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# reusable workflow
name: .windows
# TODO: hide reusable workflow from the UI. Tracked in
required: true
type: string
required: false
type: boolean
default: false
Update to go 1.19.2 to address CVE-2022-2879, CVE-2022-2880, CVE-2022-41715 From the mailing list: We have just released Go versions 1.19.2 and 1.18.7, minor point releases. These minor releases include 3 security fixes following the security policy: - archive/tar: unbounded memory consumption when reading headers Reader.Read did not set a limit on the maximum size of file headers. A maliciously crafted archive could cause Read to allocate unbounded amounts of memory, potentially causing resource exhaustion or panics. Reader.Read now limits the maximum size of header blocks to 1 MiB. Thanks to Adam Korczynski (ADA Logics) and OSS-Fuzz for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-2879 and Go issue - net/http/httputil: ReverseProxy should not forward unparseable query parameters Requests forwarded by ReverseProxy included the raw query parameters from the inbound request, including unparseable parameters rejected by net/http. This could permit query parameter smuggling when a Go proxy forwards a parameter with an unparseable value. ReverseProxy will now sanitize the query parameters in the forwarded query when the outbound request's Form field is set after the ReverseProxy.Director function returns, indicating that the proxy has parsed the query parameters. Proxies which do not parse query parameters continue to forward the original query parameters unchanged. Thanks to Gal Goldstein (Security Researcher, Oxeye) and Daniel Abeles (Head of Research, Oxeye) for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-2880 and Go issue - regexp/syntax: limit memory used by parsing regexps The parsed regexp representation is linear in the size of the input, but in some cases the constant factor can be as high as 40,000, making relatively small regexps consume much larger amounts of memory. Each regexp being parsed is now limited to a 256 MB memory footprint. Regular expressions whose representation would use more space than that are now rejected. Normal use of regular expressions is unaffected. Thanks to Adam Korczynski (ADA Logics) and OSS-Fuzz for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-41715 and Go issue View the release notes for more information: Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
2022-10-04 18:41:45 +00:00
GO_VERSION: 1.19.2
WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019: ltsc2019
WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022: ltsc2022
TEST_IMAGE_NAME: moby:test
runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
BIN_OUT: ${{ github.workspace }}\out
working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Env
run: |
Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
name: Init
run: |
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build"
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod"
If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
} ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
name: Cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
${{ github.workspace }}\go-build
${{ env.GOPATH }}\pkg\mod
key: ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-${{ hashFiles('**/vendor.sum') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-
name: Docker info
run: |
docker info
name: Build base image
run: |
docker pull ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }}
docker tag ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }} microsoft/windowsservercore
docker build --build-arg GO_VERSION -t ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} -f .
name: Build binaries
run: |
& docker run --name ${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }} -e "DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${{ github.sha }}" `
-v "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build:C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\go-build" `
-v "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod:C:\gopath\pkg\mod" `
${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} hack\make.ps1 -Daemon -Client
name: Copy artifacts
run: |
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}"
docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles\docker.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles\dockerd.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\gopath\bin\gotestsum.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\containerd\bin\containerd.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
docker cp "${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }}`:c`:\containerd\bin\containerd-shim-runhcs-v1.exe" ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\
name: Upload artifacts
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: build-${{ inputs.os }}
path: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}/*
if-no-files-found: error
retention-days: 2
runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Env
run: |
Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
name: Init
run: |
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build"
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod"
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "bundles"
If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
} ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
name: Cache
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
${{ github.workspace }}\go-build
${{ env.GOPATH }}\pkg\mod
key: ${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-${{ hashFiles('**/vendor.sum') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ inputs.os }}-${{ github.job }}-
name: Docker info
run: |
docker info
name: Build base image
run: |
docker pull ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }}
docker tag ${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE }}:${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG }} microsoft/windowsservercore
docker build --build-arg GO_VERSION -t ${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} -f .
name: Test
run: |
& docker run --name ${{ env.TEST_CTN_NAME }} -e "DOCKER_GITCOMMIT=${{ github.sha }}" `
-v "${{ github.workspace }}\go-build:C:\Users\ContainerAdministrator\AppData\Local\go-build" `
-v "${{ github.workspace }}\go\pkg\mod:C:\gopath\pkg\mod" `
-v "${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles:C:\gopath\src\\docker\docker\bundles" `
${{ env.TEST_IMAGE_NAME }} hack\make.ps1 -TestUnit
name: Send to Codecov
if: inputs.send_coverage
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker
directory: bundles
env_vars: RUNNER_OS
flags: unit
name: Upload reports
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ inputs.os }}-unit-reports
path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles\*
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always()
- unit-test
name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
Update to go 1.19.1 to address CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2022-32190 From the mailing list: We have just released Go versions 1.19.1 and 1.18.6, minor point releases. These minor releases include 2 security fixes following the security policy: - net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service. Thanks to Bahruz Jabiyev, Tommaso Innocenti, Anthony Gavazzi, Steven Sprecher, and Kaan Onarlioglu for reporting this. This is CVE-2022-27664 and Go issue - net/url: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances JoinPath and URL.JoinPath would not remove `../` path components appended to a relative path. For example, `JoinPath("", "../go")` returned the URL ``, despite the JoinPath documentation stating that `../` path elements are cleaned from the result. Thanks to q0jt for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-32190 and Go issue Release notes: go1.19.1 (released 2022-09-06) includes security fixes to the net/http and net/url packages, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the linker, the runtime, and the crypto/tls and crypto/x509 packages. See the Go 1.19.1 milestone on the issue tracker for details. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
2022-09-06 20:33:13 +00:00
go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
name: Download artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: ${{ inputs.os }}-unit-reports
path: /tmp/artifacts
name: Install teststat
run: |
go install${{ env.TESTSTAT_VERSION }}
name: Create summary
run: |
teststat -markdown $(find /tmp/artifacts -type f -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0) >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
matrix: ${{ steps.tests.outputs.matrix }}
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
Update to go 1.19.1 to address CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2022-32190 From the mailing list: We have just released Go versions 1.19.1 and 1.18.6, minor point releases. These minor releases include 2 security fixes following the security policy: - net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service. Thanks to Bahruz Jabiyev, Tommaso Innocenti, Anthony Gavazzi, Steven Sprecher, and Kaan Onarlioglu for reporting this. This is CVE-2022-27664 and Go issue - net/url: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances JoinPath and URL.JoinPath would not remove `../` path components appended to a relative path. For example, `JoinPath("", "../go")` returned the URL ``, despite the JoinPath documentation stating that `../` path elements are cleaned from the result. Thanks to q0jt for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-32190 and Go issue Release notes: go1.19.1 (released 2022-09-06) includes security fixes to the net/http and net/url packages, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the linker, the runtime, and the crypto/tls and crypto/x509 packages. See the Go 1.19.1 milestone on the issue tracker for details. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
2022-09-06 20:33:13 +00:00
go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
name: Install gotestlist
go install${{ env.GOTESTLIST_VERSION }}
name: Create matrix
id: tests
working-directory: ./integration-cli
run: |
# Distribute integration-cli tests for the matrix in integration-test job.
# Also prepend ./... to the matrix. This is a special case to run "Test integration" step exclusively.
matrix="$(gotestlist -d ${{ env.ITG_CLI_MATRIX_SIZE }} ./...)"
matrix="$(echo "$matrix" | jq -c '. |= ["./..."] + .')"
echo "::set-output name=matrix::$matrix"
name: Show matrix
run: |
echo ${{ steps.tests.outputs.matrix }}
runs-on: ${{ inputs.os }}
- build
- integration-test-prepare
fail-fast: false
- builtin
- containerd
test: ${{ fromJson(needs.integration-test-prepare.outputs.matrix) }}
GOPATH: ${{ github.workspace }}\go
GOBIN: ${{ github.workspace }}\go\bin
BIN_OUT: ${{ github.workspace }}\out
working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}/src/
name: Env
run: |
Get-ChildItem Env: | Out-String
name: Download artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: build-${{ inputs.os }}
path: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}
name: Init
run: |
New-Item -ItemType "directory" -Path "bundles"
If ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2019") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2019 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
} ElseIf ("${{ inputs.os }}" -eq "windows-2022") {
echo "WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE_TAG=${{ env.WINDOWS_BASE_TAG_2022 }}" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
Write-Output "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}" | Out-File -FilePath $env:GITHUB_PATH -Encoding utf8 -Append
# removes docker service that is currently installed on the runner. we
# could use Uninstall-Package but not yet available on Windows runners.
# more info:
name: Removing current daemon
run: |
if (Get-Service docker -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$dockerVersion = (docker version -f "{{.Server.Version}}")
Write-Host "Current installed Docker version: $dockerVersion"
# remove service
Stop-Service -Force -Name docker
Remove-Service -Name docker
# removes event log entry. we could use "Remove-EventLog -LogName -Source docker"
# but this cmd is not available atm
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
& reg delete "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\Application\docker" /f 2>&1 | Out-Null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Write-Host "Service removed"
name: Starting containerd
if: matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
run: |
Write-Host "Generating config"
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\containerd.exe" config default | Out-File "$env:TEMP\ctn.toml" -Encoding ascii
Write-Host "Creating service"
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\ctn-root" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\ctn-state" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Start-Process -Wait "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\containerd.exe" `
-ArgumentList "--log-level=debug", `
"--config=$env:TEMP\ctn.toml", `
"--address=\\.\pipe\containerd-containerd", `
"--root=$env:TEMP\ctn-root", `
"--state=$env:TEMP\ctn-state", `
"--log-file=$env:TEMP\ctn.log", `
Write-Host "Starting service"
Start-Service -Name containerd
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Host "Service started successfully!"
name: Starting test daemon
run: |
Write-Host "Creating service"
If ("${{ matrix.runtime }}" -eq "containerd") {
echo "DOCKER_WINDOWS_CONTAINERD_RUNTIME=1" | Out-File -FilePath $Env:GITHUB_ENV -Encoding utf-8 -Append
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\moby-root" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$env:TEMP\moby-exec" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
Start-Process -Wait -NoNewWindow "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\dockerd" `
-ArgumentList $runtimeArg, "--debug", `
"--host=npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine", `
"--data-root=$env:TEMP\moby-root", `
"--exec-root=$env:TEMP\moby-exec", `
"--pidfile=$env:TEMP\", `
Write-Host "Starting service"
Start-Service -Name docker
Write-Host "Service started successfully!"
name: Waiting for test daemon to start
run: |
Write-Host "Waiting for the test daemon to start..."
While ($true) {
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" version
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
If ($LastExitCode -eq 0) {
If ($tries -le 0) {
Throw "Failed to get a response from the daemon"
Write-Host -NoNewline "."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host "Test daemon started and replied!"
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
name: Docker info
run: |
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" info
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
name: Building contrib/busybox
run: |
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" build -t busybox `
--build-arg WINDOWS_BASE_IMAGE `
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
name: List images
run: |
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" images
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
Update to go 1.19.1 to address CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2022-32190 From the mailing list: We have just released Go versions 1.19.1 and 1.18.6, minor point releases. These minor releases include 2 security fixes following the security policy: - net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service. Thanks to Bahruz Jabiyev, Tommaso Innocenti, Anthony Gavazzi, Steven Sprecher, and Kaan Onarlioglu for reporting this. This is CVE-2022-27664 and Go issue - net/url: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances JoinPath and URL.JoinPath would not remove `../` path components appended to a relative path. For example, `JoinPath("", "../go")` returned the URL ``, despite the JoinPath documentation stating that `../` path elements are cleaned from the result. Thanks to q0jt for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-32190 and Go issue Release notes: go1.19.1 (released 2022-09-06) includes security fixes to the net/http and net/url packages, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the linker, the runtime, and the crypto/tls and crypto/x509 packages. See the Go 1.19.1 milestone on the issue tracker for details. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
2022-09-06 20:33:13 +00:00
go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
name: Test integration
if: matrix.test == './...'
run: |
.\hack\make.ps1 -TestIntegration
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
GO111MODULE: "off"
TEST_CLIENT_BINARY: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker
name: Test integration-cli
if: matrix.test != './...'
run: |
.\hack\make.ps1 -TestIntegrationCli
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
GO111MODULE: "off"
TEST_CLIENT_BINARY: ${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker
INTEGRATION_TESTRUN: ${{ matrix.test }}
name: Send to Codecov
if: inputs.send_coverage
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
working-directory: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker
directory: bundles
env_vars: RUNNER_OS
flags: integration,${{ matrix.runtime }}
name: Docker info
run: |
& "${{ env.BIN_OUT }}\docker" info
DOCKER_HOST: npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine
name: Stop containerd
if: always() && matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
run: |
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Stop-Service -Force -Name containerd
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
name: Containerd logs
if: always() && matrix.runtime == 'containerd'
run: |
Copy-Item "$env:TEMP\ctn.log" -Destination ".\bundles\containerd.log"
Get-Content "$env:TEMP\ctn.log" | Out-Host
name: Stop daemon
if: always()
run: |
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Stop-Service -Force -Name docker
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# as the daemon is registered as a service we have to check the event
# logs against the docker provider.
name: Daemon event logs
if: always()
run: |
Get-WinEvent -ea SilentlyContinue `
-FilterHashtable @{ProviderName= "docker"; LogName = "application"} |
Sort-Object @{Expression="TimeCreated";Descending=$false} |
ForEach-Object {"$($_.TimeCreated.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o")) [$($_.LevelDisplayName)] $($_.Message)"} |
Tee-Object -file ".\bundles\daemon.log"
name: Upload reports
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ inputs.os }}-integration-reports-${{ matrix.runtime }}
path: ${{ env.GOPATH }}\src\\docker\docker\bundles\*
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: always()
- integration-test
fail-fast: false
- builtin
- containerd
name: Set up Go
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
Update to go 1.19.1 to address CVE-2022-27664, CVE-2022-32190 From the mailing list: We have just released Go versions 1.19.1 and 1.18.6, minor point releases. These minor releases include 2 security fixes following the security policy: - net/http: handle server errors after sending GOAWAY A closing HTTP/2 server connection could hang forever waiting for a clean shutdown that was preempted by a subsequent fatal error. This failure mode could be exploited to cause a denial of service. Thanks to Bahruz Jabiyev, Tommaso Innocenti, Anthony Gavazzi, Steven Sprecher, and Kaan Onarlioglu for reporting this. This is CVE-2022-27664 and Go issue - net/url: JoinPath does not strip relative path components in all circumstances JoinPath and URL.JoinPath would not remove `../` path components appended to a relative path. For example, `JoinPath("", "../go")` returned the URL ``, despite the JoinPath documentation stating that `../` path elements are cleaned from the result. Thanks to q0jt for reporting this issue. This is CVE-2022-32190 and Go issue Release notes: go1.19.1 (released 2022-09-06) includes security fixes to the net/http and net/url packages, as well as bug fixes to the compiler, the go command, the pprof command, the linker, the runtime, and the crypto/tls and crypto/x509 packages. See the Go 1.19.1 milestone on the issue tracker for details. Signed-off-by: Sebastiaan van Stijn <>
2022-09-06 20:33:13 +00:00
go-version: ${{ env.GO_VERSION }}
name: Download artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
name: ${{ inputs.os }}-integration-reports-${{ matrix.runtime }}
path: /tmp/artifacts
name: Install teststat
run: |
go install${{ env.TESTSTAT_VERSION }}
name: Create summary
run: |
teststat -markdown $(find /tmp/artifacts -type f -name '*.json' -print0 | xargs -0) >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY