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package memberlist
import (
// Packet is used to provide some metadata about incoming packets from peers
// over a packet connection, as well as the packet payload.
type Packet struct {
// Buf has the raw contents of the packet.
Buf []byte
// From has the address of the peer. This is an actual net.Addr so we
// can expose some concrete details about incoming packets.
From net.Addr
// Timestamp is the time when the packet was received. This should be
// taken as close as possible to the actual receipt time to help make an
// accurate RTT measurement during probes.
Timestamp time.Time
// Transport is used to abstract over communicating with other peers. The packet
// interface is assumed to be best-effort and the stream interface is assumed to
// be reliable.
type Transport interface {
// FinalAdvertiseAddr is given the user's configured values (which
// might be empty) and returns the desired IP and port to advertise to
// the rest of the cluster.
FinalAdvertiseAddr(ip string, port int) (net.IP, int, error)
// WriteTo is a packet-oriented interface that fires off the given
// payload to the given address in a connectionless fashion. This should
// return a time stamp that's as close as possible to when the packet
// was transmitted to help make accurate RTT measurements during probes.
// This is similar to net.PacketConn, though we didn't want to expose
// that full set of required methods to keep assumptions about the
// underlying plumbing to a minimum. We also treat the address here as a
// string, similar to Dial, so it's network neutral, so this usually is
// in the form of "host:port".
WriteTo(b []byte, addr string) (time.Time, error)
// PacketCh returns a channel that can be read to receive incoming
// packets from other peers. How this is set up for listening is left as
// an exercise for the concrete transport implementations.
PacketCh() <-chan *Packet
// DialTimeout is used to create a connection that allows us to perform
// two-way communication with a peer. This is generally more expensive
// than packet connections so is used for more infrequent operations
// such as anti-entropy or fallback probes if the packet-oriented probe
// failed.
DialTimeout(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)
// StreamCh returns a channel that can be read to handle incoming stream
// connections from other peers. How this is set up for listening is
// left as an exercise for the concrete transport implementations.
StreamCh() <-chan net.Conn
// Shutdown is called when memberlist is shutting down; this gives the
// transport a chance to clean up any listeners.
Shutdown() error