ParseCIDR(cidr string) (n *net.IPNet, e error) {
var i net.IP
if i, n, e = net.ParseCIDR(cidr); e == nil {
n.IP = i
const (
// NEXTHOP indicates a StaticRoute with an IP next hop.
NEXTHOP = iota
// CONNECTED indicates a StaticRoute with an interface for directly connected peers.
// StaticRoute is a statically-provisioned IP route.
type StaticRoute struct {
Destination *net.IPNet
RouteType int // NEXT_HOP or CONNECTED
// NextHop will be resolved by the kernel (i.e. as a loose hop).
NextHop net.IP
// GetCopy returns a copy of this StaticRoute structure
func (r *StaticRoute) GetCopy() *StaticRoute {
d := GetIPNetCopy(r.Destination)
nh := GetIPCopy(r.NextHop)
return &StaticRoute{Destination: d,
RouteType: r.RouteType,
NextHop: nh,
// InterfaceStatistics represents the interface's statistics
type InterfaceStatistics struct {
RxBytes uint64
RxPackets uint64
RxErrors uint64
RxDropped uint64
TxBytes uint64
TxPackets uint64
TxErrors uint64
TxDropped uint64
func (is *InterfaceStatistics) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\nRxBytes: %d, RxPackets: %d, RxErrors: %d, RxDropped: %d, TxBytes: %d, TxPackets: %d, TxErrors: %d, TxDropped: %d",
is.RxBytes, is.RxPackets, is.RxErrors, is.RxDropped, is.TxBytes, is.TxPackets, is.TxErrors, is.TxDropped)
* Well-known Error Interfaces
// MaskableError is an interface for errors which can be ignored by caller
type MaskableError interface {
// Maskable makes implementer into MaskableError type
// RetryError is an interface for errors which might get resolved through retry
type RetryError interface {
// Retry makes implementer into RetryError type
// BadRequestError is an interface for errors originated by a bad request
type BadRequestError interface {
// BadRequest makes implementer into BadRequestError type
// NotFoundError is an interface for errors raised because a needed resource is not available
type NotFoundError interface {
// NotFound makes implementer into NotFoundError type
// ForbiddenError is an interface for errors which denote a valid request that cannot be honored
type ForbiddenError interface {
// Forbidden makes implementer into ForbiddenError type
// NoServiceError is an interface for errors returned when the required service is not available
type NoServiceError interface {
// NoService makes implementer into NoServiceError type
// TimeoutError is an interface for errors raised because of timeout
type TimeoutError interface {
// Timeout makes implementer into TimeoutError type
// NotImplementedError is an interface for errors raised because of requested functionality is not yet implemented
type NotImplementedError interface {
// NotImplemented makes implementer into NotImplementedError type
// InternalError is an interface for errors raised because of an internal error
type InternalError interface {
// Internal makes implementer into InternalError type
* Well-known Error Formatters
// BadRequestErrorf creates an instance of BadRequestError
func BadRequestErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return badRequest(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// NotFoundErrorf creates an instance of NotFoundError
func NotFoundErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return notFound(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// ForbiddenErrorf creates an instance of ForbiddenError
func ForbiddenErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return forbidden(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// NoServiceErrorf creates an instance of NoServiceError
func NoServiceErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return noService(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// NotImplementedErrorf creates an instance of NotImplementedError
func NotImplementedErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return notImpl(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// TimeoutErrorf creates an instance of TimeoutError
func TimeoutErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return timeout(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// InternalErrorf creates an instance of InternalError
func InternalErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return internal(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// InternalMaskableErrorf creates an instance of InternalError and MaskableError
func InternalMaskableErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return maskInternal(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
// RetryErrorf creates an instance of RetryError
func RetryErrorf(format string, params ...interface{}) error {
return retry(fmt.Sprintf(format, params...))
* Internal Error Types
type badRequest string
func (br badRequest) Error() string {
return string(br)
func (br badRequest) BadRequest() {}
type notFound string
func (nf notFound) Error() string {
return string(nf)
func (nf notFound) NotFound() {}
type forbidden string
func (frb forbidden) Error() string {
return string(frb)
func (frb forbidden) Forbidden() {}
type noService string
func (ns noService) Error() string {
return string(ns)
func (ns noService) NoService() {}
type timeout string
func (to timeout) Error() string {
return string(to)
func (to timeout) Timeout() {}
type notImpl string
func (ni notImpl) Error() string {
return string(ni)
func (ni notImpl) NotImplemented() {}
type internal string
func (nt internal) Error() string {
return string(nt)
func (nt internal) Internal() {}
type maskInternal string
func (mnt maskInternal) Error() string {
return string(mnt)
func (mnt maskInternal) Internal() {}
func (mnt maskInternal) Maskable() {}
type retry string
func (r retry) Error() string {
return string(r)
func (r retry) Retry() {}