2015-03-27 11:18:40 -07:00
# Riak
# VERSION 0.1.1
# Use the Ubuntu base image provided by dotCloud
FROM ubuntu:trusty
MAINTAINER Hector Castro hector@basho.com
# Install Riak repository before we do apt-get update, so that update happens
# in a single step
RUN apt-get install -q -y curl && \
2016-01-06 16:05:16 +01:00
curl -fsSL https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/basho/riak/script.deb | sudo bash
2015-03-27 11:18:40 -07:00
# Install and setup project dependencies
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y supervisor riak=2.0.5-1
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor
RUN locale-gen en_US en_US.UTF-8
COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf
# Configure Riak to accept connections from any host
RUN sed -i "s|listener.http.internal =|listener.http.internal =|" /etc/riak/riak.conf
RUN sed -i "s|listener.protobuf.internal =|listener.protobuf.internal =|" /etc/riak/riak.conf
# Expose Riak Protocol Buffers and HTTP interfaces
EXPOSE 8087 8098
CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]