2017-07-01 04:54:51 +10:00
.PHONY : all binary dynbinary build cross deb help init -go -pkg -cache install manpages rpm run shell test test -docker -py test -integration -cli test -unit tgz validate win
2013-11-14 05:34:25 +00:00
2016-03-24 09:12:40 -07:00
# set the graph driver as the current graphdriver if not set
2016-04-06 14:45:32 -07:00
DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER := $( if $( DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER) ,$( DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER) ,$( shell docker info 2>& 1 | grep "Storage Driver" | sed 's/.*: //' ) )
2016-11-15 16:23:48 +01:00
2016-03-24 09:12:40 -07:00
2015-11-05 15:38:41 +01:00
# get OS/Arch of docker engine
2017-04-17 18:18:46 -05:00
DOCKER_OSARCH := $( shell bash -c 'source hack/make/.detect-daemon-osarch && echo $${DOCKER_ENGINE_OSARCH}' )
2016-03-10 19:19:33 -08:00
DOCKERFILE := $( shell bash -c 'source hack/make/.detect-daemon-osarch && echo $${DOCKERFILE}' )
2015-11-05 15:38:41 +01:00
2016-11-16 11:49:32 +01:00
DOCKER_GITCOMMIT := $( shell git rev-parse --short HEAD || echo unsupported)
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
# env vars passed through directly to Docker's build scripts
2016-02-19 17:42:51 -05:00
# to allow things like `make KEEPBUNDLE=1 binary` easily
2016-07-01 17:18:42 +08:00
# `project/PACKAGERS.md` have some limited documentation of some of these
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2017-06-20 16:39:52 -04:00
2016-09-07 10:57:00 -04:00
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2016-02-04 09:41:48 -05:00
2016-08-10 10:19:01 +08:00
2016-01-26 16:17:05 -05:00
2016-01-15 15:37:46 -08:00
2017-06-23 18:05:38 +02:00
2017-04-17 18:18:46 -05:00
2015-05-07 13:22:44 +01:00
2015-05-19 15:09:58 -07:00
2016-04-14 10:37:42 +01:00
2016-11-15 16:23:48 +01:00
2016-01-26 16:17:05 -05:00
2016-07-07 16:01:44 -04:00
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
2015-04-15 08:39:15 +02:00
2015-05-06 22:39:29 +00:00
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2016-07-09 11:52:33 +08:00
-e http_proxy \
-e https_proxy \
-e no_proxy
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
# note: we _cannot_ add "-e DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" here because even if it's unset in the shell, that would shadow the "ENV DOCKER_BUILDTAGS" set in our Dockerfile, which is very important for our official builds
2015-02-13 15:50:42 -07:00
# to allow `make BIND_DIR=. shell` or `make BIND_DIR= test`
2014-07-07 10:50:48 -06:00
# (default to no bind mount if DOCKER_HOST is set)
2015-02-13 15:50:42 -07:00
# note: BINDDIR is supported for backwards-compatibility here
BIND_DIR := $( if $( BINDDIR) ,$( BINDDIR) ,$( if $( DOCKER_HOST) ,,bundles) )
DOCKER_MOUNT := $( if $( BIND_DIR) ,-v " $( CURDIR) / $( BIND_DIR) :/go/src/github.com/docker/docker/ $( BIND_DIR) " )
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2016-09-22 16:49:28 -04:00
# This allows the test suite to be able to run without worrying about the underlying fs used by the container running the daemon (e.g. aufs-on-aufs), so long as the host running the container is running a supported fs.
# The volume will be cleaned up when the container is removed due to `--rm`.
# Note that `BIND_DIR` will already be set to `bundles` if `DOCKER_HOST` is not set (see above BIND_DIR line), in such case this will do nothing since `DOCKER_MOUNT` will already be set.
2017-01-30 10:51:26 +01:00
DOCKER_MOUNT := $( if $( DOCKER_MOUNT) ,$( DOCKER_MOUNT) ,-v /go/src/github.com/docker/docker/bundles) -v $( CURDIR) /.git:/go/src/github.com/docker/docker/.git
2016-09-22 16:49:28 -04:00
2016-12-16 10:18:40 +01:00
# This allows to set the docker-dev container name
2016-12-05 10:10:06 -05:00
# enable package cache if DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY and DOCKER_MOUNT (i.e.DOCKER_HOST) are set
[EXPERIMENTAL] Integration Test on Swarm
This commit adds contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh,
which enables IT to be running in parallel, using Swarm-mode and Funker.
Please refer to contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md
The test takes almost 5 to 6 minutes, with 10 n1-standard-4 GCE instances.
$ ./contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh --push-worker-image example.gcr.io/foo/bar --replicas 30 --shuffle
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Loaded 1618 tests (30 chunks)
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing 30 chunks in parallel, against "integration-cli-worker"
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing chunk 0 (contains 54 test filters)
2016/12/29 08:34:34 Finished chunk 28 [1/30] with 54 test filters in 2m19.098068003s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:38 Finished chunk 12 [2/30] with 54 test filters in 2m23.088569511s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:48 Finished chunk 10 [3/30] with 54 test filters in 2m33.880679079s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:54 Finished chunk 20 [4/30] with 54 test filters in 2m39.973747028s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 18 [5/30] with 54 test filters in 2m56.28384361s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 29 [6/30] with 52 test filters in 2m56.54047088s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:15 Finished chunk 1 [7/30] with 54 test filters in 3m0.285044426s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:22 Finished chunk 6 [8/30] with 54 test filters in 3m7.211775338s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:24 Finished chunk 25 [9/30] with 54 test filters in 3m9.938413009s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:30 Finished chunk 27 [10/30] with 54 test filters in 3m15.219834368s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:36 Finished chunk 9 [11/30] with 54 test filters in 3m21.615434162s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:41 Finished chunk 13 [12/30] with 54 test filters in 3m26.576907401s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:45 Finished chunk 17 [13/30] with 54 test filters in 3m30.290752537s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:53 Finished chunk 2 [14/30] with 54 test filters in 3m38.148423321s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:55 Finished chunk 24 [15/30] with 54 test filters in 3m40.09669137s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 8 [16/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.299945108s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 22 [17/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.946558809s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:59 Finished chunk 23 [18/30] with 54 test filters in 3m44.232557165s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:02 Finished chunk 3 [19/30] with 54 test filters in 3m47.112051358s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 15 [20/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.340656645s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 11 [21/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.882401231s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:22 Finished chunk 19 [22/30] with 54 test filters in 4m7.551093516s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:23 Finished chunk 21 [23/30] with 54 test filters in 4m8.221093446s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:25 Finished chunk 16 [24/30] with 54 test filters in 4m10.450451705s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:27 Finished chunk 5 [25/30] with 54 test filters in 4m12.162272692s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:28 Finished chunk 14 [26/30] with 54 test filters in 4m13.977801031s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:29 Finished chunk 0 [27/30] with 54 test filters in 4m14.34086812s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:49 Finished chunk 26 [28/30] with 54 test filters in 4m34.437085539s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:14 Finished chunk 7 [29/30] with 54 test filters in 4m59.22902721s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Finished chunk 4 [30/30] with 54 test filters in 5m5.103469214s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Executed 30 chunks in 5m5.104379119s. PASS: 30, FAIL: 0.
Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2016-12-07 07:16:48 +00:00
PKGCACHE_MAP := gopath:/go/pkg goroot-linux_amd64:/usr/local/go/pkg/linux_amd64 goroot-linux_amd64_netgo:/usr/local/go/pkg/linux_amd64_netgo
2016-12-05 10:10:06 -05:00
PKGCACHE_VOLROOT := dockerdev-go-pkg-cache
[EXPERIMENTAL] Integration Test on Swarm
This commit adds contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh,
which enables IT to be running in parallel, using Swarm-mode and Funker.
Please refer to contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md
The test takes almost 5 to 6 minutes, with 10 n1-standard-4 GCE instances.
$ ./contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh --push-worker-image example.gcr.io/foo/bar --replicas 30 --shuffle
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Loaded 1618 tests (30 chunks)
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing 30 chunks in parallel, against "integration-cli-worker"
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing chunk 0 (contains 54 test filters)
2016/12/29 08:34:34 Finished chunk 28 [1/30] with 54 test filters in 2m19.098068003s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:38 Finished chunk 12 [2/30] with 54 test filters in 2m23.088569511s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:48 Finished chunk 10 [3/30] with 54 test filters in 2m33.880679079s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:54 Finished chunk 20 [4/30] with 54 test filters in 2m39.973747028s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 18 [5/30] with 54 test filters in 2m56.28384361s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 29 [6/30] with 52 test filters in 2m56.54047088s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:15 Finished chunk 1 [7/30] with 54 test filters in 3m0.285044426s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:22 Finished chunk 6 [8/30] with 54 test filters in 3m7.211775338s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:24 Finished chunk 25 [9/30] with 54 test filters in 3m9.938413009s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:30 Finished chunk 27 [10/30] with 54 test filters in 3m15.219834368s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:36 Finished chunk 9 [11/30] with 54 test filters in 3m21.615434162s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:41 Finished chunk 13 [12/30] with 54 test filters in 3m26.576907401s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:45 Finished chunk 17 [13/30] with 54 test filters in 3m30.290752537s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:53 Finished chunk 2 [14/30] with 54 test filters in 3m38.148423321s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:55 Finished chunk 24 [15/30] with 54 test filters in 3m40.09669137s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 8 [16/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.299945108s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 22 [17/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.946558809s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:59 Finished chunk 23 [18/30] with 54 test filters in 3m44.232557165s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:02 Finished chunk 3 [19/30] with 54 test filters in 3m47.112051358s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 15 [20/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.340656645s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 11 [21/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.882401231s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:22 Finished chunk 19 [22/30] with 54 test filters in 4m7.551093516s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:23 Finished chunk 21 [23/30] with 54 test filters in 4m8.221093446s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:25 Finished chunk 16 [24/30] with 54 test filters in 4m10.450451705s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:27 Finished chunk 5 [25/30] with 54 test filters in 4m12.162272692s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:28 Finished chunk 14 [26/30] with 54 test filters in 4m13.977801031s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:29 Finished chunk 0 [27/30] with 54 test filters in 4m14.34086812s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:49 Finished chunk 26 [28/30] with 54 test filters in 4m34.437085539s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:14 Finished chunk 7 [29/30] with 54 test filters in 4m59.22902721s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Finished chunk 4 [30/30] with 54 test filters in 5m5.103469214s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Executed 30 chunks in 5m5.104379119s. PASS: 30, FAIL: 0.
Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2016-12-07 07:16:48 +00:00
DOCKER_MOUNT_PKGCACHE := $( if $( DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY) ,$( shell echo $( PKGCACHE_MAP) | sed -E 's@([^ ]*)@-v "$(PKGCACHE_VOL)\1"@g' ) ,)
2017-04-17 18:18:46 -05:00
DOCKER_MOUNT_CLI := $( if $( DOCKER_CLI_PATH) ,-v $( shell dirname $( DOCKER_CLI_PATH) ) :/usr/local/cli,)
2017-06-23 18:05:38 +02:00
DOCKER_MOUNT_BASH_COMPLETION := $( if $( DOCKER_BASH_COMPLETION_PATH) ,-v $( shell dirname $( DOCKER_BASH_COMPLETION_PATH) ) :/usr/local/completion/bash,)
2016-06-27 09:19:48 +00:00
2014-04-01 22:43:38 -06:00
GIT_BRANCH := $( shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)
2016-05-08 11:52:38 +02:00
GIT_BRANCH_CLEAN := $( shell echo $( GIT_BRANCH) | sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g" )
2016-07-07 16:01:44 -04:00
2014-03-28 18:40:16 -07:00
2016-12-16 10:18:40 +01:00
2016-08-30 09:09:31 -04:00
2016-09-07 10:57:00 -04:00
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2016-12-02 17:37:56 +00:00
[EXPERIMENTAL] Integration Test on Swarm
This commit adds contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh,
which enables IT to be running in parallel, using Swarm-mode and Funker.
Please refer to contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md
The test takes almost 5 to 6 minutes, with 10 n1-standard-4 GCE instances.
$ ./contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh --push-worker-image example.gcr.io/foo/bar --replicas 30 --shuffle
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Loaded 1618 tests (30 chunks)
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing 30 chunks in parallel, against "integration-cli-worker"
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing chunk 0 (contains 54 test filters)
2016/12/29 08:34:34 Finished chunk 28 [1/30] with 54 test filters in 2m19.098068003s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:38 Finished chunk 12 [2/30] with 54 test filters in 2m23.088569511s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:48 Finished chunk 10 [3/30] with 54 test filters in 2m33.880679079s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:54 Finished chunk 20 [4/30] with 54 test filters in 2m39.973747028s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 18 [5/30] with 54 test filters in 2m56.28384361s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 29 [6/30] with 52 test filters in 2m56.54047088s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:15 Finished chunk 1 [7/30] with 54 test filters in 3m0.285044426s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:22 Finished chunk 6 [8/30] with 54 test filters in 3m7.211775338s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:24 Finished chunk 25 [9/30] with 54 test filters in 3m9.938413009s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:30 Finished chunk 27 [10/30] with 54 test filters in 3m15.219834368s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:36 Finished chunk 9 [11/30] with 54 test filters in 3m21.615434162s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:41 Finished chunk 13 [12/30] with 54 test filters in 3m26.576907401s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:45 Finished chunk 17 [13/30] with 54 test filters in 3m30.290752537s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:53 Finished chunk 2 [14/30] with 54 test filters in 3m38.148423321s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:55 Finished chunk 24 [15/30] with 54 test filters in 3m40.09669137s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 8 [16/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.299945108s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 22 [17/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.946558809s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:59 Finished chunk 23 [18/30] with 54 test filters in 3m44.232557165s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:02 Finished chunk 3 [19/30] with 54 test filters in 3m47.112051358s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 15 [20/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.340656645s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 11 [21/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.882401231s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:22 Finished chunk 19 [22/30] with 54 test filters in 4m7.551093516s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:23 Finished chunk 21 [23/30] with 54 test filters in 4m8.221093446s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:25 Finished chunk 16 [24/30] with 54 test filters in 4m10.450451705s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:27 Finished chunk 5 [25/30] with 54 test filters in 4m12.162272692s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:28 Finished chunk 14 [26/30] with 54 test filters in 4m13.977801031s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:29 Finished chunk 0 [27/30] with 54 test filters in 4m14.34086812s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:49 Finished chunk 26 [28/30] with 54 test filters in 4m34.437085539s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:14 Finished chunk 7 [29/30] with 54 test filters in 4m59.22902721s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Finished chunk 4 [30/30] with 54 test filters in 5m5.103469214s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Executed 30 chunks in 5m5.104379119s. PASS: 30, FAIL: 0.
Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2016-12-07 07:16:48 +00:00
2017-04-17 18:18:46 -05:00
d e f i n e \ n
e n d e f
2015-10-20 23:10:49 -04:00
# if this session isn't interactive, then we don't want to allocate a
# TTY, which would fail, but if it is interactive, we do want to attach
# so that the user can send e.g. ^C through.
INTERACTIVE := $( shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0)
i f e q ( $( INTERACTIVE ) , 1 )
e n d i f
2014-11-13 16:04:13 -07:00
2015-10-20 23:10:49 -04:00
2015-02-25 10:37:36 +10:00
2013-12-03 15:51:43 -07:00
default : binary
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
all : build ## validate all checks, build linux binaries, run all tests\ncross build non-linux binaries and generate archives
2016-10-12 15:25:49 -04:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) bash -c 'hack/validate/default && hack/make.sh'
2013-12-03 15:51:43 -07:00
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
binary : build ## build the linux binaries
2013-12-03 15:51:43 -07:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh binary
2013-11-14 05:34:25 +00:00
2017-07-01 04:54:51 +10:00
dynbinary : build ## build the linux dynbinaries
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary
2016-06-27 09:19:48 +00:00
build : bundles init -go -pkg -cache
2017-04-17 18:18:46 -05:00
$( warning The docker client CLI has moved to github.com/docker/cli. By default, it is built from the git sha specified in hack/dockerfile/binaries-commits. For a dev-test cycle involving the CLI, run:${ \n } DOCKER_CLI_PATH = /host/path/to/cli/binary make shell ${ \n } then change the cli and compile into a binary at the same location.${ \n } )
2016-08-30 09:09:31 -04:00
docker build ${ BUILD_APT_MIRROR } ${ DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS } -t " $( DOCKER_IMAGE) " -f " $( DOCKERFILE) " .
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
bundles :
mkdir bundles
2016-12-05 10:10:06 -05:00
clean : clean -pkg -cache -vol ## clean up cached resources
clean-pkg-cache-vol :
@- $( foreach mapping,$( PKGCACHE_MAP) , \
$( shell docker volume rm $( PKGCACHE_VOLROOT) -$( shell echo $( mapping) | awk -F':/' '{ print $$1 }' ) > /dev/null 2>& 1) \
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
cross : build ## cross build the binaries for darwin, freebsd and\nwindows
2015-11-06 08:35:47 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary binary cross
2016-03-11 07:55:07 +01:00
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
deb : build ## build the deb packages
2015-11-06 08:35:47 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary build-deb
2015-07-09 14:51:02 -07:00
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
2016-08-29 14:06:45 -04:00
help : ## this help
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {sub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c"," "), $$2);printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $( MAKEFILE_LIST)
init-go-pkg-cache :
2016-12-05 10:10:06 -05:00
$( if $( PKGCACHE_DIR) , mkdir -p $( shell echo $( PKGCACHE_MAP) | sed -E 's@([^: ]*):[^ ]*@$(PKGCACHE_DIR)/\1@g' ) )
2016-08-29 14:06:45 -04:00
2016-05-23 21:44:43 -04:00
install : ## install the linux binaries
KEEPBUNDLE = 1 hack/make.sh install-binary
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
rpm : build ## build the rpm packages
2015-11-06 08:35:47 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary build-rpm
2014-12-16 14:25:37 +10:00
2016-07-07 16:01:44 -04:00
run : build ## run the docker daemon in a container
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) sh -c "KEEPBUNDLE=1 hack/make.sh install-binary run"
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
shell : build ## start a shell inside the build env
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
2016-04-07 16:10:09 +02:00
test : build ## run the unit, integration and docker-py tests
2015-11-06 08:35:47 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary cross test-unit test-integration-cli test-docker-py
2014-04-29 22:49:03 +00:00
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
test-docker-py : build ## run the docker-py tests
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary test-docker-py
2013-11-14 05:34:25 +00:00
2017-05-23 13:32:34 -07:00
test-integration-cli : build ## (DEPRECATED) use test-integration
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh build-integration-test-cli-binary dynbinary test-integration
test-integration : build ## run the integration tests
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary test-integration
2014-02-25 18:17:48 +02:00
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
test-unit : build ## run the unit tests
2015-11-21 17:31:25 +01:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh test-unit
2014-12-19 00:20:59 -07:00
2016-08-29 14:06:45 -04:00
tgz : build ## build the archives (.zip on windows and .tgz\notherwise) containing the binaries
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh dynbinary binary cross tgz
2016-08-17 16:25:14 +08:00
validate : build ## validate DCO, Seccomp profile generation, gofmt,\n./pkg/ isolation, golint, tests, tomls, go vet and vendor
2016-10-12 15:25:49 -04:00
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/validate/all
2016-04-06 13:45:21 -07:00
2016-08-29 14:06:45 -04:00
win : build ## cross build the binary for windows
$( DOCKER_RUN_DOCKER) hack/make.sh win
2016-10-03 14:14:53 -04:00
.PHONY : swagger -gen
swagger-gen :
2016-11-02 10:48:34 -04:00
docker run --rm -v $( PWD) :/go/src/github.com/docker/docker \
-w /go/src/github.com/docker/docker \
2016-10-04 11:28:23 -04:00
--entrypoint hack/generate-swagger-api.sh \
2016-11-02 10:48:34 -04:00
-e GOPATH = /go \
2016-12-02 01:36:10 +01:00
2016-12-02 17:37:56 +00:00
.PHONY : swagger -docs
swagger-docs : ## preview the API documentation
@echo " API docs preview will be running at http://localhost: $( SWAGGER_DOCS_PORT) "
@docker run --rm -v $( PWD) /api/swagger.yaml:/usr/share/nginx/html/swagger.yaml \
-e 'REDOC_OPTIONS=hide-hostname="true" lazy-rendering' \
-p $( SWAGGER_DOCS_PORT) :80 \
[EXPERIMENTAL] Integration Test on Swarm
This commit adds contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh,
which enables IT to be running in parallel, using Swarm-mode and Funker.
Please refer to contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md
The test takes almost 5 to 6 minutes, with 10 n1-standard-4 GCE instances.
$ ./contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh --push-worker-image example.gcr.io/foo/bar --replicas 30 --shuffle
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Loaded 1618 tests (30 chunks)
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing 30 chunks in parallel, against "integration-cli-worker"
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing chunk 0 (contains 54 test filters)
2016/12/29 08:34:34 Finished chunk 28 [1/30] with 54 test filters in 2m19.098068003s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:38 Finished chunk 12 [2/30] with 54 test filters in 2m23.088569511s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:48 Finished chunk 10 [3/30] with 54 test filters in 2m33.880679079s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:54 Finished chunk 20 [4/30] with 54 test filters in 2m39.973747028s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 18 [5/30] with 54 test filters in 2m56.28384361s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 29 [6/30] with 52 test filters in 2m56.54047088s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:15 Finished chunk 1 [7/30] with 54 test filters in 3m0.285044426s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:22 Finished chunk 6 [8/30] with 54 test filters in 3m7.211775338s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:24 Finished chunk 25 [9/30] with 54 test filters in 3m9.938413009s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:30 Finished chunk 27 [10/30] with 54 test filters in 3m15.219834368s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:36 Finished chunk 9 [11/30] with 54 test filters in 3m21.615434162s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:41 Finished chunk 13 [12/30] with 54 test filters in 3m26.576907401s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:45 Finished chunk 17 [13/30] with 54 test filters in 3m30.290752537s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:53 Finished chunk 2 [14/30] with 54 test filters in 3m38.148423321s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:55 Finished chunk 24 [15/30] with 54 test filters in 3m40.09669137s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 8 [16/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.299945108s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 22 [17/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.946558809s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:59 Finished chunk 23 [18/30] with 54 test filters in 3m44.232557165s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:02 Finished chunk 3 [19/30] with 54 test filters in 3m47.112051358s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 15 [20/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.340656645s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 11 [21/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.882401231s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:22 Finished chunk 19 [22/30] with 54 test filters in 4m7.551093516s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:23 Finished chunk 21 [23/30] with 54 test filters in 4m8.221093446s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:25 Finished chunk 16 [24/30] with 54 test filters in 4m10.450451705s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:27 Finished chunk 5 [25/30] with 54 test filters in 4m12.162272692s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:28 Finished chunk 14 [26/30] with 54 test filters in 4m13.977801031s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:29 Finished chunk 0 [27/30] with 54 test filters in 4m14.34086812s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:49 Finished chunk 26 [28/30] with 54 test filters in 4m34.437085539s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:14 Finished chunk 7 [29/30] with 54 test filters in 4m59.22902721s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Finished chunk 4 [30/30] with 54 test filters in 5m5.103469214s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Executed 30 chunks in 5m5.104379119s. PASS: 30, FAIL: 0.
Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2016-12-07 07:16:48 +00:00
build-integration-cli-on-swarm : build ## build images and binary for running integration-cli on Swarm in parallel
2017-05-15 14:34:44 +00:00
@echo "Building hack/integration-cli-on-swarm (if build fails, please refer to hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md)"
[EXPERIMENTAL] Integration Test on Swarm
This commit adds contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh,
which enables IT to be running in parallel, using Swarm-mode and Funker.
Please refer to contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/README.md
The test takes almost 5 to 6 minutes, with 10 n1-standard-4 GCE instances.
$ ./contrib/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm.sh --push-worker-image example.gcr.io/foo/bar --replicas 30 --shuffle
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Loaded 1618 tests (30 chunks)
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing 30 chunks in parallel, against "integration-cli-worker"
2016/12/29 08:32:15 Executing chunk 0 (contains 54 test filters)
2016/12/29 08:34:34 Finished chunk 28 [1/30] with 54 test filters in 2m19.098068003s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:38 Finished chunk 12 [2/30] with 54 test filters in 2m23.088569511s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:48 Finished chunk 10 [3/30] with 54 test filters in 2m33.880679079s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:34:54 Finished chunk 20 [4/30] with 54 test filters in 2m39.973747028s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 18 [5/30] with 54 test filters in 2m56.28384361s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:11 Finished chunk 29 [6/30] with 52 test filters in 2m56.54047088s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:15 Finished chunk 1 [7/30] with 54 test filters in 3m0.285044426s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:22 Finished chunk 6 [8/30] with 54 test filters in 3m7.211775338s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:24 Finished chunk 25 [9/30] with 54 test filters in 3m9.938413009s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:30 Finished chunk 27 [10/30] with 54 test filters in 3m15.219834368s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:36 Finished chunk 9 [11/30] with 54 test filters in 3m21.615434162s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:41 Finished chunk 13 [12/30] with 54 test filters in 3m26.576907401s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:45 Finished chunk 17 [13/30] with 54 test filters in 3m30.290752537s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:53 Finished chunk 2 [14/30] with 54 test filters in 3m38.148423321s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:55 Finished chunk 24 [15/30] with 54 test filters in 3m40.09669137s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 8 [16/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.299945108s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:57 Finished chunk 22 [17/30] with 54 test filters in 3m42.946558809s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:35:59 Finished chunk 23 [18/30] with 54 test filters in 3m44.232557165s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:02 Finished chunk 3 [19/30] with 54 test filters in 3m47.112051358s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 15 [20/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.340656645s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:11 Finished chunk 11 [21/30] with 54 test filters in 3m56.882401231s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:22 Finished chunk 19 [22/30] with 54 test filters in 4m7.551093516s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:23 Finished chunk 21 [23/30] with 54 test filters in 4m8.221093446s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:25 Finished chunk 16 [24/30] with 54 test filters in 4m10.450451705s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:27 Finished chunk 5 [25/30] with 54 test filters in 4m12.162272692s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:28 Finished chunk 14 [26/30] with 54 test filters in 4m13.977801031s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:29 Finished chunk 0 [27/30] with 54 test filters in 4m14.34086812s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:36:49 Finished chunk 26 [28/30] with 54 test filters in 4m34.437085539s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:14 Finished chunk 7 [29/30] with 54 test filters in 4m59.22902721s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Finished chunk 4 [30/30] with 54 test filters in 5m5.103469214s, code=0.
2016/12/29 08:37:20 Executed 30 chunks in 5m5.104379119s. PASS: 30, FAIL: 0.
Signed-off-by: Akihiro Suda <suda.akihiro@lab.ntt.co.jp>
2016-12-07 07:16:48 +00:00
go build -o ./hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/integration-cli-on-swarm ./hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/host
docker build -t $( INTEGRATION_CLI_MASTER_IMAGE) hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/agent
# For worker, we don't use `docker build` so as to enable DOCKER_INCREMENTAL_BINARY and so on
$( eval tmp := integration-cli-worker-tmp)
# We mount pkgcache, but not bundle (bundle needs to be baked into the image)
# For avoiding bakings DOCKER_GRAPHDRIVER and so on to image, we cannot use $(DOCKER_ENVS) here
docker exec $( tmp) hack/make.sh build-integration-test-binary dynbinary
docker exec $( tmp) go build -o /worker github.com/docker/docker/hack/integration-cli-on-swarm/agent/worker
docker commit -c 'ENTRYPOINT ["/worker"]' $( tmp) $( INTEGRATION_CLI_WORKER_IMAGE)
docker rm -f $( tmp)